Be inspired by all the ways you can simplify your life and be motivated to adopt positive habits to help you live a more fulfilling every day. Recently on the Millennial Minimalists' Instagram and Facebook pages, Kelly and Lauren asked you about your lifestyle goals and achievements and today they share your responses and their answers to your questions! The questions they asked included: 1) What have you recently let go of or minimized? And, 2) What is one habit that you have recently adopted to live simply each day? Plus, together they each share their own responses to these questions including what they are each still working to minimize today and the new, additional habits they are each looking to implement into their lifestyles. This is part 1 of a 2-part Q&A episode so stayed tuned for part-2 releasing next Monday! Get 10% off your first month of therapy with BetterHelp Follow us on Instagram & Facebook!