In this unashamedly magical episode, my collaborator Jonathan Koe and I are joined by a dearly admired member of our community spaces - Nicole France-Coe. Nicole landed in an astrology course that we tended to last year, and this year, Nicole will be joining us as part of the community support team for our upcoming course, Astrology as Praxis along with Jaclyn Skeans, who was the guest of Episode 23. This conversation is as unapologetically mystical, profound, and grounded as Nicole's presence is.
We discussed how Nicole found our spaces through a deep, intuitive call to learn astrology, how Nicole's life led them to the devotional path to The Great Mystery, and what she's learned about being living in the liminal as a mixed race, gender non-conforming, neurodivergent human. Nicole also spoke about her experience with astrology - trusting the stars to tell her who she is, working directly with the planets through her own embodied gnosis, and how astrology connects them to their ancestors.
Nicole, Jonathan, and I had such a fun time during the point of the conversation where we collectively realized that Astrology as Praxis will be a year-long dance party with the planets. I'm excited for you to experience Nicole's magic with us in Astrology as Praxis.
Here’s Nicole’s bio:
Nicole Providence France-Coe (she/they) is a devotee to Great Mystery and all Its beauty, pleasure, liminality, and dismantling power. She is more at home in the Unknown than the Binary and the Static. Being born onto Earth as a mixed race, gender non-conforming, neurodivergent human has provided the blood and bone blueprint for learning how to dance in the cracks.
Nicole relates deeply to the archetypal energy of the Trickster as well as the High Priestess and delights in wedding these two energies in her body and through her oracular offerings.
This fall, with her partner Dicky, they will be launching their business website, The Lion & the Lute. This space will hold their offerings in service to ancestral healing, oracular arts, handmade goods and flower essences.
In the meantime, you can reach Nicole at [email protected] or IG @nicolefrancecoe.
In this episode, Nicole also mentioned The Lyceum - The Sacred Trust as well as Kathryn Solie's poisonous plant medicine class
We also mention the work of Rachel Blodgett of Serpent & Bow. You can hear Rachel on M2M in Episode 43. And Megan Frye of Healing Wave Hypnosis. You can hear Megan on M2M Episode 56.
Join me and Jonathan in a year-long astrological learning container, Astrology as Praxis! Our curriculum explores various portals to approaching and integrating astrology into our lives - as a practice for unlocking creativity, questioning consensus reality, and remembering our participation in the cosmic body. We begin our journey on Sep 10, 2022, and registration will open on Aug 26-28, 2022.