Hunter talks to Avital Schreiber about When You & Your Partner Disagree on Parenting.
What do you do when you and your partner disagree about how to parent your children? You may be into peaceful parenting while your partner wants to punish. This question is posed to me all of the time, so I’m so thrilled to talk to Avital Schreiber, The Parenting Junkie, about it.
Some big takeaways from this episode include: 1. Get curious rather than telling them what to do. Our partners don’t learn through criticism or threats 2. Solve the problem rather than blame 3. You must embody the same qualities you want your partner to show your children.
Avital is a mindful parenting coach and imperfect mom to four little, spirited gurus.
She’s dedicated to helping you be the loving parent you most want to be.
She’s honored to be able to say that she has an audience from all around the world. Her work has been published in Huff Post and is endorsed and recommended by the leaders in the parenting space, Dr. Shefali Tsabary and Dr. Laura Markham. She has helped thousands of parents through her courses and memberships and hundreds of thousands through her blog.
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ABOUT HUNTER CLARKE-FIELDS: Hunter Clarke-Fields is a mindful mama mentor. She coaches overstressed moms on how to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives. Hunter has over 20 years of experience in yoga & mindfulness practices. She has taught thousands worldwide, and is the creator of the Mindful Parenting course.
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