This month marks the 2-year anniversary of the Millennial Minimalist’s podcast and Kelly and Lauren share a few announcements! First, Kelly and Lauren announce that they are taking a break from the podcast for the next few weeks, but they will be back with new episodes in the Fall! They will continue to run their simple living consultation sessions and be active on Instagram and Facebook. Secondly, Kelly and Lauren are seeking your feedback! They have put together a 5-minute questionnaire to better understand your minimalist lifestyle goals and further grow the podcast (see the link below)! By completing this survey, you will be entered to win a consulting session with Kelly and Lauren! In the meantime, go back in time with the Millennial Minimalists and check out previous episodes! With over 80 episodes of helpful content, scroll back and enjoy! See the top 5 below! MM Podcast Questionnaire
Book a Simple Living Consultation Top 5 Episodes to Date:
Build a Conscious Closet Let's Talk About Burnout with Hamza Khan Declutter & Simplify Your Life The Bullet Journal Method with Mac Whale Minimalist Productivity Habits