The first place I recommend you start decluttering isn't your home at's your home away from home! (No, not Target or Starbucks!) It's your vehicle. Today I explain WHY to start here and walk you step-by-step through the process!
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I help moms declutter their homes, heads, and hearts.
Contact - > [email protected]
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Connect -> Join our free Facebook group Decluttering Tips and Support for Overwhelmed Moms
Instagram -> @simplebyemmy and @momsovercomingoverwhelm
*** Don't Know Where to Start? ***
5 Steps to Overcome Overwhelm ->
5 Mindset Shifts for Decluttering ->
Wanna work with me to kick overwhelm to the curb, mama? There are three options for you!
Step 1: Join a supportive community of moms plus decluttering challenges to keep you on track at the free Facebook group Decluttering Tips and Support for Overwhelmed Moms
Step 2: Grab a free 10-minute clarity call at
Step 3: Get more personalized support with in-person or virtual decluttering coaching!