The upcoming Star Wars show, "The Acolyte," is set to premiere on June 4, 2024 8. The series unfolds during the High Republic era, a golden age for the Jedi Order, roughly 100 years before the events of "The Phantom Menace" 1. The trailer teases a dark and mysterious storyline, featuring a respected Jedi Master pitted against a dangerous warrior from his past, hinting at sinister forces and a crime spree that threatens the peace 4.
And for all the Star Wars enthusiasts out there, get ready for our special episode dropping the week of May the Fourth, where we'll dive deep into the Star Wars timeline and explore where "The Acolyte" fits into the grand saga. Stay tuned for an epic journey through the galaxy far, far away! 🌌✨
Mostly Superheroes is an independent podcast owned and operated by Carrogan Studios in St. Louis Missouri.
Hosted by Logan Janis, Andy Hunn, Scott Swanguarim
Creative by Carrie Clark Design
Music by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Funded in part by Paying Patrons – Early, Ad-Free, and Exclusive Episodes
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©2024 Carrogan Ventures, LLC