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With massive numbers of school closures beginning across the country, it’s important to have a plan. Most kids and their parents are not used to endless hours with our kids. Catherine Pearlman, The Family Coach, offers some ways to get through with your sanity and even how to enjoy it. This episode offers tons of practical tips and down-to-earth advice on how to handle time home with your kids.
Dr. Catherine Pearlman is a licensed clinical social worker and the founder of The Family Coach. She’s also the author of Ignore It! How selectively looking the other way can decrease behavioral issues and increase parenting satisfaction.
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ABOUT HUNTER CLARKE-FIELDS: Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindful mama mentor. She coaches smart, thoughtful parents on how to create calm and cooperation in their daily lives. Hunter has over 20 years of experience in mindfulness practices. She has taught thousands worldwide. Be a part of the tribe! Join the Mindful Parenting membership.
Download the audio training, Mindfulness For Moms (The Superpower You Need) for free! It's at Find more podcasts, blog posts, free resources, and how to work with Hunter at
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