Do you only encounter God by interruption and not intention? You need a fresh start!
Mosaic Lead Pastor Erwin McManus shares a powerful message on realigning our intention with God to step into the future we were created to live, in week two of our ‘Fresh Start’ series!
Pastor Erwin shares with us the story of Moses from Acts 7. Moses was intended by God to be a champion of the Jewish people, who were enslaved in Egypt. Moses was Jewish, and had been adopted and raised as Pharoah’s son, where he then wasted the first 40 years of his life in entitlement. After murdering an Egyptian man, Moses fled to the desert, where he spent another 40 years as an anonymous shepherd.
Moses was living outside his intention, and God interrupted his life with an angel who spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Moses was instructed to return to Egypt and deliver the Jewish people to freedom from Pharoah. God had heard the cries of his people and wanted them to be set free.
Moses went from standing on sand to walking on holy ground. God asked Moses to take off his sandals, not to honor God, but to realign Moses to God’s intention. God gave Moses a fresh start to see what God sees, hear what God hears, and care what God cares about: his people.
Your fresh start isn’t just for you! It’s for others.
If you’ve been hiding as a shepherd when you should be a king, this is your chance to step into the fresh start God offers you!