Mortally Wounded Podcast Episode 25 - Sydney Slaughter 2019 Wrap-Up
In this episode, we interview the top 4 placers at Sydney Slaughter 2019. Matt Campbell (Blades of Khorne), Steven Drury (Grand Host of Nagash), Sean Haigh (Anvils of the Heldenhammer) and Keith Williamson (Gloomspite Gitz) join us to talk about their experiences at Slaughter, a bit of hobby progress, favourite battle plans and game highlights, how we can improve the event for next year and first thoughts about the General’s Handbook 2019 release.
00:00:00-00:59:20 - Intro and Part 1: Interview with Matt, Steven and Keith
00:59:44-01:27:49 - Interview with Sean Haigh
01:28:14-02:06:12 - Part 2: Interview with Matt, Steven and Keith
02:06:12-02:10:01 - Outro Song
Keith’s YouTube Channel “Creaky Gamers”:
Matt can be found on the Sydney AoS Facebook group:
Steven on the Sydney AoS Facebook group and Company of Dice
Sean on the Facebook