Minimal-ish: Minimalism, Intentional Living, Motherhood
Today I'm bringing you a solo episode of something I've been learning lately. I hope this idea of learning when to call it enough, stop trying so hard and stop striving for perfectionism resonates with you if you've been feeling tired, run down, even overwhelmed.
It's so easy to just never settle in an area of our life because we always think we need to improve. We see others who are better than us or more of an expert than us on social media. We see a new way of doing something we are already doing fine at. And we choose to keep striving for perfect instead of choose to be content with how things are.
This isn't about never growing or improving on anything - it's about the fact that we can't be growing and improving in everything at once. Some thing, we're just going to be okay at in this season, and that has to be okay, or we're never going to feel good about ourselves.
Listen in- I hope this episode feels like a warm hug or a breathe of fresh air that you need as much as I did/ still do.
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