What does it mean to be a modern witch?
Jessie Susannah Karnatz, aka the Money Witch, brings capitalism-critical, shame-free education to healers, hustlers, and creatives in order to catalyze change in their financial lives. She believes healing our finances will bring blessing to our lives, our lineages, and our communities. She offers education, Money Magic products, Intuitive Financial Coaching, and tax preparation online and in the Bay Area (unceded Ohlone land) and does it all with impeccable business lady style.
Queen of Pentacles zine & Money Magic products: moneywitch.bigcartel.com
You can find more information on her work at:
the website: www.moneywitch.com
Instagram @money.witch Teachable https://money-witch.teachable.com/
YouTube at youtube.com/moneywitch
Twitter @money_witch
What is the Modern Witches Community?
Through events, educational content, and community we aim to heal and honor the collective’s relationship to the witch. Witches are our teachers, wise ones, brujx, mentors, herbalists, empaths, storytellers, and weavers of the world. Witches help us tap into our innate powers, and through community, they guide us closer to collective healing. The Modern Witches Confluence community is creating a sacred container for those witch-curious, witch-identifying, and magically minded to authentically connect and learn. Our community includes seekers, astrologers, healers, shape-shifters, mystics, artists, activists, and more. What makes our community so radiant is the diversity of spiritual paths that are practiced and honored here, each with respect and reverence.
Learn More About Our Community and The Modern Witches Organization via our website modernwitches.org and our Instagram @witchesconfluence