Get inspired to reinvent your closet and wardrobe for good! If your closet is disorganized and you find yourself spending too much time trying to decide on what to wear each morning, or if you are struggling to manage the excess in your wardrobe, this episode is for you! Kelly and Lauren share practical tips to help you declutter and organize your closet and they announce an exciting new method they have developed to help you build a functional wardrobe that caters to your lifestyle! After years of trying to solve their own closet and wardrobe challenges, Kelly and Lauren became inspired to build on their lessons to develop a modern method that has since transformed their closets and their lives for the better! Be inspired to reflect on your wardrobe habits and start building and maintaining the closet of your dreams!
----more---- Related Episodes Ep. 61 Build a Conscious Closet Ep. 71 Declutter and Simplify Your Life Ep. 72 Clean out Your Closet with Erin Flynn (Cladwell App) Ep. 78 Tidy the Konmari Way with Lisa Tselebidis Ep. 83 Get Organized with The Home Edit