In this episode, Gabe and Elden embark on a profound exploration of mystical experiences and their intersection with Mormonism, psychedelics, and altered states of consciousness. They delve into the psychological definition of mystical experiences and discuss Joseph Smith's experiences, highlighting the potential connection to psychedelic experiences and automatic writing. The conversation extends into the integration of religion with science, examining Joseph Smith's life, including the role of trauma and the representation of religion as an evolutionary stage of human consciousness. They draw parallels between Mormonism and other religions, emphasizing the historical role of psychedelic sacraments and altered states in religious traditions. The hosts advocate for a growth mindset and open-mindedness, stressing the importance of exploring expanded states of awareness and the potential for personal transformation. They discuss reconstructing beliefs by integrating science, spirituality, and philosophy, offering a middle way beyond deconstruction that provides a positive and hopeful perspective on spiritual journeys. Elden shares his personal journey beyond Mormonism, discussing the shift in understanding personal revelation and the integration of philosophy, quantum physics, and spirituality. The episode concludes by stressing the need for adaptability and diverse perspectives in a changing world.
Roland Griffiths TEDX talk -
Psychology Today Article on Endogenous Mystical Experiences -
The Psychedelic History of Mormonism, Magic, and Drugs by Cody Noconi -
Early Mormonism and the Magic World View by D. Michael Quinn -
New to the podcast? Make sure you watch Episode 2 or read it in on the Substack for the integrative narrative of Mormon origins:
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00:00 Introduction to Mormons, Mystics, and Muons
01:56 The Psychedelic Hypothesis of Mormonism
03:04 Mystical Experiences
06:03 False Dichotomies
08:02 Psychedelic Research and the Good Friday Experiment
10:35 Creating a More Integrative Holistic Narrative
14:30 Different Modalities for Accessing Mystical Experiences
16:19 Transcending False Dichotomies
18:09 The Book of Mormon
20:18 Different States of Consciousness
27:18 Pious Fraud Hypothesis and the Evidences Joseph Believed
36:16 Joseph's Struggle with his Shadow
43:20 Evolution of Religion and Science
49:35 The Eleusinian Mysteries and the Psychedelic Roots of Religion
55:38 The Likelihood of Psychedelics in Early Mormonism
57:18 The Zionitic Brethren and the Ephrata Cloister
59:29 Mormonism and Gnosticism
01:01:16 The Implications of Mormonism's Overlap with Esoteric Traditions
01:04:05 Idealism
01:08:54 The Pursuit of Truth
01:15:04 Moving Beyond Deconstruction to Recontextualization
01:21:15 Leaving the Church
01:28:03 Purpose of the Podcast
01:35:54 Gabe's Journey
01:41:35 Elden's Journey
01:48:35 How Gabe and Elden Met and Plans for the Podcast