In a story presented as a mashup of various film genres, Billy Malone (John Heard), an inventor sentenced to death for a murder he didn't commit, tells his story to a journalist named Adele. According to Billy, after an earthquake, a strange, metallic ring appeared in his workshop. Discovering that the ring acted as a gateway to alien planets and alternate dimensions, he began sending various probes into the ring to investigate whatever might be on the other side. During his one of his tests, he accidentally brought back Keena (Penelope Ann Miller), a woman from another planet who he eventually fell in love with, leading to the somewhat improbable circumstances leading to his arrest.
Based on the short story by John D. MacDonald and written and directed by Ted Gershuny. Original Air Date: October 13, 1985
Talks from the Darkside intro music cover by MATT CANNON / LAPSES:
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