Crossing over to the other shore is the heart of our practice and the heart of Buddha’s teaching. Eventually we realize that we were always on the shore, here and now, in the moment at hand. In this first talk of our Spring sesshin, Valerie looks at the famous koan: Does a dog have Buddha Nature? the traditional first teisho in a Zen sesshin.
Valerie mentions a choral chant version of the Heart Sutra from Plum Village. Here is a link if you are interested.
And, here’s a link to our YouTube video of this talk.
Also, check out our Upcoming Events:
Mountain Cloud Summer Sesshin, hybrid event
June 26 – July 2: Details and registration, click hereOriginal Love: Clouds, Rivers, Lakes and Sea, with Henry Shukman
April 30 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Click Here for DetailsOriginal Love 2023: Click here for full details