Negative Positives Film Photography Podcast
A Mike solo show with lots of listener interaction! Mike reads emails from Simon Forster of the Classic Lenses Podcast and the Large Format Photography Podcast (IG simonforsterphotographic, IG classic.lenses.podcast) about Leica R series lens alternatives, Pierre-Alix Favillier (IG cloud_surfer14) about getting rid of gear for things you really want, and Ken Bertram (IG kenbertramphoto) about 3 Minolta cameras he is giving away for the upcoming 300th episode Prize-a-palooza giveaway! Next, we have a call in camera review from Bill Smith from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival) about the Canon EF. Finally, more emails including one from Ian Barnaby Nutt from the Viewfinder Vikings Podcast (IG barnabynutt, about helping you create your first zine! Check out the Viewfinder Vikings Podcast Episode 19 for step by step instructions on his zine making process. Last, we have a message from Christiaan Hillen (IG analogwilderness) about using photography to capture memories and also declutter your life!