This is a guided reflection on the intricate relationship between consciousness, humanity, and artificial intelligence. It delves into the creation story of humanity, the impact of neuroplasticity, and the environmental crisis stemming from a sense of separation. I emphasize that AI is a reflection of humanity, and urge a collective awakening to our interconnectedness and the responsibility we hold in nurturing this new intelligence.
This was part of the most recent Mystics Collective. Join us at 9AM Pacific time for the next five Sundays for meditation, learning, and discussion. Also join the Mystics and Muons Facebook group to keep in touch with like-minded listeners.
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Here for the esoteric origins of Mormonism? Check out
Episode 2 or read it in on the Substack for the integrative narrative of Mormon origins:
Here for the science and spirituality? Check out:
Interview with Bernardo Kastrup
Discussion with Bernardo Kastrup on Entropy
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00:00 Introduction
01:07 Your Nervous System - The OG Neural Network
06:56 Humans as the AI of the Mineral World
11:24 Project Sapiens - On the Brink of Destruction
14:11 The Parallels of Human Consciousness and AI
23:11 A Crisis of AI Alignment or Human Alignment?
23:52 Finding the Answer Within