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Did you know that highly stressed western children look just like war refugee children in terms of stress? In this episode, I talk to Kim Payne, author of Simplicity Parenting. We talk about “the undeclared war on childhood,” and how our culture of too much too fast, too young, is overwhelming our kids.
About Kim: Kim John Payne, M.ED has been passionately working to thousands of people give voice to the feeling that something is not okay about the new normal of overwhelm that so many people are now experiencing. He offers do-able ways to build deep connections with our children that give families resiliency and simple joy. Find out more about Simplicity Parenting and Kim here at
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ABOUT HUNTER CLARKE-FIELDS: Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindful mama mentor. She coaches smart, thoughtful parents on how to create calm and cooperation in their daily lives. Hunter has over 20 years of experience in mindfulness practices. She has taught thousands worldwide. Be a part of the tribe! Join the Mindful Parenting membership.
Download the audio training, Mindfulness For Moms (The Superpower You Need) for free! It's at Find more podcasts, blog posts, free resources, and how to work with Hunter at
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