Hunter talks to Bethany about How To Handle Potty Talk.
“My recent challenges have to do with my 6 year old being negative and using inappropriate language in public (which results in my 4 year old doing the same). I usually end up threatening consequences to get them to stop.”
Potty talk is so annoying, but it gets worse when your child does it in public — then it’s embarrassing too! In this on-air coaching call, listen as I talk to Bethany about how to deal with embarrassing potty talk and other things that her 6 year-old son says.
Some big takeaways from this episode include: 1. Resorting to threats may seem to “work” in the short run, but in the long run creates resistance 2. It’s vital to acknowledge and feel our feelings 3. Our beliefs under the surface can often drive our behavior
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ABOUT HUNTER CLARKE-FIELDS: Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindful mama mentor. She coaches overstressed moms on how to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives. Hunter has over 20 years of experience in yoga & mindfulness practices. She has taught thousands worldwide, and is the creator of the Mindful Parenting course.
Download the audio training, Mindfulness For Moms (The Superpower You Need) for free! It's at Find more podcasts, blog posts, free resources, and how to work with Hunter at
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