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Mother Miriam Live: Host Mother Miriam takes you on a spiritual journey through some of life’s toughest challenges. (Live Monday-Friday 10am ET)
The podcast Mother Miriam Live is created by The Station of the Cross Catholic Media Network. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Mother Miriam Live - February 17th, 2025
Septuagesima: We Were Robbed of Our Traditions!
The troubling efforts of the Charismatic Movement.
How to balance our devotion to Mary with our worship of God?
Mother Miriam Live - February 14th, 2025
The Catholic origins of Valentine's Day!
What is the Catholic Churches stance on immigration? Part 2
What are your thoughts on the USCCB's letter to Trump on the Southern Border?
How should we view the leaders of the countries where these illegal immigrants are coming from?
A correction on Mother's Lourdes story from a few days ago.
When did the culture shift to look at sex before marriage as normal?
How can I convince my same sex attracted brother to call off his "wedding"?
How did Mother know that she could receive the Eucharist while being a celiac?
Mother Miriam Live - February 13th, 2025
Septuagesima and the Parable of the Vineyard Part 2
How should we view the term, "The New Israel"?
Mother Miriam Live - February 12th, 2025
Septuagesima and the Parable of the Vineyard
How can I be a Catholic with a sinful pope?
Do you think that when Jesus was a little boy that he knew that He would suffer on the cross?
What is the Catholic Churches stance on immigration?
Mother Miriam Live - February 11th, 2025
My story of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Are Catholics the replacement of Jews?
What are the differences between Catholic and Protestant worship?
What advice do you have for young people who are thinking about the religious life?
What do you think about the Toward Jerusalem Council II movement?
Do you pray to Mary and the saints?
Mother Miriam Live - February 10th, 2025
I'm back beloved!
I qualify for the Wolcott Foundation which is run by the Freemasons, should I avoid applying?
Why do you call your priests "Father"?
A Protestant's response on the Eucharist being a symbol.
Why did the Jews stop making animal sacrifices after Jesus died?
Mother Miriam Live - January 28th, 2025
How St. Francis de Sales influenced me.
How exactly does plenary indulgences work?
Is it impossible for some people whose spouse is an insincere Catholic?
As a 70-year-old female I'm wondering if I still have the opportunity to join a convent?
Please explain what the year of jubilee is in the Catholic Church?
If two Catholics lived together before they got married and now are married, what is their culpability at this point?
Question about applying for the Wolcott Foundation who are supported by the Masons.
Mother Miriam Live - January 22nd, 2025
Continuing: How to Understand the Story of Baby Moses?
Questions from a baptism about Catholic stereotypes.
How should I, a wife and mother of two young children, handle being nervous about doing RCIA alone?
A question about holy/God's work vs normal work. (May be continued)
Mother Miriam Live - January 21st, 2025
How to Understand the Story of Baby Moses?
What is the sin of presumption?
My teenage brother got converted to Islam, how can I evangelize to him?
Some old ladies approached me while I was praying in church and gave me money, why would they do that?
Dealing with scrupulosity and what seems to be teachings that aren't that important.
Questions from a baptism about Catholic stereotypes.
Mother Miriam Live - January 15th, 2025
The Family, The Critical Cell of Civilization.
Ear piercings, baggy pants and strange haircuts immodest for men?
Should I worry if my future spouse could be deceptive in our marriage?
Struggling with gossiping.
Our old parish are taking kids out of the church around communion time for a "children's service".
Can a retired priest celebrate our wedding?
A priest homily we heard recently that Catholics must believe in a literal 6, 24-hour period of creation. Is that true?
Mother Miriam Live - January 14th, 2025
Following the Example of the Holy Family
What is the Catholic stance on Euthanasia and MAID?
How can I focus and not be distracted when reading the Bible?
Can you explain Purgatory?
How can your order have more than one Mother?
Ear piercings, baggy pants and strange haircuts immodest for men?
Mother Miriam Live - January 13th, 2025
St. Thomas on marriage, what is good and holy?
Will the tenure of the popes keep getting longer?
Can parishes have gluten-free hosts?
My girlfriend goes to a fog machine protestant church.
Do you go to hell for missing mass?
Mother Miriam Live - January 10th, 2025
Uncovering the history and customs of Epiphany part 2.
Ways to help women who are entering the convent.
The intermittent corruption of Catholic Charites.
What do you think of Bishop Mar Mari?
No weekday masses for those who are working.
Mother Miriam Live - January 9th, 2025
Uncovering the history and customs of Epiphany.
What is the best way to explain to young children what the soul is?
How to also explain what the Second Coming will be like?
How do I do an Epiphany house blessing?
Should I tell my friend to wait to be baptized till she believes that contraception is immoral?
I was thrown out of an adoration chapel.
I saw a priest face the altar during the consecration, is this something new?
Do I have to do the Epiphany House blessing on the day of the Epiphany?
Mother Miriam Live - January 8th, 2025
Desiring to exalt the Holy Name of Jesus!
Was it a sin for the Magi to use astrology to find Jesus?
How do I fight my earthly will that doesn't want to fast?
As a new mother is there any resources, I can use to teach my child before and after they are born?
Is the Jewish version of Heaven the same as the Catholic one?
Is it okay to have acupuncture done if medically necessary?
Mother Miriam Live - January 7th, 2025
A homily on the essence of divine reading.
As a protestant, I'm nervous about letting my church know that I'm going to become Catholic.
Does God suffer, like how Jesus wept and felt sad at times, was that only his humanity?
My secular friends seem to have a normal life and I feel incomplete.
Mother Miriam Live - January 6th, 2025
Introducing our new lambs!
A homily on Epiphany
Why is fish not considered meat?
My boyfriend doesn't want to propose until I finish with my therapist.
Dealing with a divorce and a child who can't be baptized.
My wife thinks I'm sexually abusive, can that be the case?
Mother Miriam Live - January 3rd, 2025
A new letter from Archbishop Vigano!
Should I welcome our step granddaughter into our home?
Can I choose a venerable as a confirmation saint?
My mom won't let me go to mass or mention God.
Mother Miriam Live - January 2nd, 2025
On the matter of the Feast of the Circumcision and Mother of God.
My priest told me I may have a curse on me during confession.
How to deal with my brother's "boyfriend"?
Am I using my illness as an excuse for laziness?
Am I alone in wanting to leave my Christmas decorations longer?
Must Catholics believe Mary had no labor pains?
Any good places to buy veils?
Can priests handle those Christmas-Easter type of Catholics better?
Is there a good prayer routine for trad Catholics to follow?
Mother Miriam Live - December 31st, 2024
8 New Years Resolutions Catholics Should Consider
What should I use holy water for?
What is Mother's conversion story?
How to explain to a friend that it's okay to say "Hail Christ the King"?
What should I expect when I visit with some lay Carmelites?
Is it okay to read "clean" romance novels?
Mother Miriam Live - December 30th, 2024
Mother reads her favorite Christmas story!
What is there for a woman of the age of 79 to do in life, once she doesn't have any family to take care of?
My superior said I should be wearing my habit/cassock.
My protestant friends want me as a Catholic to officiate their wedding.
My parish has very few confession times, not enough for everyone.
Mother Miriam Live - December 20th, 2024
Continuing: A Child in Winter: Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany with Caryll Houselander
Can You Change your Confirmation Name?
Can you replace the bells used for consecration with some other instrument?
Will I be familiar with loved ones in heaven, or will I feel different about them?
How to interpret, "Whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you do for me."
What to do if my Muslim friend says, "May Allah protect your son"?
How does marriage in heaven work?
Is there a reason I would be drawn to Joan of Arc?
What does it mean to say that the Catholic Church has 24 different rites?
Mother Miriam Live - December 19th, 2024
Continuing: A Child in Winter: Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany with Caryll Houselander
Is it possible or acceptable for an adult to change their confirmation name, or add a second one?
My parish told me a priest couldn't come to hear my confession because I have the flu.
Is the time in purgatory measured in years?
Is it my sin to rent a property I own to a couple that is not married to one another?
A parish near us gave their retiring priest a $19,000 gift. Would that put the parish in jeopardy with the IRS, and should we tell the bishop?
I was told since I'm a mother of young children that I'm not required to go to mass on Sunday.
My young daughter was baptized in the hospital, do we need to schedule an "official" baptism?
Mother Miriam Live - December 18th, 2024
Continuing: A Child in Winter: Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany with Caryll Houselander
Why did David's son Absalom hate him so much?
I don’t understand is why it was necessary for Mary to remain a virgin for the remainder of her life?
I we get rid of abortion won't we have more unwanted kids?
Mother Miriam Live - December 16th, 2024
A Child in Winter: Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany with Caryll Houselander
Update on Jerry Usher
How to deal with a job that is increasing my anxiety?
My brother had a child out of wedlock, the daughter of said child came fourth and wanted to contact our family. But my brother is fiercely against it.
How should I feel if I'm overcome with emotion during mass?
My brother keeps attacking me but seems unapologetic, should I keep forgiving him?
Mother Miriam Live - December 12th, 2024
Happy Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe!
Do Catholics believe in karma?
My Father-in-law and Mother-in-law want their ashes scattered.
I had severe pain during the birth of my last child, am I qualified for NFP
Good info for my Grandson for proof of God.
Thoughts about priests saying that the deceased will always make it to heaven during funerals?
Mother Miriam Live - December 11th, 2024
Discussion about immigration and what may happen in the next few years.
Prayers for Jerry Usher!
I feel weird for wearing a hat in church.
How to handle my parents who are willing to promote communion in the hand and other irreverent actions during mass?
What sort of lying do I have to confess?
Would Judas' mother feel sorrow if he was in heaven?
Mother Miriam Live - December 6th, 2024
Restoring the Feast of St. Nicholas
A Catholic response to karma
My son goes out on Saturday then makes sure he goes to confession before mass on Sunday, is there an unrepentant sin going on here?
A priest cut me off when I was listing my sins during confession.
As an atheist is it improper to attend a Catholic mass?
Thoughts on the sign of the cross that is done in the Eastern parts of the Church they do it backwards?
When communion is the hand is given how culpable would the priest be if some of the Eucharist is mistreated?
What are we to make of the salvation of the mentally ill people souls and the souls of babies?
Mother Miriam Live - December 5th, 2024
Mary’s Fiat: The Choice of True Freedom
Why did Saint Alphonsus Liguori say that Mary was all powerful?
How do I find a priest for my daughter to do a first confession?
When Mass is held in a place without kneelers, what is the protocol one should follow?
A friend claimed that Catholics "moved" the Sabbath to Sunday.
How does the Church view euthanasia in animals?
My wife wants to get an abortion, what do I do?
What pope do you think is the most underrated?
Mother Miriam Live - December 4th, 2024
Continuing The History of Advent by Dom Prosper Guéranger
If it took the Israelites during Exodus 40 years to get to red sea, why did it take so short for pharaoh soldiers to get to them?
Why did the Jews have to mark the doors at the first Passover?
What do you think of me and my spouse doing a Josephite marriage?
How does one combat the argument that Mary sinned by not consummating her marriage to Joseph?
Do you use Amazon or avoid it?
When and why do older women start dressing like men?
My wife is totally against me bringing our children to a Catholic church.
Mother Miriam Live - December 3rd, 2024
Continuing The History of Advent by Dom Prosper Guéranger
Do unmarried nuns wear rings as a devotion to Christ?
How do you deal with fear of war?
My hometown parish has an increase of scandalous irreverence.
My mother is talking bad about my father and Catholicism.
Was Moses banned from Israel and/or heaven?
Is December 9th, a holy day of obligation (Final answer is later in the show)
Is it okay to refuse pain meds?
How long should my first confession take?
Mother Miriam Live - December 2nd, 2024
The History of Advent by Dom Prosper Guéranger
Thoughts on the neocatecumenal way?
How can I be truly happy in heaven if I have loved ones in hell?
How to deal with a depressed daughter who thinks she is unattractive.
Mother Miriam Live - November 22nd, 2024
Thanksgiving is Catholic!
Where did the misconception come from that the term "Christian" doesn't mean Catholic?
I'm visually seeing abuses of the Eucharist, what should I do?
Our son is being seduced by a girl with nefarious outcomes.
How to deal with a hostile (anti-Catholic) coworker on Thanksgiving?
Mother Miriam Live - November 19th, 2024
Bishop Schneider: If God allows trials He always give spiritual fruits
How can the faithful help Bishop Strickland?
Is Being a Rabbi the same as A Catholic Priest?
Mother Miriam Live - November 18th, 2024
A Prophet Among Bishops - Crisis Magazine
How should I amend my life after a near death experience?
Is a promise like "I'll never sin again", valid?
Should I go to a stable Orthodox Church vs an unstable Catholic Church?
My Catholic fiancé doesn't want me to go to mass until I'm more familiar, is this correct?
On the matter of people leaving right after communion.
Why don't Catholic bishops excommunicate self-proclaimed Catholic politicians who publicly go against Catholic teachings?
Is it a sin for a pastor to not mention the obligation to attend mass on Holy Days?
Are there organizations that you would suggest Catholics do not donate their money to?
Mother Miriam Live - November 13th, 2024
Bishop Strickland: God will punish bishops for their silence while Pope Francis destroys the Church
You have said that it is "sacrilegious" for deacons and lay persons [i.e. extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion in extraordinary circumstances] to distribute Communion. Why do you condemn what the Church under St. John Paul II has officially permitted?
In the Bible, Jesus called Peter and Andrew and they immediately left their nets to follow him. At this point Jesus was still relatively anonymous, not having performed any public miracles. How did they recognize his authority and identity?
Why should only the priests distribute Communion? Why can't deacons distribute it? I also believe that only priests should be doing this, but I just want to know the rationale and some history behind this.
Mother Miriam Live - November 12th, 2024
Bloodbath in Tyler: Why (and How) Traditional Catholics Must Resist the Suppression of the TLM
Can we put out a nativity when Advent begins?
Can a vocation be something that we don't enjoy?
How should I deal with a fussy toddler in a adoration chapel?
Should we kiss the ring of a bishop even if we accidently meet him on the crosswalk?
Are there any women disciples?
Is it evil to lie to save someone else?
How should I deal with loneliness?
Do young children have an intuition for Jesus?
Mother Miriam Live - November 11th, 2024
Bloodbath in Tyler: Why (and How) Traditional Catholics Must Resist the Suppression of the TLM
I have heard of Jews for Jesus and Messianic Jews, are they the same thing? (To be continued)
Mother Miriam Live - November 6th, 2024
Article - Title: I Don’t Agree with This Completely…
A Message from Eric Sammons on the Election
Several calls about the election, Trump, Harris, and how we as Catholic should move forward.
Mother Miriam Live - November 5th, 2024
LifeSite Article: Pius XII’s Fatima vision and the widespread apostasy we see today
Do catechumens who die go to heaven for their intent to be baptized?
What are your thoughts on Pope Francis' role in the Church?
How do I deal with an eating disorder?
How to I start teaching night prayers to my little child?
My sister asked my husband and her friend to be Godparents to her new baby but didn't ask me.
Mother Miriam Live - November 4th, 2024
Why I Am Voting for Trump a Third Time by Dr. Kwasniewski
As a Catholic Indian surrounded by Hindus how do I find a good spouse?
I had an issue with someone from Catholic Charites.
The Lector was chewing gum before and during the readings.
Can we pray the rosary during mass?
Can God preform a miracle on me, they seem scarce nowadays.
At a church festival the band was playing the song Zombie, should we put a stop to it?
Our son barely survived a motorcycle crash and wants to get back into it while in a state of mortal sin.
Mother Miriam Live - October 31st, 2024
Four Things to Know about Halloween as a Catholic
How the Vocation process works for Mother's order
Why should women submit to their husbands, was it because of Eve?
How should I discern as a widow about joining the religious life?
My young son pretends and goes thru the motions of using pepperoni as the Eucharist, should I put a stop to this?
Mother Miriam Live - October 30th, 2024
Crisis Magazine Article: Living on Borrowed Time
Discussion on the solemn procession that the bishops should approve.
I was told I was too old for marriage and I'm only 28.
About voting for the lesser of two evils.
Do Catholics believe wives should submit because of Eve? (To be continued)
Mother Miriam Live - October 28th, 2024
WM Review Article: 'Christ is King'—Christendom and Religious Liberty
A teacher shares their experiences in the problems with the public school system
Should I donate to our diocese when it's dubious on what the money is being used for?
Mother Miriam Live - October 23rd, 2024
Discussing Vigano's latest endorsement.
How to offer my pregnant friend encouragement.
How should I handle the topic of the election with relatives?
What do you think of Catholic public figures who say to not vote?
Have you heard of the Independant candidate?
Can you describe the virtues of brotherhood and love?
Mother Miriam Live - October 22nd, 2024
Cardinal Zen's Address regarding the Synod.
My daughter is interested in joining your order, how does she get in touch?
I wouldn't go to either of my daughter's weddings outside the Church and now she won't talk to me.
A woman who seemed to be in a trance and speaking creepy weird phrases walked up to my daughter and her cousin.
How to sort out clothes that don't fit the Marian dress code?
Mother Miriam Live - October 17th, 2024
On the matter of being vigilant.
What should we do if our priest keeps being late for mass?
I have 4 different priests in my life, should there be a hierarchy of who I listen to?
My husband hates God because of his cancer, is there anything I can do?
I know sloth is a sin, but to what extent?
How to convince someone that the Holy Spirit is a Person?
Mother Miriam Live - October 16th, 2024
An Article on the War on the Family by Roberto de Mattei
Why was Jesus baptized by John the Baptist, if Jesus was without sin?
When did Satan fall? Before creation or at the end of time?
Is it sinful to be an organ donor?
Getting married to someone who was civilly married and divorced.
Since the sacrifices in the Old Testament were killed swiftly and painlessly why was Jesus tortured?
If a convent had issues with plumbing or other maintenance, can someone come in to fix the issue?
Can we bless friends?
Can we use blessed/exorcised salt in our baking?
Is doing good out of obligation have any worth?
does my 8-year-old have to go through OCIA/RCIA?
Mother Miriam Live - October 15th, 2024
Bishop Schneider's take on the Conscience of the Church
A crazy woman says that she put a curse on our family.
How do the Protestants consider the 12 books as the apocrypha?
Is it okay for someone to say that they "are praying on you"?
How should Catholics celebrate Halloween?
How do I get some documentation to show my work that I have to go to mass on Christmas?
Mother Miriam Live - October 14th, 2024
Discussion on Christopher Columbus.
How to convince Jews and Jehovah's witnesses, on Jesus being one with the Father?
How was Mary sinless while also having free will?
A friend of mine who was a big help to me when I was at my lowest point, says that he is a woman trapped in a man's body.
Why is the secular world more open to "yoga" spirituality than to Christian ways to deal with stress?
A priest said that I wasn't in a state of sin when I received the Eucharist, how to handle this?
Mother Miriam Live - October 11th, 2024
An Open Letter to the Bishops of Canada.
Order of Christian Initiation of Children guidelines?
What are some good prayers for me to say for my disabled son?
Were the gods of Egypt and other pagan cultures devils?
What exactly is Gnosticism?
Is it correct to pay admission for some of the big churches in Europe?
When Jesus said in my Father’s house there are many rooms, what did He mean?
Mother Miriam Live - October 10th, 2024
The Duties of the laymen in evil days?
My son goes to a church where the priest is greeting people during the procession.
My friend is has a very opposing moral outlook compared to me, should I end the friendship?
What is apostasy and how do we know that we are in a time of apostasy?
Can a priest bless me and my girlfriend's relationship?
My 4 year old hates to pray, what should I do?
Mother Miriam Live - October 9th, 2024
The Prophesies of Our Lady of Good Sucess.
Did the Vatican approve of Medjugorje in it's latest document?
Anything I should prepare for going to the Latin mass?
I was given some fairy statues to paint, and I don't know if I should keep or throw them away.
Discussing the Pope's comments on voting your conscience.
Since Catholics are the fulfillment of Judaism, does the Holy Land that God promised Abraham
Mother Miriam Live - September 27th, 2024
Can a Pope mislead?
My priest is promoting a lot of lgbtq things.
Talking to my diocese about aborted cells being used for vaccines.
Do we have free will in Heaven?
Was I excommunicated when I fell away from the Church?
Does your convent make things to sell? Do you do some homesteading?
Am I committing the sin of scandal by being near my friends who are smoking weed?
Mother Miriam Live - September 26th, 2024
Reacting to the comments made by Pope Francis on all religions leading to Heaven.
I have trouble believing in the Assumption are there any sources I can use to confirm it?
Mother Miriam Live - September 25th, 2024
My newsletter on the Israeli Palestinian Conflict.
Would suicide be permissible in an extreme circumstance?
Thoughts on the plight of Christians in the Gaza region?
A friend of mine wouldn't let her children ask question and play during mass.
Who sent the dream to Pilate's Wife?
The idea of the God-man.
Mother Miriam Live - September 23rd, 2024
Can we have an outdoor Catholic wedding?
The Pre-Cana at our parish give out a test paper full of perversion question and if you and your fiancé don't match, then they won't marry you.
My manager is very anti-Catholic and compares Catholicism to other "shameful" religions.
I work at a high school, and I have a mini poster on my desk with a few prayers. The school wants me to take it down. What should I do?
My children with addiction need help, what can I do?
How to convince my fiancé that we shouldn't use contraception when we marry?
Mother Miriam Live - September 20th, 2024
The role of women in rebuilding Christian Civilization. Part 2
What exactly are Guardian Angels?
Have I been excommunicated for apostasy because I left the Church?
How can Jesus see everything if He only has 2 eyes?
Is it okay to cut people out of your life?
How to respond to an abortion argument regarding rape.
Mother Miriam Live - September 19th, 2024
The role of women in rebuilding Christian Civilization.
I identified as a man before becoming Catholic, what is the best way to accept what God made me?
How to talk to a friend who has a hard time conceiving, and wants to do IVF/IUI?
Should I stop being a Catholic YouTuber?
Scripture Verse to help emailers #1 & #2.
Mother Miriam Live - September 16th, 2024
Crisis Magazine: True Femininity: An Interview with Alice von Hildebrand
A woman called me and my sibling idol worshippers because we were Catholic, then walked off. Is there a better way of handling this exchange?
As a new Catholic Father, should I bring my young child to mass? Even though she is in a good protestant bible school.
I'm getting pressured to have my stepdaughter's "girlfriend" over when my stepdaughter is visiting. Should I still say no?
Mother Miriam Live - September 13th, 2024
The Virtue of Confidence in times of Confusion by Roberto de Mattei
Can I date my Godfather's son?
What is your opinion on marriage for older widows?
A Priest, during his homily, mentioned a confession he had. Even mentioning a particular date when it took place. Is this breaking the seal of confession?
A woman who is a lector at my church, seems to be dressing and looking more masculine.
Why is OCIA (RCIA) run like it is, where people of varying belief are lumped together?
Am I dealing out punishment right with my 12-year-old who stole and lied about taking money?
Is hunting for sport immoral?
Mother Miriam Live - September 11th, 2024
Extract from His Infernal Highness Arcibaldo: letters from an expert devil to an apprentice tempter by Fr Serafino Lanzetta
What should I do when going on a field trip with my worldly friends and they bring up stuff that is against the Faith?
A caller's conversation from Massachusetts
A clarification on Mother's abortion statements yesterday.
Mother Miriam Live - September 10th, 2024
Celebrating our Lady's Birthday with Dom Prosper Gueranger
What if our conscience is unsure if we committed a mortal sin or not?
Should men have long hair? What about St. Paul's condemnation?
How proper is it for women to wear hats during mass?
How small does a particle of the Eucharist have to be to not be Jesus anymore?
Should we destroy abortion equipment that is in a facility?
Should I be friends with a same sex attracted person who isn't "married"?
Mother Miriam Live - September 6th, 2024 The duties of the laity in difficult times How to explain that Catholics don't "worship" Mary The Talmud and modern post-Temple Judaism The most challenging part of becoming a nun Joining a religious third order Avoiding judgmental priests
Mother Miriam Live - September 5th, 2024
St. Alphonsus Liguori on purity and lust
More about sacred music and appropriate instruments at Mass
How to handle liturgical abuse
Does God ever get upset and change His plan for us?
Voting for the lesser of two evils
Can we conceal the truth if it's for a good reason?
Mother Miriam Live - September 4th, 2024
A letter from a demon on how to write heretical homilies
How to deal with health problems and fake friends
My sister may have been stealing from me
Where do I get holy oil?
Do all Catholics need to move to the country?
What defines "sacred music"?
Mother Miriam Live - September 3rd, 2024
The evils of In Vitro Fertilization, or IVF
Is acupuncture always wrong to use?
Dealing with pagan family members
What to do after a domestic dispute turned physical
Mother Miriam Live - August 28, 2024
Mother Miriam Live - August 27, 2024
Mother Miriam Live - August 26, 2024
Mother is joined by Jim Wright the Founder of the Station of the Cross and Joe McClane, the host for A Catholic Take. To talk about how the celebrations went for the SOTC 25th Anniversary Conference.
Mother Miriam Live - August 21, 2024
Article on St. Vincent Ferrer: The Angel of the Apocalypse Part 2
How does God execute his will about us?
A conversion testimony.
How do I convince my daughter that she needs to get married before starting a family?
Mother Miriam Live - August 20, 2024
Article on St. Vincent Ferrer: The Angel of the Apocalypse Part 1
Can I make a spiritual communion at home for First Fridays if I can't make it to mass?
Where do I start learning about the teachings of the early Church Fathers?
Is it okay to be the best man at an Anglican wedding?
How do I respond when someone says that the Church is wrong cause people in the Church have committed grave sins?
I think I saw a ghost, what should I do?
Did Mary die before going to heaven?
How do I deal with being a black Catholic when culturally around me it is seen as taboo?
Mother Miriam Live - August 7, 2024
Who exactly is Jesus Christ? (Continued)
Why don't we accept the Protoevangelium of James?
What should our response be at the Olympic display?
Are all angels, saints?
I found some statues of Mary that may have been used in a pagan ritual, what should I do with them?
Can you speak about who Enoch is?
When I ask or try to talk to God, I just hear silence (To be continued.)
Mother Miriam Live - August 6, 2024
Who exactly is Jesus Christ? (Continued)
What is your thoughts on aliens and UFOs?
How do I Save Someone from Scientology?
I was embarrassed at the communion line, how do I prepare myself next time?
Can I harm someone who is mocking God?
What should I do if I feel like I'm being drawn to pagan and Jewish ideas/items?
Mother Miriam Live - August 5, 2024
Who exactly is Jesus Christ? (Continued)
Why doesn't God show himself to us?
Am I praying the rosary too long?
What benefit does God get from us?
What is the stance of the Paulists?
What does the Church teach about tattoos?
Can we visit a Buddhist Monastery?
If God made Mary without sin, why not us?
Mother Miriam Live - August 2, 2024
Who exactly is Jesus Christ? (Continued)
What are the 5 best pilgrimage locations?
How do I get closer to Mary?
Did Jesus have 100% of Mary's DNA?
I used to be a prostitute and now have a daughter who is a toddler. Is there any chance I can find a good man now?
Mother Miriam Live - August 1, 2024
Who exactly is Jesus Christ? (Continued)
Why do people believe in a Lilith?
I get irritated at things that shouldn't irritate me.
Grave mishandling of the Eucharist by the Taize Community.
Mother Miriam Live - July 26, 2024
Who exactly is Jesus Christ? (Continued)
Why did Sts. Peter and Andrew follow Jesus so fast?
My mother is trying to use the Bible to get me to not enter the military.
Why doesn't God act more directly to protect humans?
A Catholic insurance won't cover the operation to remove a miscarried baby, because they list it as an abortion.
My priest now sings happy birthday during mass and now sings at other points of the mass like the elevation.
Do you think the Chastisement is drawing near?
Mother Miriam Live - July 24, 2024
Who exactly is Jesus Christ? (To be continued)
Why would my priest knock on the wall during my confession?
What would my guardian angel do after I die?
How to deal with being slothful and procrastinating until I get too close to deadlines?
My husband thinks I go to confession too much and will get frustrated if he finds out that I went.
Mother Miriam Live - July 23, 2024
Explaining the Holy Trinity (continued)
Are the blessings that God gave to Isarel still count for the modern state of Isarel?
How do I repair my broken family when I was the cause?
What is the essence to being Thankful?
Can I become a Catholic if I disagree with something in the Catechism? (To be continued)
My abusive wife wants to divorce me. What future do I have as a divorced man?
Mother Miriam Live - July 19, 2024
What do Catholics Believe About God? (finished)
Explaining the Holy Trinity (to be continued)
My health care provider needs me to masturbate so they can have a sample for medical reasons, is it still a sin?
Can Revelation be unfolding?
Does OSHA apply to Mother or the rest of the sisters of the Convent?
How to tell my friend why there never will be a woman pope?
Is it wrong to dislike praise and worship music?
Why do Catholics shun the Book of Mormon?
Mother Miriam Live - July 18, 2024
What do Catholics Believe About God? (continued)
How should I interpret signs from God?
Was St. John the Baptist born without original sin?
Why didn't the early Church write more about St. Joseph?
How to deal with pregnancy if the birth threatens the life of the mother?
Can I receive my brown scapular from a deacon?
How did Peter and Andrew recognize Jesus' power when they first met him?
Can a confirmation name be refused by the priest? Do the names have to be from saints?
Why aren't Buddhism or Islam considered demonic when Wicca is? Aren't they both false?
Mother Miriam Live - July 16, 2024
What do Catholics Believe About God? (continued)
What do we do if they ban the Latin Mass?
What do you think about priest supporting or even endorsing political candidates?
Don't want to get married and I can't become a nun, what can/should I do?
Mother Miriam Live - July 15, 2024
What do Catholics Believe About God? (To be continued)
Can I swap out a chain of a cross, without worrying about the blessing on the item?
Any tips to integrate my spiritual life while working a boring job?
How to deal with a husband who wants to spend time with his son but is abusive and is instilling destructive behavior?
As an atheist my wife is converting to Catholicism and now sees me as a source of evil, what to do?
Why do many paintings show Our Lady barefooted?
Mother Miriam Live - July 9, 2024
St. Paul's Letters to a troubled Church.
Confessing to a spouse that you cheated on.
Is being a Vegan or Vegetarian wrong?
If God is omnipotent and omnipresent, how can there be free will?
How do I deal with them closing and selling my parish church?
How do I make God laugh?
Mother Miriam Live - July 3, 2024
What Profit is there in My Blood - Roberto de Mattei
The situation in Boston and converting people back to the Faith.
Should I stop being a women lector at mass?
Dealing with a divorce (Should I sue my husband?)
On the matter of the Palestine/Hamas/Israel situation.
Mother Miriam Live - July 1, 2024
Discussing why the devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus is so important.
Co-worker said, "God never did anything for me", even though they are well off. What should be my response?
Even though it's not our Lord's Name, do we have to go to confession for saying the four-letter F and S curse words?
The topic of some people blaming the Jews for the death of Christ.
An explanation of the Holy Trinity.
Are souls in mortal sin able to receive graces from God?
Mother Miriam Live - June 28, 2024
First Letter of St. Peter (How to be a beacon of modesty)
As a theater performer should I work on Sunday if they need me to?
Should I become a Eucharistic Minister if I know that if I don't, someone who has no respect for the Consecrated Host be there instead?
There is a story where parents of a woman who is agonistic, left rosaries around her house. Is this the proper way to bring their daughter back to the Church?
How should you meditate on the mysteries of the rosary?
If you go to adoration do your temptations become stronger?
Why does the role of St. Peter continue on to the later pope and not stop with him?
Mother Miriam Live - June 25, 2024
First and Second Letter of St. Peter (How to live in a persecuted time)
As a possible convert from Islam to Catholicism, can you help me understand the divinity of Jesus?
Why didn't any other pope take the name Peter?
Is watching horror movies detrimental to my spiritual health?
Why is your favorite book of the Bible?
Mother Miriam Live - June 21, 2024
First and Second Letter of St. Peter (How to live in a persecuted time)
Discussing Global ID and how we should be prepared.
Why do protestants pretty much just focus their attacks on the Catholic Church and not Orthodoxy?
How do I evangelize when I'm being called a bigot or transphobe?
On the matter of Eucharistic Ministers. (To be continued.)
Mother Miriam Live - June 20, 2024
Continued: An Article on Cardinal Sarah's statements regarding the state of the Church in America and 'Practical Atheism'.
Should we pray for hopelessly fallen-away relatives?
Dealing with a priest who probably committed some homosexual sins in the past.
Should we attend the Shabbat of our daughter/son-in-law?
Why do we still follow the 10 Commandments when we don't follow any other of the old Jewish laws?
Mother Miriam Live - June 19, 2024
An Article on Cardinal Sarah's statements regarding the state of the Church in America and 'Practical Atheism'.
Should I only be going to the Traditional Latin parish? Am I sinning by continuing in the Novus Ordo?
Can you recommend any books or videos that might help my wife and I to explain puberty to our teenage daughter from a Catholic perspective?
I keep falling asleep when I pray or listen/read religious things. How can I best deal with this?
Mother Miriam Live - June 18, 2024
Article from Rorate Caeli Blogpost: An astonishing interview of the main lay ideologue behind Traditionis Custodes and the desire to ban the Traditional Mass
Dealing with a demanding father.
I’m reaching out for some advice on how to handle an ongoing conversation with my daughter who wants to convert to Judaism.
How to deal with bishops in the Church
How to tell my manager that I need Sunday off to go to mass?
Mother Miriam Live - June 17, 2024
Reminiscing on the life of Al Kresta.
Why did the Roman/Latin church retain the Greek Kyrie and not provide a Latin translation?
What would your response be to a Protestant that says the Bible is a fallible list of infallible books?
My teenage kids are angry and fallen away, do I force them to go to mass?
Why did Jesus take our sins upon him if the Jews could offer up a lamb as sacrifice instead?
Are there any unfulfilled prophecies left in the Bible?
Was Mary free of birth pains, since she had no original sin?
Dealing with a current divorce case. How do I handle it?
Mother Miriam Live - June 14, 2024
An article on fatherhood ahead of Father's Day (Fathers Rise to your Glory!)
Why is freemasonry satanic and why the pope forbids it?
What is your perspective on the outcome of Martin Luthur actions, what has it done to the Church?
Do you think Cain is still alive?
Bringing my cousin's "gay partner" along to vacation. What to do?
Is it vain to pray to be an example for others?
Why is the Roman Catholic Church think that having non married priests is so important?
Mother Miriam Live - June 11, 2024
An Article on Cardinal Sarah's address to the African Theologians.
Can Protestants pray the Rosary?
Does receiving Communion kneeling and on the tongue require a special process at the Novus Ordo?
How do I manage becoming a Missionary Nurse and starting a family?
Why is the Book of Wisdom removed in the Protestant Bible?
What moment exactly does Transubstantiation take place?
How to work in a charity where the people I am supposed to help make bad lifestyle choices and spend money on frivolous things?
What is the difference between venerating the sacred hearts of Jesus and Mary and venerating Jesus and Mary themselves?
Is the Chaste Heart of Joseph a valid devotion?
Mother Miriam Live - June 10, 2024
An Article on the Matter of Faith: What we Must Believe to be Catholic
Why do Catholics pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem?
Should Confirmation be forced at a certain age?
Why was Mary so young when she gave birth to Jesus?
How do I deal with my restless kids during mass?
Advice on how to exercise humility.
Did Mary conceive both the Divine and Human natures of Jesus?
Should we ask God for signs?
Mother Miriam Live - June 6, 2024
Dr. Anthony Esolen examines the beauty of tradition and how we have reached the point of starting to lose that tradition
Do Catholics believe that the Bible is God’s word? If Catholics believe it is in fact God’s word, do they believe the Bible is without fault or error?
Discussing a father's authority over and role in the family
I have not yet finished my RCIA program and I am already starting to have thoughts about potentially pursuing a vocation. At the very least, I want to learn about what it would entail and possibly start to prepare if I feel called down that path. Is it too early to speak to my priest about this given the fact that I have not yet been Confirmed in the church?
How do we know an animal doesn't ask Jesus into its heart just because they're non-verbal?
Mother Miriam Live - June 5, 2024
How has Christianity evolved over the years due to worldly influence? What can we do to overcome that influence?
My priest became angry at me after I went out of my way to receive the Eucharist from his line instead of that of a Eucharistic minister. Am I wrong for doing it in the first place? How should I proceed from here?
Why doesn’t God just get rid of the devil?
My great grandfather, grandfather and my uncle are presumably Freemasons. Is there something I should be concerned about? What are your recommendations?
I am getting married and am wondering if it is a sin to have an open bar at our wedding reception? Is it on my soul if people get really drunk?
If my practicing Catholic sister marries a non-Catholic, even if it’s technically with Church dispensation, should I attend? Is it still a valid Catholic marriage? Am I being uncharitable to refuse to attend?
Mother Miriam Live - June 4, 2024
Continuing yesterday's conversion story from a former Protestant turned Catholic
Is modernism the synthesis of all heresy? Is Pope Francis a modernist? If he is, should he not resign or be forced to resign?
Mother's reaction to women pushing for structural changes in the church at the synod
A very dear friend is in a gay relationship and getting “married” in Germany. We are invited. My husband says we should go to show support for our friend. There is a group traveling for several days together before the activity. I have agreed to go on the trip but refuse to go to the “ceremony” and party. We will watch the children for that night, but their dad is also Catholic. Does that make me complicit in his going?
Mother Miriam Live - June 3, 2024
A Catholic convert shares his story in a newsletter from The Coming Home Network International
I have heard a lot about Eastern Catholic churches lately and their “Divine Liturgy.” Is that something you would recommend a Catholic check out some time? I have heard many good things, and as I understand it, any Catholic can participate. I get the impression that this is still a better option than an irreverent Novus Ordo mass.
Can a Catholic married man continue to maintain close relationships and friendships with women other than his wife?
Navigating difficult and borderline abusive relationships
For those of us holding firm to the teachings of the Church on human sexuality and the dignity of the human person, how can we guard ourselves against accusations of hatred and bigotry by those who subscribe to these modern gender ideologies? Also, how can I explain that having a belief about such issues does not in itself denote that someone is being “judgmental”?
During World War Two, Hitler put Jews in the oven. Their crime: Being Jews. Someday, God will put Jews in the oven (Hell). Their sin: Being Jews (not becoming Christians). Hitler burned the Jews, God will burn the Jews. Your thoughts on this comparison, please?
Mother Miriam Live - May 31, 2024
Mother is joined live and in-person by Bishop Joseph Strickland for a special conversation about the current state of the world and the church and how we as Catholics can best navigate it all.
Mother Miriam Live - May 29, 2024
Pope Urban IV and his declaration of Corpus Christi as a feast in the Latin church
Advice for those who have lost hope in life
What happens to a consecrated host, the Eucharist, if it is presented by a lay minister (Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist) or a deacon during communion, and not by the consecrated hands of a priest? I know you’ve said that such action is a desecration. What does that mean? Does the Eucharist cease to be the body, blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord? Is it “nullified” or “lessened” somehow? Does the communicant commit a sin if he or she receives communion from one of these people?
Can you recommend a homeschool program?
What are the signs of the true church?
Mother Miriam Live - May 24, 2024
Spirituality for the imperfect and the end of Paschaltide
Was Russia ever fully/properly consecrated as requested by Our Lady at Fatima?
Do animals have souls? Do animals make it to heaven? I’ve heard this widely debated between Catholic and Protestants for some time now.
How do you feel about the news that Blessed Carlo Acutis is set to soon be named the first “millennial saint?” Do you think this, in any way, could be an appeal to young Catholics to give them a saint that they might relate to more closely?
A disturbing report about a "transgender monk"
Do you have any upcoming speaking engagements? I know you probably aren’t able to travel nearly as much as you once did, but I’ve always wanted to meet and hear you speak in person.
Are ouija boards the "real deal?" Have you had any experiences with the demonic?
Mother Miriam Live - May 23, 2024
Dom Prosper Gueranger on Pentecost
Do you recommend participation in the National Eucharistic Congress and the Pilgrimages leading up to it?
My parishioner friend brought to my attention from our parish bulletin/website that our parish is invited to attend a Shabbat from a Jewish community. Please share your wisdom on this if it is ok for a Catholic to participate.
I feel I'm under a great spiritual attack. What can I do?
I feel torn between a Protestant church and the Catholic church. How can I function within both at the same time? Is such a thing even possible?
Mother Miriam Live - May 22, 2024
Dom Prosper Gueranger unpacks the day of Pentecost and what it means to Catholics
Confession and scrupulosity
My mother has started to practice Kabbalah and it has affected our relationship. What can I do?
How can I leave my current job if my husband is against me doing so?
Mother Miriam Live - May 16, 2024
Reading an inspiring article about a week that Bishop Strickland spent in Mexico with troubled women
Should we be in a state of quiet preparation when we're driving to Mass?
I'm unable to find a reverent Mass - what should I do?
How do you go about discerning the apparitions in Medjugorje? It seems many have a deep devotion to it, while others say it is the work of the enemy. Is it best to just ignore it all until the Vatican makes some sort of decision?
Mother Miriam Live - May 15, 2024
Continued reading on the role of a Catholic mother
Rules for co-habitation regarding civil marriages
Possible demonic activity - how to proceed?
Mother Miriam Live - May 14, 2024
Spiritual guidance for mothers who have recently had a newborn
I would like to start praying the Divine Office and am wondering what resource you and your order use. I would also like to learn more about the Chapter (Rule of St Benedict) and wonder how I might do that?
How can we cope with anxious thoughts when sometimes things that we ask for from God take longer than expected or seem like they will never come?
A Catholic wife and Mother shares an inspiring story for those who find themselves in a similar role and/or situation
Mother Miriam Live - May 13, 2024
Discussing the role of a Christian Mother in honor of Mother's Day
A Muslim girl is going to convert to Catholicism on the 18th of May, but she is living with a man. She told me that they don't have any sexual relationship and she doesn't want the priest to know that she is living with a man; if the priest knows, he may not give her the sacraments. I humbly asked her to share her situation with her priest and make a true confession before she received the Holy Sacraments, but she got angry. What shall I do?
Was the Blessed Mother bound by the old ceremonial law prior to the birth of Christ? And if she was, would it be possible for her to remain pure and also menstruate monthly as all other fertile women do? Or could it be that her first ovulation produced the egg that produced Jesus?
Handling increasing anti-Semitism in the world, particularly the United States
Mother Miriam Live - May 3, 2024
The Teachings of St. Francis de Sales: Spirituality for the Imperfect
I'm worried that my daughter's therapist may be encouraging her to live a same-sex lifestyle. Cam, or should, I do anything about that? And if so, how?
How does one discern what God’s will for their life is, particularly in a career? I find myself struggling with making a plan for my life while surrendering to God’s will. How long should I wait for a response from a potential employer?
How do we reconcile our frustration with Pope Francis with our obligation to follow and obey him?
Could you explain why Abraham was allowed to have a concubine in addition to his wife Sarah? That doesn't seem to be right, but maybe the sacrament of marriage wasn't really defined yet? I'm a little confused about that whole part of the Old Testament.
I pray the Rosary every day, but far too often I feel myself just reciting the prayers without really paying attention. Any tips or tricks?
Tips to overcome scrupulosity
Mother Miriam Live - April 22, 2024
A Crisis Magazine article regarding Dignitas Infinita and the Idolization of Man
For one who is struggling with severe anxiety, do you think it is better to pray on it and offer that up to the Lord, or to seek actual medical help and possibly medications?
Is it true that the Bible never mentions a concrete obligation to attend Mass on Sundays? If so, how did the church land upon Sunday as the mandatory day for Mass attendance?
My 16 year old daughter has expressed interest in religious life. What order do you belong to and what is a day in your life like?
Is there a right and wrong way to correct others' behaviors out of fear for their salvation?
Answering questions about the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ from a lay minister
Mother Miriam Live - April 17, 2024
A final word on Dignitas Infinita
A powerful excerpt about a post-Antichrist world
Pleading with Our Holy Father
Do you think heretical sects like the Palmarian church could have been prevented if we had avoided the sentiments of Vatican II?
Mother's upcoming catechism class
Mother Miriam Live - April 15, 2024
The strengths and weaknesses of Dignitas Infinita
How should we react to a Catholic apologist's stating that Judas might not be in hell?
Should I keep donating to my parish, which seems to already have an abundance of money coming in that may even be misused or wasted?
Do you know of a good Catholic book from a saint or priest regarding holy marital intimacy that is pleasing to God?
The number of faithful is rising, but the number of priestly vocations is lowering. Discussing this trend and what we can, or should, do about it
Can we be encouraged by Pope Francis’ recent speaking out against gender affirming surgeries, or is it all just a smoke screen?
Should we be praying for Republican Presidential candidates like Donald Trump to speak out against things like abortion in their campaigns, even if it might have a negative affect on their polling numbers and ultimately lead to a Democratic candidate winning the election? If we were to do this, couldn’t we ultimately be contributing to the re-expansion of abortion across the United States and therefore hurting our own cause in a roundabout way?
Mother Miriam Live - April 12, 2024
The principle of human dignity
Clarification regarding yesterday's conversation about purchasing blessed objects
Reasoning through the limits of true love based off a listener's email
Mother Miriam Live - April 11, 2024
Continuing unpacking the new Vatican document Dignitas Infinita
Why do people converse unnecessarily in front of Our Lord at so many parishes? What can be done to stop the mess?
If I was Baptized in a state of mortal sin, was my Baptism invalid?
What should be done with blessed items that I have purchased not knowing that it was wrong to do so? Is it a sin to use them and should they be gotten rid of? Do I need to confess any of this?
My ex-wife wants our young son to take the MMR vaccine, which I am against because it includes aborted fetal cells. What should I do?
Is it unusual for Catholic churches to have full-body immersion Baptismal fonts with steps to walk right in? Is this maybe a regional thing?
In images of Our Lady of Fatima (statues and portraits), she always seems to have her head tilting to the left. Is that intentional for any reason?
When praying the First Five Fridays/Saturdays Devotion(s), if I miss one of the days, must I then start over from the very beginning?
Mother Miriam Live - April 10, 2024
Unpacking the new Vatican document Dignitas Infinita
Am I able to offer my Nine First Fridays to the Sacred Heart for final repentance of a living member of my family?
I remarried to a man whom I later discovered to be a narcissist and I’m not sure what to do. Can you offer me any tips?
Navigating long term issues with siblings and other family members
Mother Miriam Live - April 9, 2024
Practices for Paschal Time
A saint’s canonization is supposedly infallible, correct? What is the source claiming that canonization is infallible? Was it a council?
Is the declaration of a person as Venerable and Blessed also infallible?
Is there an official published list of saints from the Catholic Church?
My understanding is that there is a “Congregation” whose job it is to assist in the beatification process. And before this “Congregation,” the authority fell to the local bishops to canonize a saint in their diocese. When the Congregation took over, did they have all the bishops everywhere send in their list of Saints?
Is buying or selling Holy Water a mortal sin?
Someone told me that if one spouse is saved, their spouse is saved because of the first spouse being saved. This can't be true, right?
Mother Miriam Live - April 8, 2024
Reflecting on today's first-class feast, The Annunciation of Mary
Mother's live reaction to the solar eclipse
The new member of my parish choir uses they/them pronouns. Should I speak to her about this or leave the parish altogether?
What is the difference between the Heaven that Jewish people believe in and the Heaven that Jesus sacrificed to give Christians?
What are your thoughts on the recent messages from Our Lord given to those in the Order of the Mission of Divine Mercy?
Why does the Church have incorruptible bodies of Saints on display?
Mother Miriam Live - April 5, 2024
Continuing with The Mystery of Paschal Time from Dom Prosper Gueranger
What does it mean to truly forgive someone and how can we tell if we've done so?
I feel I missed my calling to religious life. I'm now married with children, but I still feel the call. What can I do about it and how can I process this?
Where in the Bible does it state that we cannot attend the wedding of someone who is not practicing the faith and not being married in the church? How can we defend our decision not to attend such an event?
Mother Miriam Live - April 4, 2024
Continuing The History of Paschal Time - a reflection by Dom Prosper Gueranger
What is the Catholic position on the Rapture of the church?
How does the church explain where different races of humans came from?
Is it appropriate to give priests gifts for Christmas, Easter and/or Birthdays? If it is, what would be the best? Also, is it okay to invite them for lunch or dinner?
What is the proper way to discard broken Rosaries?
Why might a person receive ONLY the Precious Blood during Mass?
Mother Miriam Live - April 3, 2024
The History of Paschal Time - a reflection by Dom Prosper Gueranger
Is there a specific Psalm that you've remembered since the time when you used to be a Protestant?
I found a St. Benedict medal randomly out in the world a while ago. I started doing some research and I noticed that in the one I’ve found, the broken cup and snake are not present - only the bird on the other side. Do you know why that is or what it could mean?
I feel as if I'm not doing a great job at defending the Catholic stance on the issue of when life begins. How can I better convince someone who wants to debate without using any religious points?
Mother Miriam Live - April 2, 2024
Mother returns from a three week absence and explains what happened
The barren harvest of Protestantism
Does "Liberal Catholicism" really exist, or is it something else covertly? How can we politicize the Vatican when there ought to be only one truth?
I know a couple who didn't get married in the church and they are now upset because they've been told by their priest that they may not Baptize their child in the church because of this. Should the child really be punished for the sins of their parents?
Mother Miriam Live - March 7, 2024
An Open Letter to Our Spiritual Fathers!
Should I avoid a fallen away Catholic's wedding which doesn't have a priest?
How to deal with my Step-Granddaughter's who says she is a boy?
Mother Miriam Live - March 6, 2024
Lifesite's Letter Regarding the Election and Depopulation.
Can you please discuss the neocatechumenal way?
How do we endure tremendous suffering?
Why do people love their pets more than their children?
How do I deal with scrupulosity?
How do I find a faithful woman in today's world?
Mother Miriam Live - March 5, 2024
Bishop Strickland on how to be priestly shepherds.
What is the reason for papal infallibility?
Do you get 3 chances to redeem yourself at the end of your life?
What is Theology of the Body?
What if I don't remember some of my sins during confession?
Modest apparel at Church.
Mother Miriam Live - March 4, 2024
St. Augustine on Lent
Why was the Last Supper on Thursday?
Was Jesus an Essenes Jew?
Should one avoid receiving the Precious Blood if they can't drink alcohol?
What type of human nature did Jesus have?
Is Eucharistic transubstantiation literal?
Can I pray for that my finances will be better?
Mother Miriam Live - February 27, 2024
A lesson in Lenten Fasting
A lesson in Lenten Almsgiving
A priest angerly spoke to me at the Communion rail.
How did Freemasons infiltrate the Church?
Why doesn't the Church allow people in a state of sin receive Communion?
Mother Miriam Live - February 27, 2024
Bishop Strickland at CPAC
The worrying support for IVF
Why do Catholics have the Sacraments? (Part 2)
Who do Catholics think the real mediator is, God or the Saints?
Do Catholics ignore scripture when they call priests "Father"?
Were the Dogmas of the Faith created after Scripture?
Adoration, Quality vs Quantity
Does Yom Kippur have a place in Catholicism?
Birthday Announcements at the end of mass. Is it proper?
Mother Miriam Live - February 26, 2024
How we should practice Lent from the writings of Dom Guéranger
Another Conversion! - Good news from a Caller
What are the best books for Jewish Converts?
Why do Catholics have the Sacraments? (Part 1)
Mother Miriam Live - February 21, 2024
Ember Wednesday and everything you need to know about Lenten Ember Days
Responding to spiritual attacks and how to determine if messages are truly coming from God
Mother counsels a Turkish Christian refugee
Inappropriate uses of church buildings and how to approach the pastor about such an issue
Mother Miriam Live - February 20, 2024
How do we handle people who curse and use our Lord's name in vain?
How does one, as a Catholic man, remain extremely resolute in intense suffering?
Was Jesus a conservative Jew?
How to convince a family member that he needs last rites from a priest?
How to handle fear?
Mother Miriam Live - February 19, 2024
What are the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
What is a Zionist?
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition vs. Douay-Rheims Bible
Mother Miriam Live - February 9, 2024
Continuing the article "Emptying the Cross of Its Power"
My future husband is trying to tell me who I can and cannot have as my maid of honor in our wedding. Is he overstepping boundaries, and if so, how should I navigate this?
I'm struggling with how to handle my daughter's lesbian relationship and the idea of inviting she and her "partner" into our home. Any advice?
Can a deacon officiate a Catholic wedding without a priest's supervision?
Why does the LGBTQ community seem to have a particular fascination with joining the Catholic church, as opposed to any other church that accepts such things, despite the fact that they generally show no desire to change their ways and live in union with Catholic teaching?
How did it come to be that any motivation, suggestion or requirement for conversion and fidelity to our Lord become unnecessary and commonplace? How did it come to be that a Bishop would tell a Jewish man that Catholicism was just a preferred way to avoid hell and get to heaven?
Mother Miriam Live - February 8, 2024
Reading an article depicting the true extent of Jesus' physical suffering on the Cross
The importance of upholding modesty, especially for women
What are your thoughts on priests and other religious using social media for things not directly related to promoting the faith?
Is it wrong to make the Sign of the Cross after receiving the Eucharist?
What recommendations/reflections would you have for young men who are looking to make a commitment of engagement to get married?
Is there a difference in the process or customs of marriage between Ordo and Tridentine?
Are there opportunities for lay people such as myself to have in-person conversations with you?
Mother Miriam Live - February 7, 2024
Reading through an article titled "Emptying the Cross of Its Power." Have we lost the message of the Catholic faith?
Is Satan taking over the mainstream media? If so, is this a recent thing, or has it been going on for some time now?
Why did Jesus say "I'm thirsty" on the cross? Did it have a deeper meaning, or was he just thirsty? Why did water and blood pour out of him when he was pierced after he died?
Mother Miriam Live - February 6, 2024
How should we be preparing for Lent one week ahead of Ash Wednesday?
As Catholics, we must live our faith zealously
Clarifying statements about a source that Mother recommended in a previous episode
The origins and purpose of the College of Cardinals
Mother Miriam Live - January 30, 2024
A 1900 children's sermon on Septuagesima
Is it actually possible to prove that God exists to an atheist without using the Bible or sacred scripture as a reference?
Why are there so many different denominations of Protestantism, all of whom seem to think that they are correct?
How do we ever return to the point where Catholics are focused on uniting against evil rather than spending so much time needlessly arguing with one another?
What to consider when dealing with the possibility of annulment and divorce
Mother Miriam Live - January 25, 2023
What is Septuagesima and how should we be preparing for it?
Mother's thoughts on Fiducia Supplicans and the blessing of same-sex couples
Why do we use Rosary beads?
What can I do to lift myself up and be more motivated, more positive, and feel more healthy?
I joined the Protestant church but was raised a Catholic. I want to come back home but I don’t want to put any other idols before God. Would me going back mean that I have to worship Mary and the saints?
What would your advice be to someone discerning a possible career change? How can I overcome the fear of uncertainty?
What does it mean to be a "modernist?"
Do we know definitively how the text of sacred scripture was transferred from one generation to the next? How do we know for sure that bits and pieces were not lost along the way?
Mother Miriam Live - January 24, 2023
Part one of an article from Professor Roberto de Mattei titled The Origins of A Moral Revolution: Vatican II on Marriage and the Family
At what point do we no longer obey shepherds who treat faithful priests as wolves and unfaithful priests who have an agenda as lambs?
How can I talk my family member out of an irregular marriage?
What happened to Fr. Altman?
My family has ties to the mob. What should I do, if anything?
Mother Miriam Live - January 23, 2024
Why is it so important that we maintain God's design for the family in our modern times?
My relative brought their homosexual "partner" to our family gathering. What should I do now?
Based on what we know from scripture, is there any chance that a sitting Pope could ever be the antichrist?
What is the best way for a sinner to convert?
Mother Miriam Live - January 17, 2024
Mother Miriam Live - January 11, 2024
Bishop Schneider’s Twelve Steps to Surviving As A Catholic Family in a Heretical Wasteland (LINK)
Assisting a listener with an extremely difficult family situation
Mother Miriam Live - January 10, 2024
St. Gregory the Great, St. Augustine and St. Alphonsus Liguori about Epiphany
Is God trying to communicate something through the fact that the Host does not necessarily taste pleasant?
The birth control pill, NFP, and other contraceptives
Should I move in with my daughter, who doesn't practice faith, if it means that I may be able to bring her children to church with me?
Mother Miriam Live - January 4, 2023
Preparing for the upcoming Epiphany
God's choosing Israel as a light for all the nations
Do you know the reason why the Eastern Orthodox celebrate Christmas on a different day?
I want to receive Communion from the priest at the front of the church but I have a hard time walking up with my cane. What can I do?
Why are women supposed to cover their heads at Mass when the opposite is expected of men?
How does a Catholic mother address her concerns to her adult Catholic daughter about not only attending yoga classes, but instructing them?
Mother Miriam Live - January 3, 2024
Archbishop Fulton Sheen's "True Meaning of Christmas"
How should we react to the news of Cardinal Burke's "loss of privileges" from the Vatican?
Did Pope Francis really say "I will go down in history as the one who split the church?"
Am I allowed to receive the Eucharist from the SSPX? Would it be a grave act on my part?
What is the hardest part of being a nun?
Mother Miriam Live - December 21, 2023
Father Francis Xavier Weninger's examination of conscience in preparation for a holy day
Are Catholics allowed to be baptized by immersion?
How to approach a priest about controlling his volume during Mass?
Is it okay to accept a gift from a pagan relative?
Who made God?
What are Mother's thoughts on women not veiling at the TLM?
What is a "Children's Rosary"?
How do I explain to my children that their father is not Catholic?
Mother Miriam Live - December 20, 2023
Exodus Chapter 9 and God's message at Mount Sinai
What is your favorite type of Christmas cookie, your favorite Christmas song or hymn, and your favorite Christmas movie?
What is your typical Christmas day meal with the sisters?
Do you think you’ll miss the snow this year now that you’re down in Texas?
Can you explain what a Benediction is used for and why some parishes seem to prefer it often, when others don’t do it at all?
Someone once asked me if I was a Catholic or a Christian. When I said that I was both, since Catholics are Christians, he became confused. He seemed to equate the term Christian with Protestants or non-Catholic Christians. Where did this idea come from, and how could anyone possibly think that Catholics are not Christian?
Is it ok to donate to a charity that does great humanitarian work but at the same time advocates Protestantism?
Is it acceptable to travel on Sundays?
Mother Miriam Live - December 19, 2023
An 1891 homily from Bishop Ehrler regarding the Fourth Sunday of Advent
I noticed at a certain parish, occasionally people will receive Holy Communion by taking the host and then bringing it to an Extraordinary Minister to dip the host in the Precious Blood prior to consuming it. Is this practice of “self-serve” intinction condoned by the Church? If not, what should I do if I am serving as an Extraordinary Minister and someone approaches with such an intent?
If we were to discover that life existed on other planets, how might that affect our Catholic beliefs? For example, would we have to say that Jesus is the redeemer of those beings as well?
I am not a Catholic, and one of your beliefs which I do not understand is your concept of original sin. Why should I think that I have inherited a sin committed by someone else so many years ago? How can I be guilty of a sin that I did not commit?
Mother Miriam Live - December 15, 2023
Finishing with Dom Prosper Gueranger's article about the mystery of Advent
What are your thoughts about Christmas music? When do you think it should be played, if at all, and why?
How do you normally spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with your religious community? Do you maybe have any other recommendations, especially some that might be particularly memorable for children?
How are things going with the Bishop transition in your Diocese? Have you been able to meet the interim Bishop yet? Do you have any idea where things stand with Bishop Strickland?
Can you suggest any topics where Catholics and Protestants can reach “common ground?”
Mother Miriam Live - December 14, 2023
Mother reads Dom Prosper Gueranger's article titled "The Mystery of Advent" to help us learn more about this special liturgical season
I find myself crying, sometimes deeply, when I pray the Rosary. Any advice?
Is it wrong to avoid Novus Ordo masses if one feels that proper reverence is not being given to God?
My Protestant and Lutheran friends put a white candle in the center of their Advent wreath, but I haven’t seen Catholics do that. Is this something I might have missed?
Advice for seeking a spiritual director
Can you tell me if there are any Protestants, or especially any Protestants sects, that actually respect our Mother Mary?
Mother Miriam Live - December 12, 2023
The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the connection to Mother's religious order
How do I talk to protestant friends about the whole “Call no man your Father” issue they raise up in regards to priests?
What is the easiest way to explain that we don’t worship Mary like we do God?
How should we respond to the ongoing controversy with Michael Voris? What will happen to Church Militant moving forward? Has your opinion of the apostolate changed at all now that this (relatively ambiguous) news has surfaced?
Would you please explain what Indulgences are, and what is meant by a plenary and partial indulgence?
My sister feels like she doesn't need to attend Mass or Confession. How can I change her mind?
What are your thoughts about kneeling before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament during at-home, online Adoration?
Mother Miriam Live - December 7, 2023
More on the History of Advent from Dom Gueranger
A beautiful email from a Mexican trucker
Dealing with older rebellious children
Given names and confirmation names
What exactly happened with the Good Thief on the cross?
Mother Miriam Live - December 6, 2023
The history of Advent (from Dom Prosper Gueranger)
Does a person's obligation to honor their father and mother end with the death of their parents?
Theologically speaking, what does being in a state of “limbo” mean? Is this something that the church still acknowledges? How does it differ from something like purgatory?
Should I be praying to God, Mary, or both? How should I decide?
Mother Miriam Live - December 4, 2023
Properly preparing for Advent and the worldly misconception of the "New Year"
Why did God fail to provide an inspired and infallible list of Old Testament books to Israel? Why would God suddenly provide such a list only after Israel was destroyed in 70 AD?
How could the Jews know that the books of Kings or Isaiah were Scripture?
"Balancing the load" as a homeschooling mother - helpful tips
Mother Miriam Live - November 27, 2023
he Problem of the Present Time: Antagonism of two civilisations (1905) by Monsignor Henri Delassus
What is the Catholic position on the Rapture?
Is Mary "omnipresent"?
What do we do if "female priests" start getting "ordained"?
Mother Miriam Live - November 22, 2023
The history behind Thanksgiving
Catholic Thanksgiving traditions and customs
When and why did the Traditional Latin Mass begin to be associated with extremism or "radical Catholicism?"
What is the rapture?
Mother Miriam Live - November 21, 2023
Reading a priest's article in response to Bishop Strickland's removal
Can traditions of the church be changed? What is the difference between oral traditions and other traditions?
Mother Miriam Live - November 20, 2023
A beautiful, heartfelt letter about Bishop Strickland from someone in the Diocese of Tyler, Texas
Did Jesus really "put an end" to the priesthood in the Bible?
Mother Miriam Live - November 16, 2023
A report from Lepanto Institute - where are your donations going?
The Lutherans at the restaurant I go to after Mass laugh and say the Catholic Church is Lutheran, and that they imitate the Lutherans in everything. How would you respond to this?
My son is trying to find his way back to his Catholic faith but is struggling to find a conservative Novus Ordo Catholic church. Can you recommend any, or how he should search a church out?
I have been to churches where people raise their hands during the Our Father. Is that allowed?
What is the church’s guidance on the use of Extraordinary Ministers and on the logistics of how the people are to process to receive Communion?
In your opinion, what is the best way to prepare for Advent and the coming Christmas season?
Mother Miriam Live - November 15, 2023
Msgr. Charles Pope's article "A Cry of the Heart to Our Bishops"
Mother's reaction to a letter from a priest of the Diocese of Tyler criticizing Bishop Strickland
Discerning God's will for each of us
Children's participation in Advent/Christmas festivities
Mother Miriam Live - November 11, 2023
Mother's reaction to Bishop Strickland being removed as the Bishop of the Diocese of Tyler
Differences in reception of the Body and Blood of Christ between rites
Mother Miriam Live - November 10, 2023
Pope Francis declares that transgender individuals can be Baptized and become godparents - Dr. Anthony Esolen speaks out
A listener shares a story about her visit to a lovely shrine in Oklahoma
Why did Jesus descend into hell?
Tips for finding Catholic friends in a retirement home
What's wrong with NFP, and how can we share that charitably with other faithful Catholics who may just need clarification?
Does Jewish law really support abortion? (Spoiler: It doesn't - but how do we know?)
Mother is live now! Call her with your questions at 1-877-511-5483 or email her at [email protected] If you want to support her show call 1-877-711-8500
Mother is live now! Call her with your questions at 1-877-511-5483 or email her at [email protected] If you want to support her show call 1-877-711-8500
Mother Miriam Live - November 7, 2023
A response to Pope Francis' latest motu proprio
Can a lay person baptize a child if it’s an emergency situation?
What boundaries need to be set when it comes to forgiveness? Is there ever a point where one should “draw the line” and not forgive?
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Mother's favorite Advent questions
How do we know what parts of the Old Law no longer apply and what parts still do now that we are under the New Covenant with Jesus Christ?
Mother Miriam Live - November 3, 2023
The First Friday Devotion
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, St. Gertrude, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Where is the boundary line between good music and bad music?
Why are Catholics expected to confess their sins? What does that mean for members of other religions?
Do pets make it to heaven, or do my pets just stop existing once they die?
Does the type of material used to craft a scapular affect its sacramental value?
What are the differences between the PNCC (Polish National Catholic Church) and the Catholic Church founded by Christ our Lord?
What is the proper protocol with winter coats when receiving Holy Communion?
Mother Miriam Live - November 2, 2023
The Feast of All Souls and praying for the souls in purgatory
How to have a Catholic Halloween
Why can Eastern Rite Catholic priests marry? Does the "regular" Catholic church look down upon this practice in any way?
What are some good ways to live out the Liturgical Year in our everyday lives besides going to daily Mass or at least some of the big feasts that aren’t Holy Days of Obligation? Do you have any favorite customs that help keep the liturgical year and Church calendar in our hearts and minds?
What is the best way to prepare ourselves for Advent?
A powerful testimony from a listener of the show
Mother Miriam Live - October 25, 2023
Continuing with 1 Peter
Are "white lies" really that bad?
A priest forcing Communion in the hand
How to handle kids who don't want to receive Confirmation?
Mother Miriam Live - October 24, 2023
Continuing with St. Peter's letter to the Jews
What is an ambry?
Does the Church permit the practice of lay people anointing the sick with oil?
How much incense is TOO much at Mass?
My priest supports Medjugorje, but his "the end is near" attitude is stressful for all of us. What can I do?
The "New Ways Ministry" organization
I was talking with a Protestant friend who scoffed at the literal interpretation of “This is my Body” by saying, Jesus also said, “I am the door.” How should I answer this objection?
Why do we celebrate the visit of the Magi on a day different from Christmas? Also, someone told me there were more than three wise men who visited - could this be true?
Mother Miriam Live - October 23, 2023
Peter's message to the Jews in the first Book of Peter
Have you heard anything about the synod in the last week or two regarding how things are going? Are there any worthwhile updates floating around?
Have you heard of the Book of Enoch? If so, what is your opinion of it?
The problems with the song "Mary Did You Know"
Is a Catholic married in an Eastern Orthodox Church a valid marriage in the eyes of Jesus?
Why don't people remove their shoes when entering a church?
If a priest who has had five years to discern his vocation can be laicized, why does a couple, who may court only six months to a year, need a Church annulment?
Is it better not to receive Communion than to receive it improperly from the hands of a lay person?
Mother Miriam Live - October 19, 2023
Bishop Joseph Strickland's final pastoral letter
Is the Orthodox church in schism? If they believe nearly the same things as Catholics, is their salvation intact? If not, why?
Struggling with discernment and losing faith in God
I was refused Communion on the tongue for seemingly no reason - what should I do?
How are the Commandments instituted in the Jewish faith? Are there more than ten?
Mother Miriam Live - October 18, 2023
Continuing with Bishop Strickland's letter about universalism
Do Muslims and Catholics really worship the same God?
What are the signs of the true church and how can we explain that to members of other religions?
How can we fight the secularization of Christmas?
Is it possible that the antichrist is in Israel right now?
Mother Miriam Live - October 17, 2023
Reading Bishop Strickland's pastoral letter surrounding the errors of universalism
Explaining the ongoing conflict in Israel
How to determine when thoughts and ideas might actually be a calling or inspiration from God
Mother Miriam Live - October 16, 2023
Bishop Strickland's pastoral letter regarding sexual relations outside of marriage and why the church teaching on this can't be changed
Did the John the Baptist lead a sinless life?
When we say “world without end” at the end of a prayer, what are we actually praying for?
How do we know that we have a guardian angel?
Extreme unction
Can a homosexual union be blessed by any priest at the discretion of said priest?
Responding to those who suggest that Bishop Strickland teaches falsehoods
Mother Miriam Live - October 13, 2023
Mother discusses the current events unfolding in Israel and how we got to this point
At what point would it be determined that my repentance and absolution were not adequate to free me from demonic entanglements and that I should seek the services of an exorcist?
Why is a golden calf used for symbolism in the bible?
Divorce and annulment
Is addiction a sin in itself?
Mother Miriam Live - October 12, 2023
We need your support to keep bringing you Mother Miriam Live and your other favorite programs from The Station of the Cross! To donate, call 1-877-711-8500, visit thestationofthecross.com, or use your iCatholic Radio app!
We'll be doing this again on Thursday, so it's not too late to show your support and make your most generous pledge today!
Mother Miriam Live - October 10, 2023
We need your support to keep bringing you Mother Miriam Live and your other favorite programs from The Station of the Cross! To donate, call 1-877-711-8500, visit thestationofthecross.com, or use your iCatholic Radio app!
We'll be doing this again on Thursday, so it's not too late to show your support and make your most generous pledge today!
Mother Miriam Live - September 28, 2023
Dissecting Bishop Strickland's fourth pastoral letter
Can you please explain the processes for selecting bishops? Also, how are Popes elected?
Feeling conflicted between one's Jewish heritage and their Catholic faith
Do graves need to be blessed if a priest wasn't present for the burial itself?
Fear of "over-worshipping" Mary
Do you believe that homosexuals are born homosexual, or do you think that’s an acquired mindset/behavior?
Freedom to form a family - what does this really mean?
Dealing with many hardships in a short span of time and how to overcome them
Mother Miriam Live - September 27, 2023
The duties of the average person in times of crisis and hardship
Mother's thoughts on wives who lack respect for their husbands
Is it acceptable for us to pray for the Pope’s conversion, or would that be considered disrespectful and accusatory?
How can one fast on bread and water when they have to eat gluten-free and lactose-free?
I won’t take theological advice from priests, bishops, and popes who care more about American culture than Jesus’ words. Is this an uncharitable approach?
The differences between Lutheranism and Catholicism
Mother Miriam Live - September 26, 2023
Bishop Athanasius Schneider's words on the legitimacy of Pope Francis, papal infallibility, and more
Mother's thoughts about Fr. James Altman
Advice for young women struggling with pornography
Can the Pope ever be accused of heresy?
Do we ever need to "forgive" God in confession?
Reshuffling of parishes and priests and how that affects the faithful
The Good Shepherd curriculum - is it acceptable?
Mother Miriam Live - September 25, 2023
Continuing with Bishop Strickland's letter (with points on marriage and women's ordination)
Why are rifts starting to form in the church? Why are traditional Catholics under attack, even from other Catholics?
Mother's thoughts on priestly celibacy and female ordination
Mother Miriam Live - September 22, 2023
Continuing with Bishop Strickland's most recent pastoral letter
I'm feeling torn between my Jewish heritage and my desire to become Catholic. Can you help?
Providing counsel to a wife who feels that she may have overstepped her role
Mother Miriam Live - September 20, 2023
Unpacking Bishop Strickland's third pastoral letter, released yesterday
Is there more than one Herod mentioned in the Holy Bible?
Fasting in combination with prayer
What does the church teach about natural family planning (NFP)?
Mother's thoughts on professional sporting events on Sundays and whether we should attend them
Catholic dating sites
Mother Miriam Live - September 19, 2023
Man has no authority to change the teachings and traditions of the church
Marriage outside the church and living as brother and sister rather than husband and wife
Mother Miriam speaks about her own mother
Children who abandon their parents for "no reason"
How do we defend our own faith if our leaders promote evil?
Is there a female order equivalent to the Jesuits?
Have there been many saints who got married and had children before entering religious life?
Music during Adoration
Lay people should not deliver the Eucharist to the homebound, even if it seems like the right thing to do
Mother Miriam Live - September 18, 2023
Taking a look at Bishop Strickland's September 12th Pastoral letter about the divine nature of the Sacraments and the Eucharist
Would it be acceptable to ask for a family member's return to the church as a Christmas gift?
What does an average day at Mother's new property look like?
How should one discern moving their family to an area where Catholicism is prominent and well-practiced?
Discerning a call to the priesthood while overcoming fear of the persecution that so many traditionally-minded prelates have faced in our times
The Hour of Grace devotion and the purple scapular
Mother Miriam Live - September 5, 2023
Bishop Athanasius Schneider's letter of support for Bishop Joseph Strickland
Only Catholics go to heaven?
Returned to the Church, but can't find a reverent parish!
How can Mary be a Mediatrix when the Bible says Jesus is the only mediator between God and man?
Mother Miriam Live - September 12, 2023
An 1880 homily about the necessity to proclaim our faith and how it relates to the current situation with Bishop Strickland
Is a lay person sinning by helping to distribute the Precious Blood?
What is the role of a retired woman with no grandchildren?
I was welcomed into a Baptist family with open arms, but I want to become Catholic. How can I do that without damaging the great relationship that I have with those people?
What is the Alpha Program, and is it a good resource for Catholics?
How to prepare for your first Confession in many years
Mother Miriam Live - September 11, 2023
Fr. Altman believes that the Chair of St. Peter is empty... how should Catholics respond to a statement like this?
Discerning religious life
Can a lay person repose the Holy Eucharist at the end of Adoration?
The difference between Rabbi and other clergy
The extent of Papal infallibility
Mother Miriam Live - September 8, 2023
What does true obedience in the church look like? Part two of a speech Mother put together with help from Dr. Peter Kwasniewski
Is “Body of Christ” and “Amen” the tradition of the church?
Is it possible for those in the LGBTQ community who may be living sinful lifestyles to come into union with the church? If so, how?
A horrifying stance on transgenderism that is sadly too common in Novus Ordo parishes
Mother's stance on clergy who don't dress as such in public
The difference between Catholicism and practicing Messianic Judaism
Mother Miriam Live - September 7, 2023
What does true obedience in the church look like? Part one of a speech Mother put together with help from Dr. Peter Kwasniewski
How to respond to a so-called "Catholic anti-Semite"
What types of practices might not be permitted while the Blessed Sacrament is exposed?
Mother Miriam Live - September 6, 2023
Bishop Strickland's newest Pastoral letter
My children have turned their backs on the faith and refuse to talk to me - what can I do?
How should we view priests who continue to practice the sacraments without their Bishop's approval?
The Latin Mass vs. the Novus Ordo
Mother Miriam Live - September 1, 2023
The Roles of Mother and Father and the Restoration of the Family
The First Five Saturdays Devotion
What is there in the Catholic Church that is lacking in any other Church that likewise confesses the Apostles, Nicean, and Athanasian Creeds? (Continued from last episode)
Mother Miriam Live - August 31, 2023
An article from Voice of the Family Digest about the structure of the traditional family
What happens to the soul of a beloved family pet after death? Do they go to heaven?
Why do so many churches never speak about the topic of modesty and allow parishioners to attend Mass dressed however they choose?
Can a statue of Moloch be found at the Roman Colosseum?
What is there in the Catholic Church that is lacking in any other Church that likewise confesses the Apostles, Nicean, and Athanasian Creeds?
Mother Miriam Live - August 30, 2023
The restoration of the family and the role of a mother and father
Jewish lineage and the destruction of the temple
Which Divine Office does Mother use?
I see a mom online posting pictures of her toddler dressed up as the opposite sex - what to do?
Why would Pope Francis attempt to undermine the serious sinful nature of homosexual behavior?
Does a good person who may not be Christian still go to hell?
Mother Miriam Live - August 29, 2023
Taking a look at the Synod on Synodality with help from Cardinal Burke - what is going on here?
Bishop Joseph Strickland's wonderful letter to the faithful that you NEED to hear
The ongoing dispute between Carmelite nuns and Bishop Olson in the Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas
Are "destination weddings" (or weddings outside the church) permissible for Catholics?
Mother Miriam Live - August 28, 2023
Information about Mother's final vows, including a clip from the ceremony
We have a new time slot! (2PM ET)
What to do when being rejected or alienated by family, including one's own children
Is it wrong for a lay person to deliver Communion to the sick and homebound?
Is it wrong for a deacon to handle the host?
Mother Miriam Live - July 14, 2023
Discussing Catholic masculinity and how it has evolved over time
More on annulment, divorce, and re-marriage
Fear of choking and praying to St. Blaise
How do we stop superstitious thoughts?
Respectfully encouraging family members to bring their children into the Sacraments
Eastern Rite Catholicism and married priests
Should we donate to Catholic Charities?
Mother Miriam Live - July 12, 2023
Christians and the need for suffering
Has Mother had a chance to see "Sound of Freedom" yet? What are her thoughts about the movie?
Advice for RCIA instructors looking to reinforce and explain the love that Catholics have for the Eucharist
The proper order of events for divorce, annulment, remarriage, etc.
My child is acting unusual - could my home be harboring the demonic?
How to carefully evaluates the pros and cons of my child's school and make the best possible decision for their upbringing and salvation
Mother Miriam Live - July 7, 2023
The Christian under suffering - no one can attain salvation without suffering
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Can Catholics be justified in restricting immigration to protect their sovereign nation?
What is moral relativism and how can we counteract it in our world today?
Private property and the universal destination of goods
Feeling called to attend seminary
Mother Miriam Live - July 5, 2023
God's divine providence
How should Catholics discern whether or not to attend Protestant worship services, funerals, weddings, etc.?
Why does God allow evil people to present themselves as well-intentioned?
Why do Catholics pray to Mary and the saints when God has the power to do all things?
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal - what is it?
Mother Miriam Live - July 3, 2023
Continued reading on God's divine providence
All Souls Day: if we make six visits to six churches and say designated prayers, will the souls in purgatory for whom we pray go straight to heaven?
Can Catholics support other Catholics who get married outside the church?
Mother's thoughts on Blackrock and their sinister affairs
Did the early Church fathers talk about abortion, or is it only a modern-day issue?
Mother Miriam Live - June 29, 2023
Sifting through some discouraging news headlines and tying that back to God's divine providence - why does God allow this?
What makes the Traditional Latin Mass more reverent than the Novus Ordo?
Mother Miriam Live - June 26, 2023
Another BIG announcement!
What you need to know about God's divine providence
Is receiving Communion in the hand sacrilege? If so, how can that be proven or explained?
Recent news of Bishop Strickland's visit from the Vatican and how future developments could affect Mother's religious community
Mother Miriam Live - June 16, 2023
The Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and a related homily from Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger
How are mere humans expected to forgive everyone when we are taught that God only forgives those who are repentant?
What is the “line” that must be crossed for a person to consider removing themselves from a verbally/physically abusive marriage?
How to lovingly say "no" when you're simply too busy
Trying to convert someone before it's "too late"
Is it okay to assign a name to our guardian angel? Would that in any way be disrespectful?
Mother Miriam Live - June 14, 2023
Another take on the story of creation from a different angle
How to approach someone who is considering leaving the church
Trinitarian baptisms as a "last resort" - is it acceptable?
Why was Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster's incorrupt body described as a miracle?
Mother Miriam Live - June 13, 2023
The history of God's creation of the universe and how it relates to science
Does the "seven days" of creation in Genesis literally mean seven days?
Weddings outside the church and effects on the family
Best practices for Confession
An urgent appeal!
Mother Miriam Live - June 7, 2023
Pope Francis and his encouraging Catholics to participate with the UN's pro-abortion "sustainable development goals"
Papal infallibility
Rev. Francis Spirago on the absence and loss of faith
Would it be okay to attend a wedding of non-practicing Catholics if it was held outside of the Catholic Church, such as by a justice of the peace?
Adherence to "T" and "t" traditions
Attending another church as an "undercover Catholic"
Allowing and/or encouraging one's children to cohabitate
Mother Miriam Live - June 6, 2023
Dom Prosper Gueranger's 1870 homily about the Holy Trinity
Mother's thoughts on the LA Dodgers and their endorsement of anti-Catholic group "sisters of Perpetual Indulgence"
How have women been sold the idea that abortion corresponds with independence?
Upcoming Presidential candidates
Is it wrong for the husband and wife to "swap roles?"
Mother Miriam Live - May 31, 2023
Continuing Dom Prosper Gueranger's homily on Pentecost
What's the deal with Eucharistic ministers? Are they acceptable or not and why?
Is it okay for women to clean the sanctuary?
Parish "renewals" and how to respond - should you participate?
Advice for young men and women who may be discerning a religious vocation
Counseling a listener who lost her ability to have children - how should she move forward and overcome the guilt that has come from the situation?
Mother Miriam Live - May 30, 2023
Dom Prosper Gueranger on Pentecost
Addressing those who doubt the legitimacy of Mother Miriam and her religious community - the FULL story
Is The Sign of the Cross sinful, or is that just another Protestant accusation?
Mother Miriam Live - May 25, 2023
Dom Prosper Gueranger's 1870 homily on the Vigil of Pentecost
Dispelling false claims about the legitimacy of Mother and her order, Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope
A VERY exciting announcement!
Counseling a wife who is struggling with her husband's use of marijuana
Stay-at-home husbands - is it acceptable?
Was the Protestant movement, from its inception, ordained by God?
Mother Miriam Live - May 24, 2023
An Ascension homily from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
A follow up on yesterday's discussion about "tiger parenting"
Is it wrong for Catholics to complete household chores on Sundays?
How are antiphons used in mass and why is it done this way?
Is the Neo-Catechumen order in good standing?
Lay people offering healing - is it legitimate?
The issue with clapping and dancing during mass
Mother Miriam Live - May 23, 2023
A miraculous discovery in Missouri!
What is "tiger parenting" and is it good or bad?
Are Catholics allowed to work on Holy Days?
Is it wrong to patronize restaurants and other businesses on a Sunday?
Mother Miriam Live - May 9, 2023
What does "Christian" really mean?
Do not give your children away to the world - once you do, it's already too late!
Does the Bible make mention of mortal and venial sins? If so, where?
How do we know the scriptures came from the church?
Every person who donates to our ongoing 2023 Spring appeal here at the station of the cross will receive a St. Benedict Medal courtesy of Mother Miriam and the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope.
This medal is blessed and exorcised by in the proper form by the friars.
Mother Miriam Live - April 28, 2023
The divine essence and being of God
What is IVF and why does the church stand against it?
Is the SSPX in schism or not? - Mixed messaging from Pope Francis
Mother Miriam Live - April 27, 2023
How can one God exist in three persons?
Mother's thoughts on the situation between Fox News and Tucker Carlson, as well as Joe Biden's re-election bid
Pope Francis announces that women will be voting members of the Synod of Bishops
Why it's a lie that "the church is about equality"
What can a young man do when he fears his family may be too lukewarm but is afraid to overstep authoritative boundaries?
Mother Miriam Live - April 26, 2023
One God exists in three persons
What was Jesus' intention when he said "The Father is greater than I?"
Properly making the Sign of the Cross
The benefits of Divine Mercy Sunday
Mother's thoughts on the apparitions at Garabandal
Is it a grave sin for a mother to work outside of her home without good reason?
Did Judas HAVE to betray Jesus in order for the prophecy to be fulfilled?
Did Jesus really "curse" three cities? Why or why not?
The Three Days of Darkness - what we know
Mother Miriam Live - April 21, 2023
Advice for men seeking a relationship with a good Catholic woman
Deciding whether or not to attend a sibling's wedding
Archdioceses instructing the faithful to remain standing until all have received Communion - is this correct, and is one wrong for disobeying this order?
Whose bloodline did Jesus carry based on Biblical accounts? How are we able to determine who His relatives were?
The basics of annulment and divorce
Mother Miriam Live - April 19, 2023
The attributes of God continued
Clearing up some confusion about God's vision for marriage and spousal roles
Is it proper to raise our hands when praying the Our Father during Mass?
What is really supposed to happen when the host is dropped during Holy Communion?
Mother Miriam Live - April 17, 2023
The Divine Attributes of God
A man writes in seeking guidance for addressing an ongoing battle between his wife and his mother stemming from improper reception of Holy Communion
The disciples on the road to Emmaus; were they also there when Jesus originally turned bread into body and wine into blood?
Mother Miriam Live - April 12, 2023
The octave of Easter - the holiest time of the liturgical year?
The Good Friday Prayer for conversion of the Jews
How does Mother feel about her Jewish heritage knowing that she shares that with Jesus?
The proper way to counsel those who don't adhere to church teaching, whether it be intentional or unintentional
Mother Miriam Live - April 3, 2023
Passiontide and Holy Week - Easter is almost here!
More about the death penalty
Are angels "reflections of God" that can be compared to facets of a diamond?
Stories from Mother's time serving as a jail chaplain
Why did Jesus need to be Baptized?
What does the "INRI" found on crucifixes mean?
What's the deal with female altar servers?
Teaching young people about purgatory in a way that doesn't scare them or cause them to despair
Mother Miriam Live - March 29, 2023
The practice and mysteries of Passiontide
What's the best way to start delving into scripture?
What are some good books to share with someone of Jewish heritage in order to help them understand Catholicism?
What are one's options for educating their children?
Finding joy in a hectic homeschooling lifestyle
In 2004, Rosalind Moss gave a powerful talk at The Coming Home Network's "Deep in History" Conference. Raised Jewish, she came to know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and later became an Evangelical minister. She was challenged to examine the history and teachings of the Catholic Church expecting to be reaffirmed in her belief in its errors, but what she discovered astonished her.
We thank The Coming Home Network for allowing us to air this special broadcast. To learn more about their great work, visit chnetwork.org or check out their YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@cominghomenetwork
Mother Miriam Live - March 27, 2023
The history of Passiontide
To what extent are Catholics allowed (or obligated) to serve their government, or even acknowledge its legitimacy, when that government is not in harmony with the Faith?
Is a Catholic spiritually permitted to marry an atheist?
The usage of bells during the Mass - when do we do it and why?
How do we know hell is real?
How can we combat feelings of despair surrounding the current state of the world?
Are those in a state of mortal sin incapable of true charity?
Mother's past appearances in radio, television, and other forms of media
How to make the most of what's left of Lent
Mother Miriam Live - March 24, 2023
Why Thomas Edison should be considered the patron saint of homeschooling
Where do the souls of aborted babies go?
How to proceed after tragically losing your partner
Overcoming nerves at a new job
Why do so many parents let their children drink at a young age?
Are Mormons Christian?
Church teaching on the death penalty
Mother Miriam Live - March 23, 2023
God's supreme wisdom
All things in the world have a mutual relation to one another
Who is Jesus to the Jews? How do they explain Him?
Did any Eucharistic miracles happen in the Novus Ordo, or did they all happen in the Traditional Latin Mass?
Repeatedly offending God by receiving Communion unworthily and the need to take action when we know someone is doing so
Did Mother Miriam ever cross paths with Mother Angelica? And if so, how did that go?!
Being insecure about your physical appearance affects your trust in God
Mother Miriam Live - March 22, 2023
The Divine Attributes of God
My Bishop said it was okay to eat meat on St. Patrick's Day... is that true?
LGBTQ and trans ideologies being taught in schools without parental consent
Does the consecrated host still have gluten in it?
If a Mass is said for a family friend but their name is never mentioned, will that person still reap the benefits of that Mass?
Did Pope Francis really state that “the church banning priests from engaging in sex is temporary”?
Why do priests wear black?
Mother Miriam Live - March 15, 2023
What God is in his Divine Essence
The importance of attending Mass as a family
Are there any exceptions to the need to keep Sundays Holy?
Is there ever a time to stop having children? And how do contraception and NFP tie into this?
Mother Miriam Live - March 14, 2023
Those who deny the existence of God are foolish
The writings of Don Dolindo Ruotolo
The quickest way to transform your "chicken's heart" into a lion's heart
Is it acceptable to work on Sunday to avoid financial hardships?
Proper placement of crucifixes on headstones
Mother Miriam Live - March 10, 2023
Mother begins to explain the ins and outs of the Apostle's Creed and why it is so important
When the Warning comes, will sins from the past continue to haunt us even if they've been confessed?
Why did God create evil? Or did he?
Does the battle between good and evil continue after death?
Mother Miriam Live - March 9, 2023
A follow up on the importance of properly making the Sign of the Cross
The Apostle's Creed
Did Mary and Joseph have physical contact in their marriage?
Resources for avoiding scrupulosity
Joe Biden's destruction of the female image
Late vocations to Mother's order
Sunday as a day of rest
Silently making the Sign of the Cross
Mother Miriam Live - March 8, 2023
The duty of confessing our faith
The proper way to make the Sign of the Cross
Does Mother believe in ghosts as depicted in films and the like?
Notable differences between the practices and beliefs of Catholics and Lutherans - how big is the gap between the two?
The "leaven of malice"
Approaching conversations about the faith with a spouse that belongs to a different denomination and isn't open to discussion
Is it possible to take sufferings from our past and offer them up for someone's benefit?
If you love listening to Mother Miriam Live, we'd be very grateful if you would consider leaving us a five star review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to spread the word and extend our reach!
Mother Miriam Live - March 1, 2023
Faith and purgatory; how the two are intertwined
Is there a right and wrong way to portray the Holy Family in illustrations and the like?
Do we know of any non-Israelite Old Testament (pre-Christ) people who were saved, either Biblical figures or historical figures? Or was it only after Christ that any Gentiles could attain salvation?
Why are some people born with disabilities that theoretically hinder their ability to perform God's work on Earth?
What is the criteria that decides whether or not organ donation is permissible?
February 28, 2023
How do people come to lose their faith? Why is it so important that we never fall into this trap?
Is there such a thing as having "too many" children?
The difference between a monastery and a convent
Do we know if anyone else ever wrote about Jesus’ life other than Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? And, if so, why were these the only four who were accepted?
Can anyone other than a priest distribute ashes?
Evangelizing other denominations
Advice for military wives and raising children while filling the role of both parents at times
Meat substitute products - are they a good option during Lent?
Mother Miriam Live - February 27, 2023
Loss of faith and lack of belief
How to avoid despair and potentially become a saint while doing so
Persecution of the TLM
Mother Miriam Live - February 24, 2023
There are true and false miracles - where do they come from?
A listener shares the story of his wife's conversion and seeks counsel for charitably handling his frustrations as the church strays from tradition
Bishop Schneider's stance on Pope Francis' restrictions on the TLM
Mother Miriam Live - February 23, 2023
Faith alone is not sufficient for salvation
The importance of distancing ourselves from toxic and self-righteous family members
Why a habitual sinner will never get away with fraudulent confessions
Is there anything wrong with flying an American Flag outside of a church?
Feeling unattractive as a young woman
Mother Miriam Live - February 22, 2023
Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent
Why do so many Catholics seem to gravitate towards attending Mass on Ash Wednesday even if they don’t regularly attend Mass throughout the rest of the year?
What happens to leftover ashes?
Medical treatment for gender identity disorders
The red heifer
Mother Miriam Live - February 21, 2023
The degree to which we love and serve God on Earth will be the degree to which we serve him through all eternity
Actively discerning one's vocation to religious life
Is a confession still valid if sins were withheld unintentionally?
Does God (and the Catholic church) really hate homosexuals?
Mother Miriam Live - February 20, 2023
Preparing for Ash Wednesday and the start of the Lenten season
Why would a husband stand in the way of his wife experiencing the TLM for the first time?
Resources for good Catholic reading material
Is "Celebration of the Mass" a proper term?
Responding to those who accuse patrons of the TLM as having committed idolatry
Is it sinful for a cancer patient to stop their own chemotherapy?
February 17th, 2023 - Mother reads some more great content from The Catechism Explained with her own commentary, and answers listener emails on topics like discerning religious vocations in today's Church, writing a "Valentine from Jesus", and dealing with a family member's marriage to a divorced Catholic.
Mother Miriam Live - February 16, 2023
Cardinal McElroy's concerning article about "equality and inclusion" in the church
If one says the Rosary incorrectly, will they be held accountable?
Why did Our Lord ask "Why have you forsaken Me?" on the Cross?
Is there any benefit to praying the Rosary in English vs Latin?
Will only Catholics be saved and reach heaven?
Mother Miriam Live - February 15, 2023
An explanation of what "faith" really means and how it should be defined
Clarification regarding Anne Catherine Emmerich and whether we know if Judas is in Hell
How can Catholics approach media, TV, movies or video games and still live a life pleasing to God?
Should Catholics donate to organizations that are Protestant in origin?
Parenting a child who has fallen into transgender ideology
Mother Miriam Live - February 14, 2023
At what point is it necessary for parents to pull their kids out of school?
Advice for those who suffer from PTSD, especially combat veterans
Should you choose a church based on what you think your family's reaction may be?
Mother Miriam Live - February 13, 2023
Did Jesus undergo full fetal development like any other person would have? How do we know?
Do we know for sure whether Judas is in heaven or hell?
Is it okay to be offering prayers before/after the Rosary "for the intentions of the Holy Father" considering the problems going on with the Holy Father right now?
What to do when a beloved parish priest is reassigned for "being too reverent"
The truth about Elijah from both a Jewish and Catholic perspective
What do we know about the antichrist?
The rapture and the mark of the beast
Friday, February 10th - Mother Miriam reads a wonderful children's story with a deeper meaning, and answers listener questions including an important one dealing with acceptance of a new family member.
Mother Miriam Live - February 3, 2023
* Please excuse the buzzing noise throughout the first half of today's show *
The messages of St. Francis de Sales
The Bishops' "Eucharistic Revival" - what's it all about?
Is there anything wrong with having a living will?
Why even the worst of sinners should never be afraid to allow God into their hearts
Advice for parents dealing with a troubled child
Mother Miriam Live - February 2, 2023
The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple, The Purification of Our Blessed Mother, and Candlemas
Do particles of the Host really fall to the floor during Communion? If so, how should we respond?
Examining the timeline of the events after Jesus' presentation in the temple
Mother Miriam Live - January 27, 2023
More about what parents need to know and the things they should be paying attention to when making decisions about their children's education (referencing an article from Voice of the Family)
A devastating email from an abused wife trying to leave her husband
Mother Miriam Live - January 26, 2023
What parents need to know and the things they should be paying attention to when making decisions about their children's education (referencing an article from Voice of the Family)
Desperately pleading with a spouse to enter the faith
Mother Miriam Live - January 24, 2023
The truth about salvation and how it relates to the Catholic church (referencing an article by Eric Sammons of Crisis Magazine titled "Dare We Fear That Most Men Be Damned?"
The best way to evangelize to avoid be looked at as confrontational, crazy, or "too aggressive"
Marriage, annulment, and re-marriage
Desire to attend the Latin Mass without having the means to do so
Mother Miriam Live - January 20, 2023
The Actual Changes the Church Needs Today (an article from Crisis Magazine)
Should we listen if a priest tells us it's okay to receive the Eucharist in a state of sin?
Mending a broken relationship with an adult child
Mother Miriam Live - January 19, 2023
Keeping Sunday holy for the first time
A Hill to Die On (an article about the Catholic view of marriage)
Mother provides counsel to a listener who finds themselves caught up in an intimate relationship with a priest
Binding prayers
Human euthanasia
Mother Miriam Live - January 18, 2023
The Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter
A listener challenges Mother's stance on the SSPX
Where to start after living in sin and straying from the church for years
How to proceed after finding out that your spouse has had an affair
Navigating difficult family dynamics, especially when children are involved
The benefits of Divine Mercy Sunday
Mother Miriam Live - January 17, 2023
A letter from Archbishop Vigano regarding the octave of Epiphany and the Holy Family
Aboriginal representation of Biblical figures - is it okay?
The validity of SSPX weddings
Who introduced Latin as the traditional language of the mass and why?
Is it ever okay for a priest to change the wording of certain parts of the mass?
The importance of choosing the right godparent for your children
Mother Miriam Live - January 11, 2023
What is the Christian faith?
Keeping the peace with non-Catholic relatives
Which books helped Mother the most when she was transitioning from Judaism to Christianity?
Mother's opinion on those who allow demonstrated non-practicing Catholics to receive Communion
Resources for those with homosexual thoughts and tendencies who may also want to practice the faith
About St. George
Will there ever be unity of all faiths? Why or why not?
Mother Miriam Live - January 10, 2023
Reading through the first chapter of "Freedom Under God" by Bishop Fulton Sheen
If God truly listens to our prayers, why is our desired outcome not always what happens?
If a person misses Mass due to illness, is he/she in grave sin?
Becoming an oblate (and Mother's recommended reading material)
Is filing a restraining order against an abusive spouse sufficient?
Do prayers actually affect the outcome or situations, or is that all predetermined by God?
Advice for finding a good spiritual director
Mother Miriam Live - January 6, 2023
More about Epiphany and a sermon from Pope Leo the Great
Can NFP ever be truly natural?
Teaching teenagers to control their desires
Canon law for separation and divorce
Mother Miriam Live - January 4, 2023
Pope Benedict's spiritual testament
Our Blessed Mother's predeterminations in relation to God
Attending a Sedevacantist chapel
Mother's recommended concordance
Mother Miriam Live - December 30, 2022
About the Feast of the Circumcision (commentary by Dom Gueranger)
Discerning creative projects
The importance of spousal roles (wife as homemaker and husband as provider)
Living as brother and sister while married
Starting a business as a homeschooling mom
Mother Miriam Live - December 28, 2022
The Feast of the Holy Innocents
Should (or has) the Catholic church put into canon law a rule that adults (for example, priests) can not directly contact minors?
What are the rules for men who may be married and still wish to become a priest?
What is/are the proper time(s) to genuflect in a church?
Overcoming lifelong homosexual urges
When Our Lord called out "My God" on the cross, why did the Jews say He was calling for Elijah?
Parental disagreements regarding what material is suitable for their children to read and watch
Mother Miriam Live - December 27, 2022
The Feast of St. John the Evangelist
Mother's thoughts on the series "Chosen"
Improper music at mass
Educating loved ones who are ignorant to religion(s) in general
What happens to those who die suddenly?
Avoiding family gatherings that involve homosexual relatives
The best Bible version you can buy
Mother Miriam Live - 12/22/22
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux's summon to clergy and parents
Is it wrong for women to be on the altar and/or distribute Holy Communion?
Discernment of religious life
Modesty in dress
Mother Miriam Live - 12/21/22
An article about Bishop Athanasius Schneider's address to the Catholic Identity Conference this past fall
Those with celiac disease might only be able to receive the Precious Blood, and no Host
Ad orientem (facing "east" towards Our Lord) is the proper form for the Novus Ordo, not just the Traditional Latin Mass
Homeschooling is easier than many think
Do not report false news or rumors, especially about bishops
Mother Miriam Live - 12/20/22
Saint Peter's first letter to the dispersed Jews in the first century
One of Mother's favorite Christmas stories, "A Baby's Hug"
Deciding whether or not to allow a child who is living a homosexual lifestyle to come home for the holidays
Mother Miriam Live - December 19, 2022
An introduction to the O Antiphons - what they are, why they're important, and how to participate
Is it acceptable for women to avoid shaving their legs?
Why shouldn't Catholics go to restaurants on Sunday?
How to properly pray a daily Rosary
Is it okay to only attend Novus Ordo masses?
Is it better to receive from someone other than the priest or to avoid receiving altogether?
Secular vs. Anglican schools - which is better?
Mother Miriam Live - December 14, 2022
Everything you need to know about Ember Days
Divorce and re-marriage inside and outside the church
Mother's thoughts on Anne Catherine Emmerich's writings
Proposal 3 in Michigan and related family division
Mother Miriam Live - December 12, 2022
Mother explains the dire situation unfolding with recent Brazilian elections
What can a wife do when her atheistic husband wants to share his ideologies with their children?
Dealing with a husband who is angry all the time
Mother Miriam Live - December 9, 2022
Beginning a new reading, "Spiritual Steps to Christmas," as we lead into the Advent season
Mother addresses a listener's criticisms of her stance on NFP
General confessions
Jewish fasting
Psalm 52 and being compared to an "olive tree"
Donating to good Catholic organizations
"New Age" devotionals
Finding a Latin Mass near you
Mother's favorite saints
Offering up masses for someone (or multiple people)
Mother Miriam Live - December 6, 2022
Psalm 51 (or Psalm 50 in the Old Rendering)
Mary's hour of grace
The upcoming Immaculate Conception
Living together as brother and sister
Attending midnight mass with or without family
Handling and disposing of cremated ashes
Mother Miriam Live - December 5, 2022
The Jewish Importance of Advent
Is attending events with a homosexual family member in attendance considered scandal?
Does Mother think there is nuclear war, famine, and/or economic collapse ahead, and if so, can prayer avert these events?
Reception of the Blood of Christ by lay people
Bishops promulgating heresy
Mother Miriam Live - December 2, 2022 Mother finishes reading Michael Matt's Christmas story, gives an update on the Christmas newsletter from her and the sisters, and answers calls and emails from listeners on topics like disrespectful children, recent legislation on disordered unions, and dealing with and forgiving past abuse.
Mother Miriam Live - December 1, 2022
Mother tells part of a Christmas story from Michael Matt, and answers calls and emails from listeners on topics like the dangers of dancing, combatting Freemasonry, and attending the SSPX.
Mother Miriam Live - November 30, 2022
Mother returns to discuss the season of Advent and how to observe the separate seasons of Advent and Christmastide, along with answering emails from listeners on topics like bringing Holy Communion to the sick, dealing with homeschooling failures, and retreats for women.
Mother Miriam Live - November 18, 2022
The Christian Faith
Mother's trip to the movie theatre to see the film "Prophet"
It's necessary to obey known teachings of the faith, but we are not required to be familiar with all of its doctrines
Is it proper to admonish priests who support unfaithful practices?
What threat does transhumanism pose to the church?
Why aren't we, as Catholics, observing God's holidays (like all those in the Bible - Rosh Hashanah or the others)?
Which day is the true Sabbath? Should we Catholics do as Jesus did on Saturday, or should we observe Sunday as the Sabbath?
Is it wrong to avoid the SSPX if one doesn't support it?
Mother Miriam Live - November 17, 2022
Continued reading and discussion regarding scripture and tradition
Is there anything wrong with "doubling up" on confession after feeling like the first time wasn't sufficient because sins were withheld?
Catholic teaching on life, conception, abortion, and maternal practices
Is a Novus Ordo mass always better than the SSPX?
How to draw a very liberal friend back to RCIA
Mother Miriam promotes the National Men's March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood in Baltimore, Maryland, on November 14th, and discusses the absolute necessity to be boldly pro-life, along with taking calls on topics like the Church's declaration on gender ideology and helping parents stop enabling bad behavior in children.
Mother Miriam Live - November 11, 2022
St. Peter's first letter to the Jews
What does Mother mean when she says our country is "finished?"
The brown scapular
Why aren't more parents at home with their children?
Mother Miriam Live - November 10, 2022
Is it ever okay to cut off family?
If her husband isn't leading with the faith, how far should a wife go in stepping up to fill that role?
Explaining divorce to children
Avoiding family gatherings for the sake of protecting children from wrongful ideologies
Mother Miriam Live - November 9, 2022
Post-election disappointment
Maintaining the faith despite the election results
How to homeschool with limited time and resources
Secularization of the people being driven by corporations/media
The need to teach natural law
Encouraging a husband to step up as the head of the family
Mother Miriam Live - November 7, 2022
The preaching of the Gospel
Scripture and tradition explained
How can a parent charitably advise their adult children to return to the faith?
Mentoring a young child despite not being related
Mother Miriam Live - November 4, 2022
A concerning new Democratic proposal in California
Parenting combative children when it feels like all hope has been lost
Marriages in the church between those who don't actually participate in the faith
Mother Miriam Live - November 1, 2022
The Feast of All Saints
Martyrs and the paganism of Rome
Repeat Confessions
If one cannot travel to the Latin Mass, should they attend the Novus Ordo and make a spiritual communion?
Is it correct to say that we Catholics (devout and not so devout) are the church?
How come a lot of Protestants seem so satisfied with their church and have no desire for the Catholic Church?
Would God arrange a marriage knowing that the couple won't be able to have children?
Is it wrong for a lay person to bring Communion to the homebound?
Mother Miriam Live - October 31, 2022
The Solemnity of Christ the King
Preaching the Gospel
Salvation for the mentally disabled
Skipping Novus Ordo masses in favor of TLM
Mother Miriam Live - October 28, 2022
Divine Revelation as discussed in The Catechism Explained
The First Five Saturdays Devotion
What to do with grown children who have left the faith
How to celebrate Halloween the right way
Marriages to non-traditional Catholics
The "Fish on Friday" practice
Becoming a traditional Catholic
Mother Miriam Live - October 26, 2022
Why is it important to truly know God, and how can we get to know Him better?
If your priest is a mason, can you still take Communion from him?
Is there ever such thing as "Having enough prayers to say?"
Catholic divorce and re-marriage
How can a Jehovah's Witness enter the Catholic faith?
Mother Miriam Live - October 25, 2022
Why do we follow the Pope?
Is it ever okay to not follow the Pope? When and why?
Is it true that the Pope cannot be criticized or disagreed with?
What does "ex cathedra" mean and what role does it play in all of this?
Is there a right or wrong way of "rebuking" something the Pope teaches?
Mother Miriam Live - October 24, 2022
The importance of maintaining a Catholic identity
What did Jesus really mean when he said "This is my body?"
Can a Pope ever be removed if he is physically able-bodied but lacks the capacity for mental function?
Can a married priest from another religion convert to Catholicism while maintaining his marriage?
Should a Catholic parent approach the principal if they feel their child is being force-fed evil agendas and ideologies in school?
What are the means of grace instituted by God?
Publicly denouncing abortion and other wrongful practices
Mother Miriam discusses Bishop Athanasius Schneider's advice for raising a family, and answers calls from viewers about the water supply and going back to school as a homeschooling mother.
Mother Miriam Live - October 17, 2022
Twelve steps for Catholic families to survive a heretical wasteland (from Bishop Athanasius Schneider)
How do we know if our loved ones have made it to heaven? And what about hell and purgatory?
Do Jews believe in purgatory?
What is the proper procedure for grandparents who want to Baptize a newborn baby?
What does Mother think about business that use "sacramentals" in their products as a selling point?
How does one effectively keep the Sabbath Holy?
Mother Miriam Live - October 14, 2022
On today's episode, Mother is joined by a very special guest, Bishop Athanasius Schneider (Auxiliary Bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan), whom she asks the following:
How do we, the sheep, navigate these extremely confusing times in the world and in our church?
Should we always obey the Holy Father? When do we not obey him, and how?
How have so many holy men of God (bishops, cardinals, priests) seemingly lost their faith overnight?
What role does the traditional family play in times of crisis, and how do Catholic parents raise their children in these times?
Is natural family planning acceptable, and if so, what is the proper terminology and usage associated with it?
Can there ever be unity without truth? Why or why not?
Mother Miriam Live - October 13, 2022
How to start a homestead and steps to becoming self-sustainable
How many women are a part of Mother's order, and are they cloistered?
A simple source for citing LQBTQ ideology as being outside the faith
Advice and family planning for overwhelmed parents
Mother Miriam Live - October 11, 2022
The Feast of the Divine Maternity of Mary
How to respond to family marriages that fall outside church teaching
Should Catholic families consider relocating to be closer to a Latin Mass?
The Catholic perspective on alcohol consumption
Is cremation a sin?
Is the Chaplet of Seven Sorrows a suitable replacement for saying the Rosary on certain days of the week?
Mother Miriam Live - September 27, 2022
Continuing yesterday's reading and discussion about home education and the survival of the Catholic family
Why do so few Catholic churches in the US ring their tower bells?
At what point is it okay to "reject" Pope Francis' teachings?
Proper procedure for Catholic burial and cremation
The Angelus prayer and the "Angel of the Lord"
Did Mother believe in the rapture as an Evangelical?
Will the antichrist come from a Jewish background or heritage?
Mother Miriam Live - September 26, 2022
Catholic home education and the survival of the Catholic family
Modesty - the way we present ourselves to the world is a reflection of who we are and what we believe
Sunday obligation while traveling
Distribution of Holy Communion by Deacons and laypeople
Rejection of organized religion by adult children - how to approach a conversation
Interpretation of scripture
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