This one thing can be a major game-changer in your decluttering toolbox! It allows you to spend your time and energy in getting through a space rather than agonizing about whether you want to keep something or not. Can you guess what it is?
Resources Mentioned:
If you’d like to work with me, I am offering both in-person decluttering services for those of you in the greater Washington DC metro area, or virtual services for everyone else! Contact me at [email protected] to find out more about my pricing and availability!
Have a question about decluttering, simplifying, systems, or anything else we talk about on the podcast? You can now leave me a voice message here. Scroll to the bottom and look for the microphone and the bottom that says START RECORDING. Who knows, your question may be answered on an upcoming episode!
Episodes Mentioned:
Episode 5: Don’t Know Where to Start Decluttering? The Answer May Surprise You
Episode 7: Stop Wasting Time Looking for Stuff in Your Home! Follow This Simple Rule Instead
Episode 46: Declutter When Your Kids are Home for the Summer with These 3 Simple Hacks
Episode 6: The EASIEST Way to Declutter Any Space in Your Home!
I help moms declutter their homes, heads, and hearts.
Contact - > [email protected]
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Instagram -> @simplebyemmy and @momsovercomingoverwhelm
*** Don't Know Where to Start? ***
5 Steps to Overcome Overwhelm ->
5 Mindset Shifts for Decluttering ->
Wanna work with me to kick overwhelm to the curb, mama? There are three options for you!
Step 1: Join a supportive community of moms plus decluttering challenges to keep you on track at the free Facebook group Decluttering Tips and Support for Overwhelmed Moms
Step 2: Grab a free 10-minute clarity call at
Step 3: Get more personalized support with in-person or virtual decluttering coaching!