We preempt a usual solo show to welcome Bill Thoo (IG billthoo, IG bill.thoo) and have Stanley Phillips (IG stanleyphillips6) fill in as a cocoa captain for a missing Andre Domingues. Bill talks about how he got into photography, how a Holga brought him back to film, and acquiring film cameras. Stanley announces his Fuji Superia 1600 project and Roxanna Angles talks of her first virtual photo shoot through Zoom. Next, Bill answers questions from the Negative Positives Facebook group that brings up discussions about shooting night photos on film, how he's dealt with the pandemic being in the health care field, zines and projects, film supply in Australia, where he'd like to travel for photography, Pentax 67, composing photos, InstantKon RF70 and instant cameras, what would he change when he started shooting, Mamiya and canned pasta, Instax, Leica M4, portrait photography, favorite films and formats, shooting in Sydney, next camera purchases, teaching photography, the film community in Australia, and favorite shooting locations. Finally, Australian wildlife, stand developing in color, shooting in the Australian bush, hi-fi vs lo-fi photos and pinhole photography!