What alienates us from the presence of God? How do we not succumb to fear of failure, but have faith in a better future? Pastor Erwin McManus brings a compelling message that reminds us where the real battle of our lives is won or lost: the battle of our inner world.
In 1 Kings 19:1-19 Elijah was afraid of a threat of death from Jezebel and ran for his life. After a great moment of courage where God provided for him, his faith was corrupted by fear. Fear is the negative expression of our faith, founded in a belief that the worst will happen to us. Pastor Erwin teaches us that whatever informs us, forms us; we must listen and pay close attention to the inner voices that shape our choices.
Our future is not destined to be a replica of our past. God empowers each of us to face our fears and run into our freedom. Though we can be tempted like Elijah to run away from our fears, God reminds us over and over in the scriptures that He will meet us in our fear and use it to make us stronger. God wants to shape our inner world in the midst of our biggest battle. It is through the mastery of our inner worlds that we will find peace.
“The warriors aren’t ready for battle until they come to know peace.”
–Erwin McManus
"Inner Peace" message by Erwin McManus, previously recorded at Hillsong Colour Conference 2019.
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