Upon being welcomed home from Germany, Valerie describes briefly what it’s like being thrown immediately into the chaotic activity of moving from her home in Dallas to Santa Fe: “Constant activity… we are moving, all this activity and at the same time, so still.”
While taking a walk with co-teacher John Gaynor in Sonnenhoff, John offers Valerie this rather cerebral quote from Master Ummon, “The manifestation of the great function, knows no laws.” The great function, what is it? Valerie turns to Case 60, Ummon’s Staff from the Blue Cliff Record as a way of exploring this great function.
And, here’s a link to our YouTube video of this talk.
Also, check out our Upcoming Events:
Thursday Evening Events
November 10 with Henry Shukman, hybrid event streamed from our zendo
November 17 5:30pm – Fundraising Celebration in the place of our Thursday evening event
December 1, Maria Habito guest speaker, online only.Original Love
November 14, Free webinar about Original Love’s Awakening weekend workshop.
November 19-20, Awakening Weekend WorkshopRohatsu Sesshin, December 5-12. Hybrid Event.