Music and Sports History | Free Audiobooks | Famous Speeches | Podcast by Henry Gindt
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We could all learn a lot from two of America’s greatest #entrepreneurs, Henry Ford and Elon Musk. Getting into the right mindset for success is about believing that you can do something rather than the constant self-doubts that we all face. During his day, Henry Ford faced steep hurdles in bringing the Model T Ford to Americans, which revolutionized the way we commute and travel even today and helped spawn the American automotive industry. During Henry Ford’s day, the all-powerful special interests were known as guilds. The Automotive Guild tried to block Ford from bringing his cars to market by claiming that they “invented the car.” After being rejected by the Automotive Guild, Henry Ford kept fighting…and as well all know, ultimately succeeded in bringing fast and affordable cards to nearly every home in America. Today, Elon Musk best demonstrates Henry Ford’s winning mindset by constantly beating the electric competition by delivering the best electric vehicles today. He ultimately faces stiff competition from General Motors' growing line of electric vehicles, but if history is any judge, Elon Musk will continue to believe in himself, his company, and his team in defying the critics and winning. Much of his success is due to him getting into the right mindset of believing in himself, much as Henry Ford did in his day.
This podcast episode will help you focus on getting into the right mindset by learning from some of the best tips and life advice from Elon Musk and Henry Ford.
You can learn more at and below at the top 10 ways from this podcast for reference:
1. Listen carefully to the critics to hear what they have to say, but don’t always think that they happen to be right!
2. Don’t continue doubling down on a solution that isn’t working. The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
3. Make sure you’re surrounded by people you enjoy being with…of course, if it is within your control. If the workplace becomes toxic, leave it. Or try to work with others on the team to develop a more pleasant work environment
4. Learn from the successes and failures of others.
5. Think about solutions that are 10x better than anything else out there. A slight improvement is not good enough to achieve rapid adoption and behavior change.
6. Think about all the pieces of the puzzle and focus on each of the individual puzzle pieces without neglecting the others. This is an ongoing effort of personal tug of war between various priorities and your time. Never forget that time is your most valuable asset.
7. Build the right team or join the right team; it’s often much more important to achieving success than the product itself.
8. Ignore the resume. Think about a teammate’s character as much, if not more, than their specific technical skills.
9. Be a good person; whether you think you’re an example or not, you are, particularly in a work environment. Integrity matters.
10. Learn how to tolerate pain. A lot of pain.
#entrepreneurship #winning #inspiration #rightmindset
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