Scott explores Case 32 from the Gateless Gate, A non-buddhist questions the Buddha. The non-buddhist says, in all earnestness to the Buddha: I do not ask about words, I do not ask about no-words.
The world honored one, just sat still.
The non-buddhist experiences a great opening as he witnesses the Buddha’s stillness and says, The world-honored one on his great benevolence and great mercy has opened the clouds of my delusion and enabled me to enter the way. Bowing, the non-Buddhist took his leave.
The Buddha answered every question in his silence, Who am I? Why are we here? What happens when we die? Why do we suffer? Buddha’s sitting isn’t just answering the question, his sitting is the question. Scott digs into additional gems form this koan. Be sure to watch, listen and absorb.
And, here’s a link to our YouTube video of this talk.
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November 3 with Bill Bruce, hybrid event streamed from our zendo
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Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash