Tonight, we have the pleasure of welcoming Jim Willis to the show. Jim will be delving into his groundbreaking research on the true origins of humankind. His new book delves into this fascinating subject and is now available on Amazon. Do we, the human species, really know who we are or where we came from or how we originated or our place in the cosmos? Or is much of what we have been taught wrong or misguided or possibly even blatant lies intended to keep people in power and everyone else in line? Exploring alternative theories on the establishment of society and civilization,At Mysterious Radio, we’re on an exciting journey to create a space fully supported by our amazing fans, moving away from advertisements altogether! We’re thrilled to offer our content exclusively to our wonderful community of Patreon members and Apple Subscribers. You’ll get to enjoy every episode without any pesky ads, and we can share our shows with you without any censorship. Plus, joining us unlocks over 900 bonus segments and episodes that will blow your mind! While the price is set to rise to $9.99, you can jump on board right now for just $5, and that’s forever! Come be part of The Brain Trust nowHidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization looks at a variety of dissenting, suppressed, and forbidden accounts of history and the origins of humanity. It takes a broad and inclusive survey of historical documents, various theories, and a wide array of perspectives to explore what conventional wisdom might have gotten right and wrong. The book serves as a useful introduction into the suppressed accounts of the origins of modern civilization.