Being a disciple can be hard and it can be easy. It just all depends on which day you catch me. Some days being like Jesus seems like a walk in the park, while others, like a walk through the Amazon jungle. Or using another analogy, being a disciple can sometimes feel like bull riding. You jump on the back of a mission that seems so much bigger than you. Some days it feels like life is just twisting and turning and bucking and I’m just trying to hang on. But the difference is, with bull riding, I’ve got to do it all on my own, and I only have to make it 8 seconds. With being a disciple, I have to make it everyday, all the way across the finish line. But I have Jesus giving me strength and guidance the whole way. So today we want to talk about the ups and downs of living the Kingdom Life. “What do you think is the hardest thing about being a disciple of Jesus?”