Hunter talks to Sharon Salzberg about Lovingkindness & Mindfulness for Real Happiness.
From an early childhood filled with fear, uncertainty, and trauma, Sharon Salzberg found that the teachings of the Buddha normalized her suffering and gave her a path to liberation. She has followed that path to become one of the most preeminent teachers of mindfulness in the world through her writings, talks, and retreats. In this episode, Sharon shares insights into meditation and lovingkindness practice in her down-to-earth, relatable way that provides true insight.
Some big takeaways from this episode include: 1. The engine for insight is mindfulness 2. Lovingkindness practice is an antidote to fear 3. The core of meditation and lovingkindness practice is to shift how we’re relating to our own experience
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ABOUT HUNTER CLARKE-FIELDS: Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindful mama mentor. She coaches overstressed moms on how to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives. Hunter has over 20 years of experience in yoga & mindfulness practices. She has taught thousands worldwide, and is the creator of the Mindful Parenting course.
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