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So many of us are concerned about what will happen (or not happen) with school this fall. Is it safe? What will the schedule be like? The only thing certain is that it will be different. Perhaps we need to broaden our definition of what it means to do school. Perhaps learning could travel outdoors? I talk to Megan Fitzgerald, co-founder of Tinkergarten, about how to support kids best in these times.


  1. Outdoors is a safer place for kids to be social and learn right now.
  2. We can set up our home environments to optimize independent play.
  3. We can teach kids to manage risks playfully.

Meghan Fitzgerald alongside her husband, Brian founded Tinkergarten. Meghan previously worked as an Elementary School Principal and teacher as well as a Math/Science Specialist.

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ABOUT HUNTER CLARKE-FIELDS: Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindful mama mentor. She coaches smart, thoughtful parents on how to create calm and cooperation in their daily lives. Hunter has over 20 years of experience in mindfulness practices. She has taught thousands worldwide. Be a part of the tribe! Join the Mindful Parenting membership.

Download the audio training, Mindfulness For Moms (The Superpower You Need) for free! It's at Find more podcasts, blog posts, free resources, and how to work with Hunter at

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