Three college friends reunite for their annual trip to some undisclosed location, unfortunately things go south when they enter the Deep Barrens™ for a weekend of fishing and reminiscing—because it's got a death curse! After being captured by Joey Ramone and Nicky Santoro, they are subjected to a hellish gamut of torture all at the command of GVD's sister, Momma! You better believe that what momma wants, Momma gets! Will the Rat Pack survive and what will be left of them? Is Easy Cheese good for your liver as well as a combustible fuel? And just how does Momma's clan get such good cable?! Grab yourself a bowl of Burger Bits, run through that serial killer obstacle course, and watch out for Queenie because we're all gathering around the boob-tube for Mother's Day!Joining us is Josh Schafer from Lunchmeat VHS!
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