Seraphina Capranos, She/Her, CEO and Founder of The Center For Sacred ArtsSeraphina Capranos is a clinical herbalist, homeopath, and initiated priestess with a practice spanning over two decades. As well as being a deeply engaging teacher and speaker, she has a clinical practice on an island in the Salish Sea. Her unique blend of gifts straddle the vast worlds of plant medicine, homeopathy, and ritual and ceremonial magic. She is a sought after international teacher who has taught thousands of students since 2008. She is the CEO and founder of The Center for Sacred Arts.Our sisters at The Center for Sacred Arts Seraphina Capranos and Dr. Karley Denoon, ND have birthed a groundbreaking new program From the Wild Edge. Alchemizing Karley’s extensive experience in the medical arts & sciences, and Seraphina’s rich background as a clinical herbalist, homeopath & priestess, they’ve combined over 30 years of sitting with thousands of women as their doctor, herbalist, homeopath, ritualist, and teacher. Starting on May 13th, you’ll receive dedicated support through twice-weekly live mentorship sessions (recorded and available for self-paced exploration) and more!TO KNOW MORE:Her School Website: website:
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