Happy Holidays from your favorite apostates! Lena and Meg sit down with their stories from Christmas past! With props in hand, they talk about what it was like to spend Christmas as a missionaries. From caroling and biases being tossed up on a ledge like elf on the shelf, this episode will rock your pants off. Promise! With no clue how future holidays will look, they discuss what the season looks like now as people who no longer identify as Christian. So call this episode The Ghost of Christmas Past & Present and come along for the sleigh ride!
Thanks for all of the love and support you gave the show this year! Pay it forward with a donation to www.queermeals.org
Merry Christmas!
Make sure you run to the More Than Mormon Podcast YouTube to see all of the holiday props and for a surprise throw back to the beginning of the show! While you are there, hit that "thumbs up" button and Subscribe on your way out... ;)