Episode 398: Neal and Toby review the latest earnings from tech powerhouse Nvidia to see what is the secret of its success. Next, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is charged with complicity of spreading illicit content on his platform, and he’s not allowed to leave France. Then, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway becomes the first US non-tech company to cross the $1 trillion market cap threshold. Also, Neal shares his favorite numbers in expensive hotel rooms, the US Open’s signature cocktail, and why bitcoin mining is a booming industry in Texas. Lastly, Mammoth Cave National Park is listed as one of the most disappointing parks to visit and why the park is fully embracing it.
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00:00 - Nvidia earnings watch party?
2:30 - Nvidia’s earnings is a spectacle
07:30 - Telegram CEO charged
11:50 - Berkshire Hathaway joins the $1T club
17:30 - Profitable from NOT bitcoin mining
20:10 - Hotel rooms are getting too $$$
22:10 - Honey Deuce is the star of the US Open
24:15 - Is Mammoth Cave park a letdown
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