Learn the power of simplicity to reduce stress, improve your health, and “be more with less.”
Lauren and Kelly connect with minimalism and simplicity thought leader Courtney Carver. She is the author of Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More, and the creator of minimalist fashion challenge #Project333, which involves dressing with 33 items or less for 3 months.
Courtney says, “simplicity is the way back to love.” She runs BeMorewithLess.com where she offers e-courses and advice on how to live more simply. Her work and #Project333 have been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine among notable publications, wellness blogs and podcasts.
Connect with Courtney Carver
Web: BeMorewithLess.com
IG: @bemorewithless
TW: @bemorewithless