Liz Migliorelli belongs to a lineage of spinsters, hedge witches, bee maidens, apple romancers and herb cunning-folk. She is a herbalist, animist and educator. Liz’s work is inspired by the old folkways, the emerging folkways and the deep enchantment of the plant realm. She roots her work in the stories and practices of her ancestors. She lives on Munsee-Esopus-Lenape land at the foot of the Catskill Mountains. Liz facilitates classes on plant medicine, ancestral remembrance, earth rhythms, folk magic, hearth culture and plant poetics. You can learn more about her work at
Instagram: @sister_spinster
What is the Modern Witches Community?
Through events, educational content, and community we aim to heal and honor the collective’s relationship to the witch. Witches are our teachers, wise ones, brujx, mentors, herbalists, empaths, storytellers, and weavers of the world. Witches help us tap into our innate powers, and through community, they guide us closer to collective healing. The Modern Witches Confluence community is creating a sacred container for those witch-curious, witch-identifying, and magically minded to authentically connect and learn. Our community includes seekers, astrologers, healers, shape-shifters, mystics, artists, activists, and more. What makes our community so radiant is the diversity of spiritual paths that are practiced and honored here, each with respect and reverence.
Learn More About Our Community and The Modern Witches Organization via our website and our Instagram @witchesconfluence