My special guest is author and master hypnotist Sarah Breskman, who's here to discuss her book about individuals who recalled past lives in Ancient Atlantis and Lemuria societies. You can get her book, The Secrets of The Sphinx, from Amazon. About the book:Her hands were strapped down at her sides so she couldn't fight, but she had no more fight left inside her. It was the 1970s, here in America, and Christie was about to endure one of many electric shock treatments the doctors hoped would “cure” this young woman of her strange fantasies involving extra-terrestrial life and worlds long lost and forgotten.Fast forward to present day, and Christie has finally found her voice, surfacing through past-life regression hypnosis to tell these truths, and reveal the secrets of the ancient Sphinx. Follow Our Other ShowsFollow UFO WitnessesFollow Crime Watch WeeklyFollow Paranormal FearsFollow Seven: Disturbing Chronicle StoriesJoin our Patreon for ad-free listening and more bonus content.Follow us on Instagram @mysteriousradioFollow us on TikTok mysteriousradioTikTok Follow us on Twitter @mysteriousradio Follow us on Pinterest Like us on Facebook].