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Stories and insights from the field on multiplying disciples and churches. Everywhere.
The podcast Movements with Steve Addison is created by Steve Addison. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Joe has a nation in the Middle East on his heart, but he can't live there. How does he do it? He coaches from the sidelines.
Diar and Miriam are going after movements of disciples and churches somewhere in the Middle East.
In Acts 4:23-31, Luke shows us how a movement prays when God is their only hope.
A conversation with Don Waybright after two days behind bars in Texas.
A conversation with Shane and Graciela Nassirian about a move of God in Southern California.
A movement begins when insiders spread the good news and make disciples. This is a story of salvation and multiplication.
A conversation with Berk Wilson who has given his life to reaching students to reach the world.
Berk's website: https://www.raleighgrace.org/
Previous interview: https://www.movements.net/blog/2015/01/07/movements-among-students-berk-wilson-podcast.html-w7da3
A conversation with “Bill” about pursuing movements of disciples and churches in Central Asia, home to around 80 million people. Most are Muslims.
A conversation with Troy Cooper, just outside Athens, Greece, about the difference between “recruitment” and “movement to mobilization”.
Bryan King has been on a seven-year journey learning how God turns churches around to embrace the Great Commission. Meanwhile, God had a plan to turn Bryan around.
Unleash the Priest Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unleash-the-priest/id1758017890
151-A Local Church Takes on the Great Commission: https://www.movements.net/blog/blog/2017/12/5/151-a-local-church-takes-on-the-great-commission-bryan-king-6dymh
The first five years were hard, how did Jared adjust when the breakthroughs came?
Part 1: 334-The First Five Years: movements.net/blog/344-the-first-five-years
Jared’s early years in Asia were like being out fishing all night and catching nothing. What was God up to?
James and Hope are somewhere in the Middle East where God is working in amazing ways.
For security reasons, there’s no video of this interview. Hope insists it’s not because James isn’t good looking.
Previous interviews:
A conversation with Trevor about the rise of a movement of disciples and churches somewhere in Asia.
A conversation with Gary and DJ on a multiplying movement of disciples and churches somewhere in South Asia.
When you watch or listen to this interview you’ll be gazing into the future. The future of world missions is Nigerian, Brazilian, Chinese, Indian, Persian and in this case, Nepali.
A conversation with Liam Wilson and Isaiah Bennet about multiplying disciples and churches in Canada.
The story of how God shaped and prepared a movement pioneer — Robert Koskei — and the role of the outside leaders who identified him, trained him and partnered with him to see disciples and churches multiply to the glory of God. The story of how God shaped and prepared a movement pioneer — Robert Koskei — and the role of the outside leaders — Justin and Joey — who identified him, trained him and partnered with him to see disciples and churches multiply to the glory of God.
A conversation with Carter and James about why church matters. It begins with a great case study from Carter. Listen to the end for another compelling case study from Iran.
A conversation with Nathan Shank and Jeff Sundell on ecclesiology — why church matters in a multiplying movement.
Josh Husmann interviews Steve Addison on Acts and the Movement of God. Recorded at Exponential 2024 in Orlando.
A conversation with Terry Solley about movements of disciples and churches behind bars.
Terry's ministry: texasprisonoutreach.org
What do you do when the vision outstrips reality? A conversation with Matt Foshee in New York.
In an earlier podcast, Cassie and Matt Foshee talk about NoPlaceLeft in the Mormon heartland of Utah: https://www.movements.net/blog/blog/2021/7/13/254-noplaceleft-utah
What happens when all hell breaks loose on a growing movement of disciples and churches? That’s our topic of conversation with Chris who served somewhere in Asia.
The second conversation with James and Hope about their call and how they are going after NoPlaceLeft in the Arab world.
The first interview: movements.net/blog/blog/2024/1/29/320-james-and-hope-the-call
A conversation with James and Hope around their call to the Arab world.
In the next episode, we'll hear how the work unfolded.
A conversation with a young man we’ll call Matthew. He and his friend Hugh spent three months in a Muslim-majority country sharing the gospel and making disciples.
A conversation with my friend Dave Lawton on losing my wife Michelle and finding the goodness of God.
Session 1: A Shepherd for Every Flock
From the first church(es) in Jerusalem and consistently emerging from each subsequent harvest field, recognizing elder/overseers in each field is a part of the work of mission (Titus 1:5-6). Paul carried greatly for this task. Paul often returned the venue of persecution to see that elders were appointed (Acts 14:23). What plans and patterns have you and your disciples made for leadership recognition in the midst of your church planting? How do your plans fit with the biblical example and/or expectation? Are we satisfied with the qualifications detailed in scripture? Are these qualifications sufficient? Why or why not?
Session 2: Sent Ones Who Join the Task
The task of mission is multiplied as “sent ones” take up the task of repeating the process of church planting. Developing and releasing such laborers does indeed find precedent in the pages of the NT. In today’s study we consider the use of the word ‘apostle’ beyond the 12 apostles qualified in Acts 1. As we acknowledge both the closed group of eye-witnesses to Christ’s ministry and resurrection and the seemingly ongoing role of “sent-ones” across the Mediterranean world, how might the use of these terms challenge our thinking regarding leadership roles in the NT? Do you and your ministry anticipate and make provision for those called to “go”? How might the ongoing role and expectation for such calling inform our reading or re-reading of the NT?
Watch the series on Youtube: youtube.com/@DiscoveringtheMissionaryTask
Session 1: Pictures of Church Identity
One of the most overlooked aspects of church planting is the introduction and local ownership of church identity. Beginning in Acts 2, today’s study considers the matter of local commitment to “the number.” The New Testament utilizes numerous word pictures to catalyze church identity. Today’s study considers these metaphors for church identity and challenges listeners to consider how such passages might be leveraged to call for church identity. To be sure, beyond doing or not doing, being church is a clear expectation across the NT.
Session 2: Discerning NT Venues for Church
There is no example of churches in the NT lacking a venue to gather. In today’s study we consider the simple, practical question: where did NT churches meet? Though many options exist for venue in the 21st century, how might the NT (universal) precedent offer insight into the efficiency and advance of NT church planting? Surely, amidst multiple options available today, beginning new churches in the homes of new believers remains a viable option for church planting in our fields.
Session 3: Decision Making and Church Discipline
Across the NT record, decisions are presented as catalyst to local responsibility for various congregations. In today’s study we consider a variety of such decision. Examples of choosing leaders, designating offering, the confrontation of false teaching and finally, and finally the stand of the local church for holiness each call for congregational responsibility. Where we consider such decisions, how might we employ the NT precedent of local responsibility? Have you considered such responsibility as a catalyst for maturity? Are your default responses to such needs or decisions consistent with this NT precedent?
Session 4: The Value of the Lord’s Supper
The NT ordinances are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Each of these introduce and demand identification with the Lord’s sacrifice. Just as Christ died and rose again baptism pictures for us a chance to associate with Christ as we to have died to our old way of life and live in the power of his resurrection (Rom. 6). Similarly, the Lord’s Supper serves as a reminder of the Lord’s death, but also platforms self-examination, confession, unity and worship. How have your disciples and church planting efforts benefited from the Lord’s Supper? How might you leverage its many lessons as a reminder of the Lord’s expectation for his bride?
Watch the series on Youtube: youtube.com/@DiscoveringtheMissionaryTask
Session 1: In Matthew 28 disciple-making assumes, or is even initiated by, the acceptance of Baptism. In today’s study, we survey post Pentecost examples of Baptism. As we consider these examples, we intend to wrestle with three key questions; who received baptism? When was baptism performed? And finally, who gave baptism in each example? As you consider the NT examples, how do your own thoughts or commitments to practice Baptism come into view? Are there reasons we diverge from NT precedent? Are we free to adapt, or wise to consider universal examples across the NT?
Session 2: Matthew 28 sets a high bar. We are to teach our disciples to “obey all that Christ has commanded.” Amidst the breadth of the NT where might we begin? Today we celebrate the example of Acts 2:42 where new disciples “devoted themselves to the apostles teaching.” Have you considered the personal disciplines initiated in the first churches of Jerusalem? These personal disciples observed in the obedience of the 3000 baptized in Jerusalem were organized in what we call the first church following Pentecost. How might you commit, introduce, and expect such mobilization of disciples and disciple-making in your ministry setting?
Session 3: There is no tool for disciple making like the Word of God. Today’s study challenges each of us to reconsider how we might campaign, commit to, and benefit from regular planning and accountability to scripture intake. As you gather your disciples, what commitments have you made? How might the descriptions of the Word of God you read together prompt you to commit again to sit under its authority?
Watch the series on Youtube: youtube.com/@DiscoveringtheMissionaryTask
Nathan’s first study examines a survey of passages across the New Testament to clarify the Biblical Gospel. What could be more important than sowing the right seed? Our goal is to answer the question, what do we say? Answer: the core elements of the Gospel must be our message. Considering the biblical Gospel, how might you revisit your seed sowing to ensure fidelity to the message that gives life?
Second session: As we seek to share a biblical Gospel, we ought also to allow the New Testament to instruct us regarding the right response. In today’s study we survey a variety of passages to consider the call to respond. Have you considered the variety of terms used in the NT? How might the variety of terms used relate or support each other? As you go about Gospel ministry, which of these passages inform or provide questions worthy of attention in your seed sowing?
Third session: As we go about seed sowing we are fully dependent on God to give life. Today we have gathered various verses describing the power of the Gospel to accomplish what we cannot. Have you ever considered the Gospel a “powerful, personal force?” The use of active verbs across the NT led Robert Plummer to suggest the Gospel is active, on the march and taking the enemy's ground wherever it is faithfully sown. Have you considered the stewardship you carry as you share? Have you considered the privilege to carry the very “power of God unto salvation” in your hand?
Fourth session: Have you considered the consistent pattern of Gospel advance in the first century? The Bible is the inspired account of Gospel advance from early examples of addition in and around Jerusalem to various examples of multiplication. As we shall see, the NT details entire provinces saturated with the ‘Word of the Lord.’ How might NT precedent inform our expectations for Gospel advance? Have we seen the Gospel ring out among new believers? How might we pray and posture for such multiplication?
Watch the series on Youtube: youtube.com/@DiscoveringtheMissionaryTask
We continue the series with Nathan Shank on Discovering the Missionary Task.
In today’s study, consider a survey of Old and New Testament descriptions of the targets of God’s mission. If sin causes separation, missions cross the resulting barriers to initiate God’s mission. Were there passages or promises you considered for the first time? As we examine our own targets how do they compare with the consistent message and targets of scripture?
In the second look at the empty field, we consider God’s investment ahead of our missions efforts. How might we join him as we cross barriers and mobilize our disciples to follow his lead and fish for men? Consider with us passages across the Gospels demonstrating Jesus’ sending of his own disciples amidst towns and villages “he himself was about to go.” What principles or patterns might we discern, how do these examples compare with the tools and ideas we employ for engaging new fields?
Watch the series on Youtube: youtube.com/@DiscoveringtheMissionaryTask
This is the first installment in a series on Discovering the Missionary Task by Nathan Shank. You can listen to the audio on the Movements podcast. If you’d like to view and work through the content as a team, the video is available on Nathan’s Youtube channel.
This first video sets the stage for the series. Objectives are clearly detailed along with suggestions for format as you gather your disciples to study God’s word. As detailed in this video the series is intended to assist you as you: define core convictions in missionary practice, focus on Biblical priorities for mission, examine assumptions and traditions, and equip your disciples wherever you engage mission.
Watch the series on Youtube: youtube.com/@DiscoveringtheMissionaryTask
A conversation with Charlie Burke of Exponential Australia about my book, Acts and the Movement of God.
Cynthia Anderson talks about her new book, The Multiplier’s Mindset. She unpacks the shifts in our thinking we need to navigate as we pursue movements of disciples and churches. Cynthia is a trainer, coach, podcaster and friend.
A conversation with Zeth and Hannah Hill about their calling to London.
David Cervenka felt like he was hitting his head against a brick wall until a phone call sent him on a journey of discovery and breakthrough in Japan.
A conversation with Jacob Boss about trends across Europe.
A conversation with Frank Schattner about his journey from pioneering movements among the Hmong people to the Joshua Project and now the Fidelis Project. Fidelis provides online training and higher education for movement catalysts.
For centuries Spain has sent missionaries to Venezuela. This is the story of Gabo and Barbara Ayala, called by God out of Caracas, Venezuela to Granada, Spain.
Find out more: movimientotrestercios.es
A conversation with Joe Stewart and Ron Johnson in Denver, Colorado about multiplying disciples and churches from where they are to the ends of the earth.
My third and final author interview with Josh Howard on my latest book, Acts and the Movement of God.
We talk about the spiritual battle and how the church in Jerusalem became a multiplying movement of disciples and churches.
Find out more at: movements.net/acts
Buy @ Koorong Australia: koorong.com
Buy on Amazon: amzn.to/3MVjvbK
My second author interview with Josh Howard about my new book, Acts and the Movement of God.
We discuss the church in Jerusalem as the role model for every church. We learn that discipleship and church formation are two sides of the same reality. We identify the pattern of engagement in Acts between the movement of God and a lost world. We see how the movement advances through both miracles and martyrdom, signs and suffering. We hear how the movement of God is advancing today in the redlight district of Mumbai and an Islamist-controlled neighborhood in the Middle East.
Find out more: movements.net/acts
Buy your copy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/42IWrCr
I talk with Josh Howard about the release of my latest book: Acts and the Movement of God: From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth.
We discuss how Luke wrote to help us bridge the gap between our experience and the movement of God in Acts. We talk about how Jesus launched a missionary movement that was under the authority of God’s Word, dependent on the Holy Spirit, and on the way from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth with the gospel. Finally we ask, What can Acts teach us about the people God uses to fulfill his mission?
Download the Acts Discovery Worksheet: bit.ly/4-FieldsDiscoveryActs
Get your copy of Acts and the Movement of God: https://amzn.to/3nOYEgr
Kevin Weigelt talks about his story of pursuing NoPlaceLeft in Romania.
Find out more: europemultiplyteam.com
A conversation with Jake and Stacy Jarrell about their calling to Spain.
Russell Godward leads a conversation on the journey from established church to movement.
Visit Russell’s YouTube channel: youtube.com/@russellgodward8500
A conversation with Nathan Zziwa about the progress they are making towards NoPlaceLeft in Uganda.
A conversation with one young couple called by God to pursue movements of disciples and churches in South Asia.
A conversation with JT Timblin with the latest news on movements of disciples and churches in Southern California.
Connect with JT: neighborsandnations.org
Glenn and Rhonda Stewart tell the second part of the story of a movement of God in Rajasthan, India.
Explore the resources mentioned in the interview: southasiansands.wixsite.com/ekrasta
Some people think a movement is a sovereign work of God. Others think it takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice. Glenn and Rhonda Stewart know both are true.
Explore the resources mentioned in the interview: southasiansands.wixsite.com/ekrasta
Brother Rajiv talks about the tragedy and triumph of making disciples in the red-light district of Mumbai, India.
For more: hilltopofhope.com
Bud Houston shares his story and talks about the opportunity to reach the unreached people groups of North America.
Find out more: UPGNorthAmerica.com
Joey and June Gordy have given their lives to multiplying movements around the world. Their current assignment is in Africa.
Find out more: goodnewsgordys.com
A conversation with Don and Theresa Waybright about their journey towards multiplying movements of disciples and churches.
More on the work in the red-light district: hilltopofhope.com
More on Reach the Rest: reachtherest.org
A conversation with Steve and Melissa Behrens about making disciples in the Australian outback.
The Behrans serve with praxeis.org
Hundreds of lives have been transformed by the gospel as it spreads among the military and their families. This is one of those stories.
Find out more: noplaceleftarmy.net
A conversation with Troy Cooper on progress towards NoPlaceLeft Southern California.
Connect with Troy at: coopersonamission.com
A conversation with Jim McKnight about making disciples and planting churches among the 1.3 million people who serve with the US military.
Visit noplaceleftarmy.net to learn more.
A conversation with an author who is both a practitioner and researcher. His name is Emanuel Prinz and he’s just released a new book entitled Movement Catalysts: Profile of an Apostolic Leader.
Buy your copy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3R9dbwk
Listen to an interview with Emanuel Prinz about his work in Sudan: https://www.movements.net/blog/blog/2022/4/13/273-movements-in-sudan
Visit the Movement Catalyst blog: https://www.catalyticleadership.info
A conversation with David about making disciples in a war zone.
A conversation with Joey Gordy about the start of his journey towards multiplying disciples and churches in India; the stories and the lessons along the way.
A conversation with Troy Cooper and team about the importance of finding your tribe as you pursue movements of disciples and churches.
Cindy Anderson talks about the shifts in mindset that need to happen in order to see movements of disciples and churches.
Download Discover Key Mindset Shifts
A conversation with Josh and Julie about God’s call to pursue NoPlaceLeft France.
At Pentecost they asked, "What does this mean?" Steve Addison answers that question in a message on the movement of God in Acts.
A conversation with Tyler Brown about multiplying disciples in the Mormon heartland.
Related: 254-NoPlaceLeft Utah
Jeff Bennett is a local pastor in Canada learning about the transition from church to movement.
I talk to David Broodryk in Durban South Africa about his local work, reaching cities, and what he’s learning about developing movement leaders.
Emanuel Prinz talks to Steve about the emergence of movements of disciples and churches in Sudan.
JT Timblin and Ben Long talk about developing shepherds/elders/overseers in a movement of disciples and churches.
If you would like to get in touch with JT and Ben you can email them.
Don Waybright reports from around the world on movements that multiply. Listeners are warned that they may catch fire.
God is on the move in Canada. Curtis Hartshorn reports in.
I caught up recently for a Q&A session with Logan Wolf and a bunch of guys who have been working through The Rise and Fall of Movements. We talk about how God shapes movement leaders over the whole course of their lives. We stray into my latest focus—the book of Acts.
What does it take to reach NoPlaceLeft in a nation? Johnny shares the stories and lessons along the way from somewhere in SE Asia.
Connect with Johnny at Mekong Kingdom Movement.
Develop movement leaders for the long haul from someone who does it.
Will Burnham talks about growing movement catalysts.
Earlier in 2021 Oggie Martin and Will Smith were down on the Mexico border sharing the gospel, making disciples, planting churches, growing leaders. Pheaney of the On the Road podcast caught up with them to find out what happened.
More on Oggie’s work with Latinos.
George Robinson talks to Nathan Shank about the 4-Fields strategy and what it will take to get to NoPlaceLeft in South Asia.
George trains movement pioneers at SEBTS.
Related: How one Seminary is Adapting to Train Movement Pioneers.
Guy Caskey updates us on multiplying movements from the Horn of Africa to Houston.
Previous interview: 180-Houston to the Horn.
My conversation with Warrick Farrah about a new book on multiplying disciples and churches around the world: MotusDei (Latin for the Movement of God).
Warrick Farah has brought together movement leaders, and scholars from around the world to talk about movements. Warrick has edited the input from both the academic and practitioner angles and the result is an excellent book.
There are lessons to be learned by anyone seeking to participate in the movement of God to disciple the nations.
Links for Warrick Farah and the MotusDei network:
Born in Afghanistan, grew up in Iran. Left home at fifteen and found Christ in Greece. Johanna tells his story and the story of movements of disciples and churches among Muslim background refugees.
Find out more on the work in Greece among refugees.
Troy Cooper and Jordan Giusti update on NoPlaceLeft California.
Will Smith tells the story of how his family reached their NoPlaceLeft in Nepal.
Deepak tells his story of multiplying disciples and churches in India.
Harry Brown had a global vision and he pursued it until God gave him a global strategy.
Find out more at newgenerations.org.
Randy Murray talks about how to measure quantity and quality in a multiplying movement of disciples and churches.
Visit movements.net to download the Measure What Matters manual: https://www.movements.net/blog/blog/2021/7/13/255-measure-what-matters
Cassie and Matt Foshee talk about NoPlaceLeft in the Mormon heartland of Utah.
Eric Derry talks about Zume — the online training for multiplying disciples and churches around the world.
Explore zume.training
Les is a practitioner who has seen what Paul called NoPlaceLeft (Romans 15:23). Les shares the journey, the lessons along the way and how he knew when his job was done.
Nilay Saiya talks about his research into the rise and decline of Christian movements.
Steve Addison's message to e3Partner's Kairos Summit. We drop in on a kairos moment in Paul's life (Acts 26-28).
Brett Butler tells his story of pursuing NoPlaceLeft in San Francisco.
Peyton Jones, author of Church Plantology: The Art and Science of Planting Churches tells his story.
Connect with Peyton at ministryninja.com
Stan Parks tells the story of multiplying movements among unreached people groups in SE Asia. He's been a movement catalyst for almost thirty years.
Find out more: 2414now.net
Chris Galanos tells the story of his journey from megachurch pastor to movement catalyst.
You can connect with Chris and access his training and resources at experiencelifenow.com.
To find out more about 2414 visit 2414now.net.
My latest book is out — Your Part in God’s Story: 40 Days from Genesis to Revelation. Here’s the interview I did on the book with Peter “Pheaney” Lindell for his On The Road podcast.
Sign up here for the 40-Day Challenge: movements.net/40days
I talk to Dave Ferguson about his latest book, BLESS. Dave talks to me about my new book, Your Part in God’s Story.
Dave is lead pastor of Community Christian Church in Chicago. He also provides visionary leadership for the international church-planting movement NewThing and is the president of the Exponential Conference.
Steve talks to Joel Shaw about online training that multiplies disciples and churches in local communities.
Find out more: ActsNowGlobal.com
Justin Long has spent the last twenty years tracking movements around the world. He’s found over 1,300 movements that have reached multiple streams of fourth generation churches and disciples.
He shares what he is learning.
Justin serves with Beyond researching movements and recruiting movement pioneers.
Brian Bullen tells his story of going after NoPlaceLeft in New Zealand.
Altin Kita came down out of the mountains to reach his nation. This is his story.
Oggie Martin reports in on multiplying movements among the world's half a billion Latinos.
India is Josh Howard’s adopted home. He tells the story of multiplying movements of disciples and churches in what will become the most populous nation on earth.
There are multiplying streams of disciples and churches breaking out in Los Angeles. I talk to JT Timblin, Rick Preato and Troy Cooper.
Troy Cooper mentions the Acts 2 Church Circle tool.
For US based training visit NoPlaceLeft.
Craig Keener, New Testament scholar, talks about Acts 2 and movements of God.
Kurt Urbanek has been a witness and participant in multiplying movements of disciples and churches in Cuba since the mid-1990s. He shares the story and the lessons.
Kurt is the author of Cuba’s Great Awakening: A Church Planting Movement.
Dave Coles researches and writes about movements. He shares his story and what he's learning from movements that multiply disciples and churches.
He's the author of two books on movements and you can find him at btdnetwork.org
Daniel joins us to talk about growing leaders who can multiply disciples, churches and leaders.
For online training he recommends: e3partners.
Cindy joins us to talk about her journey in multiplying movements in Asia.
Find out more: dmmsfrontiermissions.com
During the pandemic Daniel Sih took evangelism and discipleship online. He was surprised by the response. Hear him tell the story of the spread of Hope Groups.
Find out more: togethernetwork.com.au
We hear from Jim Yost, movement pioneer in Papua, Indonesia.
We drop into LA and talk to Rick Preato, Troy Cooper and Mike Puckett (Puck). We talk about what God is up to, what they're learning and what's next.
A conversation with George Funk about his vision for NoPlaceLeft Africa. Africa is a continent of 1.3 billion people. It’s also has the youngest population of any continent rising to 4.3 billion by 2100.
Andy Kampman of LaunchGlobal shares how local churches are mobilising for movements.
John walks us through the DiscoverApp, a tool for Discover Bible Study in multiple languages.
We hear how God has called and shaped "Tim and Lydia" to pioneer movements cross-culturally.
We hear the story of Lipok Lemtur, a Naga from India, and learn how God calls and shapes a movement pioneer.
Justin and Rachel White talk about how God prepared them for, and called them to Africa.
Zach and Calley Medlock talk about how they are pursuing NoPlaceLeft (Rom 15:23) by launching groups for discovery and discipleship online.
Austin Wilson has been making disciples, starting churches and growing leaders online long before the pandemic hit. Austin and Jack talk about what they're learning.
David Garrison’s 12 characteristics of Movement Leaders:
They have a Magnificent Obsession: Movement leaders "see it before they see it."
They have a "My People syndrome": They adopt an unreached people group as their own people.
They have a WIGTake (What's It Gonna Take?) worldview rather than a "What am I good at?" way of thinking.
They are lateral thinkers: They learn from failures and keep seeking another way to solve problems.
They never take no for an answer when it comes to reaching their people for Jesus.
Ruthless evaluation: The strategy and tactics change as they pursue the vision. They set aside things that don't work.
They recognize this is God's work, not their work. They see themselves as the ant that rides the elephant across a river.
They know how the story ends. The promise of Revelation 5:9 is true.
It's not about them. It's about God's glory and seeing Christlikeness multiply among unreached people.
God can hit straight with a crooked stick. Movement leaders don't fall from heaven but rise up out of hell. Things can be messy. God will work in unexpected ways.
This is about the whole body of Christ fulfilling the great commission, not just one church or denomination. Look for super-spreaders scattered throughout the body of Christ.
God never places an order that he doesn't pay for. This isn't a fool’s errand. We are joining God in his work.
Chris Gibson describes his journey from a racecar garage to NoPlaceLeft.
Want to know more?
Russell Godward shares what he's learning about multiplying disciples and churches in an age of crisis.
Jenny and Rick Preato on multiplying disciples in a locked-down world.
The resources they mentioned are available at movements.net
Jeff "JT" Timblin talks about reproducing disciple-making churches online.
Jeff is the lead pastor of Bridges Church in Long Beach, California.
Previous interview: 205-One Pastor is Bringing Movements Home
A discussion with Jeff Sundell about multiplying leaders in a crisis.
Thanks to Peter Lindell of the OnTheRoad podcast for partnering with me on this one.
Troy Cooper talks to Steve Addison about multiplying disciples and churches in a world in turmoil.
We take a look back at the last two years of pursing NoPlaceLeft in Southern California with Troy Cooper. Listen for the lessons on how God shapes the hearts of his people are they pursue multiplying disciples and churches.
I met Isaac Mugabi on a recent trip to Africa. He tells the story of NoPlaceLeft Uganda.
Steve Addison talks to Jim Shannon and Scott Cheatham of e3Partners and hears how a mission agency can fuel multiplying movements of disciples and churches.
Jim McKnight tells the story of multiplying disciples and churches among the military.
Download the 2016 NoPlaceLeft Army Case Study.
Jim mentioned the book T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution by Steve Smith and Ying Kai.
He also mentioned 3-Thirds Discipleship.
Ross Ramsey tells the story of how God changed his heart and the impact on a local church.
If you’re based in the US, you can contact Ross and find out how you and your church can start on the same journey.
e3Partners was a successful mission agency planting churches through short-term missions. Then one day they sat down and asked themselves, “If we keep doing what we’re doing, will we get to the multiplication of disciples and churches?” The answer was, “No.”
Dan Hitzhusen tells the story of what happened next. It’s the story of a mission agency reinventing itself around fulfilling the Great Commission.
Rodrick Gilbert began his ministry in Delhi's slums. Today he leads a movement of 62,000 churches.
My guest is a local pastor who has been on a journey fuelling movements in Africa and is and is now bringing movements home to Longbeach CA. Jeff “JT” Timblin is the founding pastor of Bridges church.
JT refers to:
In this final session of The Rise and Fall of Movements tour Jeff and Angie Sundell talk about the NoPlaceLeft as a case study of the Birth and Growth of a movement.
Session 2 of The Rise and Fall of Movements US Tour. This session follows the stages in the movement lifecycle — Birth, Growth, Maturity, Decline, Decay and the hope of Rebirth.
Thanks to GACX for getting me to the US. Thanks to e3Partners for getting me to ten cities. Thanks to SEBTS for making this recording available.
This session follows the story of why movements rise and fall. It’s Session 1 of The Rise and Fall of Movements US Tour.
Thanks to GACX for getting me to the US. Thanks to e3Partners for getting me to ten cities. Thanks to SEBTS for making this recording available.
Jimmy Seibert tells the story of his journey in multiplying disciples and churches.
A discussion with Alan Hirsch and the 100M team on The Rise and Fall of Movements.
Thanks to 100M for making the interview available.
Announcing The Rise and Fall of Movements US Tour with Steve Addison.
September 2019
28 Dallas
29 Houston
30 Raleigh
October 2019
1 West Point
2 New York City
3 Washington DC
5 San Francisco
8 San Diego
10 Long Beach
12 Los Angeles
Andrew Johnson, author of If I Give My Soul, tells the story of multiplying movements in Rio de Janeiro's prisons and favelas.
Visit Andrew’s facebook page to find out more.
Colin and Lyndsey Seale talk about multiplying movements in the workplace.
Their training is available online: Bit.ly/SealeTeamTraining
Curtis Hartshorn tells his story.
I talk to Chuck Wood about The Rise and Fall of Movements.
Dean Inserra talks about his latest book, The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity with the Gospel.
Terry and Amy Ruff talk about what it takes to multiply disciple making movements in West Africa.
Recently I caught up with Jacob Boss in London. We talked about multiplying movements in global cities.
Ralph Moore, movement founder, talks to Steve Addison about The Rise and Fall of Movements.
Jeff Sundell casts vision for Europe — 50 cities with seven teams each pursuing multiplying disciples and churches.
Apologies for the audio quality.
David Garrison talks to Steve Addison about Steve's new book, The Rise and Fall of Movements: A Roadmap for Leaders.
Dave Ferguson talks to Steve Addison about Steve’s new book, The Rise and Fall of Movements: A Roadmap for Leaders.
Curtis Sergeant talks about recent developments in the world of multiplying disciples and churches. Visit movements.net for the links Curtis refers to.
Joel Shaw talks to Steve Addison about NoPlaceLeft Australia.
Steve talks to Russell Godward (UK) and Troy Cooper (US) about multiplying movements in the Western world.
Steve Addison talks about his new book, The Rise and Fall of Movements, with Dale Stephenson. Dale is the senior pastor of Crossway in Melbourne, Australia.
The Rise and Fall of Movements: A Roadmap for Leaders is due for release in May 2019.
Myles Wilson explains how to build a team of financial supporters for your ministry.
Visit Myles’s website for more. Thanks to our partners at Accelerate for making the interview available.
If you’re enjoying the Movements podcast, why not “like” us on the movements.net Facebook page and follow along.
What’s it like to pioneer movements in a new country? David Chervenka tells the story of pioneering movements in Japan.
Don Waybright describes how a Texas megachurch is fueling disciple making movements in prisons and around the world.
Dave Lawton talks about Praxeis, a mission agency pursuing disciple making movements around the world.
Guy Caskey’s pursuit of disciple making movements has taken him from Houston to the Horn of Africa and into prison.
Rick and Jenny Preato tell their story of God’s unfolding call to each other and the nations.
How does a local church take up the challenge of making disciples and planting churches? Steve Addison talks to David Bareham in Essex in the south of England.
Steve Addison talks to an Arab brother about multiplying movements across the Middle East.
The world is arriving on Athen's doorstep. God is at work multiplying movements across Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Will Burnham reports in.
Jeff and Angie Sundell talk to Steve Addison about their summer on mission in Athens.
Steve talks to Steve Parlato about multiplying movements among the twenty million Isan people of NE Thailand.
Carter Cox, Dave Miller, Mark Goering talk to Steve Addison about NoPlaceLeft Oklahoma City.
Steve Addison talks to Chris Clayman, co-founder of Global Gates about his journey from Mali to New York and back.
Chris tells the story in his new book, Superplan: A Journey into God's Story.
Steve Addison talks to Tom Hall about NoPlaceLeft Kansas City.
Steve Addison talks to Jim Haney on what the research teaches about multiplying movements of disciples and churches.
Articles by Jim Haney:
Dave Milne has been researching the progress towards multiplying movements in Australia. He shares the lessons with Steve Addison.
Steve talks to Kyle Pierson, Aaron Pribanic and Ross Ramsey about NoPlaceLeft Dallas-Fort Worth.
In this live webinar with Nate Vander Stelt, Steve Smith goes deep on the topic of Spirit powered movements.
Thanks to our friends at GACX for making the interview available.
Steve Smith shares his journey with church planting movements. He discusses his latest book, Spirit Walk: The Extraordinary Power of Acts for Ordinary People. Finally, Steve outlines the 24:14 Coalition and answers the question: What will it take to finish the task?
Steve talks to Bob and Mary Burton about NoPlaceLeft Ecuador.
Bob and Mary's resources in Spanish and Spanish-speaking Facebook group.
They mention Brian Hogan's book, There's a Sheep in My Bathtub.
Steve talks to Danny MacKay about NoPlaceLeft Canada.
Steve talks to Troy and Rachel Cooper on their NoPlaceLeft journey from Florida to California.
Daniel Solid talks about the NoPlaceLeft vision for Atlanta.
Jeff Sundell talks about the early days of NoPlaceLeft in the US and what's next.
Jeff and Angie Sundell talk about the early days of pioneering movements in South Asia.
Mike "Puck" Puckett talks about equipping students to multiply disciples and churches.
The second of two interviews.
Mike Puckett on the journey from leading a ministry to pioneering movements.
There's nothing more important in a multiplying movement than growing the next wave of leaders. That's what Justin White does.
Chuck Wood talks to Steve Addison about the emergence of the #noplaceleft coalition.
There are half a billion Spanish-speakers in the world. Oggie Martin wants to reach them.
Steve Addison talks to the #noplaceleft Houston team about what they're learning.
Ray and Sara Vaughn share their journey together as they pursue No Place Left in Houston, Texas.
Bryan King tells the story of how a local church is reaching its community and sending workers to the nations.
Kumar shares the story of multiplying movements of disciples and churches across Asia that spill over to the rest of the world.
The three essentials of every multiplying gospel movement. Steve Addison addresses the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication in 2017.
Haiti is known for slavery, poverty, political unrest and earthquakes. But today Jacob Via and Jephte report how the dynamic Word of God is growing, spreading and multliplying across this island nation. Haitians are turning and believing. New disicples are forming churches. And the work is being done by Haitians. Even more, the catch-cry is "Haitians to the nations" as the Haitians send out workers to far away places.
All over the world refugees and migrants are on the move. Will Burnham reports in from Athens on how people on the move are turning and putting their faith in Christ and learning to follow him as disciples in newly planted churches.
God called Marcus Rose when he was a teenager. In a story that moves from Germany to the USA, Thailand and back to Germany, learn how God has been shaping Marcus ever since. The fruit of that work in Marcus is a reproducing movement of disciples and churches.
Kevin Maxwell launched his ministry in a new community by spending 30 Days in the Harvest. He not only found people of peace, he also found his NoPlaceLeft team.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.