Mortally Wounded Episode 20 - Flesh-Eater Courts
In this episode, Chris, James and special guest Mat “The Mayor” Tyrell have a chat about the new Flesh-Eater Courts battletome! We talk a bit about the lore, abilities, artefacts, spells, courts, delusions and dare we say it.. Bretonnians.. all this and a few list ideas thrown around.
Another sterling FEC episode for your podcast list, we hope you enjoy!
00:00:00-00:14:30 - Introductions, hobby, games played.
00:14:30-01:41:20 - Lore, abilities, artefacts and courts.
01:41:20-02:34:30 - Battalions, endless spells and lists.
02:34:30-02:38:50 - Outro song.