Shaan Puri (@ShaanVP), Sam Parr (@theSamParr), and Jack Smith (@_jacksmith) discuss: - Balaji Srinivasan on why people will have to hide their real identities in the future - How Silkroad was actually a well-run company while co-workers remained anonymous (American Kingpin) - The crazy story of the founder of Silkroad ordering killings on his co-workers - Taboola's billion-dollar payday - Clubhouse just raised at $1B -- but are its best days behind it? - How Wall Street Bets is beating Wall Street - How Grayscale is printing money with GBTC - Why a VC firm (Andreessen Horowitz) is entering the media game Today's episode is brought to you by FOCUSAID. It’s the #1 and first nootropic drink in America that’s sold over 100m cans. For 30% off your first order, go to Check it out! Have you joined our private FB group yet? It's a page where people share each others million dollar ideas or what they're already working on: Editing thanks to Jonathan Gallegos (@jjonthan)
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