Description: Newly appointed assistant Sanbo Zen teacher Will Brennan offers reflections on Dogen’s Fukanzazengi, (Recommending Zazen for all People) about how to practice, why practice, a beginner’s primer and much more.
Will has a long history with Mountain Cloud. Will helped with the opening and founding of Mountain Cloud Zen Center in 1985 and has been a committed practitioner and pillar of MCZC ever since. His first Zen teacher was Philip Kapleau Roshi and he began working with Henry Shukman as his teacher in 2011.
Note: The recording segment from ~ 3:15 until ~41:00 has lower volume level. It has been increased as much as possible and is “listenable” … but you may have to increase it. Our apologies for any inconvenience.
And, here’s a link to our YouTube video of this talk.
Also, check out our Upcoming Events:
Original Love, Zone 2 Support and Trust, 6-Week Sunday series May 1 – June 5
Summer Solstice Retreat: June 20-26. Registration for onsite and online attendees opens soon. The online retreat opens on Tuesday June 21.