Half man, half wolf, total terror! After having a run in with a werewolf in the jungles of Borneo, Uncle Ted (Michael Paré) returns to the states having been unable to cure himself of his lycanthropy. In a last ditch effort to use The Power of Love™ as a means to rid himself of his lethal lunar activities, he shacks up with his sister Janet (Mariel Hemingway), her son Dennis the Menace (Mason Gamble), and all-around good boy Thor, their faithful German Shepard. Things of course don’t go according to plan and Uncle Ted finds himself barking up the wrong tree and face-to-face with the mighty pack protector, Thor.Director Eric Red brings to life arguably the best werewolf ever put to film by way of Steve Johnson and Bill Corso, in an excellent adaptation of Wayne Smith’s novel. Joining us is C.B. Smith from ‘Taking a Page’ and our ongoing sub-series ‘Book to the Movie’ to shed some light on the novel ‘Thor’ and how it stacks up for a wild werewolf bar mitzvah of an episode!Grab your maximum-security high-tempered steel handcuffs and make sure to lock yourself up before sundown, because every moon is a Bad Moon!
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