276 avsnitt • Längd: 45 min • Veckovis: Måndag
A true crime podcast that ventures into the darkest crimes with a wife who loves it and a husband who hates it.
The podcast Murder With My Husband is created by OH NO MEDIA. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this episode, Payton and Garrett unravel the chilling murder plot orchestrated by a psychiatrist with a sinister agenda.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
TheNYPost.com - https://nypost.com/2022/09/07/psychiatrist-admits-to-role-in-bludgeoning-of-baby-daddy/
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jake-nolan-case-psychiatric-defenses-often-problematic-in-criminal-cases-expert/
ManhattanDA.org - https://manhattanda.org/d-a-bragg-announces-guilty-plea-of-pamela-buchbinder-for-plot-to-kill-dr-michael-weiss/
ABCNews.go - https://abcnews.go.com/US/york-psychiatrist-sentenced-sledgehammer-murder-plot-case/story?id=91354227
PsychSearch.net - https://www.psychsearch.net/pamela-buchbinder/
CaseText.com - https://casetext.com/case/weiss-v-nolan
MedScape.com - https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/982376?form=fpf
ABC7NY.com - https://abc7ny.com/pamela-buchbinder-sentencing-plot-murder/12315051/
NBCNewYork.com - https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/psychiatrist-sentenced-for-plot-to-have-bipolar-cousin-kill-childs-dad-with-sledgehammer/3903286/
NewYorkTimes.com - https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/15/nyregion/jurors-reject-brainwashing-defense-in-attempted-murder-trial.html
TimesOfIsrael.com - https://www.timesofisrael.com/manhattan-psychiatrist-charged-with-attempting-to-murder-her-sons-father/
MiamiHerald.com - https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article265486181.html
WTVR.com - https://www.wtvr.com/2016/12/03/patient-accused-of-trying-to-kill-psychiatrists-ex-lover
Law.Justia.com - https://law.justia.com/cases/new-york/appellate-division-first-department/2018/30222-17-30207-17-3160-17-101651-17-101532-17.html
Syracuse.com - https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2017/10/nyc_psychiatrist_accused_of_plotting_sledgehammer_murder_of_ex_arrested_in_cny.html
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the chilling case of Adrienne Jones, a teenager who vanished after sneaking out —only to meet a tragic fate.
NEW MERCH: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources-
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/prosecuting-evil-with-kelly-siegler/crime-news/diane-zamora-david-graham-murdered-adrianne-jones
DailyMail.co.uk - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5987673/Woman-fatal-Texas-teen-love-triangle-loses-court-appeal.html
DenverPost.com - https://www.denverpost.com/2008/02/10/former-air-force-cadet-expresses-remorse-for-1995-slaying-of-teen/
Murderpedia.org - https://murderpedia.org/female.Z/z/zamora-diane.htm
NBCNews.com -
Sportskeeda.com - https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/who-killed-adrianne-jones-details-explored-ahead-people-magazine-investigates-id
People.com - https://people.com/crime/diane-zamora-speaks-adrianne-jones-murder/
InvestigationDiscovery.com - https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/murder/the-texas-cadet-killers-revisiting-the-adrianne-jones-murder
TexasMonthly.com - https://www.texasmonthly.com/true-crime/the-killer-cadets/
DallasObserver.com - https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/love-is-a-killer-6403303
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On this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Susan Wright, a woman who stabbed her husband and buried him in the backyard.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
ABC13.com - https://abc13.com/susan-wright-murder-trial-jeff-stabbed-husband-193-times/9184616/
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/prosecuting-evil-with-kelly-siegler/crime-news/trial-blue-eyed-butcher-susan-jeff-wright-murder-texas
Case-Law.com - https://case-law.vlex.com/vid/wright-v-state-no-891659943
Yahoo.com - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/where-susan-wright-now-061348614.html
Click2Houston.com - https://www.click2houston.com/news/investigates/2023/06/07/the-evidence-room-episode-16-193/
Kiro7.com - https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/blue-eyed-butcher-texas-woman-who-stabbed-husband-193-times-2003-released-parole/GMR2DZYQLVEIBCYYT7DPOB6IW4/
NBCNews.com - https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna33510199
Abc7News.com - https://abc7news.com/archive/7736279/
TexasMonthly.com - https://www.texasmonthly.com/true-crime/susan-wright-193/
Wikipedia.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Wright_(murderer)#:~:text=Susan%20Lucille%20Wright%20(born%20April,his%20body%20in%20their%20backyard.
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/woman-stabs-husband-193-times-self-defense/
Chron.com - https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/article/Body-found-in-White-Oak-Bend-backyard-homicide-9734075.php
ABCNews.go.com- https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=127997&page=1
Hubpages.com - https://discover.hubpages.com/politics/Susan-Wright
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In this episode, Garrett and Payton dive into the case of Ramon Sosa, a man who thought he had a happy marriage—until he discovered his wife "Lulu” was plotting to have him killed. What followed was a shocking twist involving betrayal, survival, and an unexpected police operation. Watch this unbelievable true crime story unfold.
Case Sources:
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/snapped/crime-news/ramon-sosa-faked-own-murder-after-wife-lulu-hires-hitman
ESPN.com -
TheSun.com - https://www.the-sun.com/lifestyle/9401820/faked-own-death-after-wife-hired-hitman/
NYPost.com https://nypost.com/2022/11/19/former-pro-boxer-ramon-sosa-faked-his-own-murder-after-wife-hired-hitman-documentary/
AJC.com - https://www.ajc.com/news/national/one-eye-open-texas-man-describes-faking-death-help-nab-plotting-wife/cU87Pmnajh9zxdmKR8peXO/
SportsKeeda.com - https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/where-ramon-sosa-s-wife-lulu-now-whereabouts-explored-ahead-id-s-american-monster
TheIndependent.com - https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/ramon-sosa-maria-lulu-faked-death-wife-hitman-gym-murder-a9102361.html
Chron.com - https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/conroe/news/article/Spring-woman-pleads-guilty-in-murder-for-hire-9962405.php
YourConroeNews.com - https://www.yourconroenews.com/neighborhood/moco/news/article/Spring-woman-pleads-guilty-in-husband-s-9965401.php
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ramon-sosa-boxer-marked-for-murder-goes-undercover-to-catch-the-person-who-wanted-him-dead-48-hours/
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the chilling case of Mengqi Ji, a talented engineer and devoted mother whose life was tragically cut short in 2019. What began as a missing person’s case soon unraveled into a disturbing tale of deception, abuse, and betrayal.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
A&E TV - https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/mengqi-ji
ColumbiaTribune.com - https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/news/2021/11/12/what-to-know-about-mengqi-ji-who-was-murdered-in-columbia-by-husband-joseph-elledge-boone-county/8585262002/
South China Morning Post - https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3168018/us-man-who-killed-chinese-wife-mengqi-ji-admits
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/mengqi-ji-disappearance-timeline/
Columbia Family Law Group -
APNews.com - https://apnews.com/article/university-of-missouri-missouri-columbia-216284c1ec05a2c6f2f9df771075c428
ColumbiaMissourian.com - https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/elledge/day-3-audio-recordings-between-elledge-and-his-wife-point-to-a-toxic-marriage/article_62868abc-3ccd-11ec-8bb7-6b3fe59b4e82.html
KRCGTV.com -
Komu.com - https://www.komu.com/news/midmissourinews/joseph-elledge-denied-appeal-of-his-murder-conviction/article_117ec1a5-ff5e-5199-88bd-c250e6a2c064.html
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the eerie case of Sheila Trott, who claimed to dream about her friend’s murder—only for the details to match reality. Was it a premonition or a confession?
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/media/48-hours-sheila-trotts-letter-about-kelly-brennans-murder/
WESH.com - https://www.wesh.com/article/jury-finds-sheila-trott-guilty-of-first-degree-murder-in-slaying-of-kelly-brennan/4436576
WFTV.com - https://www.wftv.com/news/local/testimony-resumes-brevard-love-triangle-killing/107206266/
ABCNews.go.com - https://abcnews.go.com/US/mayors-wife-faces-trial-florida-love-triangle-slaying/story?id=25372739
MyNews13.com - https://mynews13.com/fl/orlando/news/2014/9/15/trott_murder_trial
Murderpedia.org - https://murderpedia.org/female.G/g/graham-trott-sheila.htm#google_vignette
FloridaToday.com - https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/crime/2014/09/16/graham-trott-found-guilty-sentenced-to-life/15743869/
SA18.org - https://sa18.org/press/id/536
Legacy.com - https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/floridatoday/name/kelly-brennan-obituary?id=21925967
VeroNews.com - https://veronews.com/2018/10/18/love-triangle-convicted-killer-seeks-new-trial/
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In this episode, Payton unravels the chilling case of a Jane Doe murdered in a peaceful Florida town. As rumors of a serial killer spread, investigators piece together a shocking murder mystery you won’t believe.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case sources:
NBCMiami.com - https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/2-arrested-in-love-triangle-murder-of-south-florida-woman/148945/
FoxCharleston.com - https://www.foxcharleston.com/friend-who-heard-murder-confession-thought-furniture-heiress-would-end-up-dead-in-love-triangle/
FoxNews.com - https://www.foxnews.com/us/friend-who-heard-murder-confession-thought-furniture-heiress-would-end-up-dead-love-triangle
Sportskeeda.com - https://www.sportskeeda.com/us/shows/5-chilling-details-aileen-seiden-s-murder
WCTV - https://www.wctv.tv/content/news/Franklin-County-authorities-identify-murder-victim-481062551.html
DailyMail.com - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13977901/torture-murder-heiress-aileen-seiden-throuple-episode.html
NewsHerald.com - https://www.newsherald.com/story/news/crime/2018/04/28/friends-eastpoint-murder-victim-had-become-distant-sent-strange-messages/12368606007/
MyPanHandle.com - https://www.mypanhandle.com/news/local-news/franklin-county/second-person-found-guilty-in-franklin-county-murder-trial-has-been-sentenced/
ParamountExpress.com - https://www.paramountpressexpress.com/cbs-news-and-stations/shows/48-hours/releases/?view=110443-a-throuple-checks-into-a-motel-room-but-only-a-couple-walks-out
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/aileen-seiden-throuple-florida-murder-mystery-48-hours/
People.com - https://people.com/aileen-seiden-throuple-spiraled-out-control-young-woman-murder-8730493
Franklin County News - https://franklincounty.news/2024/06/07/araujo-sentenced-to-25-years/
Police1.com - https://www.police1.com/arrests-sentencing/watch-fla-officer-testifies-at-daughters-sentencing-for-murder-after-he-helped-coordinate-her-arrest
The Independent - https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/throuple-murder-aileen-seiden-documentary-b2633105.html
Tallahassee.com - https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/2024/10/18/48-hours-to-report-on-brutal-murder-of-miami-woman-at-an-eastpoint-florida-motel-aileen-seiden/75733392007/'
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the gripping case of Susan Kuhnhausen, a dedicated nurse who invested 17 years in her marriage, only to face a shocking betrayal.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
AdultFYI.com - https://www.adultfyi.com/fantasy-adult-video-guy-hatched-murder-plot/
BlurredBylines.com - https://blurredbylines.com/articles/susan-kuhnhausen-walters-survivor-hitman-portland/
KATU ABC - https://katu.com/news/local/woman-susan-walters-who-killed-hit-man-hired-by-husband-helping-victims-track-their-offenders
NBCNews.com - https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna16443209
The Associated Press - https://kpic.com/news/local/man-who-hired-hit-man-to-kill-wife-dies-in-prison
The Oregonian - https://www.oregonlive.com/breakingnews/2008/03/woman_who_strangles_attacker_w.html
True Crime Magazine - https://thecrimemag.com/susan-kuhnhausen/
The Seattle Times - https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/police-say-portland-intruder-strangled-by-nurse-was-a-hit-man-1/
I Survived, Episode #502 - https://youtu.be/p7dpLmMg3tI
Nothing Personal: Murder for Hire, Episode #201 “Turnabout Is Fair Play” - https://tubitv.com/tv-shows/200066102/s02-e01-turnabout-is-fair-play
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the shocking murder of Kent Heitholt, a well-loved journalist killed outside his office. The case takes an unexpected turn when a local teen begins having vivid dreams revealing clues about the identity of the killer.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
TheCinemaholic.com - https://thecinemaholic.com/kent-heitholt-murder-how-did-he-die-who-killed-him/
ColumbiaTribune.com -https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/news/local/2021/10/18/kent-heitholt-murdered-20-years-ago-tribune-investigation-trial/8450130002/
Komu.com - https://www.komu.com/news/midmissourinews/new-justice-group-seeks-information-in-2001-murder-of-kent-heitholt/article_f1641e56-6c42-11ee-9bd6-639340b49e98.html
FreeCharlesErickson.org - http://www.freecharleserickson.org/KentHeitholt.html
KMBC.com -
EntertainmentNow.com - https://entertainmentnow.com/news/kent-heitholt-ryan-ferguson-accused-murdering/
Wikipedia.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_W._Ferguson#:~:text=Charles%20Erickson%20received%20a%2025,of%20his%2025%2Dyear%20sentence.
CaseText.com - https://casetext.com/case/ferguson-v-state-338
ColumbianMissourian.com - https://www.columbiamissourian.com/opinion/local_columnists/erickson-ferguson-trial-still-disturbing-20-years-after-heitholt-murder/article_04c2f4f6-3e3f-11ec-bb82-8fcd153a1c45.html
ColumbiaHeartbeat.com - https://columbiaheartbeat.com/columbia-life/crime/705-121013
NYPost.com -
Change.org - https://www.change.org/p/investigate-mike-boyd-for-the-murder-of-kent-heitholt-ab35bf3a-4fdb-45dd-8f86-d944ff9f3aa8
ABCNews.go.com - https://abcnews.go.com/US/murder-convict-freed-case-unravels/story?id=20207994
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/kent-heitholt-murder-crime-scene-suspects/3/
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the unsettling case of Yancy Noll, a man tragically gunned down at a stoplight. Was it a spontaneous act of road rage or a calculated, cold-blooded murder?
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
CapitolHillSeattle.com- https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2015/01/yancy-noll-killer-sentenced-to-29-years-in-prison/
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/yancy-noll-murder-road-rage-turned-deadly-or-thrill-kill/
SeattlePI.com - https://www.seattlepi.com/seattlenews/article/Shooter-in-random-Seattle-murder-gets-29-years-5990912.php
KIRO7.com - https://www.kiro7.com/news/murder-suspect-i-shot-victim-self-defense/82074516/
CaseText.com -
Courts.WA.gov - https://www.courts.wa.gov/opinions/pdf/730690.pdf
ParamountExpress.com - https://www.paramountpressexpress.com/cbs-news-and-stations/shows/48-hours/releases/?view=45999-the-murder-of-a-seattle-wine-steward-driving-home-put-the-city-on-edge-was-it-road-rage-or-was-the-gunman-a-self-taught-killer-intent-on-finding-the-p
SPDBlotter.com - https://spdblotter.seattle.gov/2012/09/10/i-killed-yancy-noll-who-am-i/
Fox13Seattle.com - https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/man-found-guilty-of-2012-murder-juror-says-no-evidence-of-road-rage
LATimes.com - https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-xpm-2012-sep-24-la-na-nn-seattle-road-rage-20120924-story.html
ThePourFool.com - https://thepourfool.com/2021/08/09/the-murder-of-yancy-noll-a-sense-of-senselessness-nine-years-on/
MyNorthwest.com - https://mynorthwest.com/16786/prosecutor-says-defendant-was-on-a-murder-quest-in-yancy-noll-killing/
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In this episode, Garrett and Payton dive into the infamous case of Kristin Smart, and how a podcast raised a cold case from the grave.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case sources
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kristin-smart-verdict-paul-flores-guilty-48-hours/
NYTimes.com - https://www.nytimes.com/article/kristin-smart-case-timeline.html
KSBY.com -
SantaMariaTimes.com - https://santamariatimes.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/unsealed-court-documents-reveal-search-warrant-details-in-kristin-smart-murder-case/article_60ae0c4c-5c8b-52a9-962e-7c25b3ef4160.html
LATimes.com - https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-a-cold-case-a-haunting-mystery-20160907-snap-story.html
People.com - https://people.com/crime/kristin-smart-case-verdict/
FoxNews.com - https://www.foxnews.com/us/paul-flores-sentencing-kristin-smart-killing-delayed-several-months
NPR.org - https://www.npr.org/2023/03/10/1162789637/kristin-smart-murder-paul-flores-sentencing
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the mysterious murder of Amy Allwine, uncovering a shocking tale of deception, hitman websites, and a staged crime scene that changed everything.
Newser.com - https://www.newser.com/story/254562/he-allegedly-went-from-ashley-madison-to-dark-web-to-murder.html
StarTribune.com - https://www.startribune.com/cottage-grove-man-killed-wife-after-failing-to-hire-assassin-prosecutor-says/470749333
CoinTelegraph.com - https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-ethical-hacking-leads-to-solving-fbi-murder-case
TheTimes.com - https://www.thetimes.com/culture/tv-radio/article/kill-list-review-fascinating-true-crime-without-the-grisly-leering-6rvtdvkwp
Metro.co.uk - https://metro.co.uk/2024/10/16/found-a-hitmans-kill-list-phoned-let-victims-know-late-21807287/
TwinCities.com - https://www.twincities.com/2018/01/31/amid-sensational-allegations-cottage-grove-man-convicted-of-wifes-2016-murder/
Fox9.com - https://www.fox9.com/news/convicted-dark-net-killer-claims-innocence-i-couldnt-have-done-it
Caselaw.findlaw.com - https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/mn-supreme-court/114641490.html
CBSNews.com -
RepublicanEagle.com - https://www.republicaneagle.com/news/public_safety/allwine-receives-life-sentence-for-killing-wife-staging-suicide/article_1add634a-beb8-56e3-8a33-25553937d603.html
The-Sun.com - https://www.the-sun.com/news/5593478/hitman-hire-website-murder-documentary/
SecurityNewspaper.com - https://www.securitynewspaper.com/2022/04/11/5-members-of-yura-a-murder-for-hire-operation-on-the-dark-web-are-arrested-platforms-such-as-besa-mafia-cosa-nostra-and-crimebay-shut-down/
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/crime-time/trial-begins-former-preacher-hire-hit-man-stage-wifes-suicide
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett unravel the chilling case of Kate Waring — a compassionate spirit whose generosity ultimately led to her tragic demise.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
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Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
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Case Sources -
Dateline Season 20 Episode 2 - https://www.peacocktv.com/watch/playback/vod/GMO_00000000387869_01/82599ef9-4771-3382-8605-4043e36d639b?orig_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/snapped-killer-couples/crime-news/who-killed-kate-waring-heather-kamp-found-guilty
Live5News.com -
ABCNews.com - https://abcnews4.com/archive/mack-expected-to-plead-we-will-provide-live-coverage
WisTV.com - https://www.wistv.com/story/13057077/suspect-in-kate-waring-murder-pleads-guilty-to-lesser-charges/
PostAndCourier.com - https://www.postandcourier.com/suspect-in-kate-waring-murder-pleads-guilty-details-victims-final-moments/article_8d83fda5-06b7-5726-bce0-d80bf91e6e11.html
CharlestonDaily.com - https://charlestondaily.net/charleston-sc-socialites-disappearance-ends-in-tragedy-story-of-kate-waring/
SportsKeeda.com - https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/dateline-secrets-uncovered-who-killed-kate-waring-why
HappyScribe.com - https://www.happyscribe.com/public/dateline-nbc/strangers-on-a-train
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett unravel the mysterious case of Mary Day, a teenage girl who vanished after an argument with her parents. As years pass with no sign of her, mounting evidence points to foul play, prompting investigators to seek answers. Just when the case seems headed for closure, a jaw-dropping discovery changes everything. Tune in for a story filled with twists, turns, and the unexpected.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mary-day-suspected-murder-victim-back-dead-dna-48-hours/
USAToday.com - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/06/26/missing-kids-many-runaways-some-baited-through-technology/103211338/
TheCinemaholic.com - https://thecinemaholic.com/who-are-morie-kimmel-and-monica-devereaux/
DailyMail.com - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8293805/New-photo-proves-woman-claiming-missing-girl-cops-believe-stepfather-killed-her.html
ParamountPressExpress.com - https://www.paramountpressexpress.com/cbs-news-and-stations/shows/48-hours/releases/?view=108980-detectives-believed-a-13-year-old-girl-who-vanished-from-her-california-home-in-1981-was-murdered-but-years-later-a-woman-turned-up-claiming-to-be-the
Heavy.com - https://heavy.com/news/2020/05/mary-day-disappearance/
SandhillsExpress.com - https://sandhillsexpress.com/cbs_national/could-suspected-murder-victim-back-from-the-dead-be-an-impostor-cbsid1325a8ac/
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Maria Ridulph. A little girl who disappeared one night after playing with her friends.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
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Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case sources:
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jack-mccullough-man-wrongly-convicted-in-ill-girls-1957-murder-is-released/
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2013/08/us/oldest-cold-case/
DailyChronicle.com - https://web.archive.org/web/20130813071537/http://www.daily-chronicle.com/mobile/article.xml/articles/2011/07/07/99996529/index.xml
NBC.com - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/72-year-old-ex-cop-convicted-slaying-illinois-girl-1957-flna998974
The New York Times - https://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/11/us/maria-ridulphs-killer-gets-life-55-years-after-her-death.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&smid=tw-nytimes
The Pittsburg Press - https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1144&dat=19580427&id=Fw0fAAAAIBAJ&pg=7248,3139354
The National Registry of Exonerations - https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/pages/casedetail.aspx?caseid=4875
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett delve into the chilling case of Lorenzen Wright, a beloved NBA player whose mysterious disappearance shocked the community. When police receive word that Lorenzen is missing, an intense search begins for one of the town’s most cherished basketball stars.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
ABCNews.go.com - https://abcnews.go.com/ABCNews/lorenzen-wrights-mother-speaks-justice-12-years/story?id=85315581
ESPNPressRoom.com - https://espnpressroom.com/us/press-releases/2021/07/twin-sons-of-murdered-former-nba-player-lorenzen-wright-open-up-in-new-e60/
SI.com - https://www.si.com/nba/2022/03/21/man-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-for-murder-of-lorenzen-wright
AETV.com- https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/nba-star-murder-wright
ESPN.com - https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/33971477/wife-murdered-nba-player-lorenzen-wright-denied-parole-30-year-prison-sentence-plotting-death
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/21/us/lorenzen-wright-murder-verdict/index.html
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/snapped/crime-news/why-sherra-wright-killed-nba-player-lorenzen-wright
LocalMemphis.com - https://www.localmemphis.com/article/news/crime/true-crime/lorenzen-wrights-murder-closed-timeline-of-everything-leading-up-to-conviction/522-2548cf93-ad2a-4114-922b-6dbb9ca6b968
Yahoo.com - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/dateline-unforgettable-happened-lorenzen-wright-132728922.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJ2GTf2UmzVbmKYweh8yUFVGuwSP5b7X9eLv2xA2E5Qn5nRaZP3So8kpTwMOvYysb4hVWHVEy94nhBN-zNazfy8vxhxJDOncODRkRfCjbeHE0ifS_MI34Sejf-fPirUs017kRspE6Jg7jpspt3cHPFwTUe3xFOO8_3j2F6ET9WD5
Dateline - https://www.peacocktv.com/watch/playback/vod/GMO_00000000486899_01/ef011c8f-24c7-36d7-b891-1b5001b42dd1?orig_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&paused=true
WeGotThisCovered.com - https://wegotthiscovered.com/news/who-is-sherra-wright-robinson-and-what-did-she-do/
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the chilling case of Matthew Trussler. When his girlfriend discovers his lifeless body outside and calls the police, a frantic investigation begins to uncover the truth. As detectives question Matthew’s girlfriend, a confession turns the case in an unexpected direction.
NEW MERCH LINK: https://mwmhshop.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case sources:
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/matthew-trussler-murder/2/
Kill or Be Killed on Peacock.com - https://www.peacocktv.com/watch/playback/vod/GMO_00000000488441_01/29b41bb9-fcf3-3b72-b8f4-4b8471724fc7?orig_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
TampaBay.com - https://www.tampabay.com/news/hillsborough/2019/10/25/riverview-woman-who-stabbed-boyfriend-said-she-let-him-die-report-says/
LawAndCrime.com - https://lawandcrime.com/crime/cosplay-model-gets-two-decades-in-prison-for-fiances-murder-after-jury-did-not-believe-her-claims-of-self-defense/
WFLA.com - https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/melissa-turner-trial-former-cosplay-model-on-trial-for-boyfriends-murder-in-tampa/
TheSun.com - https://www.the-sun.com/news/7133490/cosplay-melissa-turner-killed-fiance-matthew-trussler-footage/
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/kill-or-be-killed/season-1/videos/melissa-turners-friend-tells-the-story-of-how-matthew-trussler
SportsKeeda.com - https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/cbs-48-hours-where-melissa-turner-now
SandhillsExpress.com - https://sandhillsexpress.com/cbs_national/prosecutors-security-video-discredits-cosplay-models-story-of-selfdefense-cbsida6df067e/
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In this episode, Garrett and Payton delve into the mysterious case of Jermain Charlo. After she goes missing, her final known moments are captured on camera, sparking a sluggish police investigation that ultimately leads to heartbreak.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
DailyMail.com - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13962375/video-missing-mom-jermain-charlo-missoula.html
Uncovered.com - https://uncovered.com/cases/jermain-charlo
KPax.com - https://www.kpax.com/news/mmip/missing-woman-jermain-charlos-family-pleased-with-national-spotlight-on-the-case#google_vignette
TheSun.com - https://www.the-sun.com/news/12656616/jermain-charlo-missing-48-hours-michael-defrance-mmiw/
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jermain-charlo-search-michael-defrance-investigation-montana-timeline-48-hours/
DailyMontanan.com - https://dailymontanan.com/2023/05/02/judge-jermain-charlos-ex-boyfriend-guilty-of-illegal-firearms-possession-false-statements/
GreatFallsTribune.com - https://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/news/2021/08/05/ex-boyfriend-jermain-charlo-appears-federal-court/5499952001/
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/true-crime-buzz/jermain-charlo-missing-person-case-focus-of-new-podcast-series
IndianLaw.org - https://indianlaw.org/issue/ending-violence-against-native-women#:~:text=More%20than%204%20in%205,2%20have%20experienced%20sexual%20violence
GBVLearningNetwork.ca - https://gbvlearningnetwork.ca/our-work/issuebased_newsletters/Issue-25/index.html
RollingStone.com - https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/stolen-jermain-podcast-connie-walker-interview-1157200/
NewYorker.com - https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-the-southwest/is-there-hope-for-the-missing-and-murdered-indigenous-women#:~:text=(The%20Bureau%20of%20Indian%20Affairs,Natives%20that%20have%20gone%20unsolved.)
KatieCouric.com - https://katiecouric.com/news/why-are-indigenous-women-going-missing-and-cases-ignored/
Vogue.com - https://www.vogue.com/article/connie-walker-stolen-the-search-for-jermain-podcast
NativeHope.org - https://www.nativehope.org/missing-and-murdered-indigenous-women-mmiw?utm_term=missing%20and%20murdered%20indigenous%20women&utm_campaign=MMIW+-+Search&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_tgt=kwd-499968175672&hsa_grp=144380966783&hsa_src=g&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_mt=b&hsa_ver=3&hsa_ad=646853914079&hsa_acc=3651624507&hsa_kw=missing%20and%20murdered%20indigenous%20women&hsa_cam=19633980915&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoae5BhCNARIsADVLzZcTrF8h2a9Pj6QNIFV3W0ILrzdntgZMcCiRZRil4CP_TmonKKBAnp0aAtP0EALw_wcB
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett delve into the case of Kassandra Cantrell. As police investigate her disappearance, they uncover a trove of digital evidence, all pointing to a mysterious figure known as "The Hat Man."
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/crime-news/colin-patrick-dudley-pleads-guilty-to-killing-kassandra-cantrell
People.com - https://people.com/crime/kassandra-cantrell-murderer-sentenced-after-plea-deal/
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kassanndra-cantrell-murder-colin-patrick-dudley-digital-evidence-mysterious-killer-hat-man/
Fox13Seattle.com - https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/kassandra-cantrell-murder-colin-dudley-sentenced-to-26-years-for-murder-of-pregnant-ex-girlfriend-pierce-county-washington
TheNewsTribune.com - https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/crime/article268780602.html
Kiro7.com - https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/body-missing-pregnant-woman-found-over-cliff-university-place/5FQJDWJPWNH25DQ36YNZ7Q7SL4/
King5.com - https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/ex-boyfriend-charged-with-murder-in-death-of-missing-pregnant-parkland-woman/281-d35aad85-d549-42a3-b3c9-8f29930baa35
Pierce County Sheriff's Department Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/piercecounty.sheriff/posts/1864143010392454
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett delve into the case of social media power couple Christian Obumseli and Courtney Clenney. Despite their picture-perfect online presence, a much darker reality unfolded behind closed doors—one that ultimately led to Christian’s tragic demise.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
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Case Sources:
NBCMiami.com - https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/new-video-shows-miami-onlyfans-model-hitting-slain-boyfriend-before-alleged-murder/3204056/
FoxNews.com - https://www.foxnews.com/us/onlyfans-model-accused-miami-murder-pictured-taped-knuckles-bloody-elbow-after-video-meltdown
NBCNews.com -
CBSNews.com -
NewsWeek.com - https://www.newsweek.com/courtney-clenney-update-onlyfans-model-murder-1936083
TampaBay.com - https://www.tampabay.com/news/crime/2022/11/03/florida-onlyfans-model-courtney-clenney-stab-boyfriend-christian-toby-obumseli-text-messages/
RollingStone.com - https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/onlyfans-model-sued-wrongful-death-boyfriend-stabbing-1234715344/
BuzzfeedNews.com - https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/pocharaponneammanee/courtney-clenney-wrongful-death-lawsuit
People.com - https://people.com/courtney-clenney-onlyfans-model-killed-boyfriend-miami-murder-or-self-defense-8623553
NYPost.com - https://nypost.com/2023/07/26/security-stood-outside-as-courtney-clenney-stabbed-christian-obumseli-suit/
RestLandFuneralHome.com - https://www.restlandfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Christian-Obumseli/#!/Obituary
HBO Max’s Lethally Blonde Season One, Episode Three - https://play.max.com/video/watch/6c4fac21-edc3-45b8-a58b-d5e45de94293?utm_source=universal_search
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Hey everyone! This is Payton's solo show Into The Dark, feel free to listen, it is SOO good and if you want to check it out see below!
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
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Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the mysterious disappearance of Michael Shaver, a man who vanished without a trace. For years, no one filed a missing person report, but eventually, the police began to investigate what really happened to Michael Shaver.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
LINKS- linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
WFTV 9 - https://www.wftv.com/news/local/murder-or-innocent-jury-deliberate-case-husband-buried-backyard/U6E2QET3SJA7JMS6QX772D4NIQ/
Inside Edition - https://www.insideedition.com/laurie-shaver-murder-trial-daughter-shot-father
Spectrum News 13 - https://mynews13.com/fl/orlando/news/2024/09/13/laurie-shaver-murder-trial-nears-end--accused-of-killing-her-husband
Law & Crime Trials - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jtfa_VSDz9Q&list=PLT2snNGWwa65TSL1ZY2yzVBqvATLaQISM
The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/07/amie-harwick-murder-convicted
ABC 7 - https://abc7.com/amie-harwick-gareth-pursehouse-murder-case-sentenced/14148385/
Law & Crime Network - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg0Huiwv_WE
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the tragic case of Amie Harwick, a therapist found dead after a brutal attack. Detectives uncover evidence of relentless stalking by a former partner. They delve into Amie's past for clues to her tormentor's identity and the motive behind the crime.
Links: linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/amie-harwick-drew-carey-gareth-pursehouse-violent-death-evidence/
Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office - https://da.lacounty.gov/media/news/man-convicted-killing-former-girlfriend-hollywood-hills
Deadline - https://deadline.com/2023/12/amie-harwick-murder-verdict-guilty-1235559168/
CNN - https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/29/us/gareth-pursehouse-guilty-amie-harwick-killing/index.html
The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/07/amie-harwick-murder-convicted
ABC 7 - https://abc7.com/amie-harwick-gareth-pursehouse-murder-case-sentenced/14148385/
Law & Crime Network - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg0Huiwv_WE
LA Times - https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-09-29/man-convicted-of-killing-noted-family-therapist-amie-harwick
Court TV - https://www.courttv.com/news/gareth-pursehouse-to-be-sentenced-for-ex-girlfriends-murder/
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the chilling case of Wanda Holloway, a mother so determined to ensure her daughter’s success that she was willing to kill for it.
Links- linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
TexasMonthly.com - https://www.texasmonthly.com/arts-entertainment/the-cheerleader-murder-plot/
Greensboro.com - https://greensboro.com/mother-gives-court-tearful-testimony-says-she-didnt-want-cheerleaders-mom-killed/article_9bcaf5a8-d91f-5a0b-b2a3-3d3a07c356dd.html
WeGotThisCovered.com - https://wegotthiscovered.com/true-crime/what-happened-to-wanda-holloway-the-mom-who-plotted-to-kill-mother-of-a-14-year-old-to-make-her-daughter-a-school-cheerleader/
ChicagoTribune.com - https://www.chicagotribune.com/1991/08/25/in-texas-a-tale-of-cheerleading-murder-plot/
DailyMail.com - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2098473/Wanda-Holloway-s-daughter-Shanna-breaks-silence-Texas-Cheerleading-murder-plot.html
Chron.com - https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/lakehouston/news/article/Remembering-Channelview-strange-cheerleader-mom-12539969.php
HubPages.com - https://discover.hubpages.com/politics/Wanda-Holloway
MentalFloss.com - https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/526769/pom-pom-hit-when-texas-was-struck-cheerleader-moms-murder-plot
NYTimes.com - https://www.nytimes.com/1991/09/05/us/texas-mother-gets-15-years-in-murder-plot.html
HoustonianMag.com - https://www.houstoniamag.com/news-and-city-life/2018/11/wanda-webb-holloway
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the story of Jeff German, a fearless journalist who took on some of the most dangerous investigations in the U.S., until one case led him too far.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Links: linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case sources:
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/robert-telles-trial-verdict-jeff-german-murder/
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/23/media/jeff-german-las-vegas-review-journal-robert-telles-trial/index.html
SeattleTimes.com - https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/a-friend-and-reporter-slain-just-for-doing-his-job/
APNews.com - https://apnews.com/article/vegas-journalist-killed-telles-murder-trial-efd86acb2605829a60bf664a8c7e4ba0
Las Vegas Review Journal - https://www.reviewjournal.com/investigations/read-jeff-germans-investigative-work-related-to-robert-telles-2636206/
NPR.org -
People.com - https://people.com/robert-telles-murder-trial-accused-killing-jeff-german-journalist-8695387
Wikipedia.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_German
NYTimes.com - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/04/us/las-vegas-reporter-killed.html
UPI.com - https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2022/09/04/investigative-reporter-jeff-german-stabbed-to-death-las-vegas/5431662321074/
Columbia Journalism Review - https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/jeff_german_killed_press_threats.php
BBC.com - https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn4707j31zvo
RollingStone.com - https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/robert-telles-guilty-murder-reporter-jeff-german-1235090465/
TheGuardian.com -
8NewsNow.com - https://www.8newsnow.com/news/trial-of-robert-telles/telles-doubles-down-on-theory-of-a-vast-conspiracy-in-first-interview-after-murder-conviction-crazy-crazy-story/
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the chilling case of Sierah Joughin. When she fails to return home after a bike ride, her family and friends fear the worst. As concern grows, the police launch an investigation, retracing her steps from that fateful evening.
NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/@PaytonandGarrett
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
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Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Links: linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case sources:
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/US/barn-horrors-investigators-recall-clues-led-body-missing/story?id=104173438
ChillingCrimes.com - https://www.chillingcrimes.com/blogs/news/sierah-joughin
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/crime-news/what-happened-to-sierra-joughin-who-disappeared-in-2016
Medium.com - https://authorcindyparmiter.medium.com/a-history-of-violence-the-abduction-and-murder-of-sierah-joughin-1d481f5abba6
Wikipedia.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sierah_Joughin#:~:text=Murder%20of%20Sierah%20Joughin%20%2D%20Wikipedia,Asphyxiation%20(homicide)
Mamamia.com - https://www.mamamia.com.au/sierah-joughin-murder/
CBS News.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-worley-sierah-joughin-ex-con-charged-ohio-college-student-murder/
Deseret.com - https://www.deseret.com/2023/10/27/23934885/2020-sierah-joughin/#:~:text=Worley%20was%20arrested%20and%20charged,later%20convicted%20of%20aggravated%20murder.
Court News Ohio - https://courtnewsohio.gov/cases/2021/SCO/0701/180757.asp
Supreme Court Ohio - https://www.supremecourt.ohio.gov/Clerk/ecms/#/caseinfo/2018/0757
20/20 on Hulu - https://www.hulu.com/watch/1625f6cc-b870-4ea8-a001-c90ad7dcb96e
Happyscribe.com - https://www.happyscribe.com/public/20-20/she-was-almost-home
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the case of Oscar Pistorius and the fatal shooting of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Links: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oscar-pistorius-shots-in-the-dark/
VanityFair.com - https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2013/06/oscar-pistorius-murder
People.com - https://people.com/where-is-oscar-pistorius-now-former-olympic-runner-8638022
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/12/sport/oscar-pistorius-cnn-documentary-spt-intl/index.html
APNews.com - https://apnews.com/article/oscar-pistorius-reeva-steenkamp-murder-killing-9294912233465de6f9000da2372d8663
Reuters.com - https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/oscar-pistorius-south-african-blade-runner-turned-murder-convict-2024-01-05/
The Independent - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/oscar-pistorius-reeva-steenkamp-murder-b2473327.html
BBC.com - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-67885713
The NY Times - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/05/world/africa/oscar-pistorius-released.html
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/dateline-secrets-uncovered/crime-news/oscar-pistorius-story-release-date-now
Sky News - https://news.sky.com/story/who-is-oscar-pistorius-from-blade-runner-to-convicted-murderer-12846280
NDTV.com - https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/oscar-pistorius-murder-reeva-steenkamp-accident-or-rage-what-happened-night-oscar-pistorius-murdered-girlfriend-4804246
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/International/oscar-pistorius-ptsd-suicidal-psych-report-concludes/story?id=24395825
Wikipedia.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Pistorius
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett take a deep dive into the controversial case of Darlie Routier, exploring the evidence, theories, and the heated debates surrounding this puzzling story.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/precious-angels/
TexasMonthly.com - https://www.texasmonthly.com/true-crime/maybe-darlie-didnt-do-it/
Hubpages.com - https://discover.hubpages.com/politics/Darlie-Routier-An-American-Railroad
DallasNews.com - https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2019/05/11/did-darlie-routier-kill-her-kids-doubts-remain-two-decades-later/
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/darlie-routier
InJusticeWatch.org - https://www.injusticewatch.org/archive/2019/darlie-lynn-routier-remains-in-prison-awaiting-long-overdue-dna-testing/
Unsolved.com - https://unsolved.com/gallery/damon-devon-routier/
NBC DFW - https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/new-dna-testing-underway-in-darlie-routier-capital-murder-case/226187/
Forensic Files Now - https://forensicfilesnow.com/index.php/tag/drake-routier/
Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darlie_Routier
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the perplexing case of Susan Sills, a woman discovered lifeless at the base of her staircase under suspicious circumstances. Was it a tragic accident, or is there a darker truth lurking beneath the surface?
Case Sources:
NBCNews.com - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/scott-sills-susann-murder-husband-fertility-doctor-rcna150322
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dr-eric-scott-sills-susann-sills-california-accidental-fall-murder-trial-48-hours/
Wavy.com - https://www.wavy.com/news/dateline-death-of-california-doctors-wife-susan-sills-not-accidental-fall/
NBC.com - https://www.nbc.com/nbc-insider/eric-scott-sills-murdered-wife-susann-sills-staged-her-death
The Sun.com - https://www.the-sun.com/news/11269662/eric-scott-sills-case-where-now/
TheDailyBeast.com - https://www.thedailybeast.com/eric-scott-sills-california-fertility-doctor-arrested-for-murder-of-wife-susann-stephanie-arsuaga-sills
Distractify.com - https://www.distractify.com/p/what-happened-to-susann-sills
Sportskeeda.com - https://www.sportskeeda.com/us/shows/five-details-susann-sills-murder-explored
People.com - https://people.com/e-scott-stills-california-fertility-doctor-guilty-murder-death-wife-susann-8418722
KTLA.com - https://ktla.com/news/local-news/orange-county-doctor-sentenced-for-murdering-wife-in-staged-accident/
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/crime-news/scott-stills-found-guilty-of-killing-wife-susann-sills-in-2016
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the recent case of Maddi Kingsbury. When Maddie suddenly disappears, her friends and family launch a desperate search. However, suspicions arise when her boyfriend begins behaving strangely, prompting the police to dig deeper for answers.
New Merch: https://mwmhshop.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Links: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
ABC 6 News - https://www.kaaltv.com/news/kingsbury-family-speaks-at-fravel-hearing-it-drums-everything-up-from-a-year-ago/
NBC Chicago - https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/police-reveal-details-on-how-body-of-madeline-maddi-kingsbury-was-found-arrest-made/3158372/
Kare11.com - https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/man-accused-of-killing-maddi-kingsbury-pushes-for-change-in-venue/89-6af7f038-45a6-4988-b5b7-28b4bc5382c8#:~:text=Kingsbury%20disappeared%20on%20March%2031,a%20Winona%20County%20grand%20jury
KVRR Local News - https://www.kvrr.com/2024/01/22/southern-minnesota-murder-suspect-wants-charge-dismissed/
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/03/us/madeline-kingsbury-adam-fravel-murder-charge/index.html
ABC 5 News - https://kstp.com/kstp-news/local-news/court-documents-show-potential-motive-in-madeline-kingsburys-murder/
MPRNews.org - https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/03/20/attorneys-debate-evidence-against-man-accused-of-killing-madeline-kingsbury
Fox 9 News - https://www.fox9.com/news/most-winona-co-residents-think-adam-fravel-guilty-kingsbury-death-court-docs
InTouchWeekly.com - https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/what-happened-to-maddi-kingsbury-murder-case-explained/
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/madeline-maddi-kingsbury-minnesota-killing-adam-fravel-gabby-petito-threat-48-hours/
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Aniah Blanchard.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/murder-with-my-husband/id1508098400
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2
Case Sources:
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/aniah-blanchard-murder-family-justice-48-hours/
Distractify.com - https://www.distractify.com/p/what-happened-to-aniah-blanchard
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/16/us/aniah-blanchard-death-indictment-ibraheem-yazeed/index.html
People.com - https://people.com/inside-aniah-blanchard-case-8674010
CourtTV.com - https://www.courttv.com/news/man-charged-in-missing-ufc-heavyweights-stepdaughter-case-caught-in-florida/
MontgomeryAdvisor.com- https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/story/news/2019/12/04/aniah-blanchard-fought-back-ibraheem-yazeed-kidnapping-murder-capital-missing-auburn-teen/2591999001/
WSFA 12 - https://www.wsfa.com/2023/03/07/aniah-blanchard-murder-suspect-pleads-not-guilty/
AL.com - https://www.al.com/news/2022/10/three-years-after-aniah-blanchards-fatal-abduction-father-shares-i-will-never-have-rest.html
CBS News 3 - https://www.wrbl.com/news/waves-of-grief-four-years-later-aniah-blanchards-family-honors-lasting-legacy/
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the case of Susan Woods. When police dive into a murder investigation, they checked all the obvious suspects allowing the killer to almost get away with it.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/murder-with-my-husband/id1508098400
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2
Case Sources -
ABC’s 20/20 - 20/20 https://www.hulu.com/watch/81c2d0ac-422e-48c4-aa34-05ab206f7abb
TexasMonthly.com - https://www.texasmonthly.com/true-crime/susan-woods-stephenville-murder-hidden-killer/
The Stephenville Empire Tribune - https://web.archive.org/web/20210919174510/https://www.yourstephenvilletx.com/news/20180823/in-hiding-woman-says-she-was-victimized-by-confessed-murderer
Deseret.com - https://www.deseret.com/entertainment/2024/1/19/24044235/20-20-susan-woods/
ABCNews.com - https://abcnews.go.com/US/become-monster-convicted-killers-thoughts-grave/story?id=106291548
Heavy.com - https://heavy.com/news/joseph-scott-hatley-today/
BeneathTheSurfaceNews.com - https://www.beneaththesurfacenews.com/post/the-man-who-killed-stephenville-resident-susan-woods-in-1987-found-dead-inside-his-trailer
TheSun.com - https://www.the-sun.com/news/10137332/susan-woods-murder-stephenville-texas/
MyPlainView.com - https://www.myplainview.com/news/article/Man-sentenced-to-30-years-in-woman-s-1987-death-8640961.php
Distractify.com - https://www.distractify.com/p/joseph-scott-hatley-now
Newser.com - https://www.newser.com/story/336835/the-real-killer-signed-the-guest-book-at-her-funeral.html
HappyScribe.com - https://www.happyscribe.com/public/20-20/there-is-a-monster-in-me
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett ride into the case of Anna Moriah Wilson. When she was found dead in her friend's home, police investigate the scene and what they find is straight out of a true crime movie.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
ABC’s 20/20 - https://www.hulu.com/watch/ea96ae7e-9fcb-41e1-8dc9-f8499beffa3d
Statesman.com - https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2024/01/05/anna-moriah-wilson-murder-kaitlin-armstrong-austin-texas-abc-2020-true-crime-episode-how-to-watch/72108302007/
NBCNews.com - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-jury-sentences-killer-bicyclist-moriah-mo-wilson-90-years-bars-rcna125691
APNews.com - https://apnews.com/article/bicyclist-murder-trial-costa-rica-mo-wilson-cad77497b26a55ab75b9f739dae6b561
WCAX.com - https://www.wcax.com/2023/11/16/jury-convicts-woman-fatally-shooting-vt-cyclist-anna-mo-wilson-jealous-rage/
GranFondoGuide.com - https://www.granfondoguide.com/Contents/Index/7628/mo-wilsons-final-moments-heard-as-audio-leaked-from-court
Fox7Austin.com - https://www.fox7austin.com/news/kaitlin-armstrong-moriah-wilson-family-lawsuit
CBC.ca - https://www.cbc.ca/sports/olympics/summer/cycling/kaitlin-armstrong-sentenced-killing-of-anna-mo-wilson-nov-17-1.7026595
The Austin American Statesman - https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2024/06/17/kaitlin-armstrong-wrongful-death-lawsuit-texas-judge-awards-15-million-anna-moriah-wilson-parents/74127164007/
The Moriah Wilson Foundation - https://moriahwilsonfoundation.org/mos-story/
TheGuardian.com - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/18/killer-of-pro-cyclist-anna-moriah-wilson-sentenced-to-90-years
CyclingNews.com - https://www.cyclingnews.com/news/colin-strickland-tortured-by-proximity-to-mo-wilsons-murder/
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/moriah-mo-wilson-kaitlin-armstrong-how-us-marshals-captured-pro-cyclists-killer-48-hours/
CBSAustin.com - https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/fitness-app-tracking-body-cam-footage-bullet-casings-what-the-jury-heard-day-1-of-kaitlin-armstrong-trial
FoxNews.com - https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-murder-suspect-kaitlin-armstrong-through-years-love-triangle-fugitive-decades-old-photos
Wikipedia.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Moriah_Wilson
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the deaths of four women all from one killer notoriously named The Boy Next Door Killer.
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
The U.S. Sun - https://www.the-sun.com/news/3299705/ashley-ellerin-murder-relationship-ashton-kutcher/
AP News - https://apnews.com/article/entertainment-arts-and-entertainment-a67323c75abea5a0c0e592e22d7297d7
Fox News - https://www.foxnews.com/us/hollywood-ripper-michael-gargiulo-liked-watch-death-inflicting-pain-victims
All That’s Interesting - https://allthatsinteresting.com/ashley-ellerin
BBC - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57871320
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ashley-ellerin-murder-ashton-kutcher-is-star-witness-for-accused-serial-killer-defense-lawyer-says/
Oxygen - https://www.oxygen.com/martinis-murder/maria-bruno-hollywood-ripper-michael-gargiulo
USA Today - https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2021/07/17/hollywood-ripper-sentenced-2001-murder-ashton-kutchers-date/8002255002/
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Sam Herr and Julie Kibuishi. When Julie is found dead in Sam’s room, police scramble to find who did it and are shocked by what they find.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/murder-with-my-husband/id1508098400
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2
ABC.com - https://abc.com/episode/e9af2893-3942-4abb-99ca-32b9877b62bd
People.com - https://people.com/crime/daniel-wozniak-murder-case-a-grooms-deadly-scheme/
Yahoo.com - https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/dateline-unforgettable-where-sam-herr-161111613.html
LATimes.com - https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/tn-dpt-me-tim-wozniak-20161216-story.html
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/dateline-unforgettable/crime-news/dan-wozniak-convicted-of-killing-sam-herr-and-julie-kibuishi
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/US/community-theater-actors-final-performance-chilling-confession-double/story?id=63181588
InsideEdition.com - https://www.insideedition.com/daniel-wozniak-murder-case-fiancee-rachel-buffett-convicted-lying-police-pleads-innocence-tapes
DailyMail.com - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7068459/New-documentary-shows-cold-blooded-killer-shot-dead-friend-steal-money.html
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/clues-and-evidence-in-the-murders-of-julie-kibuishi-and-sam-herr/
Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Wozniak_(murderer)
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the mysterious case of Eric Richins, who was discovered dead in his home. The autopsy results uncovered a crucial detail that shifted the focus onto his wife, making her the primary suspect.
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
CBS’s 48 Hours - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kouri-richins-utah-husband-eric-richins-death-poison-cocktail-48-hours/
ABC 7 Chicago - https://abc7chicago.com/kouri-richins-utah-trial-update-eric/13673994/
The NY Post - https://nypost.com/2024/01/06/news/murdered-husband-of-utah-childrens-book-author-had-wifes-meds-in-his-body-when-he-died-court-docs/
People.com - https://people.com/sisters-of-utah-father-allegedly-poisoned-by-his-wife-not-giving-up-7963513
NBC News - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/timeline-utah-mom-kouri-richins-husband-death-fentanyl-rcna85787
The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/27/children-book-author-poison-husband#:~:text=Kouri%20Richins%2C%2033%2C%20was%20charged,celebrate%20his%20wife's%20business%20deal.
KSL.com - https://www.ksl.com/article/51023444/kouri-richins-gets-new-attorneys-proclaims-innocence-in-recordings-sent-to-national-media
NewsNationNow.com - https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/utah-kouri-richins-proclaims-innocence-jail/
CBC News - https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/kouri-richins-poison-1.7210068
NBC News - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/utah-grief-author-kouri-richins-also-tried-poison-husband-valentines-d-rcna145249
AP News - https://apnews.com/article/kouri-richins-murder-husband-utah-author-74ab4248df5085d041e9c2001e147a6b
Fox13Now.com - https://www.fox13now.com/news/crime/investigation-shows-kouri-richins-mother-possibly-helped-kill-daughters-husband
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On this episode, Payton recaps the Karen Read trial that revolves around the death of Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe.
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources-
BostonMagazine.com - https://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2023/09/27/canton-karen-read/
CourtTV.com - https://www.courttv.com/news/karen-read-trial-exhibits/
The Boston Herald - https://www.bostonherald.com/2024/06/20/watch-live-karen-read-murder-trial-day-28-trooper-guarino-to-return-to-stand/
TBDailyNews.com - https://tbdailynews.com/corrupt-state-trooper-helps-boston-cop-coverup-murder-of-fellow-officer-frame-innocent-girlfriend/
APNews.com - https://apnews.com/article/karen-read-officer-death-boston-officer-testimony-14ed255442a844b3c2d51e50e0549a9b
NECN.com - https://www.necn.com/news/canton-karen-read-case/
NBCBoston.com - https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/heres-what-karen-read-and-john-okeefe-messaged-about-on-the-day-before-he-died/3404179/
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/karen-read-trial-latest-details-john-okeefe/
Boston25news.com - https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/karen-read-murder-trial-guide-key-players-you-need-know/ROBJHJ3O6RFUFOBUR5EO7VWIKI/
The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/06/26/karen-read-trial-verdict-boston-police/
The Boston Globe- https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/06/21/metro/karen-read-trial-live-updates/
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murders of Ryan Waller and Heather Quan.
Links for Patreon, Podcast, and Social Media
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
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Modern Fertility: www.modernfertility.com/husband - $20 off
Case Sources:
This is MONSTERS - The Story of Larry and Richie Carver
EXPLORE WITH US - The Haunting Case of Ryan Waller
The Waller Family - Ryan Waller Shooting
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In this episode, Payton digs deep into the case of Katie Beers, a girl who faced abuse from everyone in her family, only to be captured by a malevolent man.
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
“Buried Memories” by Katie Beers and Carolyn Gusoff
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/katie-beers
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/US/dungeons-katie-beers-girls-held/story?id=18222603
USA Today - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/09/05/katie-beers-kidnap-dead/2769925/
NYTimes.com - https://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/16/nyregion/a-girl-held-for-16-days-in-a-dungeon-now-looking-back-as-a-woman.html
GoalCast.com - https://www.goalcast.com/girl-in-the-wall-katie-beers-motivation-strong-woman/
Distractify.com - https://www.distractify.com/p/what-happened-to-katie-beers
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/katie-beers-kidnapping-allowed-me-to-escape-abuse/
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/2013/01/17/tv/katie-beers-breaks-her-silence-20-years-after-kidnapping-in-new-memoir-buried-memories/index.html
TimesColonist.com - https://www.timescolonist.com/entertainment/katie-beers-victim-of-notorious-1993-kidnapping-says-it-saved-her-from-life-of-abuse-4574681
PennLive.com - https://www.pennlive.com/midstate/2013/09/katie_beers.html
Newsday.com - https://projects.newsday.com/long-island/katie-beers-anniversary/
InTouchWeekly.com -
Forbes.com - https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/stockholm-syndrome/
Wikipedia.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_Katie_Beers
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In this episode Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Jon Henkel’s murder and how his killer was finally caught.
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
The New Yorker - https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/a-murder-a-confession-and-a-fight-for-clemency
New York Post - https://nypost.com/2022/12/10/murder-victims-family-furious-after-bragg-prosecutor-bids-to-free-killer/
Deseret News - https://www.deseret.com/2016/7/7/20591567/rapper-who-willingly-confessed-to-cold-case-murder-17-years-later-reveals-what-drove-his-decision/
New York Magazine - https://nymag.com/news/features/trevell-coleman-2012-11/index5.html
The Telegraph - https://www.thetelegraph.com/news/article/Rapper-who-admitted-1993-New-York-shooting-faces-12671665.php
The Niagara Gazette - https://www.niagara-gazette.com/aspiring-harlem-rapper-who-turned-himself-in-to-face-murder-charge-gets-clemency-from-gov/article_d10e9a80-a11e-11ee-a642-f7e218e840e2.html
New York Daily News - https://www.nydailynews.com/2012/04/10/trial-of-rapper-accused-of-1993-murder-during-botched-east-harlem-robbery-begins/
NBC New York - https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/rapper-g-dep-granted-clemency-after-serving-13-years-for-1993-cold-case-killing/4976651/
Black Enterprise - https://www.blackenterprise.com/g-dep-released-from-prison/
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Fred Oesterreich, a husband who was tragically shot by a home invader. As witnesses come forward, police realize this case is a lot stranger than it seems.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/murder-with-my-husband/id1508098400
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2
Case Sources:
Milwaukee Magazine - https://www.milwaukeemag.com/the-legend-of-milwaukees-most-infamous-love-triangle/
All That’s Interesting - https://allthatsinteresting.com/dolly-oesterreich
LAist - https://laist.com/news/la-history/hidden-history-of-la-the-murderous-lover-who-lived-in-a-silver-lake-attic
LA Times - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-03-20-me-44878-story.html
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into a string of mysterious mail bombing targeting people working in the Justice System.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
The FBI - https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/judge-vance-murder
Justia US Law - https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/977/1425/305286/
The US Department of Justice - https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/archive/special/9704a/03amnewv.htm
State of Alabama Office of the Attorney General - https://www.alabamaag.gov/attorney-general-steve-marshall-statement-on-execution-of-walter-leroy-moody-jr/
State of Alabama Office of the Governor - https://governor.alabama.gov/newsroom/2018/04/governor-iveys-statement-on-walter-moody-execution/
NPR - https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/04/19/603883731/alabama-serial-bomber-walter-leroy-moody-83-to-be-executed-thursday
Advance Local - https://www.al.com/news/birmingham/2018/04/circuit_judge_bob_vance_talks.html
United States Attorney’s Office - https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndal/pr/alabama-executes-man-1989-mail-bomb-murder-us-appeals-court-judge-robert-s-vance-0
S House California Law Group - https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/can-a-felon-become-a-lawyer/
WTOC 11 - https://www.wtoc.com/2023/06/21/robert-robbie-robinson-historical-marker-unveiled/
Savannah Now - https://www.savannahnow.com/story/news/2018/04/20/alabama-man-executed-for-1989-mail-bomb-slaying-of-savannahs-robbie-robinson/12648212007/
FindLaw - https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/al-court-of-criminal-appeals/1401686.html
WJBF ABC 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgPoh5lT0L0
UPI - https://www.upi.com/Archives/1990/01/25/A-lawyer-Thursday-advised-junk-dealer-Robert-Wayne-OFerrell/9021633243600/
Deseret News - https://www.deseret.com/1990/1/23/18842786/fbi-questions-suspect-in-bomb-probe/
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into a family murder where the victim does the unthinkable!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources -
Oxygen - https://www.oxygen.com/final-moments/crime-news/texas-bart-whitaker-hired-friends-murder-family
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bart-whitaker-sugar-land-texas-murders-father-fights-to-save-son-from-execution/
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=7470379&page=1
Texas District & County Attorneys Association - https://www.tdcaa.com/journal/a-most-unusual-suspect-3/
The Oprah Winfrey Network - https://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/the-gift-of-forgiveness_1/all
People - https://people.com/crime/people-magazine-investigates-whitaker-family-murders/
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In this instance, Payton and Garrett delve into two cold murder cases that reignite when unexpected evidence surfaces.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/murder-with-my-husband/id1508098400
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2
Case Sources:
The San Luis Obispo (san LOO-is oh-biss-POH) Tribune - https://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/crime/article229427849.html
The County of San Luis Obispo - https://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Departments/Sheriff-Coroner/e-Newsletter-Articles/Suspect-Identified-in-41-year-old-Homicide-Cold-Ca.aspx
KCBX FM Radio - https://www.kcbx.org/crime/2019-04-17/dna-evidence-spots-suspect-in-1970s-san-luis-obispo-county-murder-cases
KSBY 6 - https://www.ksby.com/news/2019/04/17/san-luis-obispo-county-sheriffs-office-identifies-suspect-in-40-year-old-murders
ABC 30 Action News - https://abc30.com/arthur-rudy-martinez-jane-morton-antunez-patricia-dwyer-fresno/5258271/
Daily Mail - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6947475/DNA-inmates-razor-helps-solve-cold-case-murders-two-women.html
Atascadero Historical Society - https://www.atascaderohistoricalsociety.org/history.php
KREM 2 - https://www.krem.com/article/news/crime/murder-of-2-california-women-in-1970s-linked-to-dead-spokane-inmate/293-1d8e10e9-4a53-4309-81b7-b588594edd17
Ventura County Star - https://www.newspapers.com/image/847720815/?match=1&terms=%22arthur%20rudy%20martinez%22
The Los Angeles Times - https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-california-cold-case-murders-inmate-20190418-story.html
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Tiktok streamers who stumbled on a dead body.
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources
Federal Way Mirror - https://www.federalwaymirror.com/news/landlord-sentenced-to-46-years-in-prison-for-deaths-of-austin-wenner-jessica-lewis/
Fox 12 Oregon - https://www.kptv.com/2023/04/07/man-sentenced-46-years-killing-tenants-stuffing-bodies-suitcases-found-seattle-beach/
The Seattle Times - https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/burien-landlord-found-guilty-of-murder-in-couples-deaths/
NBC King 5 - https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/landlord-sentenced-46-years-prison-west-seattle-suitcase-murders/281-b692d95b-1da1-4913-94fb-fb19be9e6841
BBC - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63912186
Kent Reporter - https://www.kentreporter.com/news/burien-landlord-found-guilty-of-murdering-tenants-placing-bodies-into-suitcases/
Mercury News - https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/08/26/landlord-accused-of-murder-teens-on-an-adventure-found-the-bodies/
New York Times - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/31/style/randonautica-app.html
Westside Seattle - https://www.westsideseattle.com/highline-times/2023/04/07/convicted-double-murder-michael-lee-dudley-sentenced-more-45-years-prison
Fox13 Seattle - https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/closing-arguments-in-trial-for-man-accused-of-killing-tenants-stuffing-their-bodies-in-suitcases
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into a chain of suspicious deaths and murders that all surround one suspect.
NEW MERCH: https://mwmhshop.com/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Check out our NEW Strangey Dangey Merch: https://mwmhshop.com/
Case Sources:
MPR News - https://www.mprnews.org/story/2017/06/23/glensheen-mansion-murders-still-grip-duluth
Glensheen Mansion - https://glensheen.org/blog/history-blogs/women-of-glensheen/
Zenith City Press - https://zenithcity.com/archive/people-biography/elisabeth-mannering-congdon/
Fox9 KMSP - https://www.fox9.com/news/45-years-since-glensheen-mansion-murders-in-duluth
Artful Living - https://artfulliving.com/my-weekend-with-marjorie-congdon/
Minn Post - https://www.minnpost.com/politics-policy/2008/05/twists-turns-never-end-congdon-murder-case-figure/
WebMD - https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/psychopath-sociopath-differences
Duluth News Tribune - https://www.duluthnewstribune.com/news/local/after-acquittal-marjorie-caldwell-faced-years-of-additional-legal-trouble
Star Tribune - https://web.archive.org/web/20110815044247/http://blogs2.startribune.com/blogs/oldnews/archives/166
LA Times - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-11-29-me-2575-story.html
Justia Law - https://law.justia.com/cases/minnesota/supreme-court/1982/49437-2.html
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On this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the nightmare that happened to an unsuspecting family in rural Idaho.
Case Sources:
Stolen in the Night (2007, St. Martin's), by Gary C. King
People Magazine Investigates, episode: "The Groene Family Massacre," aired June 6, 2022 on Investigation Discovery
Newspapers.com sources:
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett delve into the chilling mystery surrounding the murder of Marion Gilchrist. As the police struggle to solve the case, they seek out unconventional assistance, including none other than the famed author of Sherlock Holmes himself.
Live Show Tickets: https://www.murderwithmyhusband.com/live-shows All shows are 18+ even if it says 21+, its 18!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/murder-with-my-husband/id1508098400
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2
Case Sources:
Conan Doyle for the Defense by Margalit Fox
Circumstances of Unexplained Savagery: The Gilchrist Murder Case and Its Legacy by Anne-Marie Kilday
The Case of Oscar Slater by Arthur Conan Doyle
University of Glasgow - https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/library/collections/medicalhumanities/forensic%20medicine/casefiles/oscarslaterglasgow1908-1909/
National Records of Scotland - https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/research/learning/features/the-case-of-oscar-slater
The Glasgow Police Museum - https://www.policemuseum.org.uk/crime-casebook/interesting-cases/murder-of-marion-gilchrist-1908/
Glasgow Times - https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/19893164.glasgow-crime-stories-murder-wealthy-marion-gilchrist-1908/
The North American Review - https://www.jstor.org/stable/25110610
Oxford Open Learning - https://www.ool.co.uk/blog/sherlock-holmes-still-popular/
BBC - https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-65394103
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Payton and Garrett explore several murder cases in Saint Louis, all tied to a common serial killer.
Live Show Tickets: https://www.murderwithmyhusband.com/live-shows
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
Case Sources:
Forensic Files, Season 7 Episode 35: “X Marks the Spot”
Fox2Now - https://fox2now.com/news/true-crime/serial-killer-maury-travis-the-street-walker-strangler/
Saint Louis Post-Dispatch - https://www.newspapers.com/image/142857903/?clipping_id=31904973&fcfToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmcmVlLXZpZXctaWQiOjE0Mjg1NzkwMywiaWF0IjoxNjQ0ODU4NTg5LCJleHAiOjE2NDQ5NDQ5ODl9.1Z1HKjvrRspgE55U_G4G8psvVkhivjYy2JWF1BSwcMQ
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/US/woman-found-serial-killer-lived-home-watching-tv/story?id=24467447
CBS Mornings - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7wyKX23vuY&t=41s
The City of Saint Louis - https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/live-work/community/neighborhoods/baden/index.cfm
Pew Research Center - https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2015/06/26/americans-internet-access-2000-2015/
FBI - https://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/serial-murder
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Samuel and Maria Mendoza, a couple who was randomly targeted in a gang related shooting.
Live Show Tickets: https://www.murderwithmyhusband.com/live-shows All shows are 18+ even if it says 21+, its 18!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/murder-with-my-husband/id1508098400
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2
Case Sources:
Law & Crime Network - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkHX0NZzQRI&t=1147s
ABC 11 Eyewitness News - https://abc11.com/jonathan-santillan-murder/5940654/
The News & Observer - https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/article210205029.html
WRAL News - https://www.wral.com/story/appeals-court-sends-back-case-of-youth-convicted-in-2-deaths/17523306/
Find Law - https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/nc-court-of-appeals/1894947.html
CBS 17 - https://www.cbs17.com/news/local-news/wake-county-news/appeals-court-sends-back-case-of-teen-convicted-garner-killings/
The City of Garner, North Carolina - https://www.garnernc.gov/about-us/overview-of-town-history
Court Chatter Live - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie2P7kX8khw&t=3s
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
In this episode Payton and Garrett discuss the shocking case of Marianne Shockley, a professor who was mysteriously found dead in a jacuzzi. When police come to investigate the crime scene police are bewildered by the two witnesses acting strange at the scene.
Live Show Tickets: https://www.murderwithmyhusband.com/live-shows All shows are 18+ even if it says 21+, its 18!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/murder-with-my-husband/id1508098400
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2
Case Sources:
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/marianne-shockley-2019-death-marcus-lillard-acquitted/
The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/05/15/one-strangest-cases-dead-professor-hot-tub-suicide-baffle-police/
13WMAZ.com - https://www.13wmaz.com/article/news/local/marianne-shockley-uga-professor-on-48-hours/93-96877f34-aa26-48dd-a4d9-455b8be77a43
TheSun.com - https://www.the-sun.com/news/8392853/marianne-shockley-hot-tub-death-boyfriend-devil-work/
MorganCountyCitizen.com - https://www.morgancountycitizen.com/news/not-guilty-on-all-counts-jury-acquits-marcus-lillard-in-murder-of-marianne-shockley/article_415083ac-ba72-11ec-899a-d312b93ee863.html
The Atlanta Journal Constitution - https://www.ajc.com/news/crime--law/man-kills-self-another-man-arrested-after-uga-professor-found-dead-near-hot-tub/mRmbnldPPU9ZLrqgHwORAO/
GoFundMe.com - https://www.gofundme.com/f/marianneshockley
SandHills Express - https://sandhillsexpress.com/cbs_national/what-really-happened-the-night-marianne-shockley-died-cbsid9f3042e3/
Mirror.co.uk - https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/inside-mystery-case-professor-found-30260214
USA Today - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/05/14/marianne-shockley-georgia-professor-bizarre-death-investigation/3672509002/
TheCinemaholic.com - https://thecinemaholic.com/marianne-shockleys-death-how-did-she-die-who-killed-her/
Baldwin2K News - https://baldwin2k.com/g/milledgeville-ga/n/76451/juror-marcus-lillard-trial-discusses-case-aftermath
BobcatMultimedia.com - https://bobcatmultimedia.com/2707/thecolonnade/the-trial-of-marcus-lillard/
The Independent - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/georgia-professor-suicide-murder-dead-charge-police-milledgeville-marianne-shockley-a8916866.html
UnionRecorder.com - https://www.unionrecorder.com/news/medical-examiner-ruled-shockley-died-from-manual-strangulation/article_6af0b2c0-bf10-11ec-aa80-e722c07f5a1a.html
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Payton and Garrett read listener submitted stories back to you.
Submit a Dear Daisy here: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
In this case, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Mary Yoder. When Mary suddenly falls gravely ill, suspicion casts a shadow over every member of the family. The question looms: Who is responsible for poisoning Mary Yoder?
Live Show Tickets: https://www.murderwithmyhusband.com/live-shows All shows are 18+ even if it says 21+, its 18!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/murder-with-my-husband/id1508098400
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2
Case Sources:
“We Thought We Knew You: A Terrifying True Story of Secrets, Betrayal and Deception” by William Phelps
Observer-Dispatch - https://www.uticaod.com/story/news/crime/2022/09/06/kaitlyn-conley-seeks-to-overturn-conviction-in-mary-yoder-killing/65469691007/
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/killer-motive/crime-news/kaitlyn-conley-poisons-ex-boyfriends-mom-mary-yoder
TrueCrimeDaily.com - https://truecrimedaily.com/2016/10/26/receptionist-accused-of-murdering-chiropractor-boss-with-poison/
Daily Sentinel - https://www.romesentinel.com/news/kaitlyn-conley-mary-yoder-manslaughter-appeal-sauquoit-native-2015-2017/article_ba04d2e4-8267-11ee-9c19-3f0f153288e2.html
FoxNews.com - https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/killer-motive-new-york-woman-poisoning-sons-ex-girlfriend-vengeance
DailyMail.co.uk - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3641176/NY-woman-charged-fatally-poisoning-chiropractor-boss.html
Syracus.com - https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2021/03/court-denies-kaitlyn-conleys-appeal-that-she-killed-her-former-boyfriends-mom.html
WKTV.com - https://www.wktv.com/news/top-stories/hearing-scheduled-for-sauquoit-woman-convicted-of-poisoning-boss-to-death/article_6d911a06-16b2-11ee-917f-3f5277f9c00e.html
Medium.com - https://medium.com/@alexishammondwrites/she-poisoned-her-ex-boyfriends-mom-or-did-she-the-story-of-kaitlyn-conley-721884834752
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett delve into the case of Jade Janks. When she uncovers a family secret, a chain reaction of events culminates in tragedy. As the trial unfolds, secrets unravel, blurring the lines between victim and perpetrator, prompting the question: where does justice truly lie?
Live Show Tickets: https://www.murderwithmyhusband.com/live-shows All shows are 18+ even if it says 21+, its 18!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/murder-with-my-husband/id1508098400
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2
Case Sources:
48 Hours on CBS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmXWb8ouzAY
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jade-janks-tom-merriman-murder-explicit-photos-stepdads-computer-48-hours/
CBS8.com - https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/solana-beach-woman-to-be-sentenced-for-murdering-stepfather/509-90b5b26d-c786-420d-85e4-686918dee1b1
NBCSanDiego.com - https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/solana-beach-woman-gets-25-years-to-life-for-stepfathers-murder/3180663/
TheSun.com - https://www.the-sun.com/news/9333133/jade-janks-san-diego-verdict/
LawAndCrime.com - https://lawandcrime.com/crime/woman-convicted-of-murdering-former-stepfather-over-stash-of-her-nude-teenage-photos-expresses-few-regrets-when-sentenced-for-his-murder/
TheCoastNews.com - https://thecoastnews.com/janks-gets-life-sentence-for-former-stepfathers-murder/
TimesOfSanDiego.com- https://timesofsandiego.com/crime/2022/12/07/murder-trial-begins-for-stepdaughter-39-accused-of-killing-butterfly-farms-co-founder/
SanDiegoTribune.com - https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/courts/story/2022-12-21/solana-beach-interior-designer-stepfather-death-verdict
SanDiego.org - https://www.sandiego.org/articles/north-county/solana-beach.aspx
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Heather Elvis. A young woman entangled in an affair, whose situation takes a fatal turn when the betrayed wife discovers her husband's infidelity.
Socials and more: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
“Missing… and Presumed Dead” by Michael Fleeman
PostAndCourier.com - https://www.postandcourier.com/myrtle-beach/news/heather-elvis-remembered-at-socastee-vigil/article_afd2578e-9e3b-11ee-a3f4-db68453bd461.html
InvestigationDiscovery.com - https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/mystery/where-is-heather-elvis-woman-vanishes-after-breaking-off-affair-with-married-man
ABC7.com - https://abc7.com/heather-elvis-case-abc-2020-tammy-moorer/10394818/
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/heather-elvis
NBCNews.com - https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/missing-in-america/murder-charges-dropped-against-sidney-tammy-moorer-heather-elvis-case-n536571
WMBFNews.com -
CrimeWatchers.com - https://www.crimewatchers.net/threads/heather-elvis-missing-from-myrtle-beach-sc-18-december-2013-age-20.483/
ABCNews.go.com - https://abcnews.go.com/US/south-carolina-love-triangle-womans-affair-married-man/story?id=76209188
The NY Post - https://nypost.com/2018/10/09/the-disappearance-of-heather-elvis-explosive-love-triangle-escalates-to-kidnapping-trial/
Distractify.com - https://www.distractify.com/p/what-happened-to-heather-elvis
WBTW.com - https://www.wbtw.com/news/new-evidence-released-in-heather-elvis-disappearance/
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Susan Smith. Initially drawn into cooperation with the FBI as an informant, Susan soon discovers that her involvement might ultimately risk her life.
MERCH: https://mwmhshop.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/intothedarkpod/
Discount codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes
Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327
Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7
All socials: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
The NY Times - https://www.nytimes.com/1990/06/13/us/ex-fbi-agent-admits-slaying-and-gets-16-years.html
The NY Post - https://nypost.com/2021/05/10/the-true-crime-behind-emilia-clarkes-above-suspicion/
TheCinemaholic.com - https://thecinemaholic.com/susan-smith-murder-how-did-she-die-who-killed-her/
“The FBI Killer” by Aphrodite Jones
The Tampa Bay Times - https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1991/06/09/slaying-by-fbi-agent-still-in-spotlight/
ScreenRant.com - https://screenrant.com/above-suspicion-susan-smith-pregnant-true-story/
TheMountainEagle.com - https://www.themountaineagle.com/articles/true-story-of-fbi-agent-who-killed-lover-in-1989-now-showing-on-netflix/
Grunge.com - https://www.grunge.com/602209/mark-putnam-the-first-fbi-agent-convicted-of-murder/
TheLineUp.com - https://the-line-up.com/above-suspicion
ByLiner.com - https://byliner.com/where-is-mark-putnam-today-susan-smiths-killer/
Wikipedia.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Susan_Smith
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
In this episode, Payton and Garrett delve into the tragic case of Chris Farmer and Peta Frampton, two college students in search of adventure. However, their quest takes a devastating turn when they encounter the wrong individual, leading to the loss of their lives.
NEW MERCH!https://mwmhshop.com/
SOCIALS, DISCOUNT CODES, AND MORE, https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case sources:
“Dead in the Water” by Penny Farmer
BBC.com - https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-48067812
The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/true-crime/wp/2016/12/19/two-tourists-were-killed-at-sea-the-boats-owner-has-been-arrested-nearly-40-years-later/
Variety.com - https://variety.com/2023/tv/global/raw-tv-set-crime-documentary-dead-in-the-water-amazon-prime-video-1235812596/
TheCinemaholic.com - https://thecinemaholic.com/christopher-farmer-and-peta-frampton-murders-how-did-silas-boston-die/
InvestigationDiscovery.com - https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/id-shows/evil-lives-here/two-young-california-boys-forced-to-watch-their-father-kill-couple-during-sailboat-trip
Sportskeeda.com - https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/evil-lives-here-id-what-happened-chris-farmer-peta-frampton
The Sun - https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8994642/paradise-bbc-podcast-murder-guatemala/
The Daily Mail - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6002523/A-British-couple-hitching-yacht-turned-tale-horror.html
Medium.com - https://medium.com/a-place-to-vent/a-less-than-perfect-life-195a063ce4b4
LittleThings.com - https://littlethings.com/entertainment/woman-finds-brothers-suspected-killer-facebook-37-years-later
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Payton and Garrett read listener submitted stories back to you.
Submit a Dear Daisy here: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
In this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the case involving Jane Bautista, a woman whose dismembered body was discovered along the highway.
NEW MERCH!! Check out our new merch at https://mwmhshop.com/
Or the link below for Discount codes and more: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
“Such Good Boys” by Tina Dirmann
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cops-sons-murdered-mom-mob-style/
San Diego Union Tribune - https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-son-sentenced-to-25-years-for-mothers-murder-2005apr09-story.html
LA Times - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2005-feb-05-me-bautista5-story.html
CNN - https://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/01/28/sons.arraigned/index.html
Psychology Today - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/200301/murder-mafia-style
The NY Times - https://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/28/us/2-sons-held-in-dismemberment-that-is-said-to-copy-tv-show.html
FHE Health.com - https://fherehab.com/schizophrenia/statistics#:~:text=Schizophrenia%20stats%20suggest%20that%20in,schizophrenia%20that%20have%20been%20diagnosed.
AlliedPsychiatry.com - https://www.alliedpsychiatry.com/blog/could-you-have-schizophrenia-and-not-know-it#:~:text=While%20many%20people%20with%20schizophrenia,and%20untreated%2C%20sometimes%20for%20years.
Murderpedia.org - https://murderpedia.org/male.B/b/bautista-jason.htm
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of two women who were murdered 100 miles apart. When police can’t identify the women, they turn to an emergent technology to help solve this cold case.
Case Sources:
“Web of Death” Season One, Episode Four
“Cold Case Files” Season Two, Episode 26
NationalObserver.com - https://www.nationalobserver.com/2022/05/27/news/cree-womans-remains-sent-home-alberta-decades-disappearance
KTLA.com - https://ktla.com/news/local-news/photos-released-in-effort-to-id-victims-in-1980-cold-case-warning-graphic-images/
ForensicMag.com - https://www.forensicmag.com/575436-Shirley-Ann-Soosay-is-One-of-First-Indigenous-Peoples-Does-to-be-ID-ed-by-Genetic-Genealogy/
AETV.com - https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/indigenous-murder-victim-identified
ScientificAmerican.com - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-dna-tests-are-identifying-missing-persons-and-solving-crimes/
VCDistrictAttorney.com -
StoriesOfTheUnsolved.com - https://storiesoftheunsolved.com/2021/08/12/ventura-county-jane-doe/#:~:text=CASE%20CONTACT%20INFORMATION%3A,or%20805%2D654%2D9511
TheCinemaholic.com - https://thecinemaholic.com/shirley-soosay-murder-how-did-she-die-who-killed-her/
Bakersfield.com - https://www.bakersfield.com/news/kcso-identifies-murder-victim-from-1980-cold-case/article_07eda476-a472-11eb-9eaf-238b5f2ff629.html
VCStar.com - https://www.vcstar.com/story/news/local/communities/conejo-valley/2018/05/31/man-found-guilty-murder-1980-ventura-kern-county-slayings/661081002/
Wikipedia.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Shirley_Soosay
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
In this episode, Payton dives into the case of two sisters who disappeared after a day at the mall. The case seemed to go cold until the unthinkable happened.
In this episode, Payton delves into the tragic tale of Deborah Flores-Narvaez, a captivating dancing sensation whose life was cut short. https://www.betterhelp.com/husband
Find us on twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
More social links and AD DISCOUNT CODES: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Listen on apple: https://apple.co/3sMXYum
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2?si=67c9faf80cbf4fed
Case Sources:
“The Last Stone” by Mark Bowden
“Who Killed the Lyon Sisters” on Investigation Discovery
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/2014/05/09/living/motherhood-now-vs-then-parents/index.html
CharleyProject.org - https://charleyproject.org/case/katherine-mary-lyon
WashingtonPost.com - https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1980/03/25/the-missing-lyon-sisters-not-a-trace-in-five-years/d0dffcdb-7f9c-4dc5-afa0-3b3ce115312b/
InsideNova.com - https://www.insidenova.com/opinion/kerr-the-day-we-learned-to-be-afraid/article_67ed72e4-9a6b-11e7-b5ec-238f53a5701c.html
Medium.com - https://kimparr.medium.com/what-the-lyon-sisters-disappearance-taught-me-about-cold-cases-25ee5bfaa4ac
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In this episode, Payton delves into the tragic tale of Deborah Flores-Narvaez, a captivating dancing sensation whose life was cut short.
Find us on twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
More social links and AD DISCOUNT CODES: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Listen on apple: https://apple.co/3sMXYum
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2?si=67c9faf80cbf4fed
Case Sources:
“Dancing On Her Grave” by Diane Montané and Carolina Sarassa
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-boyfriend-convicted-of-murdering-las-vegas-dancer/
Las Vegas Sun - https://lasvegassun.com/news/2014/feb/09/final-hours-luxor-dancer/
NBC News - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/case-slain-las-vegas-dancer-debora-narvaez-goes-jury-n111581
NY Post - https://nypost.com/2014/05/22/man-found-guilty-of-killing-vegas-dancer-ex-girlfriend/
Las Vegas Weekly - https://lasvegasweekly.com/news/2011/jan/10/police-ex-boyfriend-dismembered-body-buried-fantas/#/0
Daily Mail - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2637008/You-dont-dismember-body-not-serve-life-prison-Cirque-du-Soleil-dancer-GUILTY-murdering-Las-Vegas-dancer-girlfriend-chopped-hid-tubs-concrete.html
People.com - https://people.com/crime/jason-blu-griffith-allegedly-kicked-pregnant-debbie-flores-narvaez/
Deseret News - https://www.deseret.com/2011/1/13/20167051/slain-vegas-dancer-remembered-by-family-friends
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/US/arrest-made-debbie-flores-narvaez-case/story?id=12572432
NY Daily News - https://www.nydailynews.com/2014/05/22/former-las-vegas-performer-guilty-in-murder-dismembering-of-dancer-ex-girlfriend/
Fox News - https://www.foxnews.com/us/gruesome-details-emerge-in-killing-of-popular-las-vegas-dancer
ReviewJournal.com - https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/griffith-gets-10-to-life-in-dancers-death/
TheCinemaholic.com - https://thecinemaholic.com/debbie-flores-narvaez-murder-where-is-jason-blu-griffith-now/
The National Domestic Violence Hotline - https://www.thehotline.org/support-others/why-people-stay-in-an-abusive-relationship/
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Payton and Garrett read listener submitted stories back to you.
Submit a Dear Daisy here: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
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In this episode Payton tells Garrett about the Jennifer Pan case – a student who crafted a deceptive life that ultimately took a fatal turn.
Find us on twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh
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“A Daughter’s Deadly Deception: The Jennifer Pan Story” by Jeremy Grimaldi
The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/07/27/tragedy-of-golden-daughters-murder-plot-against-parents-resonates-with-asian-immigrant-children/
Ranker.com -
CBC News - https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/jennifer-pan-new-trial-1.6849590
CrimeTraveller.org - https://www.crimetraveller.org/2016/12/jennifer-pan-daughters-deadly-deception/
The Toronto Star - https://www.thestar.com/news/jennifer-pan/
CTV News Toronto - https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-court-orders-new-murder-trial-for-jennifer-pan-convicted-in-plot-to-kill-parents-1.6406386
YorkRegion.com - https://www.yorkregion.com/news/crime/its-a-fine-line-crown-seeks-supreme-court-appeal-in-jennifer-pan-case/article_276d18c7-fee8-52c6-a8ff-9dbc60834cf2.html
TorontoLife.com - https://torontolife.com/city/jennifer-pan-revenge/
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/jennifer-pan
Medium.com - https://crimesandcuriosities.medium.com/jennifer-pan-the-girl-who-hired-hitmen-to-kill-her-parents-97dafbc231f6
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In this episode, Payton dives into the case of Vincent Chin, and how his death led to outrage when his killer gets away with it.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Listen on apple: https://apple.co/3sMXYum
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2?si=67c9faf80cbf4fed
More social links and AD DISCOUNT CODES: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Source:
“From A Whisper to a Rallying Cry” by Paula Yoo
The New Yorker - https://www.newyorker.com/news/essay/the-many-afterlives-of-vincent-chin
AsiaSociety.org - https://asiasociety.org/blog/asia/35-years-after-vincent-chins-murder-how-has-america-changed
CNN - https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/23/us/vincent-chin-death-40-anniversary-cec/index.html
Zinn Education Project - https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/vincent-chin-hate-crime
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/vincent-chin
History.com - https://www.history.com/news/vincent-chin-murder-asian-american-rights
NPR - https://www.npr.org/2022/06/19/1106118117/vincent-chin-aapi-hate-incidents
NY Times - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/16/us/vincent-chin-anti-asian-attack-detroit.html
Huffington Post - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/who-killed-vincent-chin-documentary-anti-asian-violence_n_6054aa02c5b6bd95117c9980
NBC News - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/who-vincent-chin-history-relevance-1982-killing-n771291
PBS - https://www.pbs.org/newshour/classroom/daily-news-lessons/2022/06/this-june-marks-40-years-after-vincent-chins-murder
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In this episode, Payton tells Garrett about the case of Scott Falater, a man who committed a crime while sleepwalking. Was he telling the truth, or was he responsible for his actions
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Listen on apple: https://apple.co/3sMXYum
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2?si=67c9faf80cbf4fed
More social links and AD DISCOUNT CODES: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case sources:
“Forgive Me For Killing You: The True Story of Yarmila and Scott Falater” by Marci Blau.
People.com - https://people.com/crime/scott-falater-case-man-killed-wife-claimed-sleepwalking-son-speaks-out/
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/video/sleepwalking-killer-scott-falater-wracked-guilt-wifes-death-75560579
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sleepwalker-guilty-of-murder/
Medium.com - https://medium.com/crimes-before-midnight/the-sleepwalking-murder-9d55eb712e1c
Inside Edition - https://www.insideedition.com/who-is-the-sleepwalking-killer-scott-falater-man-who-killed-wife-still-says-he-has-no-memory-of
TheCrimeWire.com - https://thecrimewire.com/true-crime/Scott-Falater-The-Sleepwalker-Murderer-Who-Killed-His-Wife
The NY Times - https://www.nytimes.com/1999/06/07/us/sleepwalking-given-as-defense-by-man-in-killing-of-wife.html
Heavy.com - https://heavy.com/news/scott-falater-today-now-update-2021/
CrimeTraveller.org - https://www.crimetraveller.org/2017/11/homicidal-sleepwalking/
AP News - https://apnews.com/article/c7c3bc37038fdde048fd8e3caf3c84ee
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In this episode, Payton tells Garrett the case of Tommy Lynn Sells, and how one of his victims bravely brought an end to his rampage.
Socials, Discount codes, and more: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
“Through the Window” by Diane Fanning
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/live-to-tell-krystals-courage-04-09-2010/
ABC 7 Chicago - https://abc7chicago.com/tommy-lynn-sells-julie-rea-joel-kirkpatrick-fabienne-witherspoon/11228084/
The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/04/texas-executes-tommy-lynn-sells-with-compounded-pentobarbital
Dallas News - https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2014/04/02/jury-convicts-drifter-of-capital-murder-in-death-of-teen/
Medium.com - https://jessielondon.medium.com/the-10-year-old-who-stopped-a-texas-serial-killer-976033fdc9b
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/tommy-lynn-sells
CrimeLibrary.org - https://www.crimelibrary.org/serial_killers/predators/tommy_sells/index.html
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/US/convicted-serial-killer-tommy-lynn-sells-executed-texas/story?id=23184667
ThoughtCo.com - https://www.thoughtco.com/serial-killer-tommy-lynn-sells-973154
CrimeAndCoffeeCouple.com - https://crimeandcoffeecouple.com/2022/08/13/how-krystal-surles-survived-attack-of-serial-killer-tommy-lynn-sells/
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In this episode, Payton tells Garrett the case of Jerry Davies, a man who says he helped bury a body in a snowbank.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
Listen on apple: https://apple.co/3sMXYum
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6GaodpBsSpBuUMhmEXhjK2?si=67c9faf80cbf4fed
More social links: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case sources:
“Winter of Frozen Dreams: The Shocking True Story of Seduction, Suspicion and Murder in Madison” by Karl Harter
WisconsinHistory.org - https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Image/IM65269
Cracked.com - https://www.cracked.com/article_28844_the-crazy-real-story-wisconsins-massage-parlor-and-cyanide-murders.html
Badger Herald - https://badgerherald.com/artsetc/2009/04/09/winter-reveals-story/
TheLineUp.com - https://the-line-up.com/notorious-female-killers
The Chicago Tribune - https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/park-ridge/ct-prh-park-ridge-history-july-tl-0702-20150626-story.html
JustiaUSLaw.com - https://law.justia.com/cases/wisconsin/court-of-appeals/1982/80-1224-cr-5.html
ShawLocal.com - https://www.shawlocal.com/2013/01/22/cyanide-killings-can-confound-investigators/asuik1c/
KentCollinsLaw.com - https://www.kentcollinslaw.com/blog/direct-evidence-vs-circumstantial-evidence/
NYDailyNews.com - https://www.nydailynews.com/2017/01/07/wisconsin-student-turned-massage-parlor-maiden-proved-toxic-to-some-around-her/
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In this episode, Payton tells Garrett the case of Barry and Honey Sherman and how the billionaire couple where found dead in their home. What happened and who was it?
Socials, discount codes, and More:https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Bloomberg.com - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-08-03/barry-and-honey-sherman-s-murders-lead-to-family-succession-drama
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/barry-sherman-honey-sherman-2017-murders-35-million-reward/
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/17/us/toronto-billionaire-sherman-killings-reward-cec/index.html
ABC - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-03/canada-billionaire-murder-mystery/101815016
CBC News - https://www.cbc.ca/newsinteractives/features/barry-honey-sherman-deaths-investigation
TheStar.com - https://www.thestar.com/news/sherman-murders/
CTV Toronto - https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/relative-believes-someone-was-making-a-statement-in-murder-of-barry-and-honey-sherman-unsealed-documents-show-1.5740847
“The Billionaire Murders” by Kevin Donovan
Forbes.com - https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesdigitalcovers/2019/11/25/honey-and-barry-sherman-billionaire-murders-kevin-donovan-book-excerpt/?sh=6fdaf5dd365e
Medium.com - https://medium.com/crimebeat/inside-the-world-of-barry-sherman-d19ed1d08a99
PharmaVoice.com - https://www.pharmavoice.com/news/barry-honey-sherman-murders-mysteries-Apotex/637332/
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Payton and Garrett read listener submitted stories back to you.
Submit a Dear Daisy here: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
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In this episode, Payton delves into the case of Annie Le, a brilliant woman who disappeared on YALES campus.
Social Media, Discount codes, and More:
“Murder at Yale” by Stella Sands
NYTimes.com - https://www.nytimes.com/topic/person/annie-le
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/US/annie-le-suspect-raymond-clark-released-giving-dna/story?id=8588970
TheCrimeWire.com - https://thecrimewire.com/true-crime/Lab-Murder-The-Brutal-Slaying-of-Annie-Le-A-Yale-University-Student
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/a-wedding-and-a-murder/why-yale-student-annie-le-murdered-before-wedding
Yale Daily News - https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2009/09/14/body-identified-as-annie-le-grd-13/
NBC News - https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna32810822
Medium.com - https://kympasqualini.medium.com/lab-murder-the-brutal-slaying-of-annie-le-a-yale-university-st
NY Post - https://nypost.com/2009/09/21/yale-grads-bones-broken-to-fit-in-hole/
Fox News - https://radio.foxnews.com/2023/05/30/murder-in-the-ivy-league-the-death-of-annie-le/
Middletown Press - https://www.middletownpress.com/news/article/BOOK-ON-ANNIE-LE-SLAYING-Possible-motives-11864959.php
The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep/17/annie-le-raymond-clark-charged
CNN.com - http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/03/17/connecticut.yale.murder.plea/index.html
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In this episode, Payton discusses the disappearance of pregnant 22-year-old, Savanna Greywind. When her baby turns up alive, the investigation reveals a suspect close to home.
Socials, Ad discounts, and more: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
“Searching for Savanna: The Murder of One Native American Woman and the Violence Against the Many” by Mona Gable
The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center - https://www.niwrc.org/restoration-magazine/february-2022/government-accountability-office-releases-mmiw-report
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gruesome-details-in-case-of-pregnant-woman-killed-for-baby-as-neighbor-is-sentenced/
AETV - https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/murder-of-native-woman-baby-stolen
TwinCities.com - https://www.twincities.com/2018/02/03/savanna-greywind-wasnt-dead-when-baby-cut-from-womb-prosecutors-say-at-abductors-sentencing/
KX News - https://www.kxnet.com/news/top-stories/missing-and-murdered-indigenous-people-the-story-of-savanna-lafontaine-greywind/
Grand Forks Herald - https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/north-dakota/book-retells-heinous-fargo-crime-against-savanna-lafontaine-greywind-one-of-many-against-indigenous-women
People.com - https://people.com/crime/savanna-greywind-baby-cut-out-box-cutter/
NY Daily News - https://www.nydailynews.com/2018/09/25/savanna-lafontaine-greywinds-killer-says-she-cut-unborn-baby-out-of-womb-amid-pressure-from-boyfriend-to-produce-a-baby/
Medium.com - https://medium.com/illumination-curated/savanna-greywind-brutally-murdered-over-her-baby-d997c4b6bc14
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/killer-motive/crime-time/savanna-greywind-stolen-baby-haisley-jo-ashton-matheny-brooke-crews
The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/31/this-is-our-baby-couple-charged-in-pregnant-womans-murder-taking-her-child/
InForum.com - https://www.inforum.com/newsmd/what-we-learned-timeline-of-savannas-killing-and-baby-abduction
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On this episode, Payton and Garrett uncovers the mystery of the Jeff Davis 8, eight women all found dead under similar circumstances. Was this a serial killer, or does a nefarious scheme underlie their tragic fates?
Case Sources:
“Murder in the Bayou: Who Killed the Women Known as the Jeff Davis 8” by Ethan Brown
WashingtonPost.com - https://www.washingtonpost.com/crime-law/2019/10/11/murder-bayou-how-show-about-eight-unsolved-killings-attempts-expose-police-corruption/
The NY Times - https://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/02/us/02serial.html
Biography.com - https://www.biography.com/crime/murder-in-the-bayou-jeff-davis-8-true-story
Medium.com - https://medium.com/matter/who-killed-the-jeff-davis-8-d1b813e13581#.f5oc6bevp
RollingStone.com - https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/dark-truth-behind-8-sex-workers-murdered-in-the-bayou-113264/
FoxNews.com - https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/jennings-8-doc-true-crime
InvestigationDiscovery.com - https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/id-shows/5-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-complex-case-of-the-jennings-8
The Daily Beast - https://www.thedailybeast.com/murder-in-the-bayou-were-these-8-women-murdered-by-a-serial-killer-pimpor-the-cops
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/martinis-murder/murder-in-the-bayou-who-are-the-jeff-davis-8-key-players
Cosmopolitan.com - https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/tv/a29035421/murder-in-the-bayou-jeff-davis-8-true-story/
TheAdvocate.com - https://www.theadvocate.com/curious_louisiana/why-does-louisiana-have-parishes-not-counties-curious-louisiana-explores-the-history/article_4b6aea26-44fb-11ed-abab-df67a488b0d3.html#:~:text=Most%20say%20that%20when%20the,place%20name%20as%20civil%20boundaries.
AETV.com - https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/why-do-serial-killers-target-sex-workers
KATC3.com - https://www.katc.com/news/acadia-parish/frankie-richard-jennings-8-figure-has-died
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On this episode, Payton and Garrett explore the mysterious death of Kristin Rossum's husband, Gregory de Villers.
Case Sources
“Deadly American Beauty” by John Glatt
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/american-beauty-10-04-2002/
San Diego Tribune - https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-kristin-rossum-loses-round-to-get-murder-2011sep13-story.html
KPBS.org - https://www.kpbs.org/news/2012/10/01/high-court-wont-hear-wifes-appeal-san-diego-murder
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=126855&page=1
The Herald Sun - https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/law-order/true-crime-scene/exclusive-american-beauty-murderers-exlover-dr-michael-robertson-speaks-about-his-badenclay-trial-cameo/news-story/e44052d05e7cfe14a7a8f88c14b96104
The LA Times - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-nov-13-me-rossum13-story.html
CrimeLibrary.org - https://www.crimelibrary.org/notorious_murders/family/kristen_rossum/index.html
PrisonWriters.com - https://prisonwriters.com/kristin-rossum/
DailyMail.com - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2695348/Infamous-American-Beauty-murder-link-toxicologist-defence-witness-wife-killer-Gerard-Baden-Clay.html
Murderpedia.org - https://murderpedia.org/female.R/r/rossum-kristin.htm
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Join Payton and special guest Kaelyn Moore from Heart Starts Pounding, as they unravel the mysteries behind two compelling cases.
Find more of Kaelyn Moore at https://www.heartstartspounding.com/
Case Sources:
“Footprints of Courage: Our Family’s Struggle for Justice” by Jan Jenkins
Twincities.com - https://www.twincities.com/2007/07/31/no-charges-for-now-against-suspect-in-college-students-02-death/
MPRNews.org- https://www.mprnews.org/story/2006/11/20/jenkins
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=4738621&page=1
MNDaily.com - https://mndaily.com/245046/uncategorized/cause-chris-jenkins-death-still-mystery/
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/05/21/smiley.face.killer/
Medium.com - https://medium.com/true-crime-addiction/did-the-smiley-face-killer-strike-on-halloween-c0cfab022100
AETV - https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/are-the-smiley-face-killers-real
FBI Archives - https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/news/pressrel/press-releases/fbi-statement-regarding-midwest-river-deaths
TheDailyBeast.com - https://www.thedailybeast.com/is-a-serial-killer-gang-murdering-young-men-across-the-us
Newsweek.com - https://www.newsweek.com/who-smiley-face-killer-chicago-deaths-spark-serial-killer-questions-1780257
ABC 7 - https://abc7.com/archive/6108153/
HomicideCenter.org - http://homicidecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Research-Brief-on-Smiley-Face-Murder-Theory-FINAL.pdf
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In this episode, Payton and Garrett discuss the disappearance of Becky Watts, who went missing from her own home. As the police investigate, they unravel unsettling secrets about the Watts family, sending shockwaves through the family.
Socials and More: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
“The Evil Within” by Darren Galsworthy
The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/mar/15/becky-watts-case-review-finds-care-service-failed-murdered-teenager
BBC- https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-bristol-51221854
ITV - https://www.itv.com/news/2015-03-02/becky-watts-disappearance-what-we-know
The Sun - https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4712871/becky-watts-murder-nathan-matthews-step-brother-shauna-hoare/
Cosmopolitan Magazine - https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/reports/a13449692/what-happened-to-becky-watts-death-brother-nathan-matthews-shauna-hoare/
The Mirror - https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/becky-watts-murder-couple-who-7306676
CrimeAndInvestigation.co.uk - https://www.crimeandinvestigation.co.uk/article/the-murder-of-becky-watts
Wired.com -
Sky News - https://news.sky.com/story/becky-watts-murder-mothers-anger-as-cold-and-evil-killer-freed-12952893
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Payton and Garrett read listener submitted stories back to you.
Submit a Dear Daisy here:
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On this episode, Payton discusses the heartbroken lover Steven Roy Harper, and how a festering mind nearly murdered an entire family.
Case Sources:
“Toxic Love” by Tomas Guillen
SwordandScale.com - https://www.swordandscale.com/obsessed-and-seeking-revenge/
The New Yorker - https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1982/01/25/the-prognosis-for-this-patient-is-horrible
ForensicFiles.com - https://forensicfiles.fandom.com/wiki/Without_a_Trace
The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1979/10/07/rocket-fuel-poisoning/df1cdbb0-0d49-4890-a2aa-2d75a7f409f4/
Court Documents from CaseText.com - https://casetext.com/case/state-v-harper-144
And Justia US Law - https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/895/473/46800/#:~:text=One%20had%20contained%20a%20mixture,area%20where%20Harper%20had%20worked.
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On this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the case of Bill Payne and Billie Jean Hayworth, and how investigators believe an internet “Catfish” may have played a hand in their murder
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/
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More social links: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
“Too Pretty to Live: The Catfishing Murders of East Tennessee” by Dennis Brooks
TheMidestCrimeFiles.com - https://www.themidwestcrimefiles.com/post/deadly-facebook-friend-the-murder-of-billy-payne-billie-jean-hayworth
WJHL News - https://www.wjhl.com/news/local/attorneys-respond-to-guilty-plea-reduced-sentence-of-barbara-potter-in-2012-facebook-murders/
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/US/social-media-feud-led-murder-young-tennessee-couple/story?id=34346840
News 24 - https://www.news24.com/you/archive/too-pretty-to-live-how-a-woman-convinced-her-parents-and-boyfriend-to-kill-facebook-bullies-20170728
Original Newsbreak.com - https://original.newsbreak.com/@nik-1590556/3046104413055-the-story-of-the-killer-catfisher-je
Court Transcripts from the Court of Criminal Appeals of Tennessee - https://www.tncourts.gov/sites/default/files/janelle_leigh_potter_cca_majority_opinion.pdf
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/criminal-confessions/crime-time/woman-impersonates-cia-agent-convince-murder
Medium.com - https://medium.com/the-mystery-reporter/the-tragic-tale-of-billy-payne-and-billie-jean-hayworth-a-case-of-online-feuds-turned-deadly-857e5e3846f1
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On this episode, Payton discusses how two like minded criminals became partners in crime to become one of the most feared serial killers in Los Angeles.
Socials, DISCOUNT CODES, and more: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
“The Toolbox Killers: A Deadly Rape, Torture and Murder Duo” by Jack Rosewood and Rebecca Lo
Medium.com - https://medium.com/california-dreaming/norris-and-bittaker-the-toolbox-killers-345825737302
Newsweek.com - https://www.newsweek.com/toolbox-killers-laura-brand-interview-lawrence-bittaker-roy-norris-1631923
The Independent - https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/serial-killer-bittaker-criminologist-execution-b1972389.html
LA Times - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-06-23-mn-2460-story.html
Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/the-toolbox-killer/crime-news/who-are-toolbox-killers-lawrence-bittaker-roy-norris
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/worst-deaths/10
FoxNews.com - https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/toolbox-killer-lawrence-bittaker-laura-brand-documentary-streaming
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On this episode, Payton discusses the chilling story of the Tatianna Tarasoff case, a landmark legal battle that changed the landscape of patient-therapist confidentiality forever.
Socials and More: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
“Bad Karma: A True Story of Obsession and Murder” by Deborah Blum
“The Psychology of Stalking: Clinical and Forensic Perspectives” by J. Reid Malloy
Timeline.com - https://timeline.com/tanya-tarasoff-notify-law-7d43951cb004
Healio.com - https://www.healio.com/news/orthopedics/20130710/10_3928_1081_597x_20130101_04_1296263
PsychologyToday.com - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/media-spotlight/201407/revisiting-tarasoff
Cornell University Law School - https://courses2.cit.cornell.edu/sociallaw/student_projects/DutytoWarn.html#:~:text=On%20October%2027%2C%201969%2C%20University,seventeen%20times%2C%20causing%20her%20death.
National Geographic - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/pages/article/indias-untouchables-face-violence-discrimination
Lawline.com - https://blog.lawline.com/tarasoff-vs-regents-university-california
Dailycal.org - https://dailycal.org/2014/04/14/famous-berkeley-criminal-cases
TraumaHealth.org - https://www.traumahealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Section-9-Social-Workers-and-Duty-to-Warn-Article.pdf
Free Speech Center - https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/berkeley-free-speech-movement/
Firstpost.com - https://www.firstpost.com/world/ucla-shooting-answers-to-mainak-sarkar-mystery-may-lie-in-prosenjit-poddars-story-2815358.html
Byrne Cannan Law - https://byrnecanaanlaw.com/news-post-5.html
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On this episode, Payton discusses the rising rockstar Bobby Fuller and how he, along with his band, almost reached the top before tragedy struck.
“I Fought the Law: The Life and Strange Death of Bobby Fuller” by Randell Fuller and Miriam Linna
The El Paso Times - https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/history/2016/06/25/broken-melody-bobby-fuller-story-part-1/86139192/
LA Times - https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/posts/la-et-ms-bobby-fuller-i-fought-the-law-death-book-signing-20150304-story.html#:~:text=Texas%20guitarist%20and%20singer%20Bobby,He%20was%2023.
The Hollywood Reporter - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/music-news/celebrating-a-disturbing-new-bio-780611/
Far Out Magazine - https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/the-strange-death-of-bobby-fuller/
Grunge.com - https://www.grunge.com/307646/the-biggest-mysteries-in-classic-rock-still-unsolved-today/
Loudersound.com - https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-death-of-bobby-fuller-an-untimely-tragedy-and-an-unsolved-mystery
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/bobby-fuller
TheGuardian.com - https://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/jul/16/the-short-life-and-mysterious-death-of-bobby-fuller-rocknroll-king-of-texas
UDiscovermusic.com - https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/bobby-fuller-short-life-strange-death/
Unsolved.com - https://unsolved.com/gallery/bobby-fuller/
MusicInfluence.com - https://musicinfluence.com/rock-and-roll-tales/the-unsolved-murder-of-bobby-fuller/
WayBackAttack.com - https://www.waybackattack.com/rodgersjimmie.html#:~:text=Yet%20his%20entire%20life%20took,though%20Jimmie%20has%20said%20he
History.com - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/sam-cooke-dies-under-suspicious-circumstances-in-la
Wikipedia.com - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Fought_the_Law
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On this episode, Payton discusses the disappearance of Lori Soares and how her perfect life wasn’t quite how it seemed.
“Every Woman’s Nightmare” by Steven Long
Salt Lake Tribune - https://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=2659402&itype=NGPSID
A&E TV - https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/murder-of-lori-hacking
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=127676&page=1
Deseret News - https://www.deseret.com/2014/7/18/20545276/10-years-after-murder-lori-hacking-s-mother-forgives-but-will-never-get-over-it, https://www.deseret.com/2004/8/11/19844708/new-evidence-u-video-may-show-mark-hacking-dumping-body
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hidden-truth-lori-hacking-case/
Oxygen - https://www.oxygen.com/a-lie-to-die-for/crime-time/mark-hacking-killed-wife-lori-fake-medical-student
CrimeLibrary.org - https://www.crimelibrary.org/notorious_murders/family/mark_hacking/index.html
Wikipedia - https://www.oxygen.com/a-lie-to-die-for/crime-time/mark-hacking-killed-wife-lori-fake-medical-student
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Payton and Garrett read listener submitted stories back to you.
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In this episode, Payton discusses the tragic kidnapping of Sidney Reso and how his kidnappers led police on a chase to find Sidney before it's too late.
“Mystery, Millions and Murder in North Jersey: The Tragic Kidnapping of Exxon’s Sidney Reso” by John E. O’Rourke
History.com - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/exxon-executive-is-murdered
NY Daily News - https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ransom-bad-exxon-oil-executive-sidney-reso-killed-kidnap-arthur-irene-seale-article-1.448931
LA Times - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-06-29-mn-919-story.html
The Federalist - https://thefederalist.com/2021/04/16/the-terrifying-true-story-behind-one-of-the-fbis-biggest-kidnapping-cases/
The New York Times - https://www.nytimes.com/1992/07/01/nyregion/twisted-tale-of-a-kidnapping-and-of-dreams-gone-wrong.html, https://archive.nytimes.com/query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage-9F0CE1DA143DF93BA15755C0A964958260.html
FBIStudies.com - https://fbistudies.com/2018/09/11/sydney-reso-kidnapping/
NJ.com - https://www.nj.com/coronavirus/2020/07/you-will-die-in-captivity-they-told-notorious-exxon-kidnapper-at-risk-of-covid-hes-asking-to-get-out.html
Seattle Times - https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19920522&slug=1493196
Texas Obituary Project - https://www.texasobituaryproject.org/040387reso.html
Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Seale
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On this episode, Payton discusses the kidnapping case of Amber Hagerman, and how a tragedy created the Amber Alert System that has saved countless children.
Live Show Tickets and More: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/amber-hagerman
TheCrimeWire.com - https://thecrimewire.com/true-crime/9-year-old-Amber-Hagerman-was-murdered-27-years-ago-Are-police-closer-to-catching-her-killer
MissingKids.org - https://www.missingkids.org/blog/2021/still-searching-for-ambers-killer
Dallas News - https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2021/01/13/this-case-will-get-solved-arlington-police-hope-dna-evidence-in-amber-hagermans-case-will-lead-to-answers/
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/remembering-amber-hagerman-27-years-later/
Refinery 29 - https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2017/05/154647/amber-alert-first-child-rescued-heading-to-college#:~:text=Rae%2DLeigh%20Bradbury%20was%20only,was%20rescued%20two%20days%20later.
FindLaw.com - https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-charges/amber-alerts.html#:~:text=Bush%20signed%20into%20law%20the,has%20an%20AMBER%20Alert%20system
Daily Mail - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11651117/Documentary-reveals-story-nine-year-old-girl-murder-inspired-Amber-Alert-system.html
Peacock’s “Amber: The Girl Behind the Alert” - https://www.peacocktv.com/watch/playback/vod/GMO_00000000208139_02_HDSDR/ae3a0a68-260b-3cac-925e-a762722a085f
Kiro 7 News - https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/police-release-new-photos-seek-new-info-unsolved-1996-murder-amber-hagerman/DYCH62JDMVCOZFBRS265GCKCJU/
Child Crime Prevention and Safety Center - https://childsafety.losangelescriminallawyer.pro/non-family-abduction.html#:~:text=Crime%20statistics%20have%20shown%20that,kidnappings%20are%20committed%20by%20strangers.
NBC Dallas Fort Worth - https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/national-international/cold-case-that-inspired-amber-alerts-still-unsolved-detectives-still-hope-for-break-in-the-case/2527792/
“Cold Cases: A True Crime Collection” by Cheyna Roth
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On this episode, Payton discusses the female serial killer Joanne Dennehy and how she manipulated men in order to go on a knife rampage.
Love of Blood: The True Story of Notorious Serial Killer Joanne Dennehy by Christopher Berry-Dee
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/joanna-dennehy
Cambridge News - https://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/news/local-news/joanna-dennehy-peterborough-ditch-murders-20653662
The BBC - https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-25669206
Ranker.com -
Medium.com - https://the-citizen.medium.com/she-stabbed-men-to-death-for-sadistic-blood-lust-the-joanna-dennehys-story-c7eb229ab236#:~:text=To%20the%20prison%20psychiatrist%2C%20Joanna,it%2C%20it%20became%20addictive%E2%80%9D.
ITV - https://www.itv.com/news/anglia/story/2014-10-31/joanna-dennehy-accomplice-gary-stretch-sentence-appeal-rejected/#:~:text=Accomplices%20of%20serial%20killer%20jailed&text=Gary%20Stretch%2C%20formerly%20known%20as,a%20minimum%20of%2019%20years
Daily Star - https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/evil-serial-killer-joanna-dennehy-26027862
VocalMedia.com- https://vocal.media/criminal/the-most-dangerous-woman-in-the-uk-prison-system
Metro.co.uk -https://metro.co.uk/2019/04/19/serial-killer-joanna-dennehy-still-trying-snare-men-cell-9263931/
Daily Mail - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6935507/Serial-killer-Joanna-Dennehy-drawing-men-prison-cell.html
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On this episode, Payton discusses the Carol Thompson case, and how someone hiding in her basement ended her life. Who did it and why? Who masterminded this brutal murder?
“Dial M: The Murder of Carol Thompson” by William Swanson
The New York Times - https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/06/us/t-eugene-thompson-dies-at-88-crime-stunned-st-paul.html
CBS News - https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/cold-case-t-eugene-thompson/
Park Rapids Enterprise https://www.parkrapidsenterprise.com/news/the-vault/money-sex-and-power-the-1963-murder-of-carol-thompson-by-her-attorney-husband-shocked-the-twin-cities
Court Transcripts from Law.Justia.com - https://law.justia.com/cases/minnesota/supreme-court/1966/39343-1.html
MNOpedia.com - https://www.mnopedia.org/event/murder-carol-thompson
The Star Tribune - https://www.startribune.com/even-after-50-years-st-paul-wrestles-with-thompson-murder-for-hire/233885361/
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Payton and Garrett read listener submitted stories back to you.
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On this episode, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Natalee Holloway and how a whole Island tried to cover it up.
Social, Bonus Episodes, and more: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Episode Sources
“Loving Natalee: A Mother’s Testament of Hope and Faith” by Beth Holloway
“Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise” by Dave Holloway and Larry Garrison
“Cold Cases: A True Crime Collection” by Cheyna Roth
Oxygen’s “The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway” Docuseries - https://www.peacocktv.com/watch/playback/vod/GMO_00000000047913_01/971327dc-e966-3590-a494-3cc17b9b4524?paused=true
CNN.com- https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/12/us/natalee-holloway-case-timeline/index.html, https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/28/us/joran-van-der-sloot-trial-delayed-natalee-holloway/index.html
NYDailyNews.com - https://www.nydailynews.com/news/disappearance-natalee-holloway-gallery-1.2240424
ChillingCrimes.com - https://www.chillingcrimes.com/blogs/news/natalie-holloway
NBCNews.com - https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna8202144
DeseretNews.com - https://www.deseret.com/2005/6/14/19897490/2-ex-guards-released-in-aruba-case
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dutch-teens-dad-arrested-in-aruba/
InsideEdition.com - https://www.insideedition.com/770-casino-video-shows-joran-van-der-sloot-meeting-his-alleged-victim
HuffingtonPost.com - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sex-offender-natalee-holloway-tv-series_n_59e4fec7e4b0ca9f4839c786
Today.com - https://www.today.com/news/natalee-holloway-s-father-discovers-human-remains-aruba-t115151
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On this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the Nick Markowitz case, where a debt with a friend turned deadly.
Socials And More: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
“My Stolen Son: The Nick Markowitz Story” by Susan Markowitz and Jenna Glazer
LATimes.com - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-dec-10-me-63811-story.html
AllThatsInteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/nicholas-markowitz
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/mother-of-
MyStolenSon.com - https://www.mystolenson.com/
TheCrimeWire.com - https://thecrimewire.com/true-crime/The-Truth-Behind-
Murderpedia.org - https://murderpedia.org/male.H/h/hollywood-jesse.htm
TrueCrimeFanatic.com - https://truecrimefanatic.com/nicholas-markowitz-murder-wrong-place-wrong-time/
NBCNews.com - https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna35265265, https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna16636250
Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Nicholas_Markowitz
Alchetron.com - https://alchetron.com/Ryan-Hoyt
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On this episode, Payton and Garrett discuss the case of Dorothy Stratten and how her rising career was tragically cut short.
The Killing of the Unicorn by Peter Bogdanovich
ABC’s 20/20 -
The Village Voice - https://www.villagevoice.com/2020/02/14/death-of-a-playmate/
ABC News - https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/horrific-murder-playboy-playmate-verge-hollywood-stardom-flaw/story?id=66193166
Harpers Bazaar - https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/features/a12500777/dorothy-stratten-hugh-hefner-playboy-playmate/
Allthatsinteresting.com - https://allthatsinteresting.com/paul-snider
Globalnews.ca - https://globalnews.ca/news/7273712/dorothy-stratten-murder-40-years/
Popsugar.com - https://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/dorothy-stratten-death-49012299
Good Housekeeping - https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/entertainment/a42125851/how-did-dorothy-stratten-die/
Denofgeek.com - https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/welcome-to-chippendales-grim-real-life-story-paul-snider-dorothy-stratten/
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On this episode, Payton and Garrett discuss the case of Jennifer Levin and the media frenzy that surrounded the "Preppy Killer".
Episode Sources:
“Wasted: Inside the Robert Chambers- Jennifer Levin Murder” by Linda Wolfe
Vulture - https://www.vulture.com/2019/11/alex-kapp-on-the-preppy-killer-and-robert-chambers.html
AETV - https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/robert-chambers-now-preppy-killer
Good Housekeeping - https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/entertainment/a29712185/robert-chambers-preppy-murder-central-park/
Inside Edition - https://www.insideedition.com/the-preppy-killer-and-the-tabloid-sensation-still-defining-1980s-new-york-today-56546
Hollywood Reporter - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/amc-sundancetv-documentary-examines-preppy-murder-metoo-lens-1254573/
People Magazine - https://people.com/crime/preppy-murder-robert-chambers-jennifer-levin-amc-series/
Ranker - https://www.ranker.com/list/robert-chambers-facts/cat-mcauliffe
History.com - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/preppy-murder-stuns-new-york
The New York Times - https://archive.nytimes.com/cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/10/23/chronology-revisiting-the-preppy-killer-case/
UPI.com - https://www.upi.com/Archives/1988/05/17/Victims-family-shocked-by-Chambers-video/2202579844800/
ThePeopleHistory.com - https://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1986.html
Oxygen.com - https://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/a29786012/robert-chambers-jennifer-levin-preppy-murder-case/
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On this episode of MWMH, we discuss the murder of Irene Garza and the blasphemous search for her killer.
48 Hours - https://www.amazon.com/48-Hours-Season-30/dp/B077921R34
Texas Monthly - https://www.texasmonthly.com/true-crime/unholy-act/
CNN.com - https://www.cnn.com/2013/05/31/justice/garza-cold-case-timeline/
McAllen Chamber of Commerce - https://mcallenchamber.com/news/a-look-into-our-past-tells-us-of-our-future/
CBSNews.com - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/irene-garza-murder-former-priest-john-feit-arrested-in-beauty-queens-1960-murder/, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/irene-garza-murder-john-feit-former-priest-dies/
The Sydney Morning Herald - https://www.smh.com.au/world/break-in-cold-case-police-arrest-former-beauty-queens-priest-in-her-1960-killing-20160211-gmrhii.html
Courthouse News Service - https://www.courthousenews.com/former-priest-convicted-of-1960-murder-dies-in-prison/
My San Antonio - https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Ex-priest-coming-back-to-Texas-to-sta
The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/12/08/in-1960-she-went-to-confession-and-vanished-now-we-know-the-priest-murdered-her/
My NYC Geneology - https://mcnygenealogy.com/book/kodak/kodaslide-viewer.pdf
BishopAccountability.org - https://www.bishop-accountability.org/
Phoenix New Times-
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Payton and Garrett read listener submitted stories back to you.
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton tells Garrett the unbelievable case of George Smith and how he seemingly vanished while on a cruise.
Case sources:
“Man Overboard: Inside the Honeymoon Cruise Murder” by Joan Lownds.
Dateline NBC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7j5I_LQC4c
CBS News. https://www.ibolaw.com/images/Murder-at-Sea-CBS-News.pdf, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fbi-closes-probe-into-vanished-cruise-ship-honeymooner/
MSNBC. https://youtu.be/zoNy-VvybWg
The New York Times- https://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/07/nyregion/grand-jury-reviews-report-of-rape-on-cruise-ship.html
Greenwich Time- https://www.greenwichtime.com/local/article/Family-outraged-over-FBI-dropping-probe-into-6003042.php
Justice for George Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/JusticeforGeorgeSmith?fref=ts&ref=br_tf
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On this episode of MWMH, we discuss the murder of Anita Knutson and the decades long investigation to catch her killer.
Case Sources:
Nbcnews.com, “Eight Years After Brutal Murder, Sister Still Looking for Answers,” by Rachel Trost, April 17, 2015
Nbcnews.com, “Arrest made in 2007 murder of Anita Knutson in Minot, North Dakota,” by Veronica Fulton, March 16, 2022, updated March 18, 2022
KFYRTV, “Update: suspect charged in killing of Anita Knutson posts bond, as new details emerge in investigation,” by Grace Kraemer and Joe Skurzewski, March 17, 2022
Kxnews, kxnet.com, “Nichole Rice’s pretrial conference and arraignment,” by Kyara Brown, September 8, 2022, updated September 9, 2022
KEYZAM 660 News Radio, Keyzradio.com, “New Details Emerge About Nichole Rice, Suspect in 2007 Slaying of Minot State University Student Anita Knutson,” by cmstester, March 24, 2022
Thedailybeast.com, “’Belligerently Drunk’ Ex-Roommate Admitted to Murdering College Student, Cops Say,” by Pilar Melendez, March 17, 2022
Law & Crime, “Woman Accused of Stabbing 18-Year-Old Roommate to Death in Their Apartment More Than 15 Years Ago Enters Plea,” by Alberto Luperon, September 9, 2022
The Washington Post, “A college student was stabbed to death 14 years ago. Police have charged her then-roommate with murder,” by Jaclyn Peiser, March 21, 2022
Findagrave.com, Anita May Knutson
Findagrave.com, Daniel Dean “Rico” Knutson
Popculturecrime.medium.com, “North Dakota Cold Case: Who Killed Anita Knutson?” by Pop Culture Crime, August 7, 2020
Lewiston Tribune, “Woman charged in 2007 death of 18-year-old roommate,” from Wire Service Reports, March 18, 2022
KFYR, “Update: suspect charged in killing of Anita Knutson posts bond, as new details emerge in investigation,” by Grace Kraemer and Joe Skurzewski, March 17, 2022
KFYR, “Defense calling for more DNA evidence in Anita Knutson death investigation,” by Joe Skurzewki, March 23, 2023
Park Rapids Enterprise, “Minot college student’s slaying in 2007 remains a mystery,” by [email protected], June 4, 2012
Heavy.com, “Nichole Rice, Anita Knutson Murder Suspect: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know,”
True Crime Daily, “North Dakota cold-case mystery: Who killed Anita Knutson?” no author provided, March 1, 2016
Minot Daily News, “Cold case solved,” by Jill Schramm, March 17, 2022
Minot Daily News, “Knutson murder suspect failed to appear in 2012 court,” by Shalon Baer Gee, March 22, 2022
Minot Daily News, “Trial set for accused Anita Knutson killer,” by Charles Crane, September 9, 2022
Minot Daily News, “Nichole Rice pretrial conference continued,” by Charles Crane, June 8, 2023
The Dakotan, mydakotan.com, “Cold Justice Targets Killer,” by Kim Fundingsland, October 12, 2022
The Dakotan, mydatokan.com, “Anita Knutson Murder Case Delayed Again,” by Kim Fundingland, February 10, 2023
The Dakotan, Mydakotan.com, “Killer Classmate or Friend,” by Kim Fundinsgland, May 26, 2022
Affidavit of Probable Cause, written by Mikali Talbott
Am100theflag.com, “Gag order…” by Ty Schonert, June 23, 2023
Google maps
Thoughtcatalog.com, “A Woman Went To A Funeral To Berate A Grieving Mother, It Turns Out Her Daughter Might Be The Murderer,” by Chrissy Stockton, April 13, 2022
Inforum.com, “Report for 2007 Minot murder case suggests alternate suspect’s DNA wasn’t tested“ by April Baumgarten, March 29, 2023
Inforum.com, “Roommate’s arrest 15 years after Anita Knutson’s killing reopened ‘a terrible wound,’ friend says,” by Robin Heubner, March 18, 2022
Oxygen.com, “Who Killed Anita Knutson? The 100th Episode Of ‘Cold Justice’ Looks Into 2007 North Dakota Stabbing,” by Joe Dziemianowicz, October 1, 2022
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton comes at you alone in a “Binged” like episode discussing the murders of the Hruby Family.
Case Sources:
Newspapers.com sources:
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton and Garrett dive into the murder of Suzanne Collins and conviction of Sedley Alley.
Social Links and More: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
the Tennessee State Courts, Arlingtoncemetery.net, Dailymail.co.uk, the New York Times, medium.com, KMOV4, murderpedia.org, commercialappeal.com, Military-history.fandom.com, google maps, Daytondailynews.com, Yahoo.com, Actionnews5.com, law.justia.com, the Tennessee Bar Association, and the innocenceproject.org
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Mabel Greineder while she was walking her dog with her husband.
Case Sources:
A Murder in Wellesley: The Inside Story of an Ivy-League Doctor's Double Life, His Slain Wife, and the Trial that Gripped the Nation (2017, ForeEdge), by Tom Farmer and Marty Foley
Murder at Morses Pond (2010, Pinnacle), by Linda Rosencrance
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On this episode, Payton and Garrett read stories written in by listeners.
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*this case involves suicide*
On this episode of MWMH, Garrett and Payton discuss the disappearances of 3 gay men in the Indianapolis area back in the 1990’s and how one of them led to the discovery of a serial killer.
Case Sources:
Where the Bodies Are Buried (1998, St. Martin's), by Fannie Weinstein
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the first female prison guard murder in US history.
New Merch and More: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Forensic Files, episode “Pastoral Care,” aired October 29, 2001 on CourtTV
The Evil Within: A Top Murder Squad Detective Reveals the Chilling True Stories of the World's Most Notorious Killers (2013, London), by Trevor Marriott
Newspapers.com sources:
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* this case includes suicide*
New Merch drop and More https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the mysterious case of the Bhatia Family.
Case Sources:
The Times of India, “Delhi mystery deaths: What we know and what we don’t,” by TNN, July 2, 2018
Thehindu.com, “Burari deaths: 11 bright people with one dark secret,” by Hemani Bhandari, July 16, 2018
Thehindu.com, “Burari deaths: surviving son receives possession of house,” by Hemani Bhandari, October 18, 2018
Outlook India, “Burari Deaths: Final Autopsy Report Confirms All 11 Family Members Died of Hanging,” by Outlook Web Bureau, July 13, 2018
Hindustan Times, “Man who led Delhi family to death believed his father’s soul had entered his body,” by Shiv Sunny and Karn Pratap Singh, July 4, 2018
Hindustan Times, “Burari hangings: Week-long ‘thanksgiving ritual’ led to deaths, Delhi police suspect,” by Karn Pratap Singh and Shiv Sunny, July 5, 2018
Hindustan Times, “Psychological Autopsy of Delhi’s Burari family confirms suicide,” by HT Correspondent, September 14, 2018
Hindustan Times, “House of Secrets the Burari Deaths review: Netflix show goes beyond gory details, re-examines case that gripped nation,” by Rohan Naahar, October 8, 2021
Hindustan Times, “11 deaths, 11 diaries, 11 years: Burari’s number mystery foxes all,” by HT Correspondent, July 5, 2018
Crime Files, crimefiles.in, “11 mysterious deaths in Burari”
The Economic Times, economictimes.indiatimes.com, “11 deaths, 11 pictures, 11 scary facts about Delhi family’s mass suicide,” July 4, 2018
News18.com, “11 Deaths, 1 House, No Killer: All of Burari Knows the Family Didn’t Want to Die,” by Adrija Bose and Rounak Kumar Gunjan, July 8, 2018
NDTV, ndtv.com, “10 People Shared 5 Stools in Delhi Family Hangings, Say Police: 10 Facts,” by Mukesh Singh Sengar, July 4, 2018
Thehindubusinessline.com, “Burari deaths: CCTV footage reveals more details of suicide plans,” by PTI, updated December 7, 2021
Indiatimes.com, “How Patriarchy & Mental Illness Stigma Influenced The Killing Of Family Of 11 In Burari,” by Shweta Sengar, October 21, 2021
Science.howstuffworks.com, “The Mighty Banyan Tree Can ‘Walk’ and Live for Centuries,” by Michelle Konstantinovsky, April 5, 2021
The Indian Express, “Burari deaths: A year on, relative not satisfied with probe, says family did not die while conducting ritual,” by PTI, July 1, 2019
India Today, “What makes the Burari deaths in Delhi so freakish,” by India Today Web Desk, July 3, 2018
India Today, “Burari family’s deadly leap of faith: How Lalit convinced others to kill themselves,” by Damayanti Datta, August 6, 2018
Clinicalpsychologyahoka.blogspot.com, “The Burari Deaths: The Psychopathology of Lalit, a Biopsychosocial Perspective,” by Pankhudi Narayan, February 4, 2022
DNAindia.com, “Burari deaths: Blindfolded in faith – DNA takes a close look on the otherwise normal lives of the family,” by DNA Web Team, edited by Chhavi Bhatia, July 7, 2018
Tribune.com, “Keeping It in the Family,” by Rabeea Saleem, October 17, 2021
Indiatvnews.com, “Delhi: Burari ‘horror’ house turns into diagnostic center as doctor moves in with family,” by India TV News Desk, December 30, 2019
The Statesman, “11 dead in Burari house | Handwritten notes point to ‘religious practices’, cops don’t rule out foul play,” by SNS, July 2, 2018
Ndtv.com, “CCTV Shows How Delhi Family Organised Hanging – Like Stools, Last Meal,” by Sonal Mehrotra Kapoor, edited by Deepshikha Ghosh, July 5, 2018
Khaleejtimes.com, “House of Secrets Review: Resurrection of uncomfortable truths,” by Sushmita Bose, October 28, 2021
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of college student, Sophie Sergie.
Episode Sources:
Foxnews.com, “Alaska’s cold case murder of Sophie Sergie: Audio of Maine suspect played at trial,” by Associated Press, February 3, 2022
Cbsnews.com, “Man found guilty 29 years after woman found dead in Alaska college dorm bathtub,” by CBS/AP, February 11, 2002
Alaska Public Media, alaskapublic.org, “Sophie Sergie cold case murder trial ends and goes to jury,” by Robyne, KUAC – Fairbanks, February 8, 2022
Alaska Public Media, alaskapublic.org, “Man sentenced to 75 years in prison for 1993 murder and sexual assault of Sophie Sergie at UAF,” by Robyne, KUAC – Fairbanks, September 27, 2022
WABI5, wabi.tv, “Steven Downs sentenced to 75 years for 1993 murder of Sophie Sergie in his Alaska college dorm,” by WABI News Desk, September 27, 2022
Oxygen.com, “Maine Nurse Gets 75 Years For Raping, Killing Woman in Alaska Dorm in 1993,” by Dorian Geiger, September 28, 2022
Findagrave.com, Sophie Sergie
Darkdowneast.com, “The Case of Sophie Sergie: Arrest in Maine,” by Kylie Low, January 17, 2022
Worldpopulationreview.com, Pitkas Point, Alaska
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, newsminer.com, “Convicted Maine man gets new lawyer for murder appeal in Sophie Sergie case,” by Christopher Williams, January 4, 2023
Copper River Country Journal, “Finally, A Trial. Sophie Sergie Was Killed In a Fairbanks Dorm in 1993,” by Trooper News, 2022
Usda.gov, pitkas point, “Who Will Get the First Bath?” by Tasha Deardorff, Rural Alaskan Village Grant Porgram Manager Posted in “Rural,” September 26, 2011
Alaska.edu, Bartlett Hall (UAF)
Web.archive.org, “Death in Bartlett Hall,” by Michael Kern, no date provided
Newspapers.com, Daily Sitka Sentinel, “UAF Sets Up Hotline for Parents After Murder,” by Roseanne Pagano, April 27, 1993
Newspapers.com, Journal and Courier, “Slaying unnerves campus,” by The Associated Press, April 30, 1993
Newspapers.com, Daily Sitka Sentinel, “UAF Bids Solemn Farewell to Former Student Killed in Dorm,” by Jim Clarke, April 30, 1993
Newspapers.com, Daily Sitka Sentinel, “Students Moving Out of Dorm Following Slaying,” no author provided, April 29, 1993
Newspapers.com, Detroit Free Press, “Slaying gives college students ‘wake-up call,’” by Jim Clarke, May 2, 1993
Newspapers.com, Daily Sitka Sentinel, “Troopers Say Campus Killer ‘Very, Very Angry at Women,’” no author provided, May 10, 1993
Newspapers.com, Daily Sitka Sentinel, “UA Fairbanks Campus Made Safer After Woman Slain,” no author provided, June 14, 1993
Newspapers, com, Daily Sitka Sentinel, “Family of Woman Slain at UAF Sues for $4 Million,” no author provided, October 27, 1995
Newspapers.com, Daily Sitka Sentinel, “UA Seeks Settlement in Suit Over Campus Death,” no author provided, December 24, 1996
Newspapers.com, Daily Sitka Sentinel, “Troopers Using Internet In Murder Investigation,” December 30, 1996
Sunjournal.com, “Anatomy of a cold case: A breakdown of the Steven Downs murder trial,” by Christopher Williams, February 19, 2022, updated March 1, 2022
Anchorage Daily News, “25 years after Sophie Sergie was found dead in a UAF bathtub, Maine man charged with murder,” by Madeline McGee, February 15, 2019, updated February 22, 2019
Pfr.Maine.gov, Regulatory Licensing & Permitting, Steven Harris Downs
News Center Maine, newscentermaine.com, “Maine man appeals convictions, sentences in Alaska murder,” by Associated Press, October 26, 2022
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett read listeners stories they’ve written to Daisy, the MWMH mascot.
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Trigger Warning: This case includes graphic detail of mutilation.
On this episode, Payton and Garrett discuss the serial killer of Sacramento and the brutal slayings he committed.
Case Sources:
Vampire: The Richard Chase Murders (2015, WildBlue Press), by Kevin Sullivan
A Thirst for Blood: The True Story of California's Vampire Killer (2017, Open Road Media), by Lt. Ray Biondi and Walt Hecox
Newspapers.com sources:
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the ongoing investigation of Ana Walshe and how her husband is being accused of her murder.
Cnn.com, “Prosecutors detail extensive evidence in murder case against Brian Walshe, accused of killing his wife Ana Walshe. Here’s what we know,” by Kristina Sgueglia and Elizabeth Wolfe, January 19, 2023
Cnn.com, “Brian Walshe denied bail after prosecutor says he stood to gain $2.7 million in life insurance for the death of Ana Walshe,” by Holly Yan, April 27, 2023
Cnn.com, “A timeline of the missing Massachusetts mother Ana Walshe and her husband Brian Walshe,” by Eric Levenson, Amanda Watts and Holly Yan, May 3, 2023
Foxnews.com, “Missing Ana Walshe: Romance with Brian Walshe was ‘love at first sight,’” by Rebecca Rosenberg, Adam Sabes, Stephanie Pagones, January 13, 2023
Wbur.org, “Prosecutors say Brian Walshe, who is charged with killing wife, suspected affair,” by Kathy McCormack, April 27, 2023
7News Boston, whdh.com, “Court documents detail husband of missing woman’s rocky family history,” by Jonathan Hall, Michael Yoshida, January 10, 2023
People.com, “Mass. Mom Ana Walshe Had Months-Long Affair with Man in Washington D.C. Before She Vanished: Court Docs,” by Tristan Balagtas, May 3, 2023
Cbsnews.com, “Ana and Brian Walshe’s 3 children in state custody as investigation continues,” by Brandon Truitt, January 12, 2023
Cbsnews.com, “Brian Walshe accused: What we’ve learned about the alleged murder of Ana Walshe,” by Kerry Breen, April 27, 2023
Cbsnews.com, “I-Team obtains Brian Walshe booking photos from 2018 arrest,” by Cheryl Fiandaca, January 14, 2023
Nbcboston.com, “Missing Cohasset Woman’s Husband Was Described as Violent, Deceptive During Probate Case,” by Ryan Kath, January 10, 2023
Insider.com, “Here’s everything we know about what Brian Walshe did in the days, weeks, and years surrounding Ana Walshe’s disappearance,” no author provided, January 18, 2023
Boston.com, “Court docs confirm Ana Walshe affair, which prosecutors referenced as possible motive,” by Abby Patkin, May 3, 2023
Google maps
Apartments.com, 516 Chief Justice Cushing Highway
Thedailybeast.com, “Police Spoke With Man Having Alleged Affair With Ana Walshe Before Murder: Report,” by Dan Ladden-Hall, April 28, 2023
Thesalemnews.com, “Husband of missing woman had business, personal ties to North Shore,” by Julie Manganis, January 10, 2023
Masslive.com, “Who is Brian Walshe? Court records show two versions of missing Cohasset woman’s husband,” by Chris Van Buskirk, January 12, 2023
Bostonherald.com, “Who is Brian Walshe, Part I? A clash over his father’s estte,” by Flint McColgan, January 10, 2023
Boston25news.com, “Brian Walshe: Court docs reveal struggles with mental health, relationship between Ana & his mother,” by Lindsey Thorpe, Boston 25 News Staff and Litsa Pappas, Boston 25 News, January 11, 2023
Boston25news.com, “’He assumed a mantle of entitlement’: Family friend describes Brian Walshe’s scheming behavior,” by Drew Karedes, January 11, 2023
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett are joined by Kendall Rae and Josh from the Mile Higher Podcast to discuss the disappearance of Matthew Leveson.
Mile Higher Podcast: https://milehigherpodcast.carrd.co/
MWMH links and socials: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
The Sydney Morning Herald, “Murder fears for missing gay man, 20,” by John Kidman and Anthony Stavrinos, October 14, 2007
The Sydney Morning Herald, “Matthew murder mystery: lover charged,” by Arjun Ramachandran and Dylan Welch, August 6, 2008
The Sydney Morning Herald, “Matthew Leveson’s lover says he bought duct tape and mattock because he was a keen gardener,” by Melanie Kembrey, November 1, 2016
The Sydney Morning Herald, “Michael Atkins can’t recall what happened to mattock after Matthew Leveson vanished,” by AAP, November 2, 2016
The Sydney Morning Herald, “National Park remains confirmed as belonging to Matthew Leveson,” by AAP, June 5, 2017
The Sydney Morning Herald, “Why a man acquitted over Matthew Leveson’s death led police to his body,” by Ava Benny-Morrison, August 23, 2017
The Weekend Australian, theaustralian.com.au, “Not guilty verdict doesn’t mean innocent, says Matthew Leveson’s family,” by Margaret Scheikowski, October 20, 2009
Coroners.nsw.gov.au, “Coroners Court of New South Wales, decision of Magistrate E. Truscott dated August 25, 2017
Special Broadcasting Service, sbs.com.au, “The Lost Boy,” by Ian Cuthbertson, March 19, 2016
Special Broadcasting Service, sbs.com.au, “Matthew Leveson’s parents take home tree his remains were found beneath,” no author provided, June 5, 2017
Special Broadcasting Service, sbs.com.au, “’Relief, anger’: Matthew Leveson’s parents respond to coroner’s inquest open finding,” no author provided, December 5, 2017, updated December 6, 2017
Dailymail.co.uk, “Parents’ grim three-word warning to young men about the predator who buried their son face-up in a shallow grave as he’s STILL on the prowl for lovers: ‘They need to know,’” by Candace Sutton, October 14, 2022
ABC news, abc.net.au, “Matthew Leveson’s family ‘have searched crime scene before’ looking for missing son,” by Jessica Kidd, November 10, 2016
ABC news, abc.net.au, “Matthew Leveson: Coroner visits bushland site on day six of search for body,” by Ursula Malone, November 15, 2016
ABC news, abc.net.au, “Matthew Leveson: Search for body south of Sydney called off after eight days,” by Ursula Malone, November 16, 2016
ABC news, abc.net.au, “Matthew Leveson case: Can Michael Atkins be tried for boyfriend’s murder again?” by Jessica Kidd and Lucy Carter, June 2, 2017
ABC news, abc.net.au, “Matthew Leveson’s parents tell of fears they would never find son’s body,” by Nicole Chettle, August 24, 2017
ABC News, abc.net.au, “Matthew Leveson inquest: Lies told by boyfriend Michael Atkins but no cause of death found, coroner rules,” by Nicole Chettle and Clare Blumer, December 4, 2017, updated December 5, 2017
Clip from 60 Minutes Australia
Yahoo news, au.news.yahoo.com, “Confronting moment Matthew Leveson’s parents show photos of their son’s bones,” by Yahoo7 and Agencies, August 25, 2017
The Daily Telegraph, “Matthew Leveson inquest: Mum breaks down after hearing son was strangled or smothered to death,” by Janet Fife-Yeomans, October 3, 2017
This Old House, thisoldhouse.com, “The 5 Best Pickaxes (2023 Review), by This Old House Reviews Team
News.com.au, “The shrinking world of Michael Atkins,” by Candace Sutton, March 5, 2017
9news.com.au, “Matthew Leveson: ‘You wanna know how he died?’ by Grace Tobin, July 31, 2018
New Zealand Herald, Nzherald.co.nz, “Ex-lover of Matthew Leveson confessed how he dies, leads police to body,” by news.com.au, August 23, 2017
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the devastating kidnapping of Denise Amber Lee and how despite the suspect and victim’s whereabouts being known, it wasn’t such a happy ending.
New Podcast Rise N Crime https://linktr.ee/risencrime
Social Media Links https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
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On this Dear Daisy episode, Payton and Garrett read three Dear Daisy stories written in by listeners!
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss 14-year-old Daniel Bartlam’s ability to murder his own mother for fun.
Rise N Crime Podcast: https://linktr.ee/risencrime
Social Media links and Bonus episodes: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
BBC News, “Nottingham fire death: Boy ‘beat woman with hammer,’” no author provided, January 23, 2012
BBC News, “Nottingham fire death: Boy admits killing woman and burning body,” no author provided, January 31, 2012
BBC News, “Nottingham hammer death: Boy guilty of murder,” no author provided, February 9, 2012
BBC News, “Daniel Bartlam, 15, detained for mother’s hammer murder,” no author provided, April 2, 2012
Dailymail.co.uk, “Coronation Street killer was ‘fascinated by horror DVDs and violent games from age eight and it was all too easy for him to get hold of them,’ says victim’s former partner,” by Andy Dolan, April 2, 2012
Dailymail.co.uk, “Stepfather of Daniel Bartlam tells of teenager’s bizarre behavior before ‘Coronation Street’ killing,” by Ruth Styles, January 30, 2014
Mirror.co.uk, “Corrie copycat killer: Lad watched soap villain’s hammer murder then butchered mum the same way,” by Louie Smith, April 3, 2012
Mirror.co.uk, “Tragic mum beams as she’s pictured with Corrie killer son Daniel Bartlam – who would grow up to murder her,” by Ben Griffiths, February 14, 2013
Mirror.co.uk, “Mum of Coronation Street copycat killer could have been saved if she’d got son help,” by Martin Fricker, May 10, 2016
Nottinghampost.com, “The chilling story behind the Nottinghamshire boy who killed his own mum,” by Rebecca Sherdley, October 18, 2020
Nottinghampost.com, “Jacqueline Barlam murder: My agony over our grandson, 14, who killed his own mum,” by Nottingham Post, July 31, 2017
Nottinghampost.com, “When Nottingham’s most notorious criminals are due for release from prison,” by Rebecca Sherdley, August 14, 2021
The Evening Standard, “14-year-old boy charged with woman’s murder,” no author provided, April 28, 2011
The Guardian, “Teenager Daniel Bartlam jailed for killing mother with hammer,” by Sam Jones, April 2, 2012
Medium.com, “The Coronation Street Killer,” by Jacob Wilkins, January 7, 2021
Findagrave.com, Jacqueline Bryant Bartlam
Express.co.uk, “You were a special mum. I still miss you every day,” article by James Fielding, April 8, 2012
Crime Traveller, “Daniel Bartlam: A Teenage Boy Convicted of His Mother’s Murder,” by Fiona Guy, June 14, 2022
Dailystar.co.uk, “Fear Coronation Street ‘copycat killer’ who murdered mum at 14 could be FREED,” by Emily Hall, April 14, 2019
Google maps
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the 2006 murder of Daniel Ott and the unusual way police were able to catch his killers.
Case Sources:
The Morning Journal, NBCNews.com, CBSNews.com, Cleveland.com, TheCinemaholic, Clevelandscene.com, Clevescene.com, Mylifeofcrimes.wordpress.com, WCBE News, Riddle Funeral Home, Google maps, Redfin.com, the New York Post, the Orlando Sentinel, dailymail.co.uk, Law & Crime, and a special acknowledgment to the Geauga County Maple Leaf who covered this case in great depth in many excellent articles.
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On this episode of mwmh, Payton and Garrett discuss the puzzling mass murder of 4 individuals at a Maine B&B.
Social and Bonus episode links: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
World app available for apple! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/worlds-the-home-for-community/id1666127579
Cbsnews.com, “3 of 4 Maine B&B Victims Dismembered,” no author provided, September 6, 2006
Rutlandherald.com, “Cook charged in 4 grisly murders,” by Glenn Adams, September 6, 2006
Seacoastonline.com, “Murder suspect loses 55 lbs. in jail,” by David Sharp, May 4, 2007
Sfgate.com, “Former S.F. innkeeper, 3 others slain in Maine,” by Jaxon Van Derbeken, September 8, 2006
Q106.5, q1065.fm, “The Scary Stories of 10 Maine Multiple Murderers & Their Victims,” by Cindy Campbell, August 23, 2001
Wjbq.com, “Do you remember the Maine bed & breakfast serial killer?” by Brittany Rose, August 9, 2022
Portland Press Herald, “Suspect arrested in quadruple slayings near Maine ski resort,” by Gregory D. Kesich, September 6, 2006
Murderpedia.org, “Christian Charles Nielsen”
Google maps
State of Maine v. Christian Nielsen, written opinion of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, dated May 6, 2008
The Boston Globe, Boston.com, “Rent dispute may have preceded Maine deaths,” by Michael Levenson and Raja Mishrae, September 7, 2006
The Standard-Times, southcoasttoday.com, “Maine man pleads guilty to killing 4 people in Maine resort country,” by David Sharp, October 10, 2007
The Standard-Times, southcoasttoday.com, “Nielsen said he bought gun and ammo on day he killed Whitehurst,” by Staff Writer, November 7, 2006, updated January 14, 2011
State of Maine Department of Corrections, www1.maine.gov, “Adult Resident Search”
Sun Journal, sunjournal.com, “A troubled childhood,” by Scott Thistle, September 16, 2006
The Oklahoman, Oklahoman.com, “Man gets life for killings at Maine B&B,” by Clarke Canfield, October 18, 2007
TheCinemaholic.com, “Where is Christian C. Nielsen Now?” by Noor Malhotra, August 28, 2020
U.S. Census
Arkansas Democrat Gazette, “Man accused of killing 4 in Maine deemed competent to stand trial,” by Associated Press, September 20, 2007
The Bangor Daily News, “Police say accused recounted slayings,” by the Associated Press, July 5, 2007
The Bangor Daily News, “Insanity plea entered in B&B slaying case,” by the Associated Press, May 17, 2007
The New York Times, “Man Is Charged in Killings at Maine Bed and Breakfast,” by Ariel Sabar, September 6, 2006
USAToday.com, “Maine bed and breakfast slayings a shock,” by Shelby Bullard, September 6, 2006
Sunjournal.com, “Family mourns ‘super mom,’” by Terry Karkos, September 7, 2006
Mainebiz.biz, “Inn’s grisly connection prompts conversion,” by Mainebiz News Staff, September 8, 2009
Boston.com, “Maine police investigate an apparent quadruple homicide,” by Andrew Ryan, September 5, 2006
Boston.com, “Murder victim remembered with memorial in remote spot,” by Clarke Canfield, October 17, 2007
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
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*this case involves discussion of suicide*
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder-suicide of mom and daughter, Pam and Helen Hargan. But was it really?
Case Sources:
Nbcwashington.com, “Police: Daughter Kills Mom, Self in McLean; Child Safe,” July 14, 2017, updated July 15, 2017
Nbcwashington.com, “Victim’s Boyfriend Gives Emotional Testimony in Murder-Suicide Hoax Trial,” by Julie Carey, March 9, 2022
Nbcwashington.com, “Virginia Woman Found Guilty of Killing Mother, Sister to Get New Trial,” by Julie Carey, November 9, 2022
Wtop.com, “Police investigate 2 dead bodies found in McLean home,” by Jennifer Ortiz, July 15, 2017
Wusa9.com, “McLean mother-daughter ‘murder-suicide’ may be a double murder,” by Peggy Fox, November 15, 2017, updated November 16, 2017
Wusa9.com, “Fairfax judge vacates double murder conviction of woman accused of killing mom and sister for money,” by Bruce Leshan, November 9, 2022
Cbsnews.com, 48 hours, “Odd crime scene leads to conflicting theories about the shooting deaths of Pam and Helen Hargan,”by CBS News, updated on November 10, 2022
Cbsnews.com, “Defense theory: Shooter used her toe to pull the trigger,” by Lauren A. White, November 10, 2022
Fox5dc.com/news, “Woman found guilty of murder after staging 2017 murder-suicide scene in Fairfax County,” by FOX 5 DC Digital Team, March 28, 2022
Lawandcrime.com, “Conviction Overturned for Woman Who Allegedly Killed Mom and Sister with a Rifle and Rearranged Their Bodies in Effort to Stage Slayings as Murder-Suicide,” by Colin Kalmbacher, November 10, 2022
People.com, “Murder-Suicide or Cold-Blooded Killing? Inside a Woman’s Alleged Plot to Kill Her Mom and Sister,” by KC Baker, February 6, 2020
Sportskeeda.com, “Where is Megan Hargan now? Charges explored ahead of new CBS 48 Hours episode,” by Nikita Mahato, October 1, 2022
Washingtonpost.com, “Va. Jury sentences woman to life in prison for killing mother, sister,” by Justin Jouvenal, March 28, 2022
Abc13 news, wset.com, “Police: Woman shoots mother, then herself in McLean home in
apparent murder-suicide,” by Tom Roussey, July 14, 2017
Oxygen.com, “Virginia Woman On Trial In Mother, Sister’s Killings, Allegedy Staged Slayings as Murder-Suicide,” by Dorian Geiger, March 11, 2002
Yahoo.com, “Judge Vacates Conviction of Virginia Woman Found Guilty of Murdering Mother, Sister,” by Jax Miller, November 10, 2022
Newsweek.com, “Murder-Suicides Reach Record High,” by Khaleda Rahman, March 9, 2023
Crimeonline.com, “Daughter Mad At Mom For Not Sending $400K Kills Her & Younger Sister, Stages Scene to Look Like Murder-Suicide,” by Jacquelyn Gray, March 28, 2022
Dailymail.co.uk, “Aunt of woman who is standing trial for the murder of her mother and
sister in a staged murder-suicide says she ‘feels sick every day’ and fears her niece’s final moments were ‘horrific,’” by Erica Tempesta, March 8, 2022
Fairfax County Police Department News, “Double Murder Suspect Arrives in Virginia; Arraignment set for Wednesday,” by FCPD Public Affairs Bureau, November 19, 2018
City-data.com, “McLean, Virginia”
U.S. Census Bureau, McLean, Virginia
Osti.gov, “Biography, Pamela D. Hansen Hargan, Vice President for Human Resources and Communications, Sandia National Laboratories”
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the bizarre disappearance and murder of 67-year-old, Dexter Stefonek, while driving across the country.
Case Sources:
The Montana Standard, “Body identified as Wisconsin man,” March 20, 1986
The Montana Standard, “No clues in missing man case,” November 22, 1985
Ravalli Republic, “Missing man,” November 21, 1985
Kalispell Daily, “Missing Wisconsin man’s vehicle burns,” November 21, 1985
Green Bay Press-Gazette, “Missing Onedia County man on way home when car found,” by Press-Gazette
The Billings Gazette, “Denver hypnotist to probe for details in death case,” by Gazette
Glendive Bureau, April 22, 1986
The Billings Gazette, “Corpse may be missing driver,” by Evelyne Donkersloot, March 10, 1986
billingsgazette.com, “Dexter Stefonek,” by Gazette Staff, March 31, 2017
Wausau Daily Herald, “TV show features Rhinelander murder,” April 8, 1989
montanarightnow.com, “Montana Murder Mysteries: Bad Route Rest Stop Killing,” article and video, by ABC FOX Montana News Staff, September 23, 2019, updated January 8, 2021
montanarightnow.com, “stefonek photo,” September 25, 2019
unsolved.com, Dexter Stefonek
distinctlymontana.com, “Unsolved Montana Murders,” by Joseph Shelton, October 3, 2022
missoulian.com, “1985 Montana rest stop murder still puzzles law enforcement,” by Tom
Lutey, August 27, 2018
theslowlane.com, “Sign to Bad Route in eastern Montana Along I-94”
ancestry.com, Vivian Stefonek
The Billings Gazette, “Sheriff checks leads in Glendive slaying, “ by Jill Sundby, April 25,
medium.com, published in True Crime Addiction, “Bad Route Rest Stop Murder,” by Lisa Marie Fuqua, January 22, 2021
simmondskimberly.wordpress.com, “Bad Route Road”
findagrave.com, “Dexter William Stefonek”
google maps
projectcoldcase.org, “Cold Case Homicide Statistics”
Glendive Ranger Review.com, web.archive.org, “Thirty-year-old Bad Route Rest Are Murder
Case Remains Unsolved,” by Jason Stuart, November 30, 2015
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss Candra and Julio Torres’ Anniversary trip from back in 1976 that took a turn for the worst.
Case Sources:
Forensic Files, episode: "Head Games," aired July 22, 2004 on TruTV
Empty Promises and Other True Cases (2001, Pocket Books), by Ann Rule
Newspapers.com sources:
The Capital Journal, "Kidnapped Oregon Girl Found Unhurt," 28 October 1961, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/316126242), citing print edition, p.1
Tony Burton, New York Daily News, "Fatal encounter with a stranger," 27 May 1979, archived, citing print edition, p.113
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murders of Marilyn Green and Jerry Hillard.
Case Sources:
The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times,
Cleveland.com, wgntv.com, law.umich.edu, usatoday.com, Colorado.edu,
capitalpunishmentincontext.org, theguardian.com, The State Journal-Register, The
Seattle Times, law.justia.com, Wikipedia, cookcountyrecord.com, washingtontimes.com,
and deathpenaltyinfo.org, The Atavist Magazine by Matthew Shaer
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the tragic murder of father and husband, Cipriano Garcia.
New Merch and other links here: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
nwitimes.com, "Cipriano Garcia remembered as family man, military hero," by Gina Czark, November 11, 2033
nwitimes.com, "Daughter accused of moving Hobart man's body blames others," by Ruthann Robinson, November 23, 2003
nwitimes.com, "Barbara Garcia wanted to give husband 'Viking funeral'," by Ruthann Robinson, October 1. 2005
Deadly Wives, episode: "The Liar's Club," aired April 3, 2014 on Lifetime
Newspapers.com sources:
Lauri Harvey, The Times of Northwest Indiana, "Homicide victim wrapped in tarp," 5 November 2003, archived (http://www.newspapers.com/image/304752932), citing print edition, pp. B1, B4
Lauri Harvey, The Times of Northwest Indiana, "Family IDs body of Hobart resident," 7 November 2003, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/304696668), citing print edition, pp. A1, A7
Gina Czark, The Times of Northwest Indiana, "Wife Charged in Bizarre Killing of Hobart Man," 11 November 2003, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/304734133), citing print edition, pp. A1, A4, A12
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Mandy Stavik and how the case was uniquely cracked by civilians.
Case Sources:
48 Hours on ID, episode: “Mandy Stavik: The Case No One Could Forget,” aired June 3, 2020 on Investigation Discovery
Newspapers.com sources:
Carol Ferm, The Bellingham Herald, "Grief for Mandy reflected love and fear, say friends," 10 December 1989, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/770642815), citing print edition, p.B1
Associated Press, Kitsap Sun, "Student's brother, step-brother died tragically," 30 November 1989, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/873748339), citing print edition, p.B2
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the known and potential victims of possible serial killer, Charlie Brandt.
Case Sources:
Invisible Killer: The Monster Behind the Mask (2013, Titletown Publishing, LLC), by Diana Montane
wikipedia.org, Charlie_Brandt
wikipedia.org, Hurricane_Andrew
Florida Keys Missing and Unsolved (Facebook group)
Newspapers.com sources:
Associated Press, Palladium-Item, "Psychiatric Test Ordered For Boy Who Shot Mother," 6 January 1971, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/247927790), citing print edition, p.4
United Press International, Muncie Evening Press, "Fort Wayne Boy Faces Exam in Mother Slaying," 6 January 1971, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/250996134), citing print edition, p.28
The Miami Herald, "Murder mystery missing key element," 28 November 1995, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/640035555), citing print edition, p.2B
Wanda J. DeMarzo, The Miami Herald, "Lurid case hangs on dog-hair tests," 3 February 2007, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/655322441), citing print edition, p.1B
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murders of almost all off the Rogers Family while on vacation back in 1989.
Case Sources:
Death Cruise (2007, St. Martin's True Crime), by Donald A. Davis
Tourist Trap (2018, Bay Media LLC), by Fred Shrum
Forensic Files, episode: "Water Logged," aired January 28, 2011 on TruTV
wikipedia.org, Oba_Chandler
tampabay.com, "Handwriting on billboard led to suspect's arrest,' by Carol A. Marbin, Monica Davey, David Ballingrud, Alicia Caldwell, Chuck Murphy, Bob Port, and Marty Rosen, September 26, 1992
tampabay.com, “‘I don’t need any closure.’ Hal Rogers rebuilds his life. Oba Chandler is about to lose his,” by Jamal Thalji, June 5, 2019
Newspapers.com sources:
Carlos Moncada, The Tampa Tribune, "3 bodies found in Bay," 5 June 1989, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/337867996), citing print edition, pp. 1A, 3A
J.D. Callaway, The Tampa Tribune, "Police believe bodies those of Ohio family," 9 June 1989, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/337833914), citing print edition, pp. 1A, 12A
Bob Andelman, The Orlando Sentinel, "A Deadly Stranger," 26 September 1993, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/233589194/), citing print edition, Florida Magazine pp. 9-11, 16
Wayne K. Roustan, The Sun-Sentinel, "1990 slaying solved," 25 February 2014, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/265927335), citing print edition, pp. 1A, 9A
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the abrupt disappearance of mother, Brenda Heist whose case ends with an unforeseen twist.
Case Sources:
wfmz.com, author: Pam Cunningham, May 2, 2013
cnn.com, author: Laura Smith-Spark, May 4, 2013
lancasteronline.com, author: Cindy Stauffer, January 10, 2014
Newspapers.com sources:
John M. Hoober III, Lancaster New Era, "Woman missing, police seek clues," 12 February 2002, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/567416007), citing print edition, p.A12
Cindy Stauffer, Lancaster New Era, "Police, family wonder, worry about missing Lititz mom," 20 February 2002, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/567416325), citing print edition, pp. A1, A12
Lancaster New Era, "Lititz woman is still missing," 7 March 2002, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/567669601), citing print edition, p. A14
Cindy Stauffer, Lancaster New Era, "Without a trace," 5 February 2003, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/566725714), citing print edition, pp. A1, A5
Lancaster New Era, "Group offers reward in case of Lititz missing mom," 27 June 2002, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/566729638), citing print edition, pp. B1, B10
Cindy Stauffer and Susan Baldridge, Lancaster New Era, "Lititz mom still missing," 12 July 2003, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/566640925), citing print edition, pp. A1, A5
Jon Butter, LNP Sunday News, "A reward and a prayer," 13 July 2003, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/565431611), citing print edition. pp. A1, A5
Cindy Stauffer, Lancaster New Era, "7 years without a trace," 5 June 2009, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/567908061), citing print edition, pp. A1, A6
Jack Brubaker, LNP Sunday News, "Still missing," 9 October 2011, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/639880705), citing print edition. pp. A1, A8
Mark Scolforo, The Paducah Sun, 1 May 2013, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/413755412), citing print edition, p.6A
Cindy Stauffer, Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era, 2 May 2013, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/567096747), citing print edition, pp. A1, A4-A5
Tom Knapp, Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era, 12 June 2013, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/567608530), citing print edition, pp. A1, A4-A5
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the insane murder of Girly Chew.
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Case sources:
September Sacrifice (2004, Pinnacle Books), by Mark Homer
Mommy No. 13: A Child of A Murderer and His Adoptive Mother (2021), by Melinda Miles-Lindberg
Newspapers.com sources:
Scott Sandlin, Albuquerque Journal, "Odd Twists At Heart Of Murder Trial," 30 September 2022, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/418527256), citing print edition, pp. A1, A4
Scott Sandlin, Albuquerque Journal, "Two Tales Told of Hossencofft Death," 2 October 2022, archived (www.newspapers.com/image/418527256), citing print edition, pp. A1, A3
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss a case that mystified police when a witness came forward claiming they watched the entire murder happen in a dream.
Case Sources:
Innocence: The True Story of Steve Linscott (1986, Zondervan Books), by Gordon Haresign
Newspapers.com sources:
Chicago Tribune, "Woman found fatally beaten," 6 October 1980, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/386793107), citing print edition, p.2
Henry Wood, Chicago Tribune, "Oak Park student charged in killing," 26 November 1980, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/386957006), citing print edition, p.8
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the disappearance and murder of Dawn Dacosta and how her case led to a serial killer.
Case Sources:
Bob Norman, New Times Broward-Palm Beach, "Lady-Killer," 23 September 1999, archived (www.browardpalmbeach.com/news/lady-killer-6326373)
Forensic Files, "Church Dis-service," aired April 3, 2009 on TruTV
Newspapers.com sources:
Trevor Jensen, Sun-Sentinel, "Jury finds man innocent in stabbing," 7 May 1994, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/239011506), citing print edition, p.2B
Donna Pazdera, Sun-Sentinel, "Car breaks down, woman disappears," archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/238945930), citing print edition, pp. B1-B4
D. Aileen Dodd, Sun-Sentinel, "Deerfield woman found dead," 8 December 1998, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/617140415), citing print edition, pp. 1B-3B
Donna Pazdera and A. Tacuma Roeback, Sun-Sentinel, "Missing nursing student's body found," 8 December 1998, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/238947101), citing print edition, pp. 1A, 10A
Donna Pazdera, Sun-Sentinel, "Family mourns as police seek killer," 9 December 1998, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/238948852), citing print edition, p. 3B
Donna Pazdera, Sun-Sentinel, "Man wanted for questioning in murder," 23 December 1998, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/238940798), citing print edition, p. 3B
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the tragic and long reign of the Bike Path Rapist.
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Case Sources:
Wikipedia.org, Altemio_Sanchez
Bike Path Rapist: A Cop's Firsthand Account of Catching the Killer Who Terrorized a Community (2009, Lyons Press), by Jeff Schober
Born to Kill? Class of Evil, "Altemio Sanchez," broadcast 3 May, 2017 on Investigation Discovery
bpdthenandnow.com/anthonycapozzistory.html (Buffalo Police Then and Now)
Newspapers.com sources:
The Buffalo News, "Police Issue Warning to Joggers After Rape in Delaware Park," 9 Jul 1984, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/874878614), citing print edition, p. B1
Dan Herbeck, The Buffalo News, "City Official Aids Arrest in Rape Case," 14 Sep 1985, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/875623061), citing print edition, p. A1
Matt Gryta, The Buffalo News, "3 Identify Suspect as Attacker," 17 Sep 1985, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/875553204), citing print edition, p. B4
Matt Gryta, The Buffalo News, "Insanity Plea Weighed in Three Rapes," 15 Oct 1985, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/875651464), citing print edition, p. B5
Carolyn Raeke and Walter Fuszara, The Buffalo News, "Delware Park Rape Of a Woman Jogger Spurs Police Warning," 13 Jun 1986, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/876075639), citing print edition, p. C1
The Buffalo News, "Woman Testifies on Rape in Park," 28 Jan 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/876422048), citing print edition, p. C11
Matt Gryta, The Buffalo News, "Jury Finds Capozzi Guilty in Two Of Three Delaware Park Rapes," 6 Feb 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/876550792), citing print edition, p. C1
Matt Gryta, The Buffalo News, "Prison Term Handed Down in Park Rapes, 21 Apr 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/876450097), citing print edition, p. B5
Carl Allen, The Buffalo News, "UB student found raped and strangled off bike path," 1 Oct 1990, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/875335730), citing print edition, pp, A1, A9
Gene Warner, The Buffalo News, "Police still hunt 'Bike Path Rapist,'" 20 Sep 1993, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/877434891), citing print edition, p. A1
Jane Kwiatkowski and Anthony Cardinale, The Buffalo News, "Body found in city field is identified," 23 Nov 1993, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/875244232), citing print edition, p. B1
Jane Kwiatkowski and Gene Warner, The Buffalo News, "Police scour area in hunt for rapist," 20 Oct 1994, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/876007822), citing print edition, pp. A1, A20
Gene Warner, The Buffalo News, "Predator at large," 29 Dec 2004, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/877089533), citing print edition, pp. A1-A2
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BINGED coming January 11th!
Case Sources:
wikipedia.org, Ronald_Gene_Simmons
Overkill: Mass Murder and Serial Killing Exposed (2013, Springer), by James Alan Fox and Jack Levin
Rampage: America's Largest Family Mass Murder (1992, Summit Group), by Jim Moore
Zero at the Bone (1991, Pocket Star Books), by Paul Williams and Marshall Bryce
YouTube: Michelle Chenowith, "Details of Simmons murders revealed during presentation to ATCC Criminal Justice students" — www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0H3PqMnO2A
Newspapers.com sources:
The San Francisco Examiner, "Accused mass killer guilty of 2 deaths," 12 May 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/461238311), citing print edition, p. A-2
Scott Morris and William Green, The Millville Daily, "Simmons: How one man slipped through the system," 30 December 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/416126671), citing print edition, p.5
Philadelphia Daily News, "More Tales of Abuse Surface," 31 Dec 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/186491155), citing print edition,. p.12
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Lisa Solomon and the suspicion that fell on her husband.
Case Sources:
Justia.com, Solomon v. Commissioner of Correctional Services, 786 F. Supp. 218 (E.D.N.Y. 1992)
The Cinemaholic, Lisa Solomon Murder: Where is Matthew Solomon Now?
Newspapers.com sources:
Kathy Boccella, Newsday, "Wide-Ranging Search for Missing Woman," 27 Dec 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/710286618), citing print edition, p.21
Stuart Vincent, Newsday, "Fearful Search," 28 Dec 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/723039703), citing print edition, p.2
Don Gentile, Newsday, "Psychics, bikers hunt newlywed," 28 Dec 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/434149538), citing print edition, p.3
Jerry Rosa and Paul Peskil, Newsday, "Search for bride turns to ex-beau," 29 Dec 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/406033575), citing print edition, p.3
Newsday, Man Who 'Hassled' Woman Sought, 29 Dec 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/723040375), citing print edition, p.25
Stuart Vincent, Newsday, "A Search Goes On as Hope Dims," 29 Dec 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/710287319), citing print edition, p.4
Shirley E. Perlman, Newsday, "Public's Help Sought in Search for Woman", 31 Dec 1987, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/723041029), citing print edition, p.27
Stuart Vincent, Tom Demoretcky, Kathy Boccella, Nicholas Goldberg, and Peter Marks, Newsday, "Grief, and Questions," 2 Jan 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/711221395), citing print edition, pp.3, 10
Tom Demoretcky and Joshua Quittner, Newsday, "Matthew Solomon Charged in Murder," 12 Jan 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/711308834/), citing print edition, pp.3, 29
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the disappearance and mysterious discovery of Nicholas Barclay.
Case Sources:
“The Imposter,” documentary, directed by Bart Layton, released 2012
Ksat.com, “Case of missing San Antonio boy from 1994 remains a mystery,” by Erica Hernandez, May 2, 2019
History101.com, “The incredible, disturbing true story of Nicholas Barclay and his masterful imposter,” copyright
2022 Wise Elements Inc.
Allthatsinteresting.com, “The Mystery of Nicholas Barclay and His Impostor, Frederic Bourdin,” by Katie Serena,
March 6, 2018, updated October 18, 2018
Websleuths.com, TX – Nicholas Barclay, 13, San Antonio, 13 June 1994, Noirdame79, October 27, 2021
Brenmar71.medium.com, photo of Nicholas Barclay
Historybyday.com, “The True Story of a Missing Boy and His Imposter.”
Livingmgz.com, Living Magazine, “Social Media Photo Brings a Breakthrough in Missing Persons Case,” by Hadar
Gerlitz, no date provided
Mysanantonio.com, “These San Antonio residents vanished and have never been found,” by Mark Dunphy,
November 13, 2020, updated September 22, 2021
Newyorker.com, The New Yorker, “The Chameleon; The many lives of Frederic Bourdin,” by David Grann, August 4,
Charleyproject.org, The Charley Project, “Nicholas Patrick Barclay,” last updated July 16, 2022
U.S. Census Bureau, San Antonio population (1994)
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss a murder that happened inside of a Toys “R” Us. Who did it? How did it happen?
Case Sources:
Wikipedia, org, Toys “R” Us
legacy.com, Laurence C. "Larry" Wells II obituary
Bizjournals.com, "Coming together for the family of slain Toys R Us manager," by Matt Chandler, September 26, 2013
Bizjournals.com, “Wife of slain Toys R Us manager speaks out,” by Matt Chandler, September 30, 2013
Buffalonews.com, "Police release surveillance image of suspect in Toys R Us killing," by Jay Ray, June 30, 2013, Archived at archive.org:
Buffalonews.com, "Fundraiser tonight for murdered Toys R Us store manager," by Charlie Specht, September 27, 2013
Buffalonews.com, "Violent, bizarre behavior of accused Toys R Us killer," by Lou Michel, October 20, 2013
Buffalonews.com, "Toys R Us killer also admits stealing more than $200,000 ," by Phil Fairbanks, April 8, 2014
Buffalonews.com, “‘Balloons for Heaven’ event honors memory of slain Toys R Us manager," by Lisa Khoury, June 30, 2014
Buffalonews.com, "Toys R Us killer sentenced on related gun conviction," by Phil Fairbanks, August 6, 2014
Oxygen.com, "A Baseball Hat Leads Authorities To Man Who Brutally Murdered Beloved Toys ‘R’ Us Manager," by Erik Hawkins, February 18, 2020
Nine.com.au, Sports cap becomes case-solving evidence in gruesome murder of toy store employee," by Eden Faithfull, September 10, 2020
Newspapers.com sources:
Lou Michel and Maki Becker, The Buffalo News, "Co-worker charged in murder," 17 October 2013, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/877895891); citing print edition, pp.A1-A2
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the first case to ever use DNA profiling. This was the murder of both Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth.
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Case Sources:
Medical Detectives, “The Footpath Murders,” broadcast October 23, 1996 on TLC
Wikipedia.org, Colin Pitchfork
The Blooding (1989, Random House Publishing Group), by Joseph Wambaugh
Sky News: news.sky.com, “Colin Pitchfork: Double child killer arrested and recalled to prison after 'breaching licence conditions',” November 19, 2021
bbc.com, "Colin Pitchfork recalled to jail after approaching young women,” November 22, 2021
Newspaper.com sources:
Tony Donnelly, Nottingham Post, "Hunt is on for two killers," 23 November 1983, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/760618392); citing print edition, p.1
Leicester Mercury, "Lynda ‘might have screamed’," 1 December 1983, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860734136); citing print edition, p.1
Leicester Mercury, "Lynda: Youth seen running," 2 December 1983, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860734331); citing print edition, p.27
Leicester Mercury, "Fresh plea over Lynda murder," 7 December 1983, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860735339); citing print edition, p.13
Leicester Mercury, "Murder hunt police seek 'crying youth'," 8 December 1983, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860735594); citing print edition, p.21
Leicester Mercury, "Scarf used to kill Lynda, inquest told," 26 January 1984, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860742794); citing print edition, p.19
Leicester Mercury, "Lynda: Police issue picture," 1 February 1984, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860747472); citing print edition, p.1
Leicester Mercury, "Lynda in walk to death on Black Pad," 3 February 1984, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860748945); citing print edition, p.30
Leicester Mercury, "Lynda seen with punk in city," 17 May 1984, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860751836); citing print edition, p.23
Leicester Mercury, "Murder 'started road into debt'," 9 July 1984, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860879334); citing print edition, p.6
Associated Press, The Charlotte Observer, "DNA 'Fingerprinting' Process Nearly Foolproof, Scientists Say," 7 December 1985, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/624686909); citing print edition, p.17A
Leicester Mercury, "Murder of Lynda: Police issue new appeal for clues," 26 April 1986, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860868746); citing print edition, p.11
Leicester Mercury, "Dawn vanishes after trip: Huge hunt for missing schoolgirl," 1 August 1986, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860906178); citing print edition, pp.1, 15
Leicester Mercury, "Three years on — a killer still at large," 2 August 1986, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860907003); citing print edition, p.9
Leicester Mercury, "Dawn's killer 'has struck before'," 3 August 1986, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/846785964); citing print edition, p.1
John Meehan and Alan Kay, Coventry Evening Telegraph, "Tell on Strangler: Don't shield girls double murder, pleads mum," 4 August 1986, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/819772229); citing print edition, pp.1-2
Leicester Mercury, "Tiny scratch 'could be a vital clue'—Dawn: Hunt for Double Killer," 4 August 1986, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860908353); citing print edition, pp. 1, 5
Leicester Mercury, "Dawn: Man seen fleeing from scene," 5 August 1986, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/860908553); citing print edition, p.1
Leicester Mercury, "Sadistic double killer is jailed for life," 23 January 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/861261211); citing print edition, pp.1, 10-11
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*this case includes children*
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the brutal slaying of 4 family members at Thanksgiving.
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Case Sources:
the-sun.com, "Holiday Horrors: Most gruesome Thanksgiving murders from pastor who shot family over game to man who ‘waited 20 years’ to kill relatives," by Luke Kenton, November 25, 2021
"Merhige had history of mental problems, says man who knew him well," by John Lantigua, November 26, 2009
tampabay.com, "Gunman Said Nothing Before Killings,' November 29, 2009
palmbeachpost.com, "An unusual suspect: Merhige was likable honors student before he did the unthinkable," by Adam Playford, December 18, 2009
tampabay.com, "TV Show Plays Big Role in Murder Case," January 9, 2010
nbcmiami.com, "Witness: Thanksgiving Killer Went Back to Shoot Girl Again," by Janie Campbell, September 4, 2010
nbcmiami.com, "Thanksgiving Killer's Parents File Countersuit," by Brian Hamacher, November 29, 2011
palmbeachpost.com, "Merhige had history of mental problems, says man who knew him well," by John Lantigua, March 31, 2012
wptv.com, "10 Years After The Jupiter Thanksgiving Murders: A Family Remembers," by Kelley Dunn, November 22, 2019
YouTube.com, channel MirrorMind: The Disturbing Story of Paul Merhige | True Crime, November 24, 2021
Newspaper.com sources:
Mike Phillips, The Miami Herald, "Khoury League starts traveling to Japan," 31 July 1986, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/632678571); citing print edition, p.24
The Stuart News, "Stations win six Emmys," 7 December 1992, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/886580679), citing print edition, p.D1
Andrew Marra, Bill DiPaolo, Eliot Kleinberg, Sun-Sentinel, "Shooter kills four in holiday rampage," 28 November 2009, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/286398908); citing print edition, pp. 1, 3
Elinor J. Brecher, The Miami Herald, "Tragedy echoes '73 murders, suicide," 29 November 2009, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/658361525); citing print edition, p.14A
Carol Marbin Miller, Jennifer Lebovich, The Miami Herald, "Twin sisters silenced forever," 29 November 2009, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/658361459); citing print edition, pp.1A, 14A
Robert Samuels, The Miami Herald, "Slain sisters' voices heard again," 1 December 2009, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/658492900); citing print edition, p.3B
Liz Balmaseda, The Palm Beach Post, "Without Makayla," 25 December 2009, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/206748667); citing print edition, p.A1
John Lantigua, The Palm Beach Post, ""'Pleasant' motel guest rarely went out, explained to owner: 'I'm just resting'," 4 January 2010, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/208095494); citing print edition, pp. 1A, 8A
Jane Musgrave, The Miami Herald, "Pair sued over son's spree," 16 September 2011, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/654931364); citing print edition, p. 3B
Daphne Duret, The Palm Beach Post, “7 Life Sentences for Merhige: 'He Will Never See the Light of Day'," 28 October 2011, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/163645273); citing print edition, pp. 1A, 8A
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Payton drops onto your feed mid-week to give a clear timeline of the breaking Idaho College Murders. 4 University of Idaho college students are stabbed to death in their apartment… who did it? What do the police know?
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the disappearance and murder of Lisa Marie Kimmel.
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Case Sources:
Scott, Robert (2009). Rivers of Blood. (2009, New York: Pinnacle), by Robert Scott
Wikipedia.org, Lil' Miss murder
Charleyproject.org, Amy Joy Wroe Bechtel
Trib,com, “Inmate: Eaton confessed,” by Tara Westreicher, March 10, 2004
Trib.com, “Victim's family shares their anger as Dale Wayne Eaton sentenced to life,” by Victoria Eavis, May 8, 2022
Billingsgazette.com, “Court hears 1988 tape of Kimmell,” by Tara Westreicher, March 3, 2004
Billingsgazette.com, “Another Eaton victim lives to tell of ordeal; California woman expected to testify at penalty phase of trial,” by by Greg Tuttle, March 17, 2004
Billingsgazette.com, "Eaton upset as convict testifies," by Tara Westreicher, March 9, 2004
Ranker.com, "The True Story Behind The Lil' Miss Murder," by Rachel Souerbry, February 19, 2021
WyoFile.com, "Wyoming should abolish the death penalty, even for Eaton," by Kerry Drake, June 16, 2020
caselaw.findlaw.com, EATON v. STATE
Department of Psychology Radford University, Dr. Mike Aamodt, Dale Wayne Eaton
Newspapers.com sources:
Pat Bellinghausen and Tom Howard, "Billings teen disappears during trip,” The Billings Gazette, 29 March 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/410694282 : accessed 27 October 2022); citing print edition, p.7-A
Vikki McLaughlin, “Searchers suspect foul play,” The Billings Gazette, 1 April 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/415632449 : accessed 27 October 2022); citing print edition, p.1
“Wyoming lawmen looking for missing Montana teen-ager,” Casper Star-Tribune, 30 April 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/349601308: accessed 27 October 2022); citing print edition, p.3
Pat Bellinghausen, "Kimmell's body identified,” The Billings Gazette, 4 April 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/415636958 : accessed 27 October 2022); citing print edition, p.1
Pat Bellinghausen, "Cops: No leads in teen’s death,” The Billings Gazette, 5 April 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/415637713 : accessed 27 October 2022); citing print edition, p.1
Tom Howard, "Kimmell had stab wounds,” The Billings Gazette, 7 April 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/415639477 : accessed 27 October 2022); citing print edition, p.1
Rita Munzenrider, "Kimmell's friends say goodbye,” The Billings Gazette, 9 April 1988, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/415641872 : accessed 27 October 2022); citing print edition, p.1
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the curious murder of young adult, Nick Howard.
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Case Sources:
Forensic Files, “Oily in the Morning,” broadcast October 5, 2005 on TLC
The New Detectives, “Betrayed,” broadcast December 13, 2002 on The Discovery Channel
Wikipedia.org, Humphrey the Whale
Sacramentofuneralandcremation.com, John Findleton obituary
Ancestry.com, 1977 Sacramento City Directory (1977, R.L. Polk & Company Publishers)
Ancestry.com, 1978 Sacramento City Directory (1978, R.L. Polk & Company Publishers)
Saccounty.gov: Sacramento County, Archived Index of Recorded Documents
SFGate.com/San Francisco Examiner, Still Singing That Whale Song, by Jane Kay
Newspapers.com sources:
The Sacramento Bee, "Man loses control of truck, drowns," 15 March 1996, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/627244911: accessed 29 October 2022); citing print edition, p.B2
Gary Voet, The Sacramento Bee, "Volunteers plan major search for body of drowning victim," 26 February 1997, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/627678806: accessed 28 October 2022); citing print edition, p.B2
The Sacramento Bee, "Body in marina missing teen," 27 February 1997, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/627680800: accessed 29 October 2022); citing print edition, p.B2
Yvonne Chiu, The Sacramento Bee, "Guilty verdict in teen's murder," 8 December 1999, archived (https://www.newspapers.com/image/628446627: accessed 30 October 2022); citing print edition, p.B1
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Case Sources:
Just Another Indian, A Serial Killer and Canada’s Indifference, by Warren Goulding, Askew Creek Publishing Ltd., 2001
Saskatoon StarPhoenix, “Saskatchewan serial killer John Martin Crawford dies at Regional Psychiatric Center,” by Thia James, December 17, 2020
Eaglefeathernews.com, “Opinion: Looking back at Just Another Indian,” by Warren Goulding, August 17, 2016
Edmontonsun.com, “A story that no one wanted told,” by Andrew Hanon, September 20, 2005
Murderpedia.org, “John Martin Crawford”
Justicefornativewomen.com, “Janet Sylvestre, Unsolved Saskatchewan murder from 1994, posted by Mak, August 6, 2021, listing sources as CBC, Murderpedia, and Saskatchewan RCMP Facebook.
Serialkillercalendar.com, “John Martin Crawford”
Cbc.ca, “To him, they were expendable: Columnist says Saskatoon serial killer exploited racism when targeting victims,” by Dan Zakreski, December 17, 2020
Theglobeandmail.com, “The Taken: How Shelley Napope fled into a predator’s stalking ground”
Wikipedia, “John Martin Crawford”
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the Salem Witch Trials.
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Butcher Box: www.butcherbox.com/HUSBAND and use code BONUS100
Rocket Money: www.rocketmoney.com/husband
Case Sources:
Smithsonianmag.com, “A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials,” by Jess Blumberg, October 23, 2007
History.com, “Salem Witch Trials,” by history.com editors, November 4, 2011, updated October 5, 2021
History.com, “Before America Had Witch Trials, Europe Had Werewolf Trials,” by Melinda Beck, October 15, 2021
History.com, “Why Do Witches Ride Brooms?” by Sarah Pruitt, updated October 29, 2021
Salemwitchmuseum.com, “Proctor’s Ledge Memorial”
Salemwitchmuseum.com, “Path from Jail to Execution”
Salemwitchmuseum.com, “Salem Witch Trials Memorial”
Brittanica.com, “Salem witch trials,” by Jeff Wallenfeldt, last updated August 22, 2022
Time.com, “The Last of the Witch-Trial Hangings,” by Jennifer Latson, September 22, 2014
Reference.yourdictionary.com, “The Salem Witch Trials: Real Facts That Will Haunt You,” by Jennifer Gunner
Salemnews.com, “Accuser’s descendant leaves note on memorial to victim of Witch Trials,” by Dustin Luca, October 14, 2022
Mtsu.edu (The First Amendment Encyclopedia), “Salem Witch Trials,” by Elizabeth R. Purdy
Danverslibrary.org, Danvers Archival Center, “Portrait of Samuel Parris”
Allthatsinteresting.com, “20 Accusations and 20 Deaths: What Caused The Salem Witch Trials?” by All That’s Interesting, checked by John Kuroski, December 18, 2021, updated September 21, 2022
Owlcation.com, “The Salem Witchhunts: A History of Witches, Trials, and Witch Hunts,” by Angela Michelle Schultz, March 24, 2022
Healthline.com, “What is Mad Had Hatter Disease?”
Wikipedia, “Salem witch trials,” image used
Assisted research and writing by: Diane Birnholz.
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of couple Ronald Sisman and Elizabeth Platzman back in 1981.
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Case Sources:
Nytimes.com, “Police Seek Motive in Deaths of Student and a Photographer,” by Les Ledbetter, November 2, 1981
Nytimes.com, “The Region; Actress’s Assailant Given 30 Days in Jail, by UPI, April 29, 1981
Dailynews, “Photog, coed slain in Chelsea,” by Thomas Raftery and Richard Edmonds,” November 2, 1981
Dailynews, “Gentle Life, Violent Death,” by Murray Weiss, November 2, 1981
Imdb.com, “Ron Sisman”
Insider.com, “10 terrifying murders committed on Halloween night,” by Frank Olito, October 13, 2020
Findagrave.com, “Elizabeth Lee Platzman”
History.com, “This Day in History, 1977, August 10, Son of Sam serial killer is arrested,” by History.com editors
True-crime.quora.com, “Murder of Ronald Sisman and Elizabeth Platzman unsolved since 1981,” Karen M. Shelton
New York Magazine, “Melonie Haller’s Lost Weekend,” by Anthony Haden-Guest, May 12, 1980
Newspapers.com, “Ron Sisman’s Efforts to Obtain a Gun Permit?”
Thecinemaholic.com, “How and Why Was Ron Sisman Killed?” by Viswa Vanapalli, May 5, 2021
Dailystar.co.uk, “Mystery of the Manhattan murders,” by Ariane
Oxygen.com, “How Did Murdered Producer Roy Radin Become Connected To The ‘Son of Sam’ Killings?” by Kevin Dolak, May 8, 2021
Sports.yahoo.com, “The Sons of Sam: Who Was Roy Radin? How He Was Potentially Linked to David Berkowitz,” by Stacey Nguyen, May 5, 2021
Medium.com, “Son of Sam’s Connection to a Halloween Massacre,” by Lisa Marie Fuqua, October 4, 2019
Thewrap.com, “’Sons of Sam’: 5 Most Shocking Details from the True Crime Docuseries,” by Samson Amore, May 5, 2021
Bookaddicts.org, “Sons of Sam 2021 series”
Unsettlingthings.com, “10 Of The Worst Crimes In Halloween History,” October 27, 2020
Reddit.com, “It is Hallween night 1981,” posted by u/LetsRead_YouTube, 2019
Slappedham.com, “8 Real Unsolved Halloween Mysteries,” November 2, 2017
Wikipedia, “Melonie Haller”
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the brutal attacks executed by the East Coast Rapist and how a billboard eventually led to his capture.
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Case Sources:
Abcnews.go.com, “’East Coast Rapist’ Suspect Aaron Thomas Attempts Suicide,” by Dean Schabner and Kevin Dolak, March 6, 2011
Cbsnews.com, “First photos of ‘East Coast Rapist’ suspect Aaron Thomas,” by Edicio Martinez, March 14, 2011
Nbcnews.com, “East Coast Rapist suspect arrested in Conn.,” by the Associated Press, March 4, 2011
Wjla.com, “Aaron Thomas, East Coast Rapist, sentenced to three life terms in prison,” by Horace Holmes, March 1, 2013
Foxnews.com, “Authorities Credit Billboard Campaign in Capture of ‘East Coast Rapist’ Suspect,” by Fox News, date not provided
Washingtonpost.com, “After 13 years, police still hunting for the East Coast Rapist,” by Josh White and Maria Glod, march 16, 2010
Washingtonpost.com, “Aaron Thomas sentenced to life terms for 2001 East Coast Rapist attack in Loudoun,” by Josh White, March 15, 2013
Washingtonpost.com, “East Coast Rapist suspect acknowledges attacks in several states,” by Josh White, November 10, 2012
New Haven Register, nhregister.com, “Connecticut case agains East Coast rapist dropped,” by Randall Beach, April 5, 2013
Insidenova.com, “East Coast Rapist will spend his life in prison,” by Amanda Stewart, March 1, 2013
Police1.com, “Police: DNA confirms suspect is ‘East Coast Rapist,’” by John Christoffersen, March 5, 2011
Patch.com, “East Coast Rapist Pleads Guilty to Halloween Attacks,” by Mary Stachyra Lopez, November 30, 2102, updated December 1, 2012
Criminaldiscoursepodcast.com, “East Coast Rapist,” image of billboard, October 19, 2020
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
CareOf: www.careof.com use code mwmh65
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the double homicide of Leslie Ann Mazzara and Adriane Insogna.
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Case Sources:
Abcnews.go.com, “Sole Survivor of Napa Killings Speaks, by ABC News, October 6, 2005
Latimes.com, “Suspect Consoled Victims’ Families,” by Rone Tempest, September 30, 2005
Cbsnews.com, “Nightmare in Napa,” CBS News, April 19, 2007
Napavalleyregister.com, “Chief Melton retires after 10 years with Napa police,” by Kerana Todorov, December 20, 2014, updated January 2, 2015
Napavalleyregister.com, “ “by Marsha Dorgan, December 6, 2006, updated May 18, 2018
Napavalleyregister.com, “Napa double-murder to be featured on Oxygen,” by Maria Sestito, October 14, 2017
Napavalleyregister.com, “Breaking the code,” by Alisha Wyman, March 22, 2010, updated December 12, 2013
Napavalleyregister.com, “Marriage dissolutions,” April 20, 2008
Napavalleyregister.com, “Napa prosecutor wins top honors,” by Marsha Dorgan, May 25, 2007
Napavalleyregister.com, “What made Copple kill?” by Marsha Dorgan, January 21, 2007
Napavalleyregister.com, “Copple admits guilt in double murder,” by Marsha Dorgan, December 6, 2006, updated May 18, 2018
Napavalleyregister.com, “Breaking News: Thursday 6:30 p.m. Update – Copple sentenced in Napa double murder,” by Marsha Dorgan, January 11, 2007
Napavalleyregister.com, “Cell phone S.O.S.,” by Kevin Courtney, December 15, 2006
Napavalleyregister.com, “Copple pleads guilty to double murder charges,” by Marsha Dorgan, December 7, 2006
Napavalleyregister.com, “Survivior of murder scene tells her story,” by David Ryan, October 6, 2005
Napavalleyregister.com, “DNA points to Copple as the killer,” by Marsha Dorgan, October 1, 2005
Napavalleyregister.com, “Police: Copple ‘knew we were closing in,’” by Marsha Dorgan, September 30, 2005
The Weekly Calistogan, “Murder reward fund goes to help several charities,” by Marsha Dorgan, March 8, 2007
The Weekly Calistogan, “Copple makes the move to San Quentin,” by Marsha Dorgan, January 25, 2007
The Weekly Calistogan, “Double murder suspect pleads not guilty,” by Marsha Dorgan, July 20, 2006
Sfgate.com, “NAPA / House invaded, 2 women killed / Third roommate escapes the attack, calls 911 for help,” by Pamela J. Podger, November 2, 2004
Legacy.com, “Leslie Mazzara Obituary”
Legacy.com, “Adriane Insogna Obituary”
Swordandscale.com, “Jealous Rage to Double Murder in Napa Valley,” blog, October 26, 2017
Forensicfilesnow.com, “Eric Copple: Unfiltered Rage,” by “RR,” February 16, 2018
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
Native: www.nativedeo.com/husband
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Ethos: www.ethoslife.com/husband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the Halloween murder of Peter Fabiano and all the twists and turns that come along with it.
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Case Sources:
Nydailynews.com, “The Trick or Treat Murder,” May 25, 2008
Truecrimeedition.com, “The Trick-or-Treat Murder of Peter Fabiano,” October 27, 2021
Derangedlacrimes.com, “The Trick or Treat Murder,” posted on October 31, 2018
Calisphere.org (Universit of California), “Image/Widow of victim recalls phone talk with slayer”
Calisphere.org (University of California), “Testify at hearing,” November 25, 1957
Thricecursedpod.com, “The Cursed Tale of the Halloween Murder of Peter Fabiano,” by Rebekkah Rosewood, April 29, 2021
Thevintagewomanmagazine.com, “Trick-or-Treat Terror: a Mid-Century Halloween Murder,” by Paris Brown, no date provided
Historichorrors.com, “Tag: Goldyne Pizer, A Murder on Halloween”
Youtube.com, “The Trick-or-Treat Murder of Peter Fabiano,” October 29, 2021
tasteofhome.com, “You’ve Probably Never Heard Of It, But This Coffee Trend From the ‘50s is Still Thriving Today,” by Emily Racette Parulski, December 6, 2019
Hyaenagallery.tumblr.com, “Hyaena Gallery,” October 31, 2015
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the kidnapping and murder of 14-year-old Jessica McHenry.
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Case Sources:
“On the Case with Paula Zahn,” video, Season 10, Episode 1, “Snake in the Grss,” July 31, 2014
Mercury News, “15 years later, police name teen’s killer,” by Roman Gokhman, March 19, 2007
Sfgate.com, “Suspect in 1991 Livermore slaying kills himself in prison,” by Henry K. Lee, March 19, 2007
Eastbaytimes.com, “A grave injustice for slain Livermore girl,” by Jeanine Benca, September 2, 2009, updated August 15, 2016
Eastbaytimes.com, “Family to celebrate life of slain teenager,” from MediaNews Staff and Roman Gokhman, June 2, 2007, updated August 15, 2016
Losangelestimes.com, “Inmate, linked to killing, commits suicide,” March 20, 2007
Inquisitr.com, “Jessica McHenry, Derick Moncada: Case of Missing California Teen Whose Body Was Found Smoldering in 1991 On Investigation Discovery,” by Traciy Reyes, November 7, 2017
Findagrave.com, Jessica Anne McHenry
Findagrave.com, Derick Dee Moncada
Smh.com.au, The Sydney Morning Herald, “Cell suicide over Jessica DNA link,” AP, March 20, 2007
Fullhousemagazine.co.uk, “Stalked from the grave, Even after 18 years, the killer wasn’t going to leave Jess alone…” by Fiona Rod & Amy Thompson, January 14, 2010
Mylifeofcrime.wordpress.com, “Cold Case: Derick Mocada was linked by DNA to the murder of Jessica McHenry, then he committed suicide,” posted on August 3, 2014 by lifeofcrime
United States Census Bureau, Livermore
Rocket Money: www.rocketmoney.com/husband
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Faherty: www.fahertybrand.com/husband and use code HUSBAND
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss how 17-year-old, Tyler Hadley, murdered his parents in their own home and then threw a house party with their corpses sitting in their bedroom down the hall.
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Case Sources:
Rollingstone.com, “Tyler Hadley’s Killer Party,” by Nathaniel Rich, December 18, 2013
Miaminewtimes.com, “Tyler Hadley Killed His Parents Because Port St. Lucie Is So Boring, Rolling Stone Says,” by Allie Contie, December 27, 2013
Nytimes.com, “City Is Stunned at Teenager’s Arrest in Parents’ Death,” by Catrin Einhorn, July 22, 2011
Abcnews.go.com, “Best Friend ‘Ruined My Life’ When He Killed His Own Parents,” by Sean Dooley, Jenner Smith and Alexa Valiente, April 4, 2014
Abcnews.go.com, “Teen Took Selfie With Best Friend After Learning the Friend Was a Murderer,” by Sean Dooley, Jenner Smith and Alexa Valient, April 4, 2014
Archive.tcpalm.com, “After the crime: Hadley family home abandoned but not forgotten,” by Melissa E. Holsman of TCPalm, March 8, 2014
Tcpalm.com, “Uncertain Terms: Tyler Hadley resentenced to life for parents’ murder|podcast preview,” by Melissa E. Holsman, December 20, 2018
Archive.tcpalm.com, “Expert: Records do not show that Tyler Hadley suffered from major depressive disorder,” by Staff Report, March 18, 2014
Archive.tcpalm.com, “Ryan Hadley talks about living in the aftermath of his parents’ murders,” by Paul Ivice, October 11, 2015
Tcpalm.com, “Probation violation in gun theft lands Tyler Hadley star witness Michael Mandell in jail,” by Melissa E. Holsman, September 27, 2018
Tcpalm.com, “Tyler Hadley resentencing: Uncle calls Hadley’s hearing ‘gut-wrenching horror show,’” by Melissa E. Holsman, October 2, 2018
Palmbeachpost.com, “Bank buys Port St. Lucie home where teen killed parents in 2011,” by Breaking News Staff, January 2, 2015, updated September 24, 2016
Palmbeachpost.com, “Reports: Tyler Hadley home demolished, land donated; love letter found,” by Victoria Malmer, April 27, 2015
Telegram.com, “’Absolutely horrific, the injuries were just massive,’” by Matt Sedenky, July 20, 2011
Browardpalmbeach.com, “Police Release Brutal Details of Tyler Hadley Allegedly Murdering His Parents With Hammer,” by Matthew Hendley, July 20, 2011
Cbnews.com, “Charges reduced against Fla. Teen Tyler Hadley, who allegedly killed parents, had house party,” by Edecio Martinez, July 20, 2011
Cbnews.com, “Funeral Held for Fla. Parents Beaten to Death With Hammer,” by CBS Miami, July 23, 2011
Cbsnews.com, “Teen who killed parents, threw party, gets life without parole,”
Wpbf.com, “Partygoers: Hadley Hinted He ‘Did Something Bad,’”
Wpbf.com, “Hadley’s parents hit at least 35 times each with deadly hammer strikes,”
Wflx.com, “Photos & documents released in Hadley case,” by Jon Shainman, September 19, 2011
Wflx.com, “Hadley sentenced to life after killing parents with hammer,” by Rachel Leigh, March 20, 2014
Wptv.com, “Judge upholds two life sentences for Tyler Hadley,” by Alanna Quillen
Allthatsinteresting.com, “The Disturbing Story of Tyler Hadley, The Teenager Who Killed His Parents So He Could Throw A House Party,” by Genevieve Carlton
Kgw.com, “Man who killed parents with hammer in trouble in prison,” by Melissa E. Holsman
Tributes.com, “Mrs. and Mr. Mary Jo and Blake Hadley”
Port St. Lucie Police Department redacted Incident Report. Felony Plea Form, State of Florida v. Tyler Hadley, St. Lucie County File Date, February 19, 2014
Murderpedia.org, Tyler Joseph Hadley
Assisted research and writing by: Diane Birnholz
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Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
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*this case involves children*
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the brutal family slaying of Susan, Adrian and Kylee Brouk.
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Case Sources:
Caselaw.findlaw.com, State v. Christeson, Supreme Court of Missouri, En Banc opinion, decided June 26, 2001
Various opinions and appellate briefs filed in this case were excellent sources for the facts and the legal proceedings, including courts.mo.gov, Mark Christeson’s Appeal Brief to the Missouri Supreme Court.
Cbsnews.com, “Missouri man executed for 1998 murder of mother, 2 children,” no author listed, January 31, 2017
Localtoday.news, “The horrifying murder of the Brouk family in Missouri,” by Tim Svendsen, August 13, 2022
Reuters.com, “Missouri executes man for 1998 triple murder,” by Timothy Mclaughlin, January 31, 2017
Themarshallproject.org, “The Next to Die, Watching Death Row”
Nevadadailymail.com, “Missouri executes murderer convicted here,” by Johannes Brann, February 3, 2017
Mercurynews.com, “Missouri executes man who as a teen killed neighbor family,” by Associated Press, February 1, 2017
Arkansasonline.com, “Missouri executes killer of mom, 2 kids,” by The Associated Press, February 1, 2017
Buzzfeednews.com, “Missouri Executes Man For the 1998 Murders Of A Family,” by Tasneem Nashrulla, January 31, 2017
Missourinet.com, “Convicted Triple Killer Mark Christeson Executed; Maries County Sheriff Says Justice Has Been Served,” by Brian Hauswirth, February 1, 2017
Kcur.org, “Missouri executes Mark Christeson for 1998 triple slayings,” by St. Louis Public Radio and Marshall Griffin, February 1, 2017
Findagrave.com, Susan Jo Southard Brouk obituary
Mcdc.missouri.edu, Missouri Population 1900-1990 (All Incorporated Places)
Thecinemaholic.com, “Susan Brouk Murder: Is Mark Christeson Dead or Alive?” by Viswa Vanapalli, July 20, 2021
Independent.ie, “Bodies found in pond,” no author listed, February 7, 1998
Murderpedia.org, Mark A. Christeson
44bars.com, “Who Was Susan Brouk? Details To Know About Her Murder Case,” no author or date provided
Wikipedia, “Vichy, Missouri”
Wikipedia, “Arrow Killings”
Assisted research and copywriting: Diane Birnholz
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Factor: www.go.factor75.com/husband120 and use code husband 120
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
Ethos: www.ethoslife.com/husband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the disappearance and murder of Niqui McCown and Tina Marie Ivery.
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Case Sources:
Disappeared S2E3
Bambee: www.bambee.com/husband
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband16 and use code husband16
Disgraceland: listen to Disgraceland podcast wherever you get your podcasts.
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the disappearance of Suzanne Morphew after allegedly going for a bike ride and never returning.
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Butcher Box: www.butcherbox.com/HUSBAND and use code BONUS100
Faherty: www.fahertybrand.com/husband and use code HUSBAND
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
True Bill/Rocket Money: www.rocketmoney.com/husband
PDSDebt: www.PDSDebt.com/husb
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of 18-year-old Michelle Martinko back in 1979 and how it took almost 40 years to solve the case.
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Case Sources:
A&E Killer Cases
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband16 and use code husband16
Helix: www.helixsleep.com/mwmh
CareOf: www.careof.com use code mwmh50
Ethos: www.ethoslife.com/husband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the clown craze from 2016 and the fallout that came after.
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Case Sources:
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
GetUpside: download the free GetUpside App and use promo code husband
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett talk about the murder of Jacquelyn Smith.
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Case Sources:
Abcnews.go.com, “Father and daughter who allegedly blamed panhandlers for his wife’s killing extradited back to Baltimore to face murder charges,” by Bill Hutchinson, March 21, 2019
Baltimoresun.com, “An ‘elaborate cover-up’ unravels: Jury finds Keith Smith guilty of murdering his wife, blaming panhandlers,” by Tim Prudente, December 9, 2021
Foxbaltimore.com, “Keith Smith’s trial today on the high-profile murder of his wife has been postponed,” by Leah Crawley & Brandi Proctor, October 7, 2019
Foxbaltimore.com, “Daughter of Keith Smith takes stand, says she saw her father stab Jacquelyn,” by Alexa Ashwell, December 7, 2021
Lawandcrime.com, “Maryland Man Sentenced to Prison for ‘Cowardly’ Murder of Wife, ‘Elaborate’ Fake Panhandler ‘Hoax,’” by Jerry Lambe, February 28, 2022
Lawandcrime.com, “Woman Sentenced to Prison for Helping ‘Cowardly’ Father Cover Up ‘Horrific’ Murder of Her Stepmom,” by Alberto Luperon, December 14, 2021
Newsweek.com, “Maryland Woman’s Family Who ‘Staged Killing’ and Blamed Death on Panhandler Arrested Near Mexico Border: Police,” by Jason Murdock, March 4, 2019
Nbcwashington.com, “Trial Begins for Maryland Man Who Claimed Panhandler Killed Wife,” by Associated Press, December 4, 2021
Wbaltv.com, “Charging docs: Keith Smith approached brother about killing wife,” by Vanessa Herring, March 9, 2019
Wbaltv.com, “Keith Smith sentenced after killing wife, blaming her death on panhandlers,” by David Collins, February 28, 2022
Wbaltv.com, “Prosecutor provides possible motive in Keith Smith trial; 2 jurors dismissed,” by David Collins, December 2, 2021
Wmar2news.com, “Jury in Keith Smith murder trial to continue deliberations Thursday,” by Abby Isaacs, December 8, 2021
Wpri.com, “Providence native stabbed to death in Baltimore remembered by her family as smart, driven,” by Steph Machado, December 6, 2018
Cbsnews.com, “Murder Trial Begins for Keith Smith, Man Who Claimed Baltimore Panhandler Killed His Wife,” by CBS Baltimore, December 1, 2021
Cbsnews.com, “Jury Shown Graphic Images In Murder Trial For Keith Smith, Who Blamed Panhandler for Wife’s Death,” by CBS Baltimore, December 2, 2021
Cbsnews.com, “Valeria Smith Sentenced To Prison Time In Connection With Stepmother’s Murder,” by CBS Baltimore, December 13, 2021
Cbsnews.com, “Keith Smith Receives Life Sentence for Wife’s 2018 Murder,” by CBS Baltimore, February 28, 2022
Investigationdiscovery.com, “Woman’s Family Said Panhandler Killed Her, Now Husband & Daughter Charged With Murder,” by Catherine Townsend, March 4, 2019
Youtube.com, WMAR News, “Family Never Had a Doubt Murder Story Was a Lie, Jacquelyn Smith’s family never believed murder story,” March 4, 2019
Marianiandson.com, “Jacquelyn Anne Smith,” Obituary.
Oxygen.com, “Maryland Dad Sentenced To Life For Murder Of Wife That He Tried To Blame On Panhandler,” by Dorian Geiger, March 1, 2022
Thegrio.com, “Jacquelyn Smith murder: Sons want her husband blocked from her finances as he is now a suspect,” by Kia Morgan-Smith, March 21, 2019
Heavy.com, “Keith & Valeria Smith: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know”
Arrest Warrant for Keith Tyrone Smith, District Court of Maryland for Baltimore City, dated March 3, 2019
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband16 and use code husband16
Bambee: www.bambee.com/husband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the triple homicide of the Orderud family.
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Case Sources:
The Norway Post, “Triple-Murder Case, Son and His Wife Arrested,” no author listed, updated July 18, 2019
The Norway Post, “All Suspects Indicted in Orderud Triple Murder Case,” no author listed, updated July 18, 2019
Newsinenglish.no, “Orderud convicts released,” newsinenglish.no.staff, January 7, 2015
Newsinenglish.no, “Orderuds seek reopening of triple murder probe,” newsinenglish.no.staff, June 22, 2018
Nordicworld.tv, “The Orderud Case” Braa.net, “True Crime – The Unsolved Murders of the Orderud Family and the Connection with the Kosovo War,” by Knut A. Braa, January 2022
Vg.no./special/2018/ordered/, “Gaten Orderud” Alchetron.com, “Orderud Case, updated on April 25, 2018
Mapcarta.com, “Orderud”
Youtube.com, “The Orderud Murders,” by Bella Fiori, November 29, 2021
Tricksfast.com, September 24, 2020
The Telegraph, “The crime that haunts me, A very Norwegian family feud,” by Anne Holt, March 23, 2011
Newsbeezer.com, “Man Claims that the Orderud sock is his,” no author, December 8, 2018
Newsbeezer.com, “Order Question: -- Private Detective Promises Sensational Evidence,” no author, May 12, 2018
Newsbeezer.com, “By Orderud: -- Very Important to Reconsider the Case,” no author, June 23, 2018
Imdb.com, “Gaten Orderud,” TV Mini Series, 2018
Wikipedia, “Orderud Case”
Wikipedia, “Sorum”
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
Butcher Box: www.butcherbox.com/HUSBAND and use code BONUS100
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the astronaut, Lisa Nowak, and her involvement in a love triangle.
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Case Sources:
The New York Times, “Astronaut Charged with Attempted Murder,” by Newman and Christine Hauser, Feburary 6, 2007
Abcnews.go.com, “The Evidence Against Lisa Nowak,” by Gina Sunseri, April 11, 2007
Abcnews.go.com, “Exclusive: Astronaut Love Triangle Victim ‘Thought … She Was Going to Murder Me,” by Eamon Mcniff and Cleopatra Andreadis, February 7, 2011
Houstoniamag.com, “Tainted Love: The Astronaut Love Triangle That Led to Adult Diapers and Battery,” by Gwendolyn Knapp, November 26, 2018 (published in the December 2018 issue of Houstonia Magazine)
Biography.com, “Lisa Nowak: Why the Astronaut Drove 900 Miles to Attack her Ex’s Girlfriend,” by Sara Kettler, original October 1, 2019; updated October 14, 2020
People.com, “The Astronaut Love Triangle 9 Years Later: Victim Colleen Shipman Opens Up About the Attack and Her Marriage to Bill Oefelein,” by Jeff Truesdell, March 23, 2016
Space.com, “Going with a view? A spacewalk is the ‘best view for a bathroom,’ astronaut says,” by Chelsea Gohd, July 1, 2020
Texasmonthly.com, “Lust in Space,” by S.C. Gwynne, May 2007
Texasstandard.org, “Texans Remember Space Shuttle Columbia’s Final Flight,” by Jill Ament, February 1, 2018
Google maps
Wikipedia, “Lisa Nowak”
Wikipedia, “William Oefelein”
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband16 and use code husband16
Audible: www.audible.com/MWMH
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CareOf: www.careof.com use code mwmh50
Modern Fertility: www.modernfertility.com/husband - $20 off
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the 1973 Norrmalmstorg Bank Robbery and how it coined the term “Stockholm Syndrome”.
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Case Sources:
The New Yorker, “The Bank Drama,” by Daniel Lang, November 18, 1974
History.com, “Stockholm Syndrome: The True Story of Hostages Loyal to their Captor,” by Christopher Klein, April 9, 2019
Smithsonianmag.com, “The Six-Day Hostage Standoff that Gave Rise to ‘Stockholm Syndrom,’” by Kat Eschner, August 23, 2017
Time.com, “A 1973 Bank Robbery Gave the World ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ – But There’s More to the Story Than That,” by David King, August 4, 2020
Historybyday.com, “How the ‘Bank Drama’ of 1973 Brought Us Stockholm Syndrome,” by Alva Yaffe, no date provided.
Truecrimeedition.com, “Stockholm Syndrome, would you protect the people sent to harm you?” author not listed, June 7, 2021
My.clevelandclinic.org, “Stockholm Syndrome”
Daily.jstor.org, “Stockholm Syndrome,” by Kristin Hunt, April 24, 2019
Macrotrends.com, “Stockholm, Sweden Metro Area Population 1950-2022”
Thecinemaholic.com, “Where is Jan-Erik Olsson Now?” by Shraman Mitra, May 6, 2022
Netflixlife.com, “Clark on Netflix: is Clark Olofsson still alive?” by Natalie Zamora, May 2022
Thetealmango.com, “Clark Olofsson: The Swedish Criminal who Inspired the Stockholm Syndrome,” by Mallika, May 6, 2022
Wikepedia.org, “Jan-Erik Olsson”
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
Just Thrive: www.justthrivehealth.com use code HUSBAND
Faherty: www.fahertybrand.com/husband and use code HUSBAND
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
Upside: download the free Upside App and use promo code husband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of 20-year-old, Vanessa
Guillen, an Army soldier stationed at Fort Hood, Texas.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
The New York Times, “What to Know About the Death of Vanessa Guillen,” by Johnny Diaz,
Maria Cramer and Christina Morales, April 30, 2021
Cecily Ann Aguilar Criminal Complaint, filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of
Texas, on July 2, 2020
Abcnews.go.com, Vanessa Guillen’s fiancé, closest friends detail upsetting investigation, by
Allie Yang, Denise Martinez-ramundo, Natalie Cardenas, Chris Kilmer, and Abby Cruz, June 11,
Eyewitness News, abc13, “New court documents in Vanessa Guillen case reveal possible
motive for murder,” by Pooja Lodhia, May 24, 2022
The Washington Post, “Remains of missing soldier Vanessa Guillen likely found, family says, as
suspect kills himself,” by Alex Horton and Arelis R. Hernandez, July 1, 2020
The Washington Post, “Fort Hood is named for a Confederate traitor. Is it time for ‘Fort
Bevavidenz,’” by Alex Horton, November 11, 2020
Usatoday.com, “Ten Weeks: a Timeline of the search for Vanessa Guillen,” by Heather
Osbourne, Jessica Priest, Javier Zarracina and Karl Gelles, USA TODAY NETWORK, July 10,
2020, updated July 15, 2020
Kwtx.com, “Protesters cheer after judge denies motion from woman charged in Fort Hood
soldier’s death,” by Staff, June 16, 2021
Armytimes.com, “Possible motive in Vanessa Guillen murder revealed in new court records,” by
Rachel Nostrant, May 27, 2022
Kbtx.com, “DPS Report reveals motive in brutal Fort Hood killing of Vanessa Guillen,” by
Angela Bonilla and KWTX staff, May 24, 2022
Abc7chicago.com, “Vanessa Guillen’s fiancé speaks out in 1 st national TV interview since her
death: ‘They failed us,’” by Allie Yang, Denise Martinez-Ramundo, Natalie Cardenas, and Chris
Kilmer, June 11, 2021
Kcentv.com, “Judge denies motion to throw out indictment of Cecily Aguilar, woman accused
of dismembering, disposing of Vanessa Guillen’s body,” by Melissa Guz, January 20, 2022
Kcentv.com, “Legal Expert: Cecily Aguilar is entitled to due process,” by Bary Roy, January 20,
Kdhnews.com, “No new trial date set in case of woman accused of covering up Guillen murder,
but many court filings,” by Emily Hilley-Sierzchula, May 17, 2022
The U.S. Sun, the-sun.com, “Dumped, First picture of Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen’s
grave where her remains were found ‘chopped up in cement,’” by Mollie Mansfield and Laura
Gesauldi-Gilmore, July 2, 2020
Crimeonline.com, “Breaking: Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen bludgeoned dead with hammer
in armoy room, family lawyer says,” by Leigh Egan, July 2, 2020
Heavy.com, “Cecily Aguilar: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know,” by Stephanie Dube Dwilson,
September 16, 2020
Military.com, “Fort Hood Army Base Guide”
Installations.militaryonesource.mil, “Fort Hood In-depth Overview”
Armytimes.com, “Vanessa Guillen’s sisters say Fort Hood memorial gate is a ‘step in the right
direction’,” by Kyle Rempfer, April 20, 2021
Conandaily.com, “Keon Devonte Aguilar biography: 10 things about Cecily Aguilar’s husband,”
by Erica Diaz Mendoza, April 5, 2021
Conandaily.com, “Aaron David Robinson biography: 13 things about US Army soldier in Fort
Hood, Killeen, Texas,” by Erica Diaz Mendoza Lao, July 1, 2020
Wikepedia.org, “Murder of Vanessa Giullen”
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband16 and use code husband16
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
Outschool: www.outschool.com/husband and use code husband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Jayna Murray, also known as the LuluLemon Murder.
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Case Sources:
Lululemon murder - Wikipedia
Brittany Norwood | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Multiple newspaper articles were used to put together the timeline and reporting.
Police Investigate Assault, Murder On Bethesda Row | WAMU
Vigil Tonight for Lululemon Victim – NBC4 Washington (nbcwashington.com)
Lululemon Bethesda slaying arrest announced: Brittany Norwood being charged with murder -
The Washington Post
Court Date Put Off In Bethesda Yoga Shop Killing – CBS Baltimore (cbslocal.com)
Lululemon murder trial: Apple store workers say they heard "noises" the night of the Jayna
Murray murder - CBS News
Brittany Norwood likely will plead insanity - The Washington Post
Nothing in Lululemon suspect’s past suggests she could have done what police allege - The
Washington Post
Prosecutor: Brittany Norwood Stole Merchandise Before Killing Jayna Murray - ABC News
Bethesda Lululemon shop reopens after death of employee - The Washington Post
Grunts, screams came from behind Lululemon wall, Apple Store workers testify - The
Washington Post
Who is Brittany Norwood? Details start to trickle out about woman accused of Lululemon
homicide | WJLA
Prosecutor: Brittany Norwood Stole Merchandise Before Killing Jayna Murray - ABC News
Snapped: Women Who Murder: Brittany Norwood on Apple Podcasts
Episode 14: Brittany Norwood | Snapped Photos (oxygen.com)
The Yoga Store Murder - Google Books
.The Lululemon Murder Story - YouTube : WARNING: There are lot of bloody images
Jayna Murray Obituary - The Woodlands, TX (dignitymemorial.com)
Maryland DOC Inmate Locator (state.md.us)
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Factor: go.factor75.com/husband120
True Bill: www.truebill.com/husband
Simpli Safe: https://simplisafe.com/mwmh
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This week on MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murders done at the hands of Richard Cottingham.
Live Online Show Tickets: https://www.momenthouse.com/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Richard Cottingham | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Richard Cottingham - Wikipedia
Find a Grave - Millions of Cemetery Records
Torso Killer: Ailing Richard Cottingham Confesses to More Murders - Rolling Stone
Long-Buried Secrets: The Serial Killer and the Detective - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
The New York Ripper Serial Killer Richard Cottingham. (2018). (n.p.): RJ PARKER PUBLISHING, INC.
The New York Ripper: The True Story of Serial Killer Richard Cottingham: Vronsky, Peter, Publishing, RJ Parker, Designs, Aeternum: 9781984277268: Books - Amazon
The New York Ripper Serial Killer Richard Cottingham - Google Books
N.J serial killer now linked to 9 victims, but will his murder toll rise? The timeline of the ‘Torso Killer.' - nj.com
Richard Cottingham|New Jersey’s Most Savage Killers. #Richard #Cottongham #New Jersey #Serial Killer - YouTube
She befriended her mother's killer to solve other terrible crimes - Chicago Today
Torso Killer: Ailing Richard Cottingham Confesses to More Murders - Rolling Stone
Cases New Jersey Girl Murders
This website has the most pictures and information gathered INCLUDING a very detailed map of all the New Jersey and New York sexual homicide cases from 1963-1980: Geo-forensic Map New Jersey Girl Murders
'Torso Killer' Richard Cottingham, North Jersey serial killer
The Times Square Killer | Netflix Official Site
Richard Francis Cottingham (* 25. November 1946 in New York City) - YouTube
Department of Psychology Radford University Microsoft Word - Cottingham, Richard _spring 2007_.doc (radford.edu)
Crime Scene: The Times Square Killer Director Joe Berlinger Reveals What Sparked Idea for Season 2 (moviemaker.com)
Offender Details (state.nj.us)
Just Thrive: www.justthrivehealth.com use code HUSBAND
CareOf: www.careof.com use code mwmh50
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
True Bill: www.truebill.com/husband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the double homicide of Krista Rae Halderson and Bart A. Halerson at the hands of their 23-year-old son, Chandler.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Lawandcrime.com, “Man Who Played Video Games All Day, Lied About SpaceX Job, and Dismembered His Parents
Heads to Prison For Life,” by Aaron Keller, March 17, 2022
Lawandcrime.com, “Unemployed Son Mooched Off Parents He Killed and Dismembered, Claimed to Be College
Student Who Got Job at SpaceX: Prosecutor,” by Alberto Luperon, January 4, 2022
WMTV, nbc15.com, “Chandler Halderson found guilty of killing his parents,” by Juliana Tornabene, January 20, 2022
WMTV, nbc15.com, “Sheriff: Krista Halderson remains located; New homicide charge recommended,” by Nick
Viviani, July 30, 2021
WMTV, nbc15.com, “Prosecutors: Chandler Halderson created ‘web of lies’ through phony email addresses,” by
Juliana Tornabene, January 19, 2022
Audiotape of NBC15 Interview with Chandler Halderson, dated July 8, 2021.
Wqow.com, “Prosecutor: Halderson’s father about to expose son’s lifestyle lies before homicide,” by Tony Galli,
January 5, 2022
Wkow.com, “’I’m going to give them an earful:’ Witness says Halderson was angry with his parents over alleged
disappearance,” by Tony Galli, January 5, 2022
Heavy.com, “Chandler Halderson’s Parents, Bart & Krista: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know,” no author or date
Channel3000.com, “’I felt like I needed to do something:’ Brother of Chandler Halderson testifies in homicide trial,”
by Jaymes Langrehr, January 4, 2022
Channel3000.com, “DNA: Chandler Halderson was wearing shoes stained with his parents' blood,” by Jaymes
Langrehr, January 11, 2022
Wbay.com, “Detectives testify when Chandler Halderson went from person of interest to suspect,” by Juliana
Tornabene, dated January 7, 2022
Hngnews.com, “Brother, officers testify in Halderson case,” by Mark Berglund, January 5, 2022
Criminal Information, filed by State of Wisconsin in Dane County Circuit Court on August 24, 2021
Tributearchive.com, “Bart A. and Krista R. Halderson,” obituaries.
Madisoncollege.edu website
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
Modern Fertility: www.modernfertility.com/husband - $20 off
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Helix: www.helixsleep.com/mwmh
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the victims of the Hillsborough County Serial Killer.
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http://www.daziusa.com use CODE: MWMH15
Simpli Safe: https://simplisafe.com/mwmh
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
Fuzzy: www.yourfuzzy.com/husband
Outschool: www.outschool.com/husband and use code husband
Upside: download the free Upside App and use promo code husband
Case Sources:
CNN, “A convicted serial killer and rapist was executed as 2 women who survived his attacks watched,” by Dakin Andone, May 24, 2019
Tampa Bay Times, “Tampa serial killer Bobby Joe Long is scheduled to be executed tonight. We remember the victims,” by Gabrielle Calise, April 25, 2019 (updated May 23, 2019)
Tampa Bay Times, “Tampa serial killer Bobby Joe Long is executed in silence,” by Kathryn Varn, May 23, 2019
wfla.com, News Channel 8, Case of Bobby Joe Long: Notorious Tampa Bay serial killer executed,” by Evan Donovan, May 22, 2019 (updated May 23, 2019)
The U.S. Sun (from the-sun.com), “Sick Killer, Who were Bobby Joe Long’s victims?” by Jon Rogers, June 4, 2021
The U.S. Sun (from the-sun.com), “Troubled Childhood, Who was Lisa McVey’s grandmother?” by Israel Salas-Rodriguez, June 8, 2021
Murderpedia.org, “Bobby Joe Long”
Thenetline.com, “What is Lisa McVey doing now? The sheriff’s deputy uses her experience to sensitize children about abduction,” by Chege Karomo, January 31, 2022
thefamouspeople.com, “Bobby Joe Long Biography (Serial Killer), no author or date provided
allthatsinteresting.com, “How Lisa McVey Outsmarted A Serial Killer – And Led Police Straight To His Door,” by Genevieve Carlton, checked by Jaclyn Anglis, January 19, 2022
allthatsinteresting.com, “The Horrifying Story of Bobby Joe Long: From Classified Ad Rapist to Serial Killer,” by All That’s Interesting, checked by Leah Silverman, October 30, 2021, updated November 18, 2021
Dailymail.co.uk, “Woman who was raped and kidnapped as a suicidal teen by serial killer Bobby Joe Long – documented in Netflix drama Believe Me – wanted a front row seat for his execution but maintains his horrific crimes ‘saved my life’” by Jo Tweedy for mailonline, June 29, 2021
Biography.com, “Bobby Joe Long, Biography 1953-2019” no author listed, April 27, 2017
Radiox.co.uk, “Where is serial killer Bobby Joe Long now?”, by Radio X, June 4, 2021
heinonline.org, printing “The ‘Bobby Joe’ Long Serial Murder Case: A Study in Cooperation,” by Capt. Gary Terry (HCSO) and SA Michael P. Malone, M.S. (FBI Hairs and Fiber Unit), December 1987
Macrotrends.net, “Tampa Metro Area Population 1950-2022”
Google maps
Various published opinions by the Florida Supreme Court
Investigationdiscovery.com, “Bobby Joe Long, ‘The Classified Ad Rapist,’ Caused Tampa’s Murder Rate to Skyrocket” by Terri Osborne, dated November 16, 2021
Discover.hubpages.com, “Profile of a Serial Killer – Part 3 – Bobby Joe Long,” by Matthew I Crawford, May 3, 2011
Lifetime film, “Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey,” on Amazon Prime
Chillingcrimes.com, “Lisa McVey,” June 1, 2020
Radiox.co.uk, “Lisa McVey family: Did the teen really live with her grandmother?” no author listed, June 7, 2021
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
Wikipedia, “Bobby Joe Long”
https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband Ads:
Simpli Safe: https://simplisafe.com/mwmh
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
Fuzzy: www.yourfuzzy.com/husband
Outschool: www.outschool.com/husband and use code husband
Upside: download the free Upside App and use promo code husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the history of Charles Manson, The Manson Family Cult, and the murders they committed.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Bugliosi, V., Gentry, C. (1994). Helter skelter. United Kingdom: W.W. Norton.
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband16 and use code husband16
Backbone: www.playbackbone.com/HUSBAND
Just Thrive: www.justthrivehealth.com use code HUSBAND
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the history of Charles Manson, The Manson Family Cult, and the murders they committed.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Bugliosi, V., Gentry, C. (1994). Helter skelter. United Kingdom: W.W. Norton.
Factor: www.go.factor75.com/husband120 and use code husband 120
True Bill: www.truebill.com/husband
CareOf: www.careof.com use code mwmh50
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband=
Case Sources:
The New York Times, “Tulsa Mourns 3 Girl Scouts Murder in Camp,” by John M. Crewdson, June 17, 1977
The New York Times, “Convict Acquitted in Death of 3 Girl Scouts,” March 31, 1979 (author not provided on my digital version).
koamnewsnow.com, “DNA points to longtime primary suspect in 1977 Oklahoma Girl Scout slayings, sheriff says,” by Time Stanley, Tulsa World, May 6, 2022
The Oklahoman, “Answers to Scout Murders Case Gone With Slain Former Suspect,” by Judy Fossett, July 16, 1984
The Oklahoman, “Slain Scout’s Dad Testifies at Suit Trial, Recalls Girl’s Exceptional Memory,” by Griff Palmer, March 23, 1985
The Oklahoman, “New Trial Plea Rejected in Lawsuit Against Girl Scout Council,” May 7, 1985 (no author provided)
The Oklahoman, “DNA Tests Link Gene Leroy Hart to Girl Scout Deaths,” by Robby Trammell, October 25, 1989
The Oklahoman, “19 Years After Scout Deaths, Investigator Seeks Answers,” by Mark A. Hutchinson, June 16, 1996
The Oklahoman, “Still No Justice After 20 Years Slain Girl Scouts’ Parents Haunted by Murders,” by Charles T. Jones, June 9, 1997
tahlequahdailypress.com/news, “Crime Rewind: Officials say Girl Scout murder case unsolved” by Keri Thornton, November 11, 2021
koco.com, “Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders: The criminal history of prime suspect,” by Brooke Withrow, updated May 3, 2022
koco.com, “Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders: A look into one of Oklahoma’s most notorious cold cases,” by Brooke Withrow, updated May 4, 2022
newson6.com, “Newly-Released Evidence Points to One Killer in Girl Scout Murders,” by Reagan Ledbetter, May 9, 2022
claremoreprogress.com/news, “Catoosa resident shared tent with Girl Scouts murdered 40 years ago,” by Diane Dickinson, June 13, 2017
allthatsinteresting.com, “Inside the Horrific Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders that Remain Unsolved to This Day,” by Marco Margaritoff, checked by Erik Hawkins, September 26, 2021
abandonedok.com/camp-scott/, article by AOK Photojournalist Emily Cowan
strangeoutdoors.com, “The Oklahoma Girl Scout Camping Murders,” February 10, 2021 (updated May 2022, no author provided)
Oxygen.com, “Sheriff Says DNA Links Longtime Suspect to 1977 Girl Scout Murders,” by Jax Miller, May 5, 2022
morelaw.com, “State of Oklahoma v. Gene Leroy Hart,” March 31, 1978
girlscoutmurders.com – maps, diagrams, people involved, timeline, etc.
Assisted research and writing by Diane Birnholz
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Fuzzy: www.yourfuzzy.com/husband
Outschool: www.outschool.com/husband and use code husband
Storyworth: www.storyworth.com/husband
OliveAve: www.oliveavejewelry.com
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Trigger Warning: This Case Includes Children
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
HBO - There’s something wrong with Aunt Diane
Just Thrive: www.justthrivehealth.com use code HUSBAND
Simpli Safe: https://simplisafe.com/mwmh
Modern Fertility: www.modernfertility.com/husband - $20 off
Upside: download the free upside app and use promo code husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Kara Kopestsky and Jessica Runions, 10 years a part.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Disappeared S2 E13
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
Audible: www.audible.com/MWMH
or text MWMG to 500-500
Helix: www.helixsleep.com/mwmh
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the case of 14-year old Shaniesha Forbes.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Grave Mysteries - Deadly Connections
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband16 and use code husband16
OliveAve: www.oliveavejewelry.com
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
Backbone: www.playbackbone.com/HUSBAND
Fuzzy: www.yourfuzzy.com/husband
Birddogs: www.birddogs.com and enter promo code “HUSBAND”
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the abduction and murder of Jennifer Blagg and disappearance of Abby Blagg.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
48 hours - Dark Side of the Mesa
Just Thrive: www.justthrivehealth.com use code HUSBAND
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
True Bill: www.truebill.com/husband
June’s Journey: Download “June’s Journey” on the Apple App Store or Google Play
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett dissect the strange disappearance of Bryce Laspisa during his Sophomore year of college.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Investigation Discovery Disappeared S7E3
YOUTUBE: OliveAve: www.oliveavejewelry.com
Thrive Causemetics: www.thrivecausemetics.com/HUSBAND
Simpli Safe: https://simplisafe.com/mwmh
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Sarah Everard in South London, England.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Murder of Sarah Everard - Wikipedia
Sarah Everard: Family 'desperate' to see missing woman - BBC News
Who was Sarah Everard and what do we know about her? | Evening Standard
R -v- Couzens Sentencing Remarks (judiciary.uk)
Sarah Everard: Report of sighting at Clapham Junction station investigated by police - MyLondon
Sarah Everard: How Wayne Couzens planned her murder - BBC News
Wayne Couzens seen at Costa buying tart after murdering Sarah Everard - YouTube
How the Sarah Everard murder was solved | The Independent
Automatic number-plate recognition - Wikipedia
Sainsbury's to Poynders Court - Google Maps
Sarah Everard: Wayne Couzens to be sentenced for kidnap, rape and murder | Crime | The Guardian
Wayne Couzens: Sarah Everard killer linked to 2015 indecent exposure incident - BBC News
Wayne Couzens: Devoted father who hid dark desire to rape and kill | Daily Mail Online
What are whole-life orders and which killers have received them? | Sentencing | The Guardian
Stuart Corbridge says his 'thoughts are with' family of Durham alumna Sarah Everard (thetab.com)
Sarah Everard Memorial - The Clapham Society
Sarah Everard vigil: Boris Johnson 'deeply concerned' by footage - BBC News
Sarah Rosemary Everard (1987-2021) - Find a Grave Memorial
Sarah Everard: Family say their 'lives have changed forever' - BBC News
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
GetUpside: download the free GetUpside App and use promo code husband
Factor: www.go.factor75.com/husband120 and use code husband 120
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
*graphic story*
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the brutal murder of Iana Kasian.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
48 hours - Hollywood Horror Story
Ship Station: www.ShipStation.com, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in HUSBAND.
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband16 and use code husband16
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the unsolved murders of 6 victims during the 1970’s.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Just Thrive: www.justthrivehealth.com use code HUSBAND
True Bill: www.truebill.com/husband
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Pretty Litter: www.prettylitter.com use code HUSBAND
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
*this case involves children and sexual assualt*
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the abductions of Steven Stayner and Timothy White
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
20/20 Evil in Eden
Lumineux: www.getlumineux.com/husband code husband
Simpli Safe: https://simplisafe.com/mwmh
Audible: www.audible.com/futurology
Pretty Litter: www.prettylitter.com use code HUSBAND
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the Fisher Family Murders.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
Ship Station: www.ShipStation.com, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in HUSBAND.
Green Chef: www.greenchef.com/mwmh130
Lumineux: www.getlumineux.com/husband code husband
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the infamous murder of famous singer, Selena Quintanilla.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Selena the series on Netflix
Audible: www.audible.com/survive
CareOf: www.careof.com use code mwmh50
Embark: www.embarkvet.com and use code husband
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband16
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the well-documented murder of British Traveler, Grace Millane.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
MERCH: https://fanjoy.co/collections/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Security Footage:
Just Thrive: www.justthrivehealth.com use code HUSBAND
Cat Person: www.catperson.com/HUSBAND use code HUSBAND
Embark: https://shop.embarkvet.com/discount/HUSBAND
Pretty Litter: www.prettylitter.com use code HUSBAND
True Bill: www.truebill.com/husband
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the unexplainable murder of Blair Adams.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband16 and use code husband16
Stitch Fix: www.stitchfix.com/HUSBAND
Lumineux: www.getlumineux.com/husband code husband
Audible: www.audible.com/survive
Embark: https://shop.embarkvet.com/discount/HUSBAND
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the mysterious murder of mom and friend, Elizabeth Sullivan.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Dateline: Secrets By The Bay
Native: www.nativedeo.com/husband
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Simpli Safe: https://simplisafe.com/mwmh
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
Thrive Causemetics: www.thrivecausemetics.com/HUSBAND
Green Chef: www.greenchef.com/mwmh130 and use code mwmh130
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
*This case includes children*
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of the Longo Family.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Just Thrive: www.justthrivehealth.com use code HUSBAND
HelloFresh: www,HelloFresh.com/Husband16 and use code husband16
Pretty Litter: www.prettylitter.com use code HUSBAND
CareOf: www.careof.com use code mwmh50
Warby Parker: www.warbyparker.com/husband
Ship Station: www.ShipStation.com, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in HUSBAND.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Lauren McCluskey, a track star at the University of Utah.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Dateline: She Did Everything Right
https://biographymask.com/melvin-rowland/ https://www.stalkingawareness.org/fact-sheets-and-infographics/ https://www.laurenmccluskey.org
https://heavy.com/news/melvin-rowland-update/ https://thecinemaholic.com/how-did-melvin-rowland-die/ https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2018/10/25/man-who-killed-utah/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8869057/Parents-slain-student-reach-13-5million- settlement-University-Utah.html
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Modern Fertility: www.modernfertility.com/husband - $20 off
True Bill: www.truebill.com/husband
Lumineux: www.getlumineux.com/husband code husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the disappearance of 15-year-old Sara Bushland.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
*this case discusses child sexual assault*
Case Sources:
Wondery: Follow “Families Who Kill: The Donut Shop Murders” on all podcast platforms
HelloFresh: www.HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14
Stitch Fix: www.stitchfix.com/HUSBAND
Cat Person: www.catperson.com/HUSBAND use code HUSBAND
Shopify: www.shopify.com/husband
Finding Sara Bushland Book: https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/Searching%20For%20Sara%20Bushland.pdf?token=AW zxab6XldBPtRuy6QMpMrTSgniOppQ38Q9SaddRJaVoRUdRyIOGqPAvgZ7WRYBgWq Yc8JlIw6JSgaH7-23rhj33Er7wDC45ecQopVfh6uPr8eVazJJRu0ulU_ub1aLLDph24H2jE OYKWVbIYiHJKAyvM92xC5j4VOIjqQqjaCQoesvJAOxe_fQm7uLE3WJraXIFfJT_b-g QcyTvqur4250J9n90tVKbFv2918jRijS8e5WdtGipMZIebxVCpim0fhhYqgkAythfwL8Yx 8R9HReKWqsHJsdQxUHB-nvIL_E5KRwBSZgzObBv5Xv-cKmH01IwaYN2YvYTZIF vdxRzjhosuvLiLZbQdiq3mYMCEqile23vqq6xqgld9Dt1e-zGeaIZ243KMqn-f4vApBmN iFMlUiVr5yOKoAlj9PuVWF20KmQ4sfll1aTw15kvCIBpGnzmWIDEBsD0p38pwZyFY RdnVKaeAt1AvH7FGsDHmjFsxJ-64J7mMKR1NpNdDVX_okbflZLRPkR916abQgE62 XDh
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
This case involves children and sexual assault.
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the abduction and murder of 13-year-old Daniel Morcombe.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Just Thrive: www.justthrivehealth.com use code HUSBAND
Native: www.nativedeo.com/husband
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
True Bill: www.truebill.com/husband
Ana Luisa: www.shop.analuisa.com/husband
Wondery: Follow “Families Who Kill: The Donut Shop Murders” on all podcast platforms
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the Alaskan Serial Killer, Robert Hansen.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
The Butcher Baker: Mind of a Monster
HelloFresh: HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14
Simpli Safe: https://simplisafe.com/mwmh
CareOf: www.careof.com use code mwmh50
Pretty Litter: www.prettylitter.com use code HUSBAND
Just Thrive: www.justthrivehealth.com use code HUSBAND
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the 1999 abduction and murder of 19-year-old Katie Poirier.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Forensic Files S7 E30
Social Media Link and Patreon:
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Stitchfix: www.stitchfix.com/husband
Modern Fertility: www.modernfertility.com/husband
Green Chef: www.greenchef.com/mwmh130 and use code mwmh130
to get $130 off
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the River Valley Killer.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
My fitness pal: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/ code HUSBAND
HelloFresh: HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14
Best Fiends
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the mysterious deaths of Rebecca Zahau and 8-year-old Max Shacknai in the Spreckles Mansion.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
ABC 20/20
Warby Parker: www.warbyparker.com/husband
Seed: www.seed.com/HUSBAND and use code HUSBAND
HelloFresh: HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14
Apostrophe: www.apostrophe.com/husband use code HUSBAND
True Bill: www.truebill.com/husband
Bombas: https://bombas.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
*this case involves children*
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the kidnapping and murders of 13- year-olds Jenni Bastian and Michella Welch in the same town in 1986.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Evil Was Watching Dateline episode
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stranger_danger https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/man-sentenced-to-27-years-for-1986-murder-of- tacoma-girl/281-042b9f84-091e-434a-8b5a-5a4f7b6c4273 https://linxonline.co.pierce.wa.us/linxweb/Case/CriminalCase.cfm?cause_num=18-1-02411-2 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/06/23/dna-napkin-leads-charges-32- year-old-cold-case/728082002/ https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/20374323/jennifer-marie-bastian
Native: www.dativedeo.com/husband
Best Fiends
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Daily Harvest: www.dailyharvest.com/husband
Quip: https://www.getquip.com/murder
SundanceNow: www.sundancenow.com use code HUSBAND
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss 3 different disappearances that were caught on camera.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Elisa Lam Video by Dennis Romero
Lars Mittank - Last Footage by Krim
Amazon Music: www.amazon.com/husband
HelloFresh: HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14
Bombas: https://bombas.com/husband
Curateur: www.curateur.com use code HUSBAND
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Vickie Barton.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Forensic Files S11 Ep23
Seed: www.seed.com/HUSBAND and use code HUSBAND
HydroJug: www.thehydrojug.com and use code: HUSBAND
LightStream: www.lightstream.com/HUSBAND
Cozy Earth: www.cozyearth.com use code HUSBAND40
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Olive and June: www.oliveandjune.com/husband use code HUSBAND
True Bill: www.truebill.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the abduction and murder of 16-year-old Mickie.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Dateline episode
HydroJug: www.thehydrojug.com and use code: HUSBAND
Raycon: www.buyraycon.com/husband - 15% off
Best Fiends
HelloFresh: HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14 for up to 14 free meals, plus free shipping!
Sarah Flint: www.sarahflint.com/HUSBAND
Magic Spoon: magicspoon.com/HUSBAND use code HUSBAND
SundanceNow: www.sundancenow.com use code HUSBAND
Olive and June: www.oliveandjune.com/husband use code HUSBAND
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
MERCH LIVE NOW: www.fanjoy.co/mwmh
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the slaughter of the Gitchie Manatou Five by evil brothers.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Killer Siblings Season 2 Episode 2
Curateur: www.curateur.com use code HUSBAND
Ritual: That’s 10% off at ritual.com/MYHUSBAND
Apostrophe: www.apostrophe.com/husband use code HUSBAND
My fitness pal: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/ code HUSBAND
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the abduction and murder of college student, YingYing Zhang in 2017.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
JCS - The Case of Brendt Christensen
ABC 20/20 Undercover Girlfriend
https://www.findingyingying.com - donate here
https://newschannel20.com/news/local/audio-recordings-released-in-christensen-trial - undercover audio
Seed: www.seed.com/HUSBAND and use code HUSBAND
Bombas: https://bombas.com/husband
HydroJug: www.thehydrojug.com and use code: HUSBAND
Simpli Safe: https://simplisafe.com/mwmh
Raycon: www.buyraycon.com/husband - 15% off
Daily Harvest: www.dailyharvest.com/husband
Quip: https://www.getquip.com/murder
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the abduction and attempted murder of 27-year-old Alison Botha in South Africa, 1994.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Alison Documentary on Amazon Prime
Petition - https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/petition-against-the-release-of-alison-bothas-attackers.html
HelloFresh: HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14 for up to 14 free meals, plus free shipping!
Ritual: That’s 10% off at ritual.com/MYHUSBAND.
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Best Fiends
LightStream: www.lightstream.com/HUSBAND
Amazon Music: www.amazon.com/husband
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the infamous murder of 15-year-old Martha Moxley on Halloween night, 1975. Infamous due to the possible ties to a presidential family and the case remaining unsolved for all these years.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Murder and Justice: The Case of Martha Moxley which is hosted by former prosecutor Laura Coates.
Curateur: www.curateur.com use code HUSBAND
Warby Parker: www.warbyparker.com/husband
My fitness pal: https://www.myfitnesspal.com/ code HUSBAND
Sarah Flint: www.sarahflint.com/HUSBAND
HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14 for up to 14 free meals, plus free shipping!
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
*case involves children*
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Cold Case Files Episode 1 - Little Girl Lost
Lake Erie Murders Season 2 Episode 1
SundanceNow: www.sundancenow.com use code HUSBAND
Apostrophe: www.apostrophe.com/husband use code HUSBAND
Olive and June: www.oliveandjune.com/husband use code HUSBAND
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
HydroJug: www.thehydrojug.com and use code: HUSBAND
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this bonus episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett read Spooky Stories written in by listeners!
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the Liske Family Murders.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
https://sanduskyregister.com/news/40338/tragic-timeline-details-surface-on-halloween-family- killings/
https://medium.com/true-crime-addiction/bj-liske-butchers-family-on-halloween-true- crime-114279f06b8c
https://www.myfitnesspal.com/ code HUSBAND
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this bonus episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett read Spooky Stories written in by listeners!
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the origin of the halloween candy craze.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Daily Harvest: www.dailyharvest.com/husband
Magic Spoon: magicspoon.com/HUSBAND use code HUSBAND
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
Raycon: www.buyraycon.com/husband - 15% off
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of 16-year-old Emma Walker.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Law&Crime Network Youtube - covered the whole trial
Noises in the Night - Dateline
Ritual: That’s 10% off at ritual.com/MYHUSBAND.
Sarah Flint: www.sarahflint.com/HUSBAND - 50$ off
HydroJug: www.thehydrojug.com and use code: HUSBAND
HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14 for up to 14 free meals, plus free shipping!
Charlottes Web: https://www.pntra.com/t/SUNITEtOSU1DSEpNTUlOQ0dORkdOTw
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murders of Ryan Waller and Heather Quan.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
This is MONSTERS - The Story of Larry and Richie Carver
EXPLORE WITH US - The Haunting Case of Ryan Waller
The Waller Family - Ryan Waller Shooting
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14 for up to 14 free meals, plus free shipping!
Modern Fertility: www.modernfertility.com/husband - $20 off
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
This is a bonus episode covering the missing woman, Gabby Petito. If you know anything about Gabby's Case that could help authorities, call the FBI tip line at 1-800-CALLFBI (225-5324).
Case Sources:
body cam footage
RobandHaley on tiktok
StopitParis on TikTok
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murderous rampage of Levi King.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
“48 hours” - Sole Survivor - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/48-hours-live-to-tell-sole-survivor/
The Killer Speaks - https://www.amazon.com/The-Killer-Speaks-Season-1/dp/B00CBSDSJ4
HydroJug: www.thehydrojug.com and use code: HUSBAND
Charlottes Web: https://www.pntra.com/t/SUNITEtOSU1DSEpNTUlOQ0dORkdOTw
Simpli Safe: https://simplisafe.com/mwmh
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Teresa Sievers.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
48 hours Season 32 episode 59
https://www.aetv.com/real-crime/why-teresa-sievers-florida-physician-and-mother-of-two- was-bludgeoned-to-death
https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/teresa-sievers-murder-evidence-photos/8/ - pictures
https://www.news-press.com/story/news/crime/2020/02/14/who-killed-teresa-sievers-faqs- notorious-murder-case-48-hours-florida/4761767002/ - photos
https://www.news-press.com/story/news/crime/2015/12/01/gps-outlines-wright-rodgers-trip- florida/76446478/
https://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/crime/2017/05/17/mark-sievers-journal-entries- detail-ups-downs-marriage-before-teresa-sievers-killing/328490001/
https://www.crimeonline.com/2018/06/07/dr-teresa-sievers-crime-scene-photos-warning- graphic-content/ - crime scene photos
https://www.winknews.com/2021/04/29/jimmy-rodgers-appeals-conviction-in-murder-of- teresa-sievers/
Amazon: www.amazon.com/husband
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
HydroJug: www.thehydrojug.com and use code: HUSBAND
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the elaborate murder plot that was taken out against Seath Jackson.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Grave Mysteries Season 1 Episode 6
Meth, Seath, Death and the Stupid Summerfield Six 3 Part YouTube Series by John Scoggins
Killer Women with Piers Morgan S2 E5 - Amber Wright
Raycon: www.buyraycon.com/husband - 15% off
Modern Fertility: www.modernfertility.com/husband - $20 off
Charlottes Web: https://www.pntra.com/t/SUNITEtOSU1DSEpNTUlOQ0dORkdOTw
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
*This case involves minors*
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the disappearance of Kyron Horman.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Real Life Nightmare - season 1 episode 3 I think
Little Boy Lost - An ID Mystery
Betterhelp: www.betterhelp.com/husband
HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14 for up to 14 free mealsplus free shipping!
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Trigger Warning: Sexual assault, Minors, and Murder
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the attacks by Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.
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Case Sources:
Serial Killer Global- The Ken and Barbie Killers - https://watchdocumentaries.com/the-ken-and-barbie-killers/
Serial killer series by Stephanie Harlowe
Charlottes Web:
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This week’s episode is about the story of Andrea Farrington and her obsessed co-worker, Alexander Kozak.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
The Killer Beside Me Season 1 Episode 5
Amazon: www.amazon.com/husband
Prose: www.prose.com/mwmh
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Donnah Winger and Roger Harrington.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
ABC 20/20 - S43 E22 “The Perfect Lie”
Ad Links:
Charlottes Web https://www.pntra.com/t/SUNITEtOSU1DSEpNTUlOQ0dORkdOTw
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This week on MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the true crime case of Richard Scott Smith.
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Case Sources:
Love Fraud Docuseries on Amazon Prime
ADS and Discount Links
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the story of Brandi and Liz. This episode contains descriptions of sexual assault and violence that could be disturbing to some listeners.
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Case Sources:
I survived S1 Ep 2— https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B089NWV48R/ref=atv_dp_season_select_s1
House of Horror - Kidnapped, The Road to Hell
Betterhelp www.betterhelp.com/husband
Amazon www.amazon.com/husband
Charlottes Web https://www.pntra.com/t/SUNITEtOSU1DSEpNTUlOQ0dORkdOTw
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the case of Colleen Ritzer.
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Case Sources:
That Chapter - The Disturbing Case of Colleen Ritzer
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In this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder attempted by Dalia Dippolito.
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Case Sources:
Cops Season 24 Episode 4
20/20 episode called Woman in the Video
Go to charlottesweb.com to get started with the OG CBD brand who kicked off this whole CBD craze and use code HUSBAND at checkout to save 15% on your order!
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton and Garrett discuss the disappearance of the Jamison Family.
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Case Sources:
Disappeared season 2 episode called paradise lost
Buzzfeed unsolved the disturbing mystery of the Jamison family
Links: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
BetterHelp.com/HUSBAND for 10% off your first month
HelloFresh.com/Husband14 and use code husband14 for up to 14 free meals
plus free shipping!
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This week on MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the story of Robert Pickton and the missing Vancouver women.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Serial Killers Documentaries on youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrpTSKjjxCA
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the infamous case of Jodi Arias.
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Case Sources:
amazon documentary called “Jodi Arias”
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If you have not listened to the original two episodes about this case, go listen now! Episodes 15 & 16!
This week on MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss updates about the JJ and Tylee case.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Souces:
This is from East Idaho News written by Eric Grosswarth
NEWSTALK 107.9 with Neal and Julie and defense attorney allen browning
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This week on MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the story of Jonna Henningsson.
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Case Sources:
Promo Code: MWMH
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss serial killer, Paul Ezra Rhoades.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Ice Cold Killers: Blizzard of Bullets - https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/play/637450/PURCHASED_CONTENT?returnUrl=%252Fcontent%252Fmovies%252Fdetails%252FIce-Cold-Killers-Season-3%252F637430
https://takecareof.com Enter Code “MWMH50”.
https://GreenChef.com/90MWMH Enter Code “90MWMH”
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/murderwithmyhusband)
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Sherri Rasmussen.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
48 hours – One of Their Own https://www.cbsnews.com/news/48-hours-mystery-one-of-their-own/
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/murderwithmyhusband)
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*Warning: Graphic Episode*
On this episode of MWMH, Payton tells Garrett the story of Colleen Stan.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Colleen Stan: The Girl in the Box Part1&2
Links: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the death of Cory Lovelace.
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Case Sources:
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the story of Chelsea Bruck.
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Case Sources:
takecareof.com and code MWMH50
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/murderwithmyhusband)
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On today’s episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the story of Melissa Dohme.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBPTh1LZAb0&t=2526s – Unique True Crime Obsessed
If you or someone you love are going through domestic violence, speak up. Call The National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 1- 800-799-7233
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton tells Garrett the story of Mary Ellen.
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Case Sources:
Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 Episode 3
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On this episode of MWMH, Garrett and Payton discuss the murders of Lindsay Cutshall and Jason Allen.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Visit www.takecareof.com and enter code "MWMH50" at checkout.
Case Sources:
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/murderwithmyhusband)
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On this regular episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the disappearance of Stephanie Crane. *This case involves children*
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Case Sources:
Disappeared S9 E4 - https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/amzn1.dv.gti.2ab176c8-6ef6-ef7f0226c8a9cfc7c877?ref_=imdbref_tt_wbr_pvc_truecrime&tag=imdbtag_tt_wbr_pvc_truecrime-20
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/murderwithmyhusband)
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In this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the Claremont Serial Killer.
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Case Sources:
ABC News In Depth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia8aQKoQwCA
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Payton tells Garrett the story of the 2018 Trader Joe’s hostage situation on this episode of MWMH.
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Case Sources:
48 hours season S31E24
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On this Episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton and Garrett discuss the story of Lizzi Marriott.
Case Sources:
48 Hours S28 E18 – Dangerous Games https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5l4sl7
Links: https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
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In this episode of MWMH, Payton tells Garrett the story of Jessica Dishon and how she disappeared from her family’s driveway.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Cold Case Files S1 E8 – a family secret
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In this episode of murder with my husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Zack and Addie.
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Handsome Devils S1 E2
Socials https://linktr.ee/murderwithmyhusband
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This week on MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the drowning of Sarah Widmer.
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Case Sources:
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On this episode of MWMH, Payton tells Garrett the story of The Craigslist Killer and his suprising reveal.
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Case Sources:
The Craigslist Killer Lifetime Movie
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In this episode of MWMH, Payton and Garrett discuss the case of Cari Farver and how it took years for the cops to see what was right in front of them,
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Case Sources:
2020 Season 43 Episode 7
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton and Garrett discuss the attack on Jennifer Morey in her apartment.
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Case Sources:
I survived, episode 11
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LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
Hulu two part – Cold Valley
Social Channels and Patreon:
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In this episode of MWMH, Payton tells Garrett the story of Lauren Giddings
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Case Sources;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkRjIq8Cp2A – Psychology
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snVqd7tooW0 – video clips by stephenn
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVeWGZtiqxA – Press Interviews
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiEKKmRL3uk – sped up interview
Dateline Secrets Uncovered S9E16, The Watcher
Nightmare Next Door S9E9, Master Key Murder
The Bizarre Case of Stephen McDaniel – JCS Criminal Psychology
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton and Garrett discuss the story of Deborah Groseclose.
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Case Sources:
On this case with paula zahn
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In this episode of MWMH, Payton tells Garrett the story of the Piketon Massacre.
LIVE ONLINE SHOW TICKETS HERE! https://www.moment.co/murderwithmyhusband
Case Sources:
The Piketon Family Murders - amazon prime
The Piketon Massacre - podcast
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In this episode of MWMH, Payton tells Garrett multiple stories of hero Parrots.
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Case sources:
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In this episode of MWMH, Garrett and Payton discuss the murder of Katarzyna Zowada.
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Case Sources:
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In this episode of MWMH, Payton tells Garrett the story of Jodi Sanderholm.
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Case Sources:
Solved extreme forensics
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In this episode of MWMH, Garrett and Payton discuss the case of Danielle Keener and Daniel Zapp.
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Case Sources:
48 Hours Live to tell
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In this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Sierra Lamar and her tragic fate.
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Case Sources:
see no evil on amazon prime
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In this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Cassidy Stay.
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Case Sources:
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
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Case Sources:
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett part two of the Chris Watts case.
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Case Sources on Episode 32
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In this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the tragic story of the Watts family murders.
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Case sources:
Netflix documentary American murder
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In this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Sydney Loofe.
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Social Media
Youngmalz Instagram
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In this two-part story, Garret and Payton discuss The Pizza Bomber.
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Case Sources:
Evil genius Netflix documentary
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In this two-part story, Garret and Payton discuss The Pizza Bomber.
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Case Sources:
Evil genius Netflix documentary
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In this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the different true crime story of Rebecca Sedwick. When is bullying taken too far?
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Juliette on Instagram
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This week on Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Sarah Stern. Sarah mysteriously disappeared in the middle of the night; her car abandoned on the side of a bridge.
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Case Sources:
ABC 20/20
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This week’s episode is about the case of Tair Rada. A murder in Israel that is controversial still to this day.
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Case Sources:
Netflix documentart called shadow of truth
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In this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Ryan Poston and Shayna Hubbers. Shayna claims self-defense, but her actions after the murder say otherwise.
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Case Sources:
48 Hours, two-part series
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In this episode of MWMH, Payton tells Garrett the story of Crystal Perry. Crystal's daughter Sarah overheard her gruesome murder and went on to help identify the killer.
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Case Sources:
Sarah Perry book called “After the Eclipse: A Mother’s Murder, a Daughter’s Search”
Season 13 episode 8 of Forensic Files
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Payton tells Garrett the chilling story of the Slender Man stabbing that took place in 2014 in Wisconsin. Payton Leutner is stabbed by her two friends who were convinced they were doing it for Slender Man.
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Episode Sources:
The Wicked 20/20 ABC
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Listen to "Peebles for the People" wherever you choose to listen.
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton and Garrett discuss the murder of Sherrice Iverson. 18-year-old Jeremy Strohmeyer met her in the middle of the night in a casino and tragically took her life.
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in this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the chilling story of Tiffany Sabourin.
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Case Sources:
‘It wasn’t me’ Podcast
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Payton tells Garrett the story of Angie Housman on this episode of Murder With My Husband. Angie was an outgoing, 9-year-old girl who was tragically taken at her bus stop. After 25 long years, Angie's case was finally solved using advanced DNA testing.
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon. Two Dutch students who travel to Panama for vacation and run into trouble.
Editor's Note: After recording, I realized that the source I followed on how to pronounce the girls' names had actually said it wrong. Lisanne is said just as it's spelt. Sorry!
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Case Sources:
Nexpo youtube channel
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In Part two of this weeks story, Garrett and Payton have Julie Whitehead (Payton's Mom) on to discuss the story of Tylee, JJ, and Lori Vallow Daybell. This story is ongoing and hits close to home for Julie as the case is happening not even 30 minutes away from her house. Julie has some inside information on the case.
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In part one of this weeks story, Garrett and Payton have Julie Whitehead (Payton's Mom) on to discuss the story of Tylee, JJ, and Lori Vallow Daybell. This story is ongoing and hits close to home for Julie as the case is happening not even 30 minutes away from her house. Julie has some inside information on the case.
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Case Sources:
Dateline Episode: "What Happened to the Children"
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In this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton and Garrett cover the disappearance of Asha Degree and the mysterious way she went missing.
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If you have any sort of information regarding the Asha Degree case, please contact the Charlotte FBI at (704) 672-6100.
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This week's episode is the infamous story of John and Lorena Bobbitt. After years of abuse and torment, Lorena snaps on her husband causing him what most men would consider the worst physical pain they could endure. Although not much criminal justice is seen in this case, it gave a huge push forward to women's sexual violence rights.
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Case Sources:
Amazon 4 part series called Lorena
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If you or anyone you know is affected by abuse and need support, call the Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or text LOVEIS to 1-866-331-9474.
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In this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Diane Downs. She was a mother who ultimately did not seem to have motherly love.
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Case Sources:
ABC 2020: My Mother’s Sins
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Payton and Garrett discuss the Papin Sisters on this episode of Murder With My Husband. These two live-in maids finally snap after 7 years of working for a family, but why?
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The two podcasts suggested in this episode are Lacking Fundamentals and The Neal and Julie Show
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Payton and Garrett are out of isolation and back home. In this episode, they share with you the disappearance of Brandon Swanson. He seemingly vanished while on the phone with his dad!
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True Crime Garage
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If you have any information regarding Brandon's disappearance please call: Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension at (651)793-7000 or The Lincoln County Sheriffs Office at (507)694-1664.
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In this episode of Murder With My Husband, Garrett and Payton cover the Hinterkaifeck Murders. This German true crime case is an unsolved murder of an entire family. Please excuse the pronunciation throughout the case, we sadly don't speak German.
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Payton and Garrett discuss the family annihilator that would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't of been for the popular TV show, Americas Most Wanted. After 18 years of hiding, John List was arrested for the murder of his whole family.
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Case Sources for this episode:
American justice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sxdKJaNcxM
Forensic Files: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-exizXIB4I
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In this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Teri Jendusa Nicolai who was attacked by her husband. Follow along this intense fight for survival and if you, or anyone you know is struggling with domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
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In this episode, Payton tells Garrett about an infamous murder near her hometown. Cassie Jo Stoddart was murdered by two of her classmates for no reason other than they wanted to recreate the "Scream" movies. Case sources are listed at the end of the episode.
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Payton and Garrett Moreland dive into the murder that inspired the movie Fargo. Another story of love gone wrong. Although the suspect thought he was smart for getting rid of the body, he didn't realize the heaping amount of evidence he was leaving behind.
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the story of Skylar Neese. A tale of real life mean girls and the consequences that comes along with it.
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Garrett and Payton Moreland are back with another exciting episode of Murder With My Husband. This episode is about an unsolved murder from 1935. Twists and Turns, eyewitnesses, and even people claiming they know what happened still can't solve this unnerving murder.
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On this episode of Murder With My Husband, Payton tells Garrett the unbelievable story of Katherine Mary Knight. From hanging knives above her bed to cooking her victim's head in a pot on her stove, Katherine brings all the craziness.
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