Welcome to Era 2!
To kick off this season, I will be completing the list of the thirteen British colonies that will rebel in 1775. This includes showing the aftermath of the events of 1676, the merging and unmerging of various colonies, as well as the creation of completely new colonies. This is just the first episode, so this acts as more of a bird’s-eye view.
But don’t worry, each of these colonies will be explored more in depth in later episodes as I dive into local events and the far-reaching, era-spanning phenomena. I will not be neglecting the non-British colonies, as those are pivotal to the history of America, and have their own side of the story to tell.
This era of history is largely overlooked in the AP notes, though it dives deeply into certain aspects of it, but it was vital in the formation of new identities that lead to conflict between the mother countries and the colonies.
So, I have my work cut out for me to fill in those missing pages…
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Intro: Fractured Timeline - Sémø
Outro: Join the Ride - Magnetic Buzz
William Penn, Politics and Conscience - Mary Maples Dunn
Scotland and Its First American Colony - Ned C. Landsman
The French in North America - W. J. Eccles
Colonial Maryland, A History - Aubrey C. Land
Colonial South Carolina, A History - Robert M. Weir
Albion’s Seed - David Hackett Fischer
El Norte - Carrie Gibson
Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898 - Edwin G. Burrows & Mike Wallace
American Colonies: The Settling of North America - Alan Taylor
Before the Revolution: America’s Ancient Pasts - Daniel K. Richter
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