The Terrible Twos. The Three-nagers. Why are these years so hard, filled with countless meltdowns, frustration, and stress? Does it have to be this way? In today’s podcast, I talk to Devon Kuntzman, ACC and ICF certified coach about how we can overcome the challenges and experience the joy of toddlerhood.
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Devon Kuntzman, ACC, is an ICF-certified coach on a mission to transform the myth that toddlerhood is terrible. Devon empowers toddler parents to overcome the challenges of toddlerhood, nurture development and create confidence in their skills by being the Loving Leader & Guide™ through using positive, respectful, and developmentally appropriate parenting tools.
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ABOUT HUNTER CLARKE-FIELDS: Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindful mama mentor. She coaches smart, thoughtful parents on how to create calm and cooperation in their daily lives. Hunter has over 20 years of experience in mindfulness practices. She has taught thousands worldwide. Be a part of the tribe—we’re over 25 thousand strong!
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