MOTHER, She Wrote: An EarthBound Podcast
Welcome to Dimensional Slip, intermittent interludes in “MOTHER,” She Wrote’s journey - where we speak with guests from a multitude of backgrounds and delve deeper into the themes, media, and fandom that make up the tapestry of the EarthBound experience.
In this episode, Cat and Jess cross over with Sarah Rhea Werner, creator of the sci-fi audio drama, Girl in Space, and the voice actor bringing our Ana to life. We unpack the parallels between Sarah and Ana's lives and upbringing; offering deep, personal insight into a character at the heart of EarthBound Beginnings' story, and the struggle of being "brave". We also discuss all-ages science fiction and a book close to Sarah and Cat's hearts that share's many parallels with MOTHER: Madeline L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time.
If you’re missing our regularly scheduled audio drama, we've got something to tide your over! Stay tuned to the end of our interview to hear the first episode of Girl in Space!
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