Music and Sports History | Free Audiobooks | Famous Speeches | Podcast by Henry Gindt
To see subtitles of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, visit the YouTube video clip here.
On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first human beings to land on the moon. Approximately 6 hours after landing, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step foot on the moon.
The following is an audio recording of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin communicating from the moon to Earth as he is guided by a team of brilliant men and women of NASA in Houston, Texas.
Notice the precision of the verbal-only guidance given to these two American heroes, who risked their lives for the sake of human progress. Also keep in mind this audio recording from the 1960s is from two humans docked on the surface of our moon communicating with fellow human beings here on Earth of all stripes and colors, from all political parties, from all walks of life, with a clear goal to enable a human being to step foot, walk and explore our moon.
This type of human achievement is possible when Americans of all political parties, of all creeds and passions, from all walks of life, from all ethnic backgrounds, consider one another as colleagues, friends and neighbors, without suspicion, and without mistrust, and collaborate together toward a common goal.
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