In this talk from our Thursday night series, Valerie takes up Case 26 of the Gateless Gate, Hogen’s “Two Monks Roll Up the Blinds.” The setting is in Master Hogen’s teaching room and the issue at hand is our propensity to judgment. What freedom is unleashed when the boundaries we imagine don’t hold up? And what compassion. Hogen points to the blinds, presenting the bright clarity that has been there all along.
And, here’s a link to our YouTube video of this talk.
Also, check out our Upcoming Events:
Thursday Evening Events
October 27 with Shana Smith
November 3 with Bill Bruce, hybrid event streamed from our zendo
November 10 with Henry Shukman, hybrid event streamed from our zendoRohatsu Sesshin, December 5-12. Hybrid Event. Registration opens soon.