Mike has Alex Luyckx of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast on the show as well as co-co-captain Dustin Cogsdell! We talk about the origins of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast and our film shooting on Film Photography Day on April 12th. Next, Alex answers questions from the Negative Positives Facebook group. Questions include topics about how Alex got involved with the FPP, his Photo Chat, tips for shooting in cold weather, what makes a camera "classic", selfies, film emulsions, developers, printing photos, what camera he didn't get along with and what camera to get someone addicted to film photography, medium format lenses, the film podcast community, his favorite photo he has taken, his thoughts on APS, and camera choice for the zombie apocalypse! Finally, we talk about 1990's SLR cameras and the overhyped compact camera market, and Dustin's new podcast called the "Grainy Dayz" Podcast!