Douglas (Doug) Wilson
is sadly, a controversial figure in modern Evangelical circles. I say "sadly" because his heart beats Bible and his zeal is for the Lord to be honored. Any differences of interpretation or opinion should be graciously viewed in that light by all Christ-followers. Again, sadly, this isn't the case.
Topics in this conversation
[2:25] How Christians should evaluate what we're seeing in our culture these days (early 2022)
[8:30] When you feel unable to dig into scripture, where do you begin?
[13:02] Where to begin to establish a Christian home
[18:39] Warnings for men who think they are supposed to "rule" their homes
[23:21] What IS "Servant Leadership" really?
[28:05] Handling resistance because of a life lived for Christ
[35:44] Is it true that Christians should not judge?
[38:32] What's happening in Doug's ministry these days, and my prayer for him.
Quotes from Doug:
REGARDING A MAN'S LEADERSHIP IN THE HOME: "A man should be tough on the wolves, but he should be tender toward the sheep."
DEFINITION OF MASCULINITY: "The glad assumption of sacrificial responsibility"
"How do you get in shape for a time of persecution. It's by having people into your homes."
"Doug" Resources
Doug's podcast - Plodcast
Each weekly, 30-ish minute episode includes three sections 1. Commentary || 2. Hamartiology (the study of sin) || 3. Book Reviews & Reccomendations.
Blog and Mablog Doug's blog, where he publishes a TON of helpful stuff, two to three times per week. Topics range from biblical interpretation, to culture, to politics, to world events, to daily Christian living.
The Controversy Library
As mentioned in the conversation, Doug is a magnet for controversy. In my opinion this is because he's willing to say what the Bible says even when it's not culturally "correct" or socially palatable.
My STRONG exhortation, if you come across ANY hit-pieces aimed at Doug or his ministry at Christ Church or New St. Andrews College, check out this page to hear HIS side of the story. You'll see that he's seldom represented fairly when you do.
Doug's video project -
Man Rampant
Doug's wife, Nancy has a podcast as well -
Doug mentioned his daughter Rachel Jancovich has some resources available. You can find
Rachel's YouTube playlist here Books Doug has read and evaluates
Doug's on Youtube (the Canon Press channel)
You can find loads of great commentary, conversations, etc. on this channel. You can also find many interviews OTHERS have done with Doug and published on their channels. Search his name in YT and you'll find loads.
Canon Press
CP is the Publishing house where Doug's writings and other helpful resources are published. Doug is at least partly responsible for the running of CP.
Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho
This is the local, small-ish-town church where Doug pastors. He's pastored there for its entire history. The church is growing rapidly due to many who are moving from larger communities in an effort to find a more balanced, sane place to live and raise a family.
Reforming Marriage by Douglas Wilson
Federal Husband by Douglas Wilson
Morning Mindset Resources